The Value of Relationship

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Your boyfriend being too busy with his work and you felt like he was already give up on your relationship.


“I’m not going to talk to you for a while. I need you to miss me. I need you to appreciate having me in your life.”

*inspired by the quotes that was written on my notebook.


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Meimel #1
Chapter 1: This story is so sweet! ><
JustAnotherBlockBFan #2
Chapter 1: I love this so much! ♡ It was so sweet and perfectly writed :)
Chapter 1: i am dying.
too much zico's feeling ohmygad
first of all i want to mention that (as long as i remembered) this is like the first zico's fanfic that had him crying on the plot.
i am terribly happy bcs of that.
not that i like seeing him cry, but all of the fics i've read up till now only show zico's tough, dominant side, so its really great when i read another side of him being humanly vulnerable.
and i really like the theme you brought here! many girls gave up their pride to not text their boyfriend first in many situation bcs they worried abt them, and sometimes i think they need to ignore them once or twice, so that the boyfriends would appreciate the girlfriend's role in their life. and you drew the situation very well i also felt sad and gloomy the entire time i read this! :'''''

and the ending!!! he chase her all the way to busan and she waking up with the best view she can get - zico's face. ugh so lucky.
i think i love zico like 20times more ever since i started reading all of zico's fanfics that you wrote, my poor soul and ovaries....
Chapter 1: Too much feeling of zico *melting*
Chapter 1: Aww so sweet :)