The Family

Ice Cream Marshmallow

heartChapter 4heart

‘Oppa?!’ ‘Hyeri?!’ we both talked in unison.

Normal POV

Hyeri and Karam really surprised Mrs.Park which lead her into a confusion.Until then Karam’s father finally came home.

‘I’m homeeee!!!!~’ *opened the door*

*all of them looked at the door*

‘huh?Why are you all staring at me?...Am I really that handsome?’ *smirked*

‘Phffftttttt....I wish~’ laughed Karam.

‘Papa!!!!’ *little Hero ran towards his dad and give him a big hug*

The family began to burst into laughter.

Hyeri’s POV

What…no!It can’t be,if I’m gonna be Hero’s babysitter….then….I..~


Uh?..oh no…Oppa’s calling me! *nervous*

‘Don’t worry,its not that I’ll bite you if you work here.’ *winks*


Normal POV

After that scene,the family then discussed along with Hyeri about the particular job.

‘Well,here are your schedules Hyeri.’


‘Ah! I nearly forget something.You have to live here you know.’


*Everyone began to stare at Hyeri’s reaction.*

‘uhh..I’m sorry! Yes,I’ll live here thank you!’ *bows*

Hyeri’s POV

Oh no…what am I doing?It’s so embarrassing!Hyeri,why are you shouting like that?

‘Uh~ok~umma~why don’t we teach her some simple steps about being a babysitter?’

‘oh,but… *looked at her watch* papa and mama will go out ~soooo…..’

‘Hyunchul!You take over !’ - ‘oh!and make sure you take care of them!’

Karam POV

Whatttt…..Umma and appa are going?! *sweatdrops* And they leave me with these two? … *looked at Hyeri and Hero*

*Hyeri hugs hero*

Hehe…she’s kinda cute..

Normal POV

Karam then bring Hyeri to explore the house(probably mansion?) XP He also explained to her about being a babysitter.

‘Oh.What do this do?’ *Hyeri click some random buttons on a machine* ‘as I’m saying…~you should…uhh?~whats that noise?’ *Karam looked behind*

‘brsshhhhhhh!!!~~’ *machine operated,Hyeri began to slam the ‘machine’*

‘Whattaa…’ Karam looked at Hyeri.

*sweatdrops* ‘Hyeriii~don't tell me....’ 

*Hyeri's innocent smile*

Karam began to teach Hyeri like how to use the washing machine. (Hyeri’s a village girl so she never used one before~)

After what Hyeri have done,Karam continued to show her bedroom.

Hyeri’s POV

WWOOOOOOWWWWWW *a big ‘O’ shaped mouth formed*

nice.....~it looks comfy~

‘Oppa,thank you…’

‘Uh?For what?hehe..’

‘For helping me~oh,and the machine~’

‘hehe..well then,later you should bring along your stuffs here,Hyeri~’

‘Oh ok..’

Karam's POV

hehe...she's cute...she's funny...ANDD clumsy ^^, 

'I hope we'll be good friends,Hyeri'

'Of course!We've already been good friends at school too~'



Hyeri's POV

Ohh...tomorrow I'll start my job as a babysitter for Hero..I hope I'm enjoying it...

Normal POV


Karam then willingly helped Hyeri to move in her items that afternoon.Hyeri spend the night at Park resident,she wrote a letter to her mom,telling her about the job.

Hyeri's POV

Oh..I hope mom would love this job ^_^

'Hyeri~dinner is ready~' 

'I'll be down later,thanks oppa' 



^_^ -I will update soon- ^_^

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FYI, updateeeeee~
why are you being jealous? Hyeri is you imean us imean for those who read this fan fic. XD LOL. But i dont imagine i am hyeri. I imaginee someoneeelsee to be hyeri :P
XD XD yeah! Im just picking some random pics.n i pick that! I felt quite jealous at :P
Wooooooooooooowwww. Hyeri's room is aweeeeesome. XD
I will..soon :) heheh :p
mumblingbee #6
Please update soooooooon :D IWE---> real tongue twister XD
No,its Hyeri who called him that :b heheh.Well,i can wait but as long as u will upload it :)
yeap update. i don't know wheeen X(
LOL. You called him oppa right? How cute is that. XD i-wee cweaam. XD
XD XD XD karam :#) auwe-cuweam?LOL update?insya Allah,hbu?When will u upload urs? :P