Wavering Deny


WARNING: this may be a little religion sensitive. 

I am in no way degrading or insulting any religion; I had wanted to write about a teenager denying homouality yet finding no reason to do so, and I felt that this was the best way to put it across because religion is still a huge factor in the rejection of the LGBTQ+ community. I support homouality, and this is my way of expressing it. 

Hope that all readers would not take it personally and instead enjoy it!

This is also a dedication to Eunhae, my one and only ship. Now that they are in army, there are very little news about them, and I just had to write a story that had their names in there. I remembered Donghae saying that he would hang out with his church friends occasionally, so I figured Donghae is more religious than Eunhyuk in a way. This is in no way real and I am not saying that Donghae is homophobic, I just thought that Donghae as that character was more believable than Eunhyuk being that character. Originally I wanted to write fluff because I missed Eunhae just too much, however this idea kept staying in my head and I had to get it out, and I also felt that using Eunhae in this piece made it a little more special. 


I swallow, and the believer inside of me thinks of a million retorts from the Bible but then his hand is on my waist and I cannot remember anything. 


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