Chapter 2

I Only Hear You

During the interview Leo was asked, “Do you like N?”

Ravi burst out laughing unable to stop himself, Leo was sitting next to him and he smacked him on the arm signaling him to control himself. The interviewee didn’t seem to notice but laughed with Ravi, “You’re so quiet, I’ve heard rumors that N likes to talk to you but you won’t respond.”

Leo managed to let a small laugh out but it was all he could muster, if only this interviewee knew. N laughed lightly and answered for Leo, they exchanged glances for a brief second. N explained confidently, “Of course he likes me! The rumors you’ve heard are probably from broadcasts. Many fans call me the mom of the group, and Leo the dad. That would make the other members our children, and they can be quite a handful sometimes. For the most part, we all get along like a family, but Leo is quite shy. A lot of times I try to include him in the programs and conversations so that he doesn’t seem like he isn’t happy to be wherever we are visiting. People often mistake him to be upset or unhappy, but he’s just really shy.”

The interviewee asked Leo, “Is this true?”

Leo shortly added, “Yes.”

“Do you have anything you want to say to N?”

By this time the other members couldn’t hold in their laughter and Leo shifted in his seat uncomfortably, “Um, well. I want to say that I don’t hate you N, you’re a good leader and put up with all of us well. I’m happy to be a part of VIXX and to have you as our leader. Thank you.”

Leo leaned back in his chair trying to keep his cool while the interview wrapped up, in the car ride home all the members were exhausted. N looked back at Hyuk, I didn’t get to go over that choreography with you, did you want to still want to?”

Hyuk eyed Leo, “If you don’t mind hyung.”

Leo sat up this time and said, “It’s way too late for that! We have an even busier schedule tomorrow!”

Snickers were heard from the front and back of the van and Leo just slumped down in the seat, N put his hand on his shoulder, “Hyuk, if you want to,”

Hyuk laughed and shrugged, “Nah, it’s okay hyung. I’m too tired, I just wanted to see Leo’s reaction.”

Leo sat up immediately and reached back to hit Hyuk, but N held him back.

They piled out of the car and up to the dorm.

Leo pulled N to the side as the other members piled into the elevator, they were too tired to even notice. N looked at Leo, “What’s wrong?”

Leo made up an excuse, “Let’s practice for tomorrows performance. I need to work on my solo part anyways.”

N nodded without a second thought and they went to the practice room, N blasted the music and they rehearsed for a little bit. Leo sat on the ground and sipped some water exhausted, “Let’s call it a night.”

N looked at the clock, “We’ve only been practicing for two hours.”

Leo looked up at him, “ONLY?”
N laughed  but Leo didn’t laugh with him but casually said, “The members are getting too bold with their actions. We’re going to get found out.”

N opened his water bottle and drank it down, “Oh they’re just joking around. No one suspects a thing.”

Leo gripped his water bottle a little tighter, “Hyuk, especially, he’s getting too careless.”

“He’s just a kid, what’s this really about?”

Leo was silent and N smiled realizing it, “Are you still mad about this morning?”

Leo stood up and N smiled knowing he was right, “Oh Leo,”

Leo interrupted him, “No, he was out of line.”

N laughed, “You’re jealous.”

Leo looked at N for a second then let a small smile break through, “Maybe a little.”

N hugged Leo from behind and sighed, “No need to be.”

Leo turned around and lifted N’s chin slightly, “Good.”

Leo pecked N on the lips lightly, N smiled, “You’re crazy.”

Leo gently pushed Leo against the mirror and said looking down at N, “Crazy in love.”

Leo kissed N again, he wrapped his arms around N’s body and held him tightly, “I don’t like it when they tease you like that.”

N whispered, “It doesn’t bother me.”

Leo didn’t like that response but N just held Leo’s face in his hands, “The only person I hear is you.”

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Chapter 2: Your fri is really lucky to have a fri like u. Omg my Neo is secretly dating!! If only that happen in real life!!!!
Jikookhopev #2
Chapter 2: This is so cute ^^
Chapter 2: Zomgg asdfghjkl neo is liife!!! This is too cute!
Chapter 2: So cute<3<3
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