
Orphanage Art Train

I'm so sorry for the long wait, for I've been focusing on drawing and flash games instead of writing. I'll try write more that I had before.



If I hadn't known better, I would've thought I was in a town. Buildings seem to sway, but you couldn't tell that you were on a train. They seemed to be like jenga blocks near the end of the game. You couldn't even see the top if you tried, even if you had the best eyes in the world. "This place is pretty big, huh?" Sue asked me. "...Yeah." I replied with a light smile.

We tried looking for Anthony, but we were surrounded by rooms and other children. We then found this strange tree, those sorts you hear about in Dr. Seuss books, so we climbed it for a better view and more hope in finding Anthony. We saw nothing, and I realized we were both getting tired. Since we had nowhere to go, I suggested sleeping in this tree for safety, but my suggestion was cut off from the branches. We didn't hear the breaking, and soon we were falling from the sky. We screamed, holding each other's hands.

"Even though we don't know each other that much, I hope we'll be friend in the afterlife." I shouted over the wind and complaining children who didn't want to sleep. Sue just smiled and closed her eyes, so I followed. But, when we opened our eyes, we weren't dead.

We were bouncing.

"Thank heavens that I got here in time. If I hadn't you would've been splat." Anthony sighed in relive. We opened our eyes, and we were on a mattress.

"Anthony... I don't know how to repay you..." I whispered.

"Then don't. I don't need anything, I'm happy to just be your friend." Anthony replied with a luminous smile. That smile... It makes me feel warm inside... I thought, and I was sure Sue thought the same thing from the look of her face. "Anyway, I was suppose to take you two to Creator. Follow me. She's usually on the top floor." he added, holding both of our hands and dashing to a small box where we could only kneel in. Apparently, this was an 'elevator'. A boy, about 7 or 8 year old, managed this elevator, that had no windows or door. While you were going up, you could stick your head out of the four squared holes on each side, but I wouldn't recommend it. I had to hold on tightly to the corner just so I won't fall off. I wasn't really a fan of heights. 

Once we finally made it to the top (even though the elevator was pretty fast, it took about 10 minutes to get to the top), the boy saluted to us and Anthony led us out. We've entered some sort of control room with blankets and pillows on engines and kids (around 13 to 8) in train conductor outfits who were drawing at a table. The table seemed plastic and had color marks all over it, I couldn't even tell what it's real color is. The engines also had a furnace and a blazing fire that seemed that it would never go out. I also noticed a tall black door about 5 feet away from the table, which was where Anthony was leading us to.

"Wait for Creator."

"But it's important."

"Wait in line!"

"Don't be an , Jack."

"Fine, fine." Anthony sighed, going to the table and grabbed some paper and a pencil, and started to draw.

"...I think we should do the same." Sue whispered to me.

I nodded, following Sue and drawing a humming bird.

Sorry, but I need to do my homework... I'll probably write more tomorrow... We'll see.


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Mary Sue lol This seems kind of weird eerie but I like it and who lots of ideas can come from dreams lol I dreampt of Jay park the last night and that has inspired a fiction XDD