The Masked Boy


I've known him since forever . But I never actually knew him . 

Have you ever heard of blind love ? Many people don't believe in it since well , even love at first sight is based on looks . But me ? My story is different .

I had never seen the face of my boy before and I never wanted to know . I love him for who he is . I love him . Yes , love .

He wore mask . Everyday , everytime I met him . For the longest time I know .

As I said , I don't want to know his face , because I knew his heart . Even if he is ugly , I will still love him . Because I had completely fallen for him .

Let me tell you my love story , it may be not as good as yours , but , well , it's my story .

It's my masked boy .



I don't know why I'm writing this ? ? ?

Hahaha but well I got this inspiration from one mv I saw by neiko neiko . A japanese band. I can't remember what song is that . but well , if you want to see it , than find it yourself . HAHAHA

why did I even wrote this ? Kbye , the longer I wrote , the crazier it get .

Just hope on to the story fella :)

BTW , even if it was inspirinated from a music video , it's still my story . So , PLAGIARISM IS NOT ALLOWED .

Blablabla kbye. I really need to hop on writing now ;) Later Gators ~


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minyoungunnie #1
Chapter 1: That fall tho