
Café Memoirs
café memoirs
My heart told me to do something about it.
—— kim junsu
Junsu was ecstatic when he learned that Yoochun has returned to writing after long excruciating months of not being able to write down even a single word. His excitement was well beyond Yoochun's as he literally hugged the wind out of the other and spun him around.
Finally, finally! Yoochun's back to writing, something he knew that the man loved to do, and it was all because of... Because of what? Yoochun actually never told him but a little something inside whispered to him that it was all because of him. However, his mind wouldn't believe it. Maybe Yoochun saw something and found inspiration from there. It couldn't possibly be because of him, though his heart was secretly wishing it was.
With the return of Yoochun's writing came the less time for the both of them to spend with each other. Even so, they tried their hardest to meet up. This time around, Yoochun was the one inviting Junsu over to things and the man couldn't be even happier at the thought of the other's more open nature. 
Yoochun wasn't just very open but it was like he changed for the better, too. He's a lot more cheerful, pulled more jokes, and has gotten more comfortable around Junsu. Whatever he found must have really impacted him and Junsu couldn't help but wonder what it was.
Now that he thought about it, Junsu had been thinking about the other man for far too much. The first thing he would think about every morning would be Yoochun. On his way to work, he would think about Yoochun. During meetings and even doing paperwork, a memory of Yoochun would slip its way through into his mind. Even his last thoughts before going to bed would be about the other man.
At first, the memory flashbacks didn't very much bother him until he noticed that he was remembering about Yoochun's melodious laugh and his bright smiles. It surprised him that he wanted to see his smiles, hear his laugh and his voice, and actually be the cause of his joy. The thoughts sprang out of nowhere but Junsu thought hard about it one night with the TV in the background. That night, Junsu accepted the fact that he's fallen in and his heart told him to do something about it.
So, he did, even though it took a while.
After a week of debating within himself, he finally pulled up the courage to call Yoochun to meet up at Cafe Memoir during Junsu's lunch break. Thankfully, Yoochun had finished writing a chapter he was itching to finish and was happy to join Junsu. He cheerfully told the man that he would be there.
Being so nervous, Junsu went to the venue ten minutes early and tried to control himself. His palms were unbelievably sweaty and his lips felt chappy as the clock ticked by. He knew these symptoms of nervousness all too well from previous confessions but this was definitely different as the symptoms were ten times more intense than before.
Before he knew it, Yoochun was seated across from him, ready to have fun like they always did. Little did he know how anxious Junsu was feeling at that moment.
However, Yoochun did sense that something was a little odd than normal that he asked, "Are you okay, Junsu?"
Now or never, was the last thought Junsu had before shutting his mind and ignoring the distant cries to abort the whole plan. He let his heart take control as he wiped his hands on his slacks for, hopefully, the last time.
"I can't say I'm fine but I can't say I'm not, either..." Junsu finally replied, causing such confusion in Yoochun as shown on his face. Maybe it was a bad idea to shut his brain off since it was getting difficult to formulate his words properly.
"Do you have paper with you?" he suddenly asked. Yoochun looked at him like he grew another head in a matter of seconds. Was the man okay?
Despite wondering what's going on, Yoochun fished into his small backpack a small notebook he kept for writing down ideas. He ripped a few of some blank pages of his notebook and handed them to Junsu, noticing how the other man's hands were shaking like mad.
Upon receiving the pieces of paper, Junsu pulled out the spare pen he had in his shirt pocket and immediately went to work, covering up the paper from the other's eyes. As much as how Yoochun tried to take a peek, Junsu was good at blocking his view that he eventually gave up and decided to wait.
Soon, Junsu was done. He folded the pieces into two, even though it was absolutely unnecessary, and handed one to Yoochun. With a curious raise of his eyebrow, Yoochun took the piece and unfolded it. He took one last look at Junsu's face before his eyes averted to the words scrawled on the note.
I realized too late that this is probably the most ridiculous way to tell you but I couldn't just give these papers back when you've already ripped them out. I'll try to use them well with what I'm going to tell you next. I hope the end result will pay back its worth.
I noticed that I've been thinking about you a lot. It has been going on for a very long time. It's recently been bugging me. Well, bugging me in a good way.
What are those thoughts? Well, I've been thinking about your smile and laughter and how cheerful you've become. Is it weird?
Another note was handed to him and Yoochun picked it up to continue on reading.
To me, the thoughts seem to be telling me something. It's like they're telling me that you're more than just a friend to me.
I've thought hard about this a week ago. I thought long and hard about my recent thoughts about you and what this means about me. I've thought about what you mean to me. I've also thought about what we really are to each other. It was quite clear that you weren't just a friend anymore but I didn't know what until recently.
Yoochun gulped down a lump in his throat. He had a small idea on where this was going but, to make sure, he wasn't going to jump into conclusions just yet.
The next note was pushed across the table and Yoochun didn't hesitate this time to quickly pluck it off and unravel it.
My heart told me to do something about it. My heart told me to take action the next day (because, god, I thought so long and hard until 2AM that night) but I was nervous. I was so nervous that I put it off for a week.
Now that you're here, there's really no backing out now.
I like you.
The last folded note was pushed into Yoochun's vision. Yoochun stared at the piece before carefully lifting it from Junsu's grasp and unfolding it, revealing a single question right in the middle of the page.
Do you like me too?
Yoochun stared at those words, at a loss on what to say.
Here he was, thinking that Junsu would never like him, and he's accepted that. He'd accepted the false fact that Junsu would never like him more than just a friend. Despite that, he continued to hang out with Junsu and was at his cheerful best every time he was around the other. It didn't matter if Junsu didn't like him the same way, even though his heart wanted more. As long as his muse was there with him, he was happy.
However, the notes, all of them scribbled on by Junsu, proved him wrong.
There Junsu was, actually feeling the same way as he was. There Junsu was, thinking about him constantly, all day and night. There Junsu was, sitting nervously in front of him as he patiently waited for his answer.
Suddenly, Junsu wasn't the only one feeling nervous.
Yoochun pursed his lips then grabbed the pen in Junsu's hands. Thankfully, the pen had a second color of ink. This time, he was the one covering the words he was furiously scribbling down, even though Junsu didn't bother to take a peak. However, to Junsu, Yoochun writing his answer felt like eternity. In reality, it probably took about a few seconds.
Finally, the man passed the final note back to him; the note with the question "Do you like me too?" written on it. Only there was an answer written at the bottom in Yoochun's neat handwriting. Yoochun didn't even bother to fold it as he pushed the piece of paper into Junsu's vision, the red ink clearly contrasting his words written in black pen.
I like you, too.
the author's words

Thank you for you patience for an update ^^ I've been getting busy with planning and things, as well as packing for a trip these holidays, so they're taking away my writing time >.< Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that and, please please please, comment! I really would like some feedback, seriously!

< a tori creation >
Posted: Dec. 20, 2015



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karinokta #1
Chapter 5: Thanks for the story authornim
Its beautiful in the beginning and so angsty at the end, and when he died unexpectedly, I feel like...yeah u can explain by yourself. Chun be strong!!!