


  Jinhwan thought it was stupid, just standing there looking at the object in his hands. Staring at it wasn't going to help, he might as well get it over and done with. He should accept any result and take responsibility for any repercussions. He didn't expect it to happen on the first try, but there's no one to blame but himself. It's not the fact that he doesn't want this, he's just not ready. 

Through his thoughts that were getting darker each second, He heard a voice call out and returned to reality. It was the phamacist.

  "Um excuse me, sir? We're about to close. Do you know what you would like to be getting?" They questioned.

  "Sorry I'm just a little out of it," Jinhwan answered a bit flustered. He grabbed the first two test kits he saw and placed it on the counter. 

  "That would be $30, would that be all?" The pharmacist asked.

  "Yes, thank you." Jinhwan gave the person behind the counter a weary smile as he paid and got ready to leave.  

  "Thank you for shopping at Jeon's pharmacy, Please visit again," the pharmacist called out as he walked out of the store.

  He clutched the plastic bag tightly and held it close.


  Jinhwan got home in a hurry, nervous to take the test with all sorts of outcomes running through his head. He headed straight to the bathroom to get the process over and done with. He carefully read the instructions on the box and did exactly as it said. Leaving the test in the bathroom, he went to his bed to wait for the timer to go off. It seemed as if time was playing with him. As if it was slowing down just to aggravate him. Not being able to just patiently wait for the timer to go off, he paced back and forth in his room thinking of how all this came to be. Thinking back to that day that started all of this. 


  Jinhwan was bored. He thought that there was nothing more boring in life than his English teacher. It was when he was about to fall asleep that he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He felt a smile growing on his face as he read the message:
Hey are you free today? I was thinking of taking you out on a date. I kind of have something planned out. 

Yeah I am... what do you have planned??

It's a secret.

Jeez, and I thought we were close enough to tell each other these things.

ㅋㅋㅋ you will find out when you see it. So I will pick you up? 

Yea I will wait for you at the usual spot :) I will see you there. 

  He put his phone back in his pocket and went back to taking notes before the teacher noticed him texting in class. Every now and then he found himself smiling at the thought of his date with Hanbin. Jinhwan kept eyeing the clock, begging it to go faster. He counted down the last ten seconds in his head and made a dash for the door as soon as the second bell rung. He went to the boys bathroom and fixed himself up a bit, although there wasn't much he could do with his uniform. Jinhwan really hoped that Hanbin was not taking him somewhere fancy because he was going to stick out like a sore thumb in his uniform. 

  After 10 minutes of waiting outside the school gates, he saw Hanbin's car pull up in front of him. He hopped into the car and gave his boyfriend a quick kiss on the cheek. 

  During the drive he stared at Hanbin the whole time through. He admired his boyfriends looks in his mind. Hanbin seemed to notice his stare and looked back at him and asked "what" with a bashful grin.

  "Nothing, just keep your eyes on the road," Jinhwan teased.


  Hanbin pulled into the driveway of his apartment. Jinhwan got out of the car with a puzzled look and asked Hanbin, "This is the special thing you got planned? Spending the day at your apartment?"

  Hanbin turned back to face Jinhwan and responded, "You'll see babe," along with a slight smirk that the other caught.

  Jinhwan raised his eyebrow at his boyfriend and answered suggestively, "Oh I didn't know we were using nicknames?"

  Hanbin pulled Jinhwan by the waist and whispered, "We can start now if you want."

  Hanbin then picked Jinhwan up bridal style and carried him inside the apartment and set him on top of the granite kitchen counter. 

  "So what's the occasion? You don't usually ask me out on dates," Jinhwan inquired.

  "What are you talking about? I do ask you on dates without reason," his boyfriend responded.

 "Oh really? Tell me one time you took me out on a date without some sort of news."

  Hanbin stood there staring at his lover in silence.

  "Exactly. So what is it?" Jinhwan asked.

  "Can't you wait till we're sitting down?"

  Jinhwan shook his head no and gave Hanbin a calculating look.

  "Wait, let me guess. Did your parents finally accept our relationship?"

  Hanbin shook his head sadly.

  "No, but it's good news we've been waiting to hear, trust me."

  "So hurry up and spill it."

  Jinhwan was impatient at this point, so he gave the taller a glare he thought was threatening, but Hanbin found it cute and laughed.
Hanbin reached toward his back pocket and pulled out a letter and handed it to Jinhwan, who took it with a confused look. 

  Jinhwan stayed still for a while staring at the paper in his hand. As happy as he was, he couldn't help but worry about his, no their future because he couldn't imagine going through this without Hanbin

  "What's wrong, aren't you excited? I though you would be happy," Hanbin said a little disheartened by the look on Jinhwan's face. 

  "Of course I'm excited, this is what I've been dreaming about for so long and I worked so hard for this too. It's just that... What about us? What's going to happen to us? What if we have to separate, or what if we have to make a choice between our dream or our love? I don't want that. I don't want to have to pick between those, but we're most likely going to be put in a situation like that." 
Jinhwan confessed his thoughts to Hanbin who was standing really close him now, without him realizing he had come closer to comfort Jinhwan. 

  Hanbin stared at Jinhwan's eyes for a while and made sure he was okay. They were so close he could almost count Jinhwan's eyelashes. Hanbin took Jinhwan into a warm hug and murmered sweet and comforting words to his lover full of worry.

  He gave another boyish smile and moved away from Jinhwan a little.  

  "The food is almost done. I'll make you your favorite fruit salad for the dessert and we can continue this later at the dinner table, okay?" 

  Jinhwan rolled his eyes at his boyfriend wondering how dense he he can get. And his boyfriend was the one that always complained that he didn't give enough openings for a kiss. 

  "You can get so dense sometimes," Jinhwan told him as he pulled him back to give him a quick peck on the lips. "That was your opening for a kiss you idiot," he continued, pretending to be disappointed and turned his head away slightly.

  "Well, you aren't calling that a proper kiss are you? Because I won't accept it," Hanbin whispered in his ears and turned Jinhwan's face back towards him and came onto his lips. Their lips moved in a languid yet passionate sync. It was enough to convey the love the two held for each other. Hanbin bit Jinhwan's lower lip asking for entrance as his hands traveled down his lover's sides down to his legs allowing them to wrap around his waist.

  They were cut off in the middle of their love display by the 'ding' of the microwave as it announced that the food was heated. Hanbin broke the kiss and moved further away from Jinhwan and started preparing the remaining food.

  He started cutting the fruits and started mixing the the food. Jinhwan on the other hand gave a pout as he was separated away from his boyfriend, but the was soon wiped away as Hanbin moved away and he saw the view that his boyfriend was blocking. Jinhwan's mouth fell open in awe and his eyes went wide as his eyes took in the scene before him.

  Over at the dinner table there were red and white petals scattered atop of the table and small candles that looked like they were made for these situations were sitting among the dishes that hanbin was setting up still unlit. In the middle of the table, was his favorite flower, the peony. The ceiling was also filled with red and white helium filled balloons. The chairs also had pretty white covering on them to finish the site. Tears filled his eyes looking at Hanbin as he went about in the kitchen trying to make everything perfect. Hanbin looked over at Jinhwan and saw the tearful eyes of Jinhwan and right away went to his side.

  "Hey, you aren't supposed to look till it's all ready," he said with a smile as he figured out why Jinhwan had tears in his eyes.

  Jinhwan quickly hugged him and whispered, "Thank you. I don't deserve this, but thank you." 

  "Stop speaking nonsense babe and go light the candles. I'll bring drinks over and turn off the lights." 

  After he calmed down, Jinhwan lit up the candles and turned off the lights. They sat down and just ate and talked as if they weren't going to be talking for a long time. They talked about family, their upcoming idol years, whether they would be able to debut or not, and stuff like that. 

  After a comfortable silence where they just ate and stole glances at each other in the dim lighting, a new thought came to Jinhwan's mind. 

  "Hey can I ask you a question? I don't want to push, nor am I pushing, I'm just curious." 

  "You already asked a question," Hanbin teased

  "But yeah, go on. And plus you don't need to ask permission to ask me questions."

  "What do you think about kids and having kids?" 

  Hanbin gave it a silent thought for a while and Jinhwan started worrying about his answer. 

  "Of course I would want a family and yes I want a family. But it's just I want it to be later on, so if I'm not satisfied with how far I've come in life, I won't blame my kid or kids. I want to be able to provide my family whatever they need without worrying about my next pay or anything. And most of all, I want my kids to be proud to call me their dad, so they can show off. The same is for my spouse whomever it is- however I am sincerely hoping its you- would be able to look me in the eye and be proud of me too. Basically I want that stuff later on to focus on my career and be able to support my future family." He looked at Jinhwan searching his face for any negative reaction to what he said. 

 Jinhwan gave his boyfriend a reassuring smile and spoke, "Yeah, I agree that having kids before you're ready is not a good idea,but having them when you're young isn't a bad idea either, that's one of the top things on my list that I want to enjoy in life."

  Hanbin raised his eyebrow, "Oh yeah? What are the others then?" 

  "Hmm.. My top five are debuting, getting somewhere with my career, making my parents proud to call me their son, having kids and..." Jinhwan gave him a cheesy smile and continued, "And being with you forever." 

  "Be careful what you wish for, forever is a long time you might regret your wish." 

  "Well if I regret it, that's on me then," Jinhwan laughed at the face Hanbin made and continued to eat. 

  Even after they cleared the table, the couple continued to talk and laugh as the ate the desert for hours until their jaws and cheekbones started to hurt. 

  Hanbin had been staring at Jinhwan the whole time he had been speaking. He couldn't hear anything. It seemed as if every word coming out of Jinhwan's mouth was warped. He had just been staring at his lips the whole time. Slowly Hanbin leaned in over the table and gave Jinhwan a peck stopping the shorter from finishing what he was saying. Hanbin stole small pecks from Jinhwan, and they soon turned into full kisses. Soon enough the sweet kisses turned into a full blown make out session. Hanbin broke the kiss went over to Jinhwan and picked him up. He reconnected the their lips as Jinhwan wrapped his legs around Hanbin's waist. Hanbin opened the door to his room with one hand as the other supported Jinhwan. He went over to his bed and layed Jinhwan down on the black satin sheets. He took a moment to look down at the view. Jinhwan was panting with swollen lips and his forehead glistening with sweat. 

  That night was probably the best night for both Jinhwan and Hanbin. Hanbin was slow and gentle with his lover knowing it was his first time. He showered him with love, kissing almost every inch of his body. It was jinhwan who had come undone first, under Hanbin's careful touch and his boyfriend followed after. After they had finished, they looked at each other as a faint blush covered their faces and half of their body. They fell asleep in each others arms exhausted from their private activity. 


  Jinhwan was pulled back from his flashback by the sound of his alarm that rang after his time for waiting was up. He hurried over to the bathroom not giving himself time to chicken out, but Jinhwan still hesitated turning the stick over, overthinking in his head. But knowing that he can't put things off forever, he got the courage to turn the test over. He looked at the stick numbly. Hands shaking so bad that he dropped the testing stick. He leaned against the bathroom door and slid down sitting with his legs agaist his chest, his arms hugging his knees as if he was trying to make himself small enough to hide from the world. Slowly tears dropped to his cheeks.

  How could something so pleasurable turn his whole life around? The test had read two lines.




Yo it's SJ and MP! Hopefully we lived up to your expectations of this story. Let us know what you think in the comments por favorrrr :)

Till next time! (MP)

Deuces, SJMP out (SJ)






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Multifandom1997 #1
Chapter 2: Omg Vernon, why did you say that to Jinhwan?! ㅠㅠ Poor Jinan... Hope Hanbin can accept it!! Looking forward to the next chapter! ^^
Ikonicsbinhwan #2
Chapter 2: Cool ;) Iooking forward to the next chapter ;)
Jinbinhwan #3
Gosh, poor jinani. -_-
Chapter 2: uh-huh..
cliffhanger.!!!!! someone help.!!!
you cut it at the best part.!
uhh that Vernon thingy, I hope he will accept Jinan. but then...
uhh.. Jinan's life is so pityy..
without parents, without friends.. how will he survive.??
please update soon...
tkpop_lover #5
I loved that so much!!!... can't wait for chapter 2, keep em coming :) SJ and MP Jjang!!
Chapter 1: update pleaseee..
like this so muchh..
let us know how will Hanbin react..
please updateee... #puppyeyeswithJinu
milkteapie #7
Chapter 1: OH MY GOD FINALLY AN MPREG FIC I'VE BEEN SEARCHING FOR....sorry im just too excited:")) please update soon omgomgomg i cant waitttt>////< keep writing~!
Ai_Fang90 #8
Chapter 1: Good!love this story!!keep update,authornim!!^^
Deullie96 #9
Chapter 1: GOOOOOD THIS STORY DESERVE MORE COMMENTS!!! it's great TT I want to know mooore, what will happenwith them? :'( how will hanbin take it? TT Pleeease update soon author-nim!!!
aisah_ #10
It's nice story please update soon and i realy hope this would have happy ending...