I like you best


Jinki is a rich kid who hides his personal life from others. The only people he opens up to are his friends and slowly one of his best friends starts developing feelings toward the young man as he opens himself up more to them.




** I don't own Shinee, if I did I'd have them serenade me everyday ;A; **


Jinki seldom ever talked about himself whenever he was with his small/ close-knit group of friends. His friends knew about his family and background unlike most of his peers. The most anyone knew about the auburn haired boy's family was that he was poor… or so they assumed. Truth was his family was quite wealthy but Jinki hid this aspect of his life well from others. He wasn't ashamed of his family or what he had… he was afraid that people would treat him differently and use him like most of the people in his life had before. He didn't really get much attention due to his looks. Comfortable best describes Jinki's wardrobe. In school he had to wear a uniform but in his free time he looked like he was going through a rebellious teenage stage at the age of 20. He often wore jeans with tears and faded t-shirts with old band names on them. They weren't vintage they were just extremely overused that there were holes in the sleeves and near bottom of his shirt.  The only people who truly knew him were Taemin, Minho, Kibum and Jonghyun and this was after 5 years of knowing them that he had told them.  It took him a year to even invite them to his house.


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Dubu_Sangtae #1
Finally an update :) looking forward to more ! JOngtae and onho!!
@dubu_sangtae thank you! ^.^ merry christmas to you too! :3
Dubu_Sangtae #3
^^ merry Christmas!!!
@kit-kat kekekeke I edited the first two chapters and added a new one! sorry i took so long to update! >,< Happy Holidays!
kit-kat #5
Dubu_Sangtae #6
Oh!!! What is the pairing gonna be?? I hope its Jongyu or ontae or onho!!!!
Thank you for reading ^.^!!! and i'm already working on the update :)!
Sillaa #8
this story is gonna be good & please write more chappies ^_^