
"i assumed this was gonna happen but WHY AM I HURTING?"

L.Joe opened the door and sank on his couch, his automatic tv without him pressing the remote.

a channel showed a family, happily celebrating christmas together. different kinds of food and drinks were in the long table.

kids opening gifts,running around. their mother were trying to give a catch. the mother finally catch one kid. she hugged her tightly and touched noses. the house were filled with laughter and most of all...happiness...the christmas 'aura' filled the room.

l.joe softened. he almost teared up watching it. if the house in the tv were filled with happiness and brightness, its the vice cersa of his. it's very dark, he's like a vampire, the curtains covered the windows. christmas is here but still, there's no christmas decors can be found in his condominium. he's almost used in the kind of routine:  wake up,take a bath,dress up,go to school or work,go home,eat,and go to bed.

'its like replaying an old boring movie. ' he thought.

he surfed the channels and stopped short at an interesting commercial,

"everybody deserves to be happy this christmas...this christmas, if you see a snowflake, made by mother nature of course, wish and it will come true!" kim heechul, a super junior member winked.

l.joe scoffed. *commercials these days..lies lies..i dont believe that wishes do come true!* he marched towards his bedroom and his tv automatically turned off. he sank on his soft bed with a soft thud and spread his arms wide. he stared at the ceiling for good minutes and fervently closed his eyes. he slowly drifted off to dreamland.

he saw his brother smiling and waving at him. then it suddenly changed. his brother's expression turned into a worried and horrified one. 

the next thing he saw, his brother was hanging off a cliff , his free hand was reaching out his hand, asking l.joe for help. L.Joe was frozen and his mind isnt working. his brother couldnt take it anymore, closed his eyes, lossened his grip and fell as he screamed.

L.Joe imidiately  sat up, panting, conscience is killing him, its haunting him, whenever or wherever he is. he's been dreaming of it since he lost his brother. its been years but he havent still get over it. "'when will you stop haunting me? when will you let me live in peace?" he cried in frustration. he threw things and screamed. he clutched onto his head as he cried. just then, his phone rang, he pressed the 'answer' button and put it over his ears.

"hyung. last november 23 was your birthday, and we didnt had time to celebrate so CAP hyung said we'll celebrate it today!" ricky gleefully said from the other line.

"i dont have t-"

"we prepared your favourite foods! and we spent a lot of money for this so dont you dare ditch us! come before neil hyung east it all! annyeong~!" he sang and hang up. he knew l.joe would reject it so he decided to hang up so that he would have no choice but to come.

"aish. i cant believe this guy!" l.joe groaned but deep inside he was really happy. even though teen top were busy and sometimes childish and annoying, they dont forget to celebrate his birthday, not like his family. and thats the reason why he loves them so much.

he got up and changed. he took his coat but before exiting his condo unit, he took a glance at the calendar, December 21st. snow were falling.

the start of christmas. the day he lost his brother. the day that ruin his almost 'perfect' life.

he sighed and cover half of his facw with his aqua-blue coloured scarf and his black-rimmed glasses.


he finally arrived at teen top's dorm. yes, they have dorm but sometimes when he have a day off, he's staying at his condo unit.

he entered the password and the door click opened. he entered the room and it was filled with darkness but teen top's song were playing on the back ground. but theres candles leading him to 5 boxes. i mean, HUGE HUGE BOXES. he saw a big banner that says, 'walk up to the biggest one and tug on the big ribbon'. he recognized it as CAP's handwirting.

"yah you guys! this surprise technique is too common on movies and asianfanfics so dont pull this on me!" he groaned but did as told.

he walked up to the biggest box, smirked and tugged on the ribbon. he assumed CAP will come out of the box, but instead, it was chunji, holding a double cake, chocolate flavoured, domo-kun was the cute design.

"Hi husband! belated happy birthday" he beamed up at him. L.Joe's eyes furrowed and gave him a good smack on the head. 

"ow!" chunji groaned and rubbed his sore head as he pouted," meh if you dont want it, then i'll eat it!" he pretend to eat it but l.joe snatched it away and glared at him.

"aigoo. no thank you?" chunji whined but l.joe just rolled his eyes. "oh husband chunji, youre welcome!" chunji mimicked l.joe's voice.

"yah! dont eat the cake yet! open the other boxes too!" chunju 'husband' scolded. ljoe smirked but did as told. 

L.Joe found them all sweet. they gave him different kinds of gifts and touching messages. in the end, they sang a happy birthday song and after that, they all lined up, made huge heart shapes with their long arms and cutely cooed,"saengil chukha hamnida~ saranghaeyo! thank you for being born ♥"

he always teared up in 'thank you for being born' part. if it were his parents that told him that, maybe the ice that trapped his heart would melt.

the celebration was filled with laughter and happiness. it was finally time for l.joe to go home (he's still on his christmas vacation).

he walked out of the dorm and was about to go to his car but something caught his eyes; A beautiful snowflake.

he walked up to it and put it in his palm,"its pretty...." he muttered. then he remembered what kim heechul of suju said, 

"everybody deserves to be happy this christmas...this christmas, if you see a snowflake, made by mother nature of course, wish and it will come true!" 

a part of him said, 'psh. santa doesnt even exist so why wish?'


he hesitated to wish for a moment but a part of him told him, *a try wont hurt right?* he sighed and fervently closed his eyes,

"if you really can grant my wish....i wish to find my true love. the one that can provide me REAL LOVE. the one that can change me, can make me happy and love me for who i am not for what iam."




A/N: hope this isnt epic or boring :D ima update later or tomorrow :3

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