
Public Transportation

Taekwoon hated taking the bus.

There was always someone who just…..they were weird. Either they smelled weird or they acted weird. And it made Taekwoon want to just avoid the whole bus system completely. If he wanted to do something to help the environment, he’d use his bike or carpool with one of his friends.

But that was normal.             

This was not normal.

His bike was busted. None of his friends could give him a ride. His car had refused to start.

Taekwoon needed to get to his classes at the college. And he needed to get to work after that. With no other option, the dark haired young man found himself sitting on a bus, glaring out the window.

“Wow,” Taekwoon turned to find a young man with a youthful face, bright smile, and laughing eyes looking at him, “not a bus person?”

“Not really,” Taekwoon found himself admitting.

“I know the feeling,” the guy nodded in understanding, “I’m not too big a fan either, but I don’t have much other choice.”

“You don’t have a car?” Taekwoon questioned, silently wondering why on earth he was talking to this stranger.

He didn’t talk a lot. Especially with people he didn’t know. And yet here he was, talking to a stranger. A handsome one, but a stranger none the less. Taekwoon didn’t have a reason for his talkative attitude with this stranger, but he decided not to keep him from talking to him a bit more.

Over the course of the ride, Taekwoon found out more about the stranger. The young man was called Sanghyuk and was only a few years younger than Taekwoon. He attended the same college as Taekwoon, but was in a different program. That morning found him on his way to work at a coffee shop, a place Taekwoon silently promised he would visit first chance he got.

Taekwoon also learned that Sanghyuk had a pretty laugh, one that made him smile. One that made him want to laugh along too.

Eventually, Sanghyuk’s stop came. Taekwoon was more than a little disheartened by this and wondered if maybe he should get off as well, skip out on his work and classes in favor of talking to Sanghyuk more. In the end, Taekwoon stayed seated, realizing how foolish that was. Turned out that Taekwoon didn’t need to get off though because before Sanghyuk left, he got Taekwoon to give him his phone number. Taekwoon was happy to give it, more than pleased with the idea of getting to talk to Sanghyuk at least once more.

The next day, Taekwoon received a text from Sanghyuk, asking if he wanted to meet up for lunch.

A/N: fluffy as hack Luck. Because fluff is all I seem to be writing on the one-shot side of things. Word to the wise; do not go reading my ‘Dark Lake Academy’ story right about now if you’re a Hyuk fan. I……am not being nice to Hyukkie at the moment.

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Chapter 1: Helllooooo. I'm back to torment you as always. And you tormented my poor unsuspecting heart with this fluffy luck!
Chapter 1: Luck is so adorable. This was so cute^^ thank you for writing it (: