Coincidental (Part 2)

Ricsyung's Dribbles 2

(Eric's side)

'Eric!' a loud shout was heard throughout the mansion.

'Yes, mum!' Eric shouted back from the kitchen. He took the glass from the fridge and walked towards the living room.

'What do you want?' Eric asked softly as he sat on the sofa next to his mum.

'Go on a blind date' his mum replied shortly.

'Again?' Eric frowned.

'Yes, again. It's because my son is so handsome that everyone wants' she pinched his cheeks gently.

'But mum...!' he whined because he knew that his mum knew about his uality. Biual.

'Just go!' she forced him. 

'Why don't you just say no..?'

'You know why' his mum rolled her eyes. Her friends always gestured her to introduce Eric to their daughters and although Mrs Mun said she wanted Eric to find his own, but they just didn't want to listen.

'Fine... Buy me hello kitty' he demanded.

'Okay, call!' she snapped her fingers.

(Hyesung's side)

'Oh! Oh!' Hyesung's mum said hurriedly when she saw her favourite son entering the household.

'Hello, mum' Hyesung smiled fondly at her.

'Come here!' she dragged him to the living room.

'You have to go on a blind date' she smiled excitedly.

'Excuse me?' Hyesung blinked his eyes in confusion.

'There is this guy... Actually, my friend's son and he is so cute. So I thought that you would like to meet him' she explained happily.

'But mum, I don't do blind dates' he tried to make her understand.

'You have never been in a relationship! When I was your age, I was with a lot of guys. Before I met your dad, of course'

All Hyesung could do was to sigh, 'Since I love you from the bottom of my heart, I would go but only this' he smiled.

'Really? I knew you would agree!' she started to clap her hands.

'Can I go to my room now..?' Hyesung excused himself.

'Okay! Just come down when dinner's ready' 

'Yes, mum' he smiled and walked towards his room. He sighed as he sat on his bed, taking out his phone, he texted someone.

*Hey, can I ask you something?*

*Sure. Is anything wrong?* 

*Nothing. I just wonder, what do you think of blind dates..?*

*I'm just thinking about the same thing! I don't like the idea of it personally. You?*

*Same. But I don't want to hurt my parents, more specifically my mum's feelings*

*I feel you... But what can we do. We can just go and say that the blind date *

*I think I'm just gonna go and leave early. Saying that my mum is calling hahahaha*

*I would say that I already have a boyfriend*

Hyesung's eyes widen and read the text over and over. Although they've been friends, they never talked about who they liked or even their uality.


*Yeah, I'm biual. I hope you're okay with it though*

Hyesung sighed in relieved and smiled while replying, *No, I didn't mean like that! It's just that it's such a coincidence that you're bi because I'm bi too* 

*Wah, daebak~ Is this mean we're destined?* 

Hyesung blushed a little at Kitty_Hello's joke and immediately changed the topic, *Who knows... Hahahaha*

When he heard his mum calling for dinner, Hyesung sent a goodbye text.

*I've gtg, mum's calling for dinner. Goodnight! ^^*

*Oh okay, goodnight!*

(Next day)

(Eric's side)

'Oh , I have an emergency meeting! I'm so sorry but I've got to go' Eric started to act when his tolerance towards the girl who was been set up for him was coming to its limit.

'Oh okay, I will be waiting for your call' she smiled although she was a little bit distressed when Eric had to leave.

'Sure' he replied shortly and left the cafe. 

He ran a few metres and hid behind an alley to see if the girl had also left. When she did, he sighed and started walking to the zebra crossing. When waiting for the red light turned green, he saw a figure waving his hands towards a girl and he looked closely, it was the music director! Coincidentally, the director looked straight ahead and made eye contact with Eric. Seeing the smile on Hyesung's face, Eric knew he got the right person. As soon as the lights turned into green, he ran towards Hyesung and they both stood in front of the cafe that Hyesung exited earlier.

'Hey' Eric greeted while waving his hands casually.

'Hi, what are you doing here?'

'Blind date' he sighed.

Hyesung chuckled awkwardly, 'Believe it or not, same... How did it go?'

'Boring. I don't like the idea of blind dates' 

Hyesung's heart thumped when it was the same exact thing that Kitty_Hello said.

'What about you? Was it fun?' Eric asked when he realised Hyesung didn't say anything.

'That would be my first and my last' 

'So, are you heading home now?' he asked.

'Yup, but I have to buy some stuffs first'

'Oh, do you wanna hangout now? But if you're busy, that's fine'  

'No, I'm free! Hanging out in Hongdae sounds okay' Hyesung smiled.

Instead of spending the day going to the blind date that were set up by their mothers, they spent it by hanging out with each other. Only a few hours and not even the whole day, they talked about everything and it wasn't just small talks. The thing was they felt like they can connect and communicated well. Around 8 pm, Eric sent Hyesung to his car and told him that he would see him again soon. But when he arrived home, he realised that he didn't ask for Hyesung's number.

'Ugh, can't you get any stupid Eric?! How can you forgot?!' he scolded himself but no matter how upset he was, he still felt happy. 

Then, a moment of realisation hit him. 

What about Jung_Kyo? 

They've been chatting and Eric felt he and him could relate towards each other. But when Hyesung came and he got to know more about the director, it kinda changed but that didn't mean he didn't like Jung_Kyo at all. Thinking about it made his head hurt. So that night, he decided not to text him.

(Hyesung's side)

Same thing happened in Shin's household. 

'I can just ask for his number from Minwoo but that would be suspicious. What if Minwoo ask? What should I say?' Hyesung talked to himself.

Speaking about number, Hyesung reminded of Kitty_Hello. He nearly forgot about the guy! Hyesung immediately checked his phone to see if he texted him but not text was received. 

'Maybe he is asleep' he assumed. 

Everything was okay until he got to know Eric. He felt like he can be himself better when he was with Eric rather than Kitty_Hello because he got to see Eric's face and to be honest, although the texting game was fun, Hyesung was still unsure about the guy because they never met and what if it turned out like those in TV shows. But even though he was unsure, it would be a lie if he said he didn't have any feelings towards Kitty_Hello.

'What should I do..?' Hyesung sighed.


There was some tension between Kitty_Hello and Jung_Kyo but neither one of them wanted to talk about it. They kept on thinking on how to solve the problem without hurting one and another. They started to distance themselves discreetly and spent more time with the real life Eric and Hyesung. They thought that it was just the attention that they like from Kitty_Hello and Jung_Kyo. But in order to solve the problem and feelings, Kitty_Hello finally asked Jung_Kyo to meet and surprisingly he agreed.

'Well, we can just be friends. It's not like we were flirting when texting each other' Eric tried to assure himself.

'Can I just introduce myself and dropped some hints that I like someone else?' Hyesung asked himself.

(That day)

They promised to meet each other at Hans River around 3 o'clock but now it was nearly 4:30 pm, so they assumed that the other person didn't want to see them.

(Eric's side)

'Oppa!' someone called when he turned his head, he saw his sister with her boyfriend.

'Oh, Dara!' Eric waved his hands.

'What are you doing here?'

'Just walking. What are you doing here?' 

'Nothing, I was supposed to meet a friend but I don't think he will come' he pouted.

'Is it the friend that...'

Before she could continue, he immediately shut up because he would be shy of her boyfriend knew.

'Are you going home now?' her boyfriend asked.

'I guess so' he scratched his head awkwardly.

'Then, let's go home together!' Dara suggested and she linked arms with both her brother and boyfriend.

(Hyesung's side)

'I guess he isn't ready for the meet up' Hyesung smiled faintly at his phone in hoping that Kitty_Hello would text him.

'Hyesung hyung!' someone called and when he turned around, he was Andy.

'Yah, Andy~' he smiled widely at his favourite maknae.

'What are you doing here?'

'Remember Kitty_Hello? I was supposed to see him'

'Where is he?' he looked around.

'I don't think he'll come' he said sadly.

'Did he say why?'

Hyesung just shook his head. In return, Andy gave a brief hug.

'Aww, it's okay. Maybe he is busy' he tried to cheer him up.

'Yeah, maybe. Let me send you home, Andy' he offered.

Andy's face lit up, 'Really? Thank you~' he cheered happily.

As they were talking, Hyesung saw a girl and two guys walking opposite his direction. Among the three people, he recognised the right guy and it was Eric. He wanted to say hi but the older guy didn't see him, instead he made eye contact with the girl.

'Oppa, that guy is cute! I think he is your type... Oh my! He's looking here' Dara said excitedly when she made a brief eye contact.


He looked at the direction Dara showed and had his eyes widen when he saw Hyesung. He wanted to say hi but couldn't because his legs won't move. But the thing that made his heart thumped was the thing Hyesung was holding. A camera!

Eric : It might be a coincident...

Hyesung's heart beat when he saw Eric's phone keychain. A Hello Kitty! He wanted to say something about it but he just couldn't do it. In the end, they just passed by each other and when they turned around to look at the other person, it was a wrong timing. Back at their respective houses, they were contemplating to text each other.

(A week later)

They didn't text each other because they were scared or rather they were afraid the confrontation. Minwoo who came into the studio noticed his dazed friend.

'Yah, what's up with you?' he frowned.

'Nothing~' he shook his head.

'Tell me before I take your phone' he threatened.

Eric quickly hid his phone and turned his face towards Minwoo, 'Remember Jung_Kyo?'

'Yeah...' he nodded.

'It turns out to be Hyesung. He was holding a camera when we were supposed to meet' he explained.

Minwoo's face lit up as he was already shipping the couple, 'Yah, that's good!'

'But...' he sighed.

'But what? You don't like him?' Minwoo frowned.

'No! It's not like that! I like him! I really do!' 

'Then..?' he leaned forward.

'But what's next? I thought I could just meet him and say hey let's be friends but it turned out to be the guy I like' he pouted.

'Just go with the flow then... I know that you don't like to jump into a relationship, so give it some time'

'What should I say if I meet him?'

'Just be yourself and invite him out for a date'


'Then, you'll see how it goes. Geez, Eric. I don't have to tell you everything' Minwoo rolled his eyes.

'Okay. Okay. I know now, thanks Minwoo' he smiled.

'Just know that whatever you do, I have faith in you' he said encouragingly.

'Yeah, I know'


'Hyesung, there's someone wants to see you at the meeting room' Hyesung's colleague said when he knocked on Hyesung's office.

'Oh okay, thanks' he nodded. 

He finished up his work before going to the said room. He froze at his spot and his heart started thumping fast when he saw Eric who waiting patiently at him.


Eric immediately stood up and smiled shyly at him.

'Hey, am I disturbing you?'

Hyesung shook his head, 'No, I just finished some work. But what are you doing here?'

'This' he took out and showed the same exact Hello Kitty to Hyesung.

'I assume that you know what this is about' 

'Y-Yes' he nodded his head.

'So, may I ask you out for a dinner?'

'EH? You're not mad at me?!' Hyesung was shocked.

'Why would I be?' Eric blinked his eyes in confusion.

'Because you didn't even text me ever since the Hans River and I thought that you hated me because I was waiting for your text. And I was to scared to text you first...' Hyesung said in a fast speed causing Eric to chuckle.

'No, you got it wrong. I'm actually scared to see you. I want to ask you out but I'm scared of the rejection. But it's something I can't control right, so might as well I ask' he explained with a smile.

'Why would you say that? Of course I would say yes' he smiled back.

'Really?' Eric started grinning.

'Yeah, really' Hyesung chuckled lightly.

'Then, take this as a 'flower' and I'll pick you up at 8 tonight' Eric gave his Hello Kitten keychain.

'Okay, I'll text you my address' he nodded in agreement.

'Okay, I've got to go now because I have to see Minwoo. So see you tonight..?' 

Hyesung nodded his head again, 'Yeah, see you!'

'Bye, Hyesung' he waved his hands before excusing himself.

'Goodbye. Drive safe okay'

'Okay' he nodded and left the meeting room. The whole day before the date, Eric and Hyesung were smiling like idiots and when people asked, they just said something good happened. And that night, it get better as they enjoyed their time together over a good dinner and Eric's lame jokes.

The End.

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Chapter 7: this is such an interesting storyline authornim =))) can't imagine Ricsyung having those dark secrets though XD
arih04 #2
Chapter 6: Awww I hope theres part 2 for this. XD

Love it so much
eflvoegyu #3
Chapter 6: I hope there's sequel for this one :"
I'm so dead curious about the date xD and how they confess
the story is so good ! i love it^^
Chapter 5: woooo another update authornim!!!! =D wooowwwwwww thank you for updating authornim!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D
Chapter 4: awwwwwww ^^ ricsyung is sooooo cuuuteeee hereeeee ^^
eflvoegyu #6
Chapter 4: I just read chapter 3 yesterday and wow! you already update the new oneshot!
omg.. i thought that Eric was having a cancer or what T.T thankfully it is just a injury although it was pretty bad injury for a swimmer like Eric. huhuhu Hyesunggggg so sweet of him, always took care of his lovely bf ^^
ah btw in chapter 3 i think you slipped about Hyesung and Pilgyo in the conversation of Eric hahahah. but well it's okay bcs i love the story! i'm touched :")