chapter 4


He didn't think it was a mistake. It was more of an inevitable that was bound to happen sooner or later. He just hoped it was later. But when he sees JungKook at his doorsteps, eyes red and teary, he kind of expected the news. 


JungKook just left Jin's apartment and the older is aware of the planned confession. SeokJin was worried but agreed that the mint green  haired boy must know. It wasn't part of his plan and he never thought of taking advantage of the younger. But things happen. His pent up lust, love. JungKook's melancholy clouded mind and need. He just gave in to his body's wishes, that was his mistake but everything that transpired have full consent of both parties. That's the only thing Jin was holding onto to not blame himself for everything. For JungKook's guilt and tears that morning. He let the younger leave his place hoping for the best to happen. Yes it would hurt him to see JungKook with YoonGi again but if that would bring his happy Kookie back then so be it. He closed the door and leaned his forehead against the hard, cold wood as tears silently stream  down his cheeks. 




"YoonGi hyung" JungKook carefully asked to see if the other was sober enough for his news. YoonGi immediately hugged him and whispered apologies, for getting drunk often this days, for being too jealous, for forgetting his birthday, for throwing their things. 

"I promise to stay sober. I won't be too jealous of Jin hyung anymore. I'd be understanding about your situation. Just please don't even think of breaking up with me" YoonGi knew that is the end point of the talk they'll have. With the way JungKook looked at him at the door way, the green haired boy could tell. The younger must have gotten sick of the way he acted like a douche. He can't lose JungKook because of his stupidity, he just can't. He'll beg if he need to.

All of a sudden JungKook burst into tears. His face buried on the crevice of the older's neck. YoonGi blink trice in surprise. He run his hands on the younger's back clueless of the sudden action 

"Hyung I need to tell you something" JungKook said with a stutter 

YoonGi took him inside and sat on the couch. 


JungKook spoke about the incident. A few choked words and sobs later YoonGi was staring at him blankly. It scares the hell out of Kookie, especially when he spoke coldly 

"I respected you, I waited, I held back for a long time. It was torture. Now you are telling me you just gave your first to your best friend? On your birthday?"

"You were drunk, and you forgot" JungKook silently reasoned, deep inside he knew he shouldn't have spoken at all but it was too late 

"So you looked for someone else?" YoonGi pointed out blandly 

"It wasn't like that"

YoonGi walked up to the table. He leaned on it putting his weight on his hands pressing down on the table top. He doesn't trust his legs at the moment. He just stood there, back facing the younger. JungKook only watched in anticipation. YoonGi is creepily calm about things. It was a moment of tense silence until the green haired boy cursed out loudly as he swiped the table's content harshly. Papers flying and bottles breaking. JungKook jumped out of his seat in shock. YoonGi was screaming his lungs out, anger emitted from his very being as he started to grab and throw anything in reach. He was about to flip the table when JungKook pulled him in his embrace. The younger was crying and YoonGi stopped his rampage but then he chuckled maniacally. 

"Hyung, please stop. I'm sorry. I love you" JungKook pleaded. He heard a low growl before he felt the impact of his back hitting the wall. 

"You love me but you let him screw you? ing " 

That made JungKook see red. Suddenly he was pushing his self up and launching a right hook to the green haired's face. The accusation set him off. He wasn't the only one at fault. Yes he made love to another man but YoonGi should realize why he went to Jin. Why it was Jin and not him? Because Jin was there, not him. It was Jin who first  greeted him happy birthday. it was Jin who wiped the tears YoonGi caused. It was Jin who warmed him up whenever YoonGi treats him coldly. It was Jin who pulled him in his embrace whenever YoonGi would push him out of the apartment. Jin filled the empty space that YoonGi would leave eveytime he goes out to drink. JungKook has all this pent up anger at YoonGi and  he wanted to vent out but this evaporated and changed into worry when he sees blood at the corner of YoonGi's mouth as the said boy sat on the floor. Smirking. 

"I'm so sorry hyung" JungKook worriedly muttered as he pulled the older up in his arms again but YoonGi quickly pushed him away again. This time JungKook fell on his , his side hitting the couch hard, making him groan loudly and tears well up at the corner of his eyes. He looked up as YoonGi picked up a vase and threw it at the mirror making it rain with shattered glass. The green haired boy glared down at him before grabbing his coat and running out the door. 

JungKook stayed on the floor, his hand pressed on his side. He felt warmth on his palm. He sat up straight, that's when he felt something slid out of his skin. When he pulled his hand to see he was horrified. 


He was bleeding. 






A/N: see run there? Haha.. sorry my writing is weak so... but what ya think? Love you lots!


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zelochingu #1
I just found your story & it was so good... but I believe you won't update the story anymore right. It was so fascinating & the storyline is so unique so can I hope for any chance that you may update the story again?

Sorry if,it sound rude to you....
rshar56 #2
Chapter 4: update please!
abautista90 #3
Chapter 4: Sooooooo, thanks for making me cry like a baby. Rude and disrespectful. Jk this fiction is awesome. Like so many emotions were flowing through my poor sugakookie heart. And then you just leave me in suspense like this... I'm hooked... thanks.... -.-
nivyjin #4
Chapter 4: i have found a new fic to be obsessed abt ;_;
Cantthinkupaname #5
Chapter 4: The suspense is killing me... This was so cool... Update please, author nim
TaeBlack #6
Omgggg, my Yoonkook feels! I dont know what to think or what to say, all I know is that i AM in lovr with this Yoongi and somehow I understand Jungkook for loving someone like him. And I want they to end up together, I dont know Jin is cool but, I dont feels sparkles and fireworks. Anyway, I loved your fic, keep going!
Jaeryeolover #7
Chapter 4: Everything is a mess.. Omggggg....
AkaReikou #8
Chapter 4: Omygod
My sugakookie feels
Nooooooo sugaaaaa get back thereeee kookie's bleeding lolol
Choijirin #9
Chapter 4: I hope it'd be jinkook in the end