Day 7: Christmas day

Christmas fever


The day of Christmas finally arrived and beast was also finally finished with their tour in Japan, all of them were catching up on their well awaited rest until the door of the two eldest hyungs slowly opened up letting a stream of light from the hallway spread across the floor. 


The intruders were welcomed by doojoons infamous loud snores giving them the advantage of sneaking in easier with less effort, the three unknown strangers stood around the bed that was occupied by both hyunseung and doojoon. The last intruder trailed in slowly dropping an armful of presents onto the floor. 


“Merry Christmas!” 


the loud cheer had the leader sitting straight up and alert where he saw the maknae line cheering loudly throwing confetti and streamers everywhere in the room. Doojoon glanced at the clock beside him, it was only five am, he dropped himself back into bed trying to get his sleep back. 


“Hyung! Get up so we can all open presents!” dongwoon climbed onto the bed sitting himself at the foot of it. 


Kikwang joined in too “yeah hyung, let's open them!”.  
However doojoon just grunted pulling the duvet over his face, the movement of the duvet made hyunseung turn to his side as he continued sleeping on. The puffy white duvet was tugged away from the leaders face and when he was ready to blast out whoever it was he found yoseob standing in front of him holding a pillow against his chest, “joonie, let's open up the presents.” then doojoon melted into a puddle seeing how adorable the other looked right now. 


Junhyung closed the door as he passed the maknaes who were chattering excitedly climbing onto the bed to make room for himself next to hyunseung. 


Doojoon snapped out of his daze “and just what do you think you're doing yong junhyung.” 


“Well, yoon doojoon, I'm going to sleep since those three idiots haven't let me sleep at all. They even thought it would be fun to mix red bull and coffee together.” 


“what are they twelve.”  


Junhyung scoffed “anyways they're your problem now I'm gonna sleep.” 


“Wait – don't leave me with-“ 


“Doojoon hyung, let's open them now, please”  


“Hyung, how did Rudolph even had a glowing red nose in the first place?” 


“maybe it's like that because he has some allergy reaction or something.” 


Left alone with the maknae line who were currently hyperactive in the early dawn wasn't what he needed at all. Rubbing the weariness out of his aching eyes he sat up straight trying to focus on the trio chattering away. 


“look – we'll open the presents later on” instantly they began to complain “just wait, but that’s after we all at least get some sleep okay?.” 


“Can we go to the hot springs after we open our presents?” dongwoon asked. 


The elder shrugged “sure, sounds like a plan.” 


“can we go skiing too?” 


“If we have time then maybe.” 


Kikwang fidgeted in his seat “How about go karting?” 


“Oh! And paint balling!” 


“Let's – sleep please.” Doojoon pleaded desperately, with no more complaints or suggestions kikwang dived in next to hyunseung ignoring junhyungs squabbling of how squished it already was in the bed followed by the maknae. 
 Doojoon didn't even bother to argue that there was clearly an empty bed beside them (hyunseung was too tired to realise that he was in his bed and doojoon didn't have the heart to wake him up) but instead they've all decided to pile into his bed. Yoseob was left by the foot of the bed alone seeing that there was barely any space left, he was about to go to the empty bed when doojoon caught his wrist tugging him to sleep in between junhyung and him. 


“I don't like this, feel like a sardine squished in a can.” 


“Deal with it junhyung, if you don't like it then you can go to the spare bed.” Doojoon remarked he could hear the other grumble under his breath. 


“Ah,  that reminds me – I have a question, in our group who would be who in terms of family roles? Would I still be the maknae?” 


kikwang snickered throwing an arm around dongwoons waist “you’d always be the maknae no matter what.” 


“And I, the handsome yoon doojoon is the dad of course.” 


“then who's our mum?” The youngest two  – and junhyung who was still awake and eavesdropping – looked over to doojoon as he peaked over yoseobs head. 


“it's seobie of course!” proving his point he squeezed yoseob startling him from his nap “and of course dongwoon is the baby, kikwang the funny uncle, junhyung the grouchy grandma (“who are you calling a grandma?”) and last but not least our pretty daughter hyunseung!, right hyunseung?” 


hyunseung answered the question with a snore that had them in laughter, it was amazing how hyunseung managed to sleep through all that racket, it just proves that he was really that tired after all. They all talked in hushed tones about whatever came into their mind for an hour until they finally drifted off to sleep, in the end they all stayed inside the hotel room for the entire day of Christmas. 



its finally d onee and im laughing at myself because this was meant to be finished ages ago but then things got in the way and I didn't have enough time (ノ´ー`)ノ

If you need me i'm at or you can just inbox me here, I'll be finishing off the last chapter for honeydew and writing up the second chapter for one day (shamelessly promoting my other fics :^) )

Happy belated birthday to yoseob!! and a Happy new years to everyone!! Thanks for reading~!! ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

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89_junseung #1
Chapter 4: So cute!
Chapter 7: i reread this again, and i tear up... im gonna miss ot6. i hope that you will keep writing ot6 ㅠㅠ
AnnoNiji #3
Chapter 7: Thank you for those stories! it was really cute and fun! love beast til the end♥ happy new year even if i'm a bit late keke
AnnoNiji #4
Chapter 4: Beast!kids....... really a christmas present!!! ♥
AnnoNiji #5
Chapter 3: THIS KIWOON IS REAAAAALLY GOOD ♥ they are so cuuuuuuuute TTTTT
Chapter 4: OMG!!! beast kids!!! so cute overload >.<
naughty dooseob, urm.. more likely naughty doo kekeke~
timid junseung is so adorable... the last scene of junnie asking seung to stay is really heart warming.
and makane couple!!! i actually has same concern face as seob when i read that kiki ate the ring!!!
thats downright scary! i though that kiki is swallowing the ring given by woonie, but then the truth is revealed kekeke~
and possessive woonie! how could a kid woonie already in love with the cutie kiki? their relationship is so innocent and make me grinning wide.
this story is so cute. thank you for making this author nim ^^
i really love reading beast kids, eventho technically, dooseob is no that small since both of them knows some naughty things already kekekke~
Chapter 3: night at the cafe is really cute story!! thank you author nim ^^
the line said by hyunseung is really funny: "almost everyone is taller than you kiki hyunseung would say"
yeah, kiki, since every man is taller than him, then his word while give comment on how tall is he cannot be counted kekeke~

you said that youd been struggling on it, but it is paid of, the story is cute ^^, i like it :)
thank you author nim ^^
Chapter 2: Hyunseung oppa is really cute!! Happy birthday Junhyung oppa!!
709 streak #9
Chapter 2: aaawww... seungie is so sweet!