Find Out

“Dad!” she giggled heartily and ran towards her father’s open arms as fast as her limbs would carry her. She tumbled down on the grass patch but her father quickly came and propped her up on his shoulders. She could see her mother and brother standing on the front porch, waving to them with bright smiles on their faces.
Her smile was equally as bright as afternoon summer sun.
Suddenly, the sky became dark. Thick, black clouds filled the sky. She started to whimper, wanting to latch on to her father, only to find him missing.
She was standing on the cold, stone ground, alone.
She heard a loud shriek to her left and she snapped her head to the source before a human-like figure ran in her direction before she could even scream.
All she saw was a pair of eyes, with an unearthly dirty yellow colour to it, and dark red veins popping out of every surface, almost black.
She woke up with a gasp as she shot up from her lying position and in a harsh breath. Her eyes darted around the room, only to find no familiarity whatsoever. It was run-down, the wallpapers starting to peel off from the top and patches of moss could be seen in the corners.
Before she could think further, a thought struck her head.
Who am I?
She panicked. She could not remember anything. She raked her head. She knew she had a… name. But her mind was blank, there was nothing she could associate to ‘name’ in her head. She knew she had one but no matter how hard she thought, she just did not know.
She stared down at her hands as she took sharp breaths.
What was going on?
The door creaked open and she shot her head up in the direction. A man, dressed in a white tight-fitting tank top with combat pants and shoes came in. She tried to the take in his features. White, silvery hair, muscular build.
When the man noticed her, his eyes bulged and turned to one of relief as he quickly entered the room. “Oh my god, y-you’re awake,” he sighed contently as he ran a finger through his hair, “how are you feeling?”
Nothing. She could not associate this man with anything in her mind. It was like she was meeting him for the first time.
She continued to stare confusedly at the man as he continued asking her questions she was not paying attention to.
Nothing, nothing at all. Nothing, nothing, nothing.
She watched the man pace around the room and she could not help but cut him off.
“I’m really sorry but, who are you?”
The man’s face turned to one of utter shock as he blinked at her.
“W-What are yo-,” he breathed heavily, “D-Doctor, DOCTOR!”


and so, that was the prologue. I can't believe I started this fanfic based on a dream I had but I hope it turns out well!
I already wrote Chapter 1 so it will be posted up real soon. Stay tuned~

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