
Everyone's Llama

She waited patiently sitting on the cold and snowy bench for him. It's been 7 years since he left. 7 years since she's waited. 7 years that her heart ached everyday waiting for him. Why did she wait? She loved him. Though she didn't know if he felt the same way. If he didn't then she just wasted 7 years of her life to hear an unwanted answer. But she wouldn't mind. At least they could still be friends. Again she sighed as she looked towards the icy pond. 

Xuimin: Amber come on! Let's skate!

Amber: no! Don't want to.

Xuimin: are you scared?

Amber: no way. I'm Amber and I'm not scared of anything.

Truth be told she was scared of falling. What if the ice broke? What if she drowned and froze rpm death? But she wasn't going to let him see her fear. 

Amber bravely put on her ice skates and started towards the pond to where he was skating. Xuimin laughed as he danced across the pond teasing the tomboy girl as she made her way towards him. He could see she was scared but was trying to put up a brave face.

Amber, when will you ever tell me you're afraid? You know I'm here for you right? 

Xuimin rushed over to her as soon as he saw her tumble down. 

Xuimin: Amber are you okay? Are you hurt? Where does it hurt?

Amber: it doesn't hurt. I just fell. Honestly.

Amber tried standing up but her ankle forbid her to do so.

Amber: ouch!

Xuimin shook his head as he helped the hard headed girl up. She would never show that she's hurt or scared.

Amber stop acting like your string when you're not. I'm here for you. Are you afraid I will laugh at you? If that's it then I won't. Amber why won't you tell me?

Xuimin: here. Let me see your ankle.

Amber: I'm fine really.

Xuimin: Amber I know you're hurt. Why do you act like you're strong when you're not? You know I'm right here for you.

He finally had the courage to say what he wanted for a long time. All the feeling he's been keeping he let it all out. He finally found a reason to say it.

Amber kept quiet as Xuimin let his feelings out. I want to tell you Xuimin. I really do.

Amber: can I trust you?

Xuimin: of course Amber

Amber: my mom and dad always wanted a boy not a girl like me. I cut my hair did everything I could that a boy would do. I helped my father out with his car and helped my mom with chores. I got good grades. I played sports. I did everything I could but that still didn't please them... I grew tired of it. I was weak in front of them so I changed. I didn't complain when i got injured. I didn't cry when someone bullied me. I didn't show them my weakness. And that made my parents proud of me. I loved it. They actually talked to me and listened to me. I felt loved. So from that day on I kept this image up.

Xuimin: you can show your weakness and we won't laugh Amber. There are friends that are always there for you. Like me. 

Amber smiled upon hearing her best friend's words. From that day on Amber opened her heart again to Xuimin.

It was a year later when at the exact place everything started Xuimin told her he was leaving for the United States. She cried and cried. She didn't care if she could taste her salty tears she just cried. She gave him a goodbye hug and ran home. After that she hadn't seen or heard of Xuimin for 7 years. And some how this year she beloved he would come back to her and she would confess whatever his answer was. 

She was up in the clouds with her own thoughts that she didn't hear someone approach her.

She was surprised as she felt someone hugging her. At an instant she knew it was him.

Amber: Xuimin?

Xuimin: how'd you know it was me?

He pouted as he sat besides her. 

Amber: I don't care if you don't agree and I've been trying to say this for 7 years. I've kept it inside too long. I love you

Xuimin: so do I Amber

As he lightly kissed her pink lips making her surpsurprised but she responded in a quick second.






ChanBer part two is next

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Ajol18 #1
Chapter 31: I love the the btsber shipper,,, continue on making it
Ajol18 #2
Chapter 31: Continue making stories pls ...
RizkaSR18 #3
Chapter 20: I'm a Jamesber shipper but since there's none I'lll take GDBer as well..
Mark7Taeyang9 #4
i looove it@! I hope u update soon! please do v and amber!!!
Chapter 20: I love it. I don't know if you wrote a continuation(is that the word?) I always comeback because I really like your writing
Chapter 16: I always comeback for this story. I hope someday will be truth
kittycat1112 #7
Chapter 31: Please update soon.... authornim.....
Chapter 31: Yessssss btsber . Thankyou authornim !
krisber_1806 #9
Chapter 31: update soon pleaseeee with cute fluffy and smexy story jungkook x amber
Chapter 31: Hahahahahahahaa this is going to be really daebakkkkk,