Bonus // Baekyeol

Unlike Anyone Else

Baekhyun liked a lot of things. Baekhyun liked flowers, liked fishing, liked Kyungsoo’s cooking, and liked how nicely Luhan was treating pregnant Minseok. If he didn’t like something, he was usually neutral with it, being an easy going spirit most of the time. But Baekhyun light heartedness did not come from his lifestyle, but rather came from a place grim. His past was harsh on him, unaccepting of him, and due to wanting to escape his former reality, he resorted to be an opposite of anything that broke him in his past.

However, if you remind him of his past, Baekhyun tends to be ice cold. The omega is stubborn, too – if he decides he wants to be cold, he will stay persistent and unwilling to talk. He was generally more sensitive than the other omegas in his pack, and his mood swings were brutal, what made people that weren’t close to him have the impression they shouldn’t stay near. Baekhyun was okay with that, though, as he liked his peace and quiet.

What was the problem though, is that he didn’t have the said quiet anymore, due to a particular stubborn alpha that annoyed him to the ends of the world. He may have grown to accept alphas better, but the one he talks about simply made his life into hell. And what’s worst about the entire situation, is the fact he knew he brought it on himself, taking him in that day.

Oh wait, no, what’s worst about it is the fact that the alpha is currently the best friend of Minseok’s mate. And Minseok, being pregnant and sensitive, won’t have the power to strain himself emotionally and piss off Luhan by telling Chanyeol to shut up. After all, Luhan was insistent on the fact that Chanyeol was just trying to court him nicely.

Haha. Very nicely, of course. Nothing’s nicer than Chanyeol’s courting.

Of course, that was sarcasm, but he couldn’t even use it against Chanyeol, because he wouldn’t understand it. That overgrown wolf doesn’t understand boundaries and is a fine example of why people need to stop glorifying alphas with egos. 

Now, Baekhyun wouldn’t say he disliked everything about the courting. Chanyeol tried to be nice, saved the best part of his kills for him, and would help him in argument if he was against others, but the problem laid in the fact that Chanyeol was acting as if he was attached to Baekhyun’s hip.

He also didn’t lack in the possessive department. He would growl at anything that came close Baekhyun, whether it was a passerby wolf or a simple bunny. The omega could also swear he heard him growl at a fish once when Baekhyun was on fishing duty. He still blames the alpha for the fish’s escape.

Baekhyun don’t understand why Chanyeol insists on courting him, anyway. The omega isn’t planning on mating anytime soon – his mental wounds still fresh as they were three years ago, back in the abusive pack that tortured them. Chanyeol should know it’s fruitless, won’t give him any results. Baekhyun isn’t ready for mating, as he was the most abused omega in his past due to having the submissive and idealistic appearance for an omega among the rank there.

He doesn’t want to hurt Chanyeol, but at the same time, he didn’t want to hurt himself, so what could he do? He had to let the alpha get tired of him. That’s the only way to keep themselves as friends, even though with the way Chanyeol is pissing him off, Baekhyun needs to restrain the urge to break his neck. 

So when Chanyeol approaches him again, he sighs.

He hopes Chanyeol will get the message soon.


Chanyeol doesn’t want to give up on Baekhyun. Ever since he laid his eyes on the omega, he became his ideal image of his future partner. The alpha really wants Baekhyun to understand his feelings, but it’s not really working. Baekhyun just doesn’t see the things he does to him.

Baekhyun doesn’t notice how when he comes close, the alpha’s face heats up. He doesn’t realize that when he compliments him, Chanyeol feels butterflies. Baekhyun doesn’t notice how much he fights Luhan in order to bring him the best part of the kill after hunts. And Luhan is a pain in the , always using the ‘Minseok’s pregnant!’ excuse.

He really wants to impress Baekhyun, but it’s really hard, because even when he tries his best, the omega doesn’t bat an eyelash at him. The rejection is hard to deal with, but some part of him hopes that maybe, just maybe, since he didn’t tell him to stop yet, he’s just waiting for Chanyeol to sweep him off his feet properly.

Today, the alpha decided to accompany Baekhyun to the river. He learned not to interrupt him while he sees a fish to catch, so while Baekhyun was busy doing his job, he went to a nearby flower field. He scooped up a few pretty lilac colored flowers, and held them as if they were a bouquet. He hoped the omega will like them.

When Chanyeol returned to the river, there wasn’t anybody there, and Baekhyun’s fish basket was gone. He felt a little dejected, but there wasn’t anything he could really do about it. He thought about bringing the flowers to him in front of the pack, but it will just be embarrassing, and the other might reject them too.

Chanyeol threw the flowers to the river. Maybe the fish would like them better, anyway.


It’s the peak of July when Minseok gave birth to his pups. Two girls, Juhyun and Seungwan, alpha and omega respectively. Juhyun has a pretty and small face and Seungwan has an adorable smile and eyes that shine brightly.  Luhan was stressed the entire time, but Yixing made sure Minseok was just fine.

Baekhyun had been nervous for his friend, but seeing Luhan coming out with the two pups in his hands, smiling from ear to ear, was more than relaxing. The girls were charming, and he had to admit, he had the urge to hold them too.  He never really had any maternal sentiment, but those bundles of happiness did spike something up for him.

Later on that night, his want to hold the pups were fulfilled when he got to hold Seungwan. How cute she is. Barely half a day in the world and already active. He played with her hands and tickled her slightly, making her giggle cutely.

From behind him, Chanyeol came by, and started making funny faces. The smile on the baby’s face only widened, and the alpha gave Baekhyun a look as he held out his arms. The omega understood he wanted to hold her too, and although he was reluctant of giving her away, he figured it was okay, for a few minutes. She needs to sleep soon anyway.

In Chanyeol’s arms, it looked like the pup felt safe and sound. Chanyeol rocked her gently in his arms, lulling her to sleep with the movement as well with his deep voice that hummed a children’s lullaby.

Baekhyun couldn’t help but think it was cute.


Baekhyun was really annoyed. He understood Chanyeol want to court him to an extent, but did he have to be so unbelievably infuriating? Why couldn’t he understand that he wanted him to go away? He was a babysitter right now, he doesn’t have time for Chanyeol’s crush on him.

“So, I thought, you know that maybe we can go see the full moon tonight? It’s supposed to be really pretty, and all…” He asks, and Baekhyun really doesn’t understands why he even bothers. It’s not going to help you, I’m not going to be your mate. He wants to say it, but he have to compose himself. He has to remind himself, that even if he isn’t ready for a mate, Chanyeol still have the right to try.

Baekhyun decides to ignore the other, seeing he has to calm down crying Juhyun until Minseok would return from his hunt. Both she and Seungwan dislike being away from Minseok, and Luhan barely manages to calm down Seungwan. He has to get help for both of them.

“Baekhyun, c’mon, don’t silence treatment me…” Chanyeol pushes him to answer. You are lucky I don’t have the empty hands to choke you, Baekhyun thinks. He hopes that if he keeps ignoring, Chanyeol will sto-

“Baekhyun…” He repeats. Baekhyun breaks down.

“Kyungsoo!” Baekhyun runs towards the other omega, handing him still crying Juhyun. “I’m sorry, please take care of her for a few minutes, okay?” He says and goes back near Chanyeol, leaving a very confused Kyungsoo by himself. He takes Chanyeol by his wrist and enters the forest with him.

“Baekhyun, what the hell?” the alpha asks, and Baekhyun barely restrains himself from giving him a kick in the shin.

“Don’t you ‘what the hell’ me, you idiot! What the hell was that back there?!”

“Well, I was asking you to come with me on a date and then your suddenly went insane or something? What do you want me to tell you?”
“Chanyeol, are you mental? Don’t you realize I have better things to do than hear your puppy love wails?! I did not suddenly go insane, I went insane because you were pressuring me while I had a crying baby in my hands! Leave alone the fact I don’t understand why you even bother to continue with this courting thing, I can handle you usually, but why do you insist about being so annoying?!”

Chanyeol went silent. Baekhyun just continued.

“You have to understand I don’t want a mate now. I’m seriously not sure if I will want a mate in the future. Please, stop this. You are doing all of this for nothing. Even if there was a chance, I don’t think you would make it.”

The other gulped, looking at the ground. “…I was trying my best for you.”

Baekhyun couldn’t handle any more of this topic right now. “Then just stop.” He said a left. He didn’t have the chance to see how Chanyeol’s eyes became glassy.


A few days later, Baekhyun felt a little bad for how he rejected Chanyeol. The alpha was usually so cheerful, seeing him in such a down was strange to say the least. Baekhyun expected this, though. Having a potential mate to turn you down was a huge insult to alphas usually, and aside from the bomb Baekhyun dropped on his ego, Chanyeol’s must’ve been hurt from how he turned him down.

It was weird not having him near – Chanyeol went as far as possible from him. Baekhyun instincts told him to apologize to the alpha, but he figured it won’t do much for the other, who was dejected to the core. Unless Baekhyun reverts his entire mindset and runs into the alpha’s arms, there isn’t much to do in order to change the dominants mood.

On a better note, now he could finally relax and have a quiet atmosphere around him, while Chanyeol could try to talk to people that aren’t Baekhyun or Luhan, thank god. He could already see he’s getting along with Kyungsoo just fine.

Baekhyun turns away and decides to go for the river. A little time without him and Chanyeol will return to be chipper as always.


It has been a long time since Minseok and Baekhyun got to have a chat between themselves. Seungwan and Juhyun were under Yixing’s care for now ( Yixing is a blessing to this world; Minseok had never seen somebody managing to calm down twins babies so fast ) and Baekhyun was thankful because with the stress he was under lately, he really needed somebody to talk to.

“Baek, I know you probably don’t want to talk about it, but what’s going on between you and Chanyeol? Honestly speaking, it’s putting stress on the pack.” Minseok was worried about it for the last week, but didn’t had the chance to speak to neither Baekhyun nor Chanyeol.

Baekhyun let out a sigh. Karma must’ve decided to be a to him for how he rejected Chanyeol. He was reminded of the incident basically every second. “Ugh, nothing. He was trying to court me and all as you know already. It… didn’t work out and I ended up saying a few unnecessary things to him. I guess I should’ve been nicer, but he’s pretty okay now, I think.”

“Baek, I’m not sure how you told him off, but if you think you said something mean, you should probably go apologize. With all due respect, even if he does look better now, he looked like crap a few days ago. At least say you didn’t mean to offend him that badly.”

“I know I should probably apologize. But… I don’t know. Would he really want me to bring it up again? Wouldn’t it be kind of useless? It might give him the wrong idea, too…”

“I think he deserves to know you didn’t mean everything you said Baekhyun. Anyway, I and the rest of the pack don’t want you to have an awkward relationship just because he courted you at first.  At least attempt to be his friend Baekhyun. He has Kyungsoo to talk to for most of the time now and Tao is pretty friendly to him. He won’t breathe down your neck even if you apologize.”

Baekhyun didn’t really understand why he felt disappointed.


When Baekhyun finished talking to Minseok, he had decided to just go and lean on one of the trees outside. Nature felt free, and relaxed him significantly when there was too much on his head. He thought a bit about his leader’s words earlier. He should really cut the crap and just apologize to Chanyeol, he figured that, but from some reason he was slightly afraid. 

Baekhyun assumed he was just afraid the alpha will be mad and unwilling to talk to him due to his cruelness the other day, but then again, if the alpha had some good qualities, his composure and kindness. The omega had nothing to be afraid of, but he still was, from some unclear reason.

The omega decided that he is going to apologize now. It’s stupid. He has no reason to be scared of anything, and he just sits there while he knows Chanyeol was hurting because of him. He’s really dumb in anything that relates to love, he guesses. It’s not like he ever got to have any relationship in order to feel what real love is like, either way.

The search for Chanyeol begins that moment, and the omega sniffs around, catching a whiff of his scent in the woods area. He walks around, a trail of the alpha’s scent leading him to his destination. He ends up being in a scenery that he didn’t expect. Inside this tiny forest, there was a bald place undiscovered, and he found Chanyeol sitting in the middle of it.

He was about to come forward – it was the perfect place to apologize anyway – but he realized Chanyeol wasn’t alone. Kyungsoo sat beside him, looking up at the sky that was already filled with stars. The fingers of their hands were intertwined, and Baekhyun could see Chanyeol was rubbing circles onto Kyungsoo’s hand with his thumb.

As Baekhyun turned around the leave, he understood why he was previously scared. Just like any other alpha in his past, Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun once and then left for someone better. This had happened too many times before.

The only thing Baekhyun could take comfort in was the fact that at least this happened after he rejected Chanyeol. At least this time, he wasn’t cheated on.


When Chanyeol woke up the next day, he had a bad feeling lurching in his stomach. He looked around, and all the omegas were okay. The babies were fine as well. Usually when he had a bad feeling about something, he was right, but luckily, this time it didn’t seem so.

He was slightly afraid because yesterday Kyungsoo had a panic attack. Something about how his former alphas threatened him they will hurt someone. Chanyeol couldn’t make out who did they mean from Kyungsoo’s whispers, but he just took him aside to the forest and calmed the other down. Minseok told him it was something that happened every few months, and originates from Kyungsoo’s disobedience to their former pack.

Chanyeol didn’t ask for more details from there.

The alpha let himself relax for a bit, only then remembering he told Minseok he would go help Baekhyun at the river. He stood up unenthusiastically, and walked towards the river with a visible frown on his face. A month ago he would had been all about going to help Baekhyun, but right now, wouldn’t he just annoy the omega? He doesn’t want to hinder the other more than he did, and his hurting pride begged from him to go back.

When he arrived, Baekhyun was in the water, focusing on the crystal clear liquid and attempting to get a few fish in his sight. Chanyeol carefully came closer, making sure to walk with not sound in order to not scare away the fish. The omega finally finds a fish and immediately attempts to catch it, but it slips between his fingers. Chanyeol, who was standing right there, brought out his long limb, catching the escaping fish effortlessly.

“There you go.” He gave it to Baekhyun, whose eyes were wide for a bit, but quickly returned to normal. An uneasy smile appeared on his face as he took their prey from Chanyeol’s hands.

“How the tables have turned, huh?” He laughed. Chanyeol could have sworn he heard bitterness in his voice. “Minseok told you to come, didn’t he? You can go back to the den. He won’t force you to come back.” 

The alpha raised a brow. Sure, he wanted to go and all, but Baekhyun was acting weird. Now when he thinks about it, this is the first time he ever saw the other missing a catch, and if he, the one alpha in the world with klutz tendencies, managed to catch that fish, Baekhyun for sure should’ve.

“Uhm, well… I don’t really have something better to do, actually. If it bothers you to work together I’ll just go to the other side of the river, though.”

“Sure, do as you’d like. It’s not my fault if you end up being scolded.”


Two weeks later, Kyungsoo’s heat strikes. Baekhyun is usually there for Kyungsoo – in fact, the one that helps him to relieve the stress, but this time he simply disappears.

Kyungsoo is crying his eyes out to Yixing, who is praying for Baekhyun to return. Nobody except him is close enough to Kyungsoo to help him that intimately, especially not Yixing. Tao was underage and innocent while Minseok had a mate, and nobody in the pack knew what to do.

“What do you mean Baekhyun is n-not here? I’m d-dying here, Yixing! It’s too hot, I’m burning…!” Kyungsoo whines to the other omega’s chest, holding his shoulder tightly in order to not fall to the ground.

“I know, Kyungie, please, relax! We’ll figure this out in a moment. Just wait a bit longer…”

As if it wasn’t enough, Luhan felt a scent of other wolves nearby, and not a familiar one. Luhan went out to survey the area, Tao with him. Minseok stayed put with his babies, and Chanyeol ran off to the woods to find Baekhyun.

Chanyeol looked practically everywhere, not skipping on any bush or tree. He ended up finding him in a moonlit area; the spot he found and wanted to share with Baekhyun a while back. Baekhyun was weeping, and Chanyeol ran to him as fast as he can.

“Baek? What happened? Why are you crying?”

Baekhyun raised his head to look at Chanyeol with his glassy eyes. “W-What are you doing here?... You aren’t supposed to be here..” His hands came onto his face, shielding it from Chanyeol’s view. The alpha slowly put them back, and caught Baekhyun’s eyes with his stare.

“What do you mean I’m not supposed to be here? Baekhyun, I’ve been looking for you for an hour! Soo’s in heat and Luhan sniffed out some unknown wolves near our territory, I thought you’ve been kidnapped! I was so scared, why are you even sitting here?!” Chanyeol’s voice silenced every other noise in the area, and Baekhyun started sobbing harder.

“I… I thought.. You were go-going to mate Kyungsoo… I didn’t w-want to hear it…” The omega barely whispers. He continued crying, and Chanyeol slightly melted inside. The alpha still had feelings for the omega who saved him. However, they didn’t have time for feelings now, if Luhan indeed found some rouge wolves or even worst – ones with a pack.

He picked up Baekhyun and held him close to his chest. Even if it turns out to be a cruel joke played by fate tomorrow, he’d enjoy the time he can cherish Baekhyun. “Baekkie… we don’t have time to talk about it, but just to ease yourself, Kyungsoo isn’t my type. I think… it will take me a long time to find somebody that I’d like better than you.”

Baekhyun wrapped his hands around Chanyeol’s neck, lifting himself to nuzzle Chanyeol’s collarbone as he continued to silently cry. As Chanyeol paced towards the den with Baekhyun in his arms, the omega could admit to himself – if he really did lose the other, he lost a rare, lovely gem.


When finally arriving home, the two discovered there was indeed a wolf near their grounds. His name was Jongin, and right now, they could also call him Kyungsoo’s mate. He had a dark brown fur on his body and his face was a few shade lighter in wolf form, while in human form, he took the attractive figure of a tanned male with sharp eyes.

Chanyeol didn’t really understand how anyone even let him get close to Kyungsoo, but all the omegas smiled brightly when they saw the new couple together. Later on Minseok explained to Chanyeol that Jongin was an alpha that came to visit Kyungsoo almost every night secretly when they were in their former pack.

Baekhyun was no longer crying, but he was no longer in Chanyeol’s hands. The alpha wondered to himself how come he is the only one that receives the short end of the stick all the time.  He figured Baekhyun just felt sensitive or something, seeing the other was just yipping around, feeling all better now.

The omega is playing on his heartstrings, but then again, it’s so sweet when he does it, Chanyeol just won’t deny it.


The day after, around noon, Chanyeol is being dragged by Baekhyun to the river.

“Why did you take me here?” Chanyeol asks. It’s not like Baekhyun to willingly bring him along to the river, which is basically the other’s sacred haven.

Before Chanyeol can say something, the omega puts a flower crown along with a matching flower chain on him. The alpha is wide eyed. Those flowers are the same as he planned to give him in the river a few months back. Chanyeol can feel himself getting red in the face. Why everything the smaller wolf does melts him? Isn’t it his job to woo the omega?

“I wanted to say sorry… for how I rejected you. I never meant those things… I was just under stress… and I wasn’t ready for all of that… relationship stuff.” Baekhyun started, his head at the ground. “You did so much for me… I’m sorry I’m stubborn.. I just can’t realize things without getting some sort of shock treatment, I guess.” He laughed, albeit bitterly.

“I found those flowers a few months back, stuck to a patch of rocks in the river. I thought they were so pretty, so I looked for them in the area and just... I wanted to make you something in return. You are always so sweet to me, Channie, even though I don’ deserve it…” he started tearing up. After sniffing a few times, he continued to talk.

“You don’t have to like me or anything, I understand if you moved on…” He paused slightly, looking aside and then back to the alpha in front of him. “But… now I know. I really really love you too, Chanyeollie.”

The alpha’s heart raced grew wild, as if throwing a competition with Baekhyun’s one. It took a few seconds for Chanyeol to remember that Baekhyun was waiting for an answer. Chanyeol didn’t feel like talking though. He just wanted to kiss the smaller to oblivion for his cuteness.

“You are forgiven.” He said and gave in to his wishes, his lips claiming Baekhyun’s, making sure they are red and swollen with each movement more and more. So everyone will know how much he loved Baekhyun, and that Baekhyun is not denying him.

When they gasped for air, Chanyeol allowed himself to ask the other the question he wanted to ask so badly.

“So will you be my mate.”

Baekhyun giggled, giving Chanyeol his sweetest and sincerest smile.



a/n; yeaaaaaaaaah finally im done with this!! lmao idk what just happened in this tbh. So Baekhyun and Chanyeol are official, and three more characters are introduced! Jongin, Juhyun, and Seungwan! kudos if you realized who the girls are, but if not, Juhyun and Seungwan are RV's Irene and Wendy. 

So which pair would you like next? Kaisoo, who got together as well in this chapter? Fanxing? or Taohun?
tell me so I could know your priorities! also, would you like Suchen to appear at some point?
love you all!


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Will come out soon! I'm in the last few scenes


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Maro0o #1
Chapter 2: So good! <3
Aren't you going to write for the other couples????!!!
We need this!
winxtao #2
Chapter 2: thankies
PathieX #3
Chapter 2: really world needs more writers like you. I was splendidly written, thank you for your hard work, author-nim ^^!
Mimimimmimim #4
Chapter 2: FANXING. PLEEEEAAAAASE!!! THET NEED MORE ATTENTION. I really liked this one shot and it was really cute to me. I still feel bad for xiumin because he didn't get to experience a good counting and how betrayed he felt. Thank you for this story author nim!
Chapter 2: Ahhh I want all otp. Ah ah ah kaissoooooooo pleaseee
ironmyeon #6
Chapter 2: ahhhh so cute and suchen please
Chapter 2: Just found your fic and loved it .Suchen next pls
BubbleOnYoseob #8
Chapter 2: Taohun pleaseeeeee xD and then suchen and and fanxing too^^
Btw, your story is soooooo amazing^^ i really love that. Its really cuteeee, and makes me smile ear-to-ear.
And give xing more screen time juseyoooo~~~~