Chapter 1

I Only Hear You

Leo sat down on the couch of the dorm, N came out freshly showered, “You want breakfast?”

Leo looked up from his phone and nodded, he and N had been together for eight months now. They kept their relationship secret from everyone but the other members. They all had to continue being idols, but Leo wasn’t going to let that keep him from being with N. Hongbin stumbled in, “Mmmm, I’m hungry.”

Ravi was next to appear and agreed with Hongbin, Leo rolled his eyes and muttered, “Make it yourself.”

Ken came in more awake then the other two, “Hyung, you should learn to share. Hakyeon-hyung was our leader first, before he was your boyfriend.”

Ravi laughed and Hyuk came in, he whispered something into Hongbin’s ear who burst out laughing and nodded, agreeing to whatever Hyuk had said. Leo looked up slightly but then went back to his phone. Ravi and Hongbin sat down in the living room with Leo, and watched some TV. Ken saw Hyuk walk into the kitchen and asked N who was cooking, “What’s the schedule today hyung?”

N replied while diligently cooking, “We have a performance at noon today.”

Ken yawned, “That’s the beginning isn’t it?”

N laughed and looked at Ken, “Yeah, then we have a broadcast, then the radio program, then another performance, then practice, and finally an interview.”

Hyuk came up behind N and quickly checked to see if Leo was paying attention, he wasn’t, he hugged N from behind, “Hyung! Feed me, I’m hungry!”

N was surprised by the back hug, “Hyuk, you scared me. Please be careful.”

Hyuk saw Leo glaring at him but turned back to N not letting go, “Ah, hyung, will you help me with the choreography tonight?”

N finished the food he was making and shook Hyuk off, “Sure, we can work on it after schedules.”

Hyuk smiled wide, “Thanks hyung.”

N set the table with food and they all gathered, Leo stayed put on the couch. N looked over, “Leo, you coming?”

Hongbin and Hyuk high fived and laughed, Ken rolled his eyes but chuckled, “Hyung, he’s jealous because our maknae got to hug you.”

N brought his plate over and plopped down on the couch next to Leo, “Oh, he didn’t mean anything by it.”

Leo didn’t respond, he didn’t like to show his affections in front of the other members, he didn’t feel right about it. In fact it was only because N wanted to tell the other members that he agreed to letting them in on the secret. N wrapped his arms around Leo and laughed, “Come on, cheer up, look I made all this food.”

Leo cleared his throat and looked at N, he wasn’t too amused, N let go and started eating. He fed some pieces to Leo without complaint and went back to looking on his phone. N was looking with him and they shared some casual conversation, Ravi said at the table with the other members, “They’re the most boring couple I’ve ever seen.”

Hyuk choked laughing and Hongbin patted his back snickering, “In front of us, but imagine what they do behind closed doors.”

Ken rolled his eyes, “I don’t know, they were good friends before debut, and then it developed into this. This could literally be their relationship.”

Ravi added with his mouth full, “How sad.”

Leo looked up and scolded them, “You know we can hear you right?”

N looked up as well and said, “Yah, don’t talk with your mouth full. Hurry and get ready.”

They all did as they were told and they were soon off to their schedules. 

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Chapter 2: Your fri is really lucky to have a fri like u. Omg my Neo is secretly dating!! If only that happen in real life!!!!
Jikookhopev #2
Chapter 2: This is so cute ^^
Chapter 2: Zomgg asdfghjkl neo is liife!!! This is too cute!
Chapter 2: So cute<3<3
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