Sometimes -2-

A Second Chance

Word count: 482


 If you asked Jessica how she would explain how she felt. She would've replied. empty. Like most other days when she could muster a reply.

Her smile faded and her voice disappeared. Soon she found herself unable to leave bed. Unable to even open her eyes. The world had already damned her so what was the point. Sometimes it isn't worth it. The effort and risks. Love just wasn't worth it.

Her tears dried up. Sometimes she wondered if the sun and stars in the sky had shone a little too bright, a little too long on her once innocent mind. And if that was the reason her once colorful life had turned the sullen color gray. 




Sometimes Yuri was the best person in the world. Sometimes the worst. 

When Yuri was happy, she was a angel sent by god himself. Beauty at it's finest. 

When drunk she was a minion of satan. Cruel words and actions was all Yuri had for Jessica at such moments. No matter how much she begged or cried It never seemed to stop. 


Had Yuri ever realised how much she really had hurt her lover? Probably not. Mentally ill people rarely does. They have justifications and excuses on stand by in their heads. They don't bow down to anyone or show any mercy. 


But Jessica prayed because sometimes she could find Yuri's eyes leaking with tears. Though said person never had a expression of guilt, pain or grief. 


Jessica believed that sometimes when people hurt. They hurt others by mistake. And only those closest to the hurt person gets to feel the pain. Jessica believed that the bruises was love bites. She believed that the fists she had delivered across her face where kisses. Because she had wanted them to be. 


But sometimes no matter how hard you try to deny and pretend. Pain is never a sign of love. And a mentally ill partner is never safe. Because though fire is beautiful as it flickers, it's still dangerous to touch. Just like Yuri, Jessica thought.


Sometimes Jessica wondered if Krystal's words were true or if they were just there to comfort her. Sometimes Jessica wondered if the outcome had been different if she had made a different choice. If perhaps there was hope for her. Then she remembered, she wasn't at fault, it was Yuri. And no matter what choice you make sometimes the outcome is the same no matter what you do. 


Sometimes you just need to change your view slightly and let yourself see the happiness that are like glass, invisible infront of your eyes. But if you just let the sun shine on the right spot. That glass will shine and sparkle. Beyond anything you ever seen before and that's the most beautiful part. Because sometimes happiness is like glass. you just need to learn to see it.

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 3: Tiffàny, her mushroom was Jessica's light.... Kekekke
artemiscl00 #2
Chapter 3: This is a really good story! Simple but a really good one :))
Queens_Royal #3
Chapter 3:'s Jeti...
but it's beautiful...