Snow Angel

Snow Angel

It had been three months since that fateful day when Taehyung had asked her to dinner. They had gone on several dates before Taehyung had asked her to be his girlfriend. The cool autumn had given way to bitter winter, but that didn’t stop the two of them walking through the park at sunset after she had finished work. Their gloved hands entwined as they walked down the icy path. “Lucy-ah, be careful not to slip.” Taehyung said as he pulled her closer to his side. Lucy giggled at his overprotectiveness and linked their arms together.


The snow was falling gently around them when Lucy let go of Taehyung’s arm to spin around in the snow. He chuckled at her antics before joining in with her. She let out a loud yelp as she slipped and fell backwards into the snow. Taehyung immediately stopped spinning and ran to her side. “Lucy-ah! Are you ok?” he asked, looking down at his embarrassed girlfriend. “OK? Of course I am! I-I did it on purpose!” she said stubbornly. Taehyung laughed loudly at her, “Really? You threw yourself down in the cold snow on purpose?” he challenged.


“Yup. I want to make a snow angel!” she said as she started moving her arms and legs in an attempt to make an angel. Unfortunately, the pile of snow she had fallen into was too deep so every time she moved her arms or legs, the snow just piled on top of her. “Taehyung-ah! Help me!” she cried as she tried, unsuccessfully, to get out of the pile of snow. Taehyung laughed at her, “But Jagi, you look so cute!” he said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and snapped a couple of photos. “Taehyung!” she whined as a particularly large clump of snow fell on her head.


Taehyung doubled over laughing. “I don’t know Jagi…” he teased. Lucy pouted and extended her hand to her boyfriend. Taehyung grabbed her hand but didn’t make any attempt to pull her out. “You need to say the magic words, Jagi~” Lucy rolled her eyes at him, “Please?” she said as she looked up at him with a cute expression. He shook his head at her. “Try again~” he said with a teasing smirk. “Oh, mighty Taehyung-ah! Please help your freezing girlfriend out of the snow!” she said dramatically making them both laugh.


“I’ll give you one last chance Jagi. I’ll give you a hint. It’s three words.” she looked up at him with a confused expression. After a few seconds Taehyung spoke up again, “How about I say them first, Jagi?” he said before taking a deep breath in and out. “Lucy-ah, I love you.” His grip on her hand tightened slightly as the words left his lips. Lucy quietly gasped at Taehyung’s confession. The freezing chill of the snow beneath her forgotten as she looked up into his face. His warm brown eyes staring intently at her, waiting for her response. His cheeks tinted red by both the cold and his nerves.


She suddenly pulled on his hand, bringing him down on top of her in the snow. His hands quickly finding purchase in the snow on either side of her body to push himself up, “J-Jagi!” he said, stunned by her sudden action. She smiled up at him and wrapped her arms around his neck, “I love you, Kim Taehyung.” She whispered against his lips. Taehyung smiled brightly and closed the almost non-existent gap between their lips in a kiss.


The kiss was short and sweet before Taehyung pulled away and pulled Lucy out of the snow. They helped each other dust the snow off of their clothes, matching grins on both their faces. Taehyung wrapped his too long scarf around Lucy’s neck. “Don’t want you catching a cold, Jagi.” He said as he linked their hands together. They walked in silence for a few minutes before Lucy spoke, “Did you plan on confessing like that today?” she asked, noticing the blush that appeared on Taehyung’s face. “Not exactly. You know that thing that some couples do? They write that in the sand, right? Well, we have snow, so I was gonna do it in the snow but when I saw you stuck like that, it just kinda came out. Was it lame?” he asked, his voice laced with worry.


Lucy stopped walking and pulled Taehyung down to her level and kissed him deeply. “It wasn’t lame at all. It was actually kinda cute.” She said as she smiled up at him. Taehyung wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and pulled her flush against him. “Just like my Jagi.” He said with a grin as he kissed the top of her head. “Now let’s go get some ice cream to celebrate!” he said excitedly as he pulled his laughing girlfriend towards the exit of the park.

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Chapter 1: Aww Taehyung is so adorable! And a bit cheesy confessing like that but I still really liked it <3
Chapter 1: Where do i sign his adoption papers? TOO CUTE <3