Ch. 10

Cold Blood [HIATUS]



He whispers gently on your ear. “I’ll prove it for you.”


His face is just inch away from yours, making it hard for you to breath normally. You try to run from him but he blocks you from any movement and the tree behind you does not help at all. You want to scream but it will just attract the vampires. You close your eyes and sigh before your hand flies to his cheek. You slap him hard.


He flinches in surprise, caressing his own cheek. “What the hell did you just do?”


“Don’t even try to come closer.” You glare at him and he scoffs in disbelief.


“I was about to tell you that there’s a giant spider behind.”


You widen your eyes and slowly turn around. Ah, so he’s not lying. He smirks, anticipating your reaction.


“Hm. This?” You grab the spider with your bare hand, staring at it with expressionless. You then place it down the grass, letting the spider runs away.


Seriously, what is she? He’s kind of surprise by your action, it’s not what he expected. “Weird girl.” He says and you glare at him. “And stop glaring at me like that.”


“It’s my eyes. I can do whatever I want.” You stick out your tongue at him then look away.


He scoffs and looks the other way too. “Is that so?”


You nod your head one time and walk pass him. He shakes his head to himself, let out a light chuckle and begins to walk behind you with his hands still inside his pockets.




“10 seconds left.” Sehun looks at his watch, waiting for the right time to open the door. He has been holding the door for a pretty long time. His foot taps rapidly against the floor, hands folding over his stomach, staring out the window. “And done.”


He stretches his arms and finally twists the doorknob, revealing all those hungry vampires. A sweet smile creeps unto his face as he stares at those creatures in front of him, enjoying the view. “Yes, what do you want?” He asks even thought he knows the answer.


“Let us in!” The girl says in a hurry tone.


“Sure thing.” He opens the door widely, giving her a gesture to enter. He leans against the wall next to the door as soon as all of them get in. “What are you all looking for?” Again, he asks something which he knows the answer already.


“She said a human is living here.” One of her ‘followers’ replies as he looks under the bed, not wanting to stop searching.


“That’s nonsense.”


“What nonsense?” The girl asks, turning her head to Sehun’s direction. “I saw her yesterday and I,” She pauses as her eyes grow wider, making Sehun tilts his head in curious. “And I almost killed her.” She continues with a grin plasters on her face.


He furrows his brows, not saying anything.


“I scratched her hand and tasted her blood that’s left on my nails.” She says. “Her blood…is just different.”


“Well, you won’t have a chance to taste her blood anymore.” Sehun says as he makes his way toward her. “Because…”


The girl raises her eyebrows. “Because what?”


Sehun about to answers her but one of them cuts off. “I can smell it!” His eyes widen as he looks around like a lost person. “I can smell her scent!” The guy says as a wide grin appears on his face.


The girl gives Sehun a smirk. “Let’s go and follow her scent!”


And with that, they all jump out of the window one by one.




Looking around, you hope that you’ll find the right way. Though, you know there’s no right way since you can’t escape from this strange place, which you thought never exists.


On the other hand, Jongin does not help at all. He’s just following you from behind which makes you feel uncomfortable. The truth is, he knows where you both actually should be heading but he doesn’t want to tell you. Somehow, it’s interesting for him watching you trying so hard to find the right direction.


“Oh, look. It’s the same tree again.” You say in a sarcastic tone. Jongin doesn’t say anything; obviously enjoy seeing you like this.

“Hey, vampire guy.” You say as you turn around to him, giving up on finding the way. “I’m sure you’re familiar with this place.” You say flatly.


He nods his head. “And?”


“Do you know the way out of this forest?” You ask, still keeping your face emotionless.


He nods again. “Why?” He absolutely knows what you want to hear but he’s just testing you.


You grit through your teeth, clenching your fist tight. “You really know?!” I can’t believe he chose to follow me without even telling the right way!


Again, he nods his head like he hasn’t done anything wrong.


“You…” You heave a low sigh, pointing to his nose. Talking too much is so not your self. Calm down. Calm down. I will not waste my time on him.


“The easiest way to know the direction is to climb the tallest tree.” He shrugs but you ignore him.


Yeah, right. You murmur in your head. “… HOLY CHEESE BALLS!” You scream your lungs out and almost jump as Sehun suddenly appears in front of you. That was your loudest voice ever. You cover your mouth with your hands quickly.


“What.” They exclaim together, looking at you awkwardly.


Sehun chuckles at your reaction. “What does that mean?”


You shake your head. Must. Control. Myself. You have no idea what’s gotten into you; you feel like you’ve changed, you’ve talked a lot. “Nothing.” You say, lifting your head arrogantly.


“Why the heck are you so jumpy?” Jongin asks, shaking his head. You ignore him again and just roll your eyes in irritancy.


“By the way, I’m here to tell you those hungry vampires are on their way here.” Sehun interrupts. “They can smell your scent, Suah.”


“I don’t understand why they keep on chasing me.” You finally say something, looking down at the ground. You can hear Jongin scoffs mockingly.


“Are you dumb or what.”


“Excuse me?!” You say in a loud voice again but then quickly cover your mouth. Jeez.

“I said are you dumb or what?” Jongin repeats.


You decide to just stay quiet since you’ve already talked too much today. I seriously need to stop talking.


Jongin shrugs, knowing you won’t answer him.


The three of you walk through the forest until you found a safety place to stay. Besides, Sehun is the one who leads the way so you put your trust in him.


“Are you hungry?” Sehun asks looking at you who’s busy in your own world.


You shake your head.


“Are you tired of walking?”


You shake your head. Obviously you’re lying.


“Are you…happy?” Sehun’s questions are slowly getting on your nerves.


This time you look at him in disbelief. You have to lie again so you nod your head. Please, stop asking me questions.


“There!” Sehun points his finger at the small house.


It looks uninhabited and lonely judging by the windows that are broken. It was made out of wood; which you find it attractive and you’ve always wanted to live inside a wooden house. It has a mini pond in front of the house. You can already feel the warmness.


Your mouth forms an ‘o’ shape in amaze. “So, I’m going to live there alone?” You ask with your eyes glittering brightly.


“It’s too dangerous for you to live alone.” Sehun answers making Jongin cringes slightly.


“Woah…” You raise an eyebrow. “My brother is overprotective.” You continue but then you mentally slap yourself. Why did I even talk again?


The feeling is just awkward and wrong. Sehun is not your real brother and it’s uncomfortable for him. For some reason, he just doesn’t want to let you know about that. “Hmm.” He replies simply.


Sehun is the first one who enters the house. He scans around the room making sure no one is living there.


You enter the house with a smile plasters on you face. You like it here because it’s the only house around and that means you won’t have to meet others. “Can I live alone here? Please?” You beg to you so-called-brother.


He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath. Why is this girl wants to live alone so bad? Weird. “Fine then.” He says.


“Thank you!”


Jongin interrupts you both by yawning lazily. “Let’s get going then? I’m hungry.” He stretches his neck, ready to heads outside.


“Here,” Sehun says as he grabs something out of his pocket. It turns out to be that perfume you used before. “Don’t forget to always spray yourself with this, hm?” Sehun raises his brows and you nod in understand.


“Alright!” You take the perfume from his hand and smile.


After that they both decide to leave you.




“She’s kind of weird.” Jongin says as they both walk down the forest.


“Not really.” Sehun replies with his hands inside his pockets.


“There’s something I’m curious about.”


“What is it?” Sehun asks.


“Why is your sister not a vampire?” He furrows his brows.


“That’s…” He pauses. “I don’t really know.” He shrugs.


Jongin nods. That’s all he wanted to know. Besides that, he doesn’t seem curious about you, at all.


“I wonder why you refused to kill her.”


Sehun’s words make him chuckles slightly and then he says, “Because whenever I’m near her, I feel like my power has returned again.”




a/n : THX FOR 500+ VIEWS ! xoxo


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Chikaaisya #1
Chapter 13: Finalyy updateddd yey ^^
Chikaaisya #2
Chapter 12: sehun is so manly omg *_*
Chikaaisya #3
Chapter 11: Thank you for updateee authorjim
Chapter 10: please update soon:(
finally new story!!
Chikaaisya #6
Chapter 10: Thanks for updating authornim
Chapter 9: LOL HERE I AM. I reaaaally love the ending. Such a ert, ikr. Sighs. Anywaaay. Thank you for updating!!!
looks good, i'll be reading it!
Hello, new reader and subscriber here. I like the whole plot so far. I hope you won't bored later bcs I'll (I hope, depends on my mood lol) comment. Even if it's not-too-important ㅋㅋ
Anyway, I like your writing skill. Simple yet still make me understand. So keep going! ♡