
Unlike Anyone Else

Minseok was an omega that shone unlike anyone else. Not because of his beauty, even though he was handsome. Not because of his glorious pups he brought to the world, as he never did. Not for his gentleness and care, as those traits were shown only to those he actually cared for. Minseok, although not excelling in Omega duties, was still an amazing omega. Because he was what other wolves would call ‘alpha among omegas’, though if you say that to his face, he might punch you in the face.

The Omega, though you wouldn’t be able to tell at first glance, had managed to kill an alpha. An alpha that attempted to claim him the day he became twenty years old. He, along with the other omegas in the pack, suffered tremendously due to alphas. Their pack raised the alphas to think they could do whatever they wanted to the omegas, whether was it forcefully claiming, hitting, , or treating them as slaves on general. But when Minseok was second from being claimed, the last straw broke in him, and in rage he killed the Alpha with his own fists that were used in precise hits he learned for years as he was forced to hunt for the lazy alpha’s sake.

Minseok then gathered the other Omega’s in the pack and they ran away, as far as possible from the damned ground they were enslaved and mistreated upon, swearing to not let any idiotic alpha come near any of his friends, that felt the mistreatment on their own flesh for years, with scars that still don’t leave them, in both a mental and physical way.

Ever since Minseok and the other omegas ran away, they became the only pack in existence known to have only omegas. Their past pack finds them revolting, leaving them be under the excuse that from their side, they are leaving criminals to rot alone, as they are so sure that the small, ‘weak’ omegas won’t survive without them.

But the omegas didn’t care. They had all they needed – A healer, fighters, a cook, and basic understanding of how a pack should actually be like. With Minseok at the lead, Yixing, Zitao, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo moved on for a better life.


A normal day in the pack didn’t consist many things to do. Usually the main thing Minseok had to do was to grab Zitao ( the boy preferred Tao though, and Minseok didn’t question it ) and go hunting with him, and if not him then Baekhyun, though the latter was significantly less enthusiastic about hunting. Yixing would stay home with Kyungsoo, helping him with cooking and making sure he would not be too bored.

Today was just about the same as every other day, when he called Tao to hunt and the pup jumped happily towards him, with Baekhyun smiling, waving and promising to catch a few big fish for all of them, and Minseok nods, grinning happily at the thought. For him, life couldn’t be better than this. From the side, near a cave they called their den, he saw Yixing and Kyungsoo waving too.

He and Tao runs out to the trees, jumping around the rocks and dirt in the woods, and as Minseok looks at bright eyed Tao he swears he doesn’t need to birth a child to know what it feels like to be a parent. Even if Tao is barely a pup anymore, and about to mature next summer, he has a youthful personality that makes Minseok feel protective like a parent.

Not so long after Tao catches drift of a boar footprints, and they follow them until they find the boar and claim their meal, already preparing to walk with it back home, ready to present it to the rest with pride. However, Minseok smells something strange. He smells blood, and not from the boar.

“Tao, go to the den with the boar first. There something I’d like to check. I’ll be coming right after I’m finished, alright?” He said, patting Tao’s back as if encouraging him to step ahead, and though the boy seemed puzzled, he nodded hesitantly and started walking away, looking back a few times, trying to catch drift of what his leader doing.

Minseok sniffed around, walked his way to the area where the blood’s smell is from. From afar, he could have seen a rather small body, laying there under red and yellow leaves that fell atop of it. It didn’t take him long to realize some of the red leaves were not in their natural color, and it was blood that stained them instead.

His breath hitching, he came closer to the body, which now he realized were heaving in long, needy breaths. Moving some of the leaves away, he realized it was a boy, probably a beta, as he didn’t release enough pheromones to classify him as an alpha yet not so few to be able to call him an omega.

The omega shook the boy’s shoulder lightly, trying to wake him up, though he didn’t think he was sleeping here, and was most likely knocked out. The boy barely managed to open his eyes, but held enough strength to raise his bloodied, scared hand. Wide eyed, the boy held Minseok’s wrist lightly.


The Omega, thinking of his past, didn’t have the heart to say no to the beta in front of him.


The hand of the beta slung across his shoulder, his head hanging in the air down due to no power of looking forward, the blood that dripped back on Minseok shirt, they all made the Omega want to run towards Yixing, who saw him approaching from the Den and started pacing toward him to get a better look of what in his arms. He called the healer out, knowing that the boy was too injured to quicken his pace.

“He’s dying, Yixing, he needs treatment, now.” Yixing’s eyes widened in shock, and under his leader’s obvious command, he grabbed the injured shifter’s legs, feeling him wince in pain from wounds the healer could see, and from those who stayed hidden under his shirt.

Yixing and Minseok laid him at the opening of the den, where the rest of the omegas gathered, realizing the situation. Yixing worked for around an hour, trying to make sure every single wound on his patient is patched or stitched up, depending on the wound itself. He had to use certain herbs as anesthesia due to lack of any other resort, but the shifter stayed strong even with the pain. He managed to get the other to a stable, yet unconscious state all around.

Minseok was rather proud of their healer, as it was an emergency case he never had the chance to deal with, but handled it rather nicely. However, he could leave Yixing praise some other time. Right now he should focus on the beta he brought in.

“Hyung, do you know what happened to that guy? He’s seriously roughed up….” Baekhyun glanced at the injured male, looking away quickly, probably disliking the sight of all that blood. Baekhyun could be a fighter, but one of the reasons he wasn’t particularly into it was due to gory sights it brought; it gave the Omega bad memories.

“No, I’m not sure what happened to him. We can ask him what happened to him when he will wake up.”


The boy woke up a three days later, unsure of everything that happened to him. He didn’t remember who brought him, but Minseok’s pack mates weren’t slow to mention it was him. The boy still seemed rather disrupted, and Minseok decided that a chat alone might be better than five fussing omegas on one poor beta.

They sat in the den quietly, the boy leaning on the rock outline, looking side to side, seeming dazed while sniffing the area. Minseok didn’t question it, though he did seemed rather odd. Maybe he was adjusting to the area.

“…So, can you tell me a bit about yourself? You had us worried for days, you know.” The Omega started the chat lightheartedly as possible. He was honestly worried about the other. He also felt bad to even think the way he did, but he couldn’t keep him here if was revealed to be a threat.

“…I’m Luhan. I’m twenty three. I’m a…” He hesitated, inhaling fresh air to calm down. “I’m a shifter from the north.” Minseok nodded. He really didn’t need to know more than that. He already knew his rank. Though he was surprised he wasn’t an actual boy, and that they were the same age. Then again, he guessed the same could be said about him.

“Alright, Luhan. Can you tell me what happened to you? You were critically injured when I got you here. Yixing is had done a real miracle, managing to save you.”

“My pack… was attacked by some lone alpha wolves. Our leader died, I think the only ones that survived we’re those escaped like me…” Luhan explained, and Minseok squinted his eyes. No wonder.

“I understand. You don’t need to explain more than this. Our entire pack came from hell that alpha’s put us through. They are just proving they’re trash over and over. Don’t you worry, you can just stay here. We’re all Omegas, but we are pretty capable, even alone. Together they can’t hurt us.”

Luhan nodded, but his expression wasn’t calm.


Luhan had been in the pack for two weeks now, and it seemed like he and Minseok became the best of friends. He also got along rather nicely with the rest of the Omegas. His new pack was really easy to get along with, and they were the epitome of sweetness, even helping him search for his friends that managed to escape from the attack on his pack. But then again, they were Omegas, being sweet was a second nature to them.

They had grown rather close to him, but they still didn’t realize, fortunately, that he’s an alpha himself. He assumed that since he was still weak his pheromones just didn’t produce well, combined with the fact his looks screamed Omega more than anything. It was the first time he was happy to be the pretty boy he is, instead of looking like a tough guy like Yifan and Jongin were, or something.

Luhan loved being with Minseok, they just clicked fast, and in the last two weeks it was as if they were attached by the hip. But Minseok hated alphas, and after what Luhan heard they had put him through, he’s not blaming him. He just can’t believe somebody would hurt the Omega like that, or any of the Omegas he met, actually.

He wanted to tell Minseok that he was an alpha, he really did, but Luhan wouldn’t be able to pull through the rejection if it occurs, and his body wasn’t ready for the wild, all alone again. So he kept quiet, not wanting to risk anything. Looking at his new pack, he felt at home so easily. A lot of alphas would say heaven, even – because Omegas are usually so cherished and considered treasure to any pack.

He know he’s losing time. But he doesn’t want to tell. All he wants is to stay near Minseok and roll around in a field of grass, laughing with the other happily. Staying like this is all he needs – all he wants.


A few days afterwards, Luhan’s pheromones return to normal, and everyone in the pack can smell that Luhan is much more than a beta.

Minseok is outraged. Fooled. And he’s hurting. He gave Luhan his trust. The other knows, he knows how much he’s been hurt before. As if the Alphas in his past pack didn’t lie to him enough, they always used their words to trick him and the other Omegas. But why did Luhan had to do it? Why? How ungrateful could he be? He was his friend. Why?

“I can’t believe this… How dare you? Do you know how much trust I had in you?! We’re all Omegas! Even letting a beta to stay is dangerous for us! I believed in everything you said, but you still lied. Even after all we told you… you are just…. You are just horrible.” He screamed at Luhan that held Minseok’s wrists tightly so he won’t punch him.

The Omegas were behind Minseok, baring their teeth, obviously mad at Luhan as well. They were ready to jump at Luhan, but tears started falling from his eyes, and he let go of Minseok’s hands and fell to the ground. Luhan’s wolf side was aching for him to come back up, to stop crying, to let them know they should be the one submitting to him, but Luhan knew he did wrong.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I have never been this sorry, Minseok. I just… I just saw how much you and the rest disliked alphas, and I was afraid to lose my new pack, and then I was afraid to lose my friends. If it was up to me I would switch my rank to beta right now, I just wanted for you to not hate me. I’m sorry. Don’t…. Please don’t make me leave.” Tears kept falling, and the Omegas were taken aback. Receiving submission from an Alpha is not something to underestimate.

Luhan spoke again. “I swear to you, swear my life to you, that I will never hurt you. Never use you for anything I want, never force a claim on you. I will stand next to you a protect you. And if you wish, that’s all I’ll ever do.” The omegas looked at each other, unsure. Only Minseok’s face was left stoic.

The head Omega took a deep breath. “You’d better not break those promises.”


Luhan felt alone.

He wasn’t, really – Yixing and Tao still being nice to him, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo still a bit wary but more or less of good with him otherwise. But that’s how he felt, since his best friend did not seem to regard him as a friend anymore. Minseok wouldn’t even talk to him.

Luhan’s heart aches. The alpha knows he’s in love with Minseok, he can’t even hide it anymore, Baekhyun barely allows him near Minseok anymore. When he pretended to be a beta he could at least treat it was just friendly love, just caring for a packmate. The longing was there as well, but now it was just hell, not being able to at least have the comfort of standing next to him.

Why couldn’t he have been born a beta?

He wondered so much, what’s so good about being an alpha when your position is reduced. Because he felt like nothing.


It took a bit of times, but Luhan finally managed to get on a hunt with Minseok. He finally talked to him again, and Luhan was excited. He was willing to wait for Minseok to accept him again, he didn’t mind at all, he just wanted Minseok to notice him like before. The hunt went well for the most part. They managed to catch some nice kills, and Minseok even smiled at Luhan here and there.

But in some point, there was this scent… this weird scent. It was good, really good, actually, and Luhan looked around, but there hadn’t to seem any change in the area. However, the scent just became stronger, and Luhan realizes that scent could have only come from Minseok, who was huffing loudly.

Minseok was in heat. Minseok was in heat, and Luhan was a mess.

It took all of Luhan’s self-control to not pounce at Minseok that very moment. “M-Minnie…”

“...Don’t c-call… me that….”
“….Minnie, please. I can’t control this as much as you do…” Luhan took one step closer.

“Luhan…” Minseok wanted, but he didn’t want. Minseok was a confused mess, now laying on the ground holding himself in pain. One side said Luhan will just help, he promised to not forcefully claim anyone. Another side said that he’s an alpha, why should he believe that? And third side said he wanted that claim just as much, and he was only losing himself by denying it. However, Minseok was already screeching from pain, and the choice was in Luhan’s hands.

“Minnie, I’m going to h-help, trust me..”

And Luhan did.

But Luhan broke his promise, and claimed him in the middle of it all.

In the end of it all, when Minseok almost fell asleep, he heard Luhan whispering to his ear.

“I love you, Minseok.”



Meanwhile, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun decided to took a stroll near the closest river.

Kyungsoo barely goes out of the den, mostly because he needs to do his own job there, but since Tao stayed today, he could stroll with Baekhyun and watch him catch some fish. He wondered how he managed to get them so quickly. He knew his friend was quick and light, but it was still impressive. Kyungsoo was strong in his hands, but the fish always manage to escape him.

Baekhyun had been Kyungsoo’s best friend for a long while, probably for around nineteen years. Sometimes Kyungsoo doubts his decisions, but never fails to try them out with a little convincing from his friend’s side. 

When Baekhyun suggested they’d go just a bit over their territory, Kyungsoo almost thought that the idea was almost too simple for Baekhyun to suggest, but didn’t mention it and proceeded nonetheless. If it wasn’t far he didn’t mind.

They were standing on top of a snowy hill, whitened from the weather of a harsh winter.  They noticed something odd though. A tall wolf that tried to walk through the snow. Baekhyun squinted his eyes for a better look, only to see the wolf collapsing on the ground.

Baekhyun leaped forward, Kyungsoo right behind him.

Reaching the wolf, they realized he shifted, probably trying to find power in his human form rather than the other. He was tall and lanky, with chocolate brown hair and dark eyes. He didn’t look at the Omegas, as if in shame, and just continued fighting his own body for movement. 


He was an alpha, they could smell that on him, but they couldn’t turn a blind eye to what they saw.

Baekhyun took a hold of his arm. “You have to stop. You are hurting yourself!” He frowned, not letting go of him even though the alpha was trying to get free, but wasn’t in a state to fight anybody. The alpha growled, but didn’t hurt Baekhyun. Kyungsoo still stood close for any case.

“I need to find the others! I’m fine… I just need to find my packmates..” He said, and Baekhyun gritted his teeth, damn alphas and their pride, even if he finds his packmates, he would die from the cold. The omega didn’t need to look twice to know the alpha was sick.

“Baekhyun… look at his back…” Kyungsoo whispered. There was a wound, a wound that seemed infected, and Baekhyun gulped. He turned to the alpha, looking into his eyes.

“Okay, listen to me, you dumb alpha. If you want to actually find your friends, let me at least take you to our healer. We have an alpha, urgh, in the same situation as you, as well. You won’t survive like this anyway. Fine?”

The alpha relaxed slightly under Baekhyun’s grip. “….Alright…”

Kyungsoo could swear the alpha looked at Baekhyun with a glint of adoration in his eyes.


Night arrived, but Luhan and Minseok did not return to the pack yet. The others were worried, but with Baekhyun and Kyungsoo bringing in a sick an alpha, they couldn’t really go on searching trips. If the alpha decides to attack them, the four of them need to be there. Whether they liked it or not, alphas were significantly stronger than them, as well as their self-healing was much quicker than Omegas.  

Yixing treated the alpha that indeed had a few infected wounds. It didn’t take too much time like it took him to patch up Luhan a while back, and against the other, he was in a much better state when he came. Baekhyun did a good job bringing him in then – his timing was spot on.

The Omegas soon learned that the alpha’s name was Chanyeol, and that to their surprise, he was a packmate of Luhan’s, though it seemed like Chanyeol had been the one who got a shock when they mentioned Luhan in their chat. 

Chanyeol surveyed the area with his eyes, waiting for Luhan to pop up every second. The Omegas did the same, in hopes Minseok will trail behind him safely.


Minseok woke up in the middle of the night, still cuddled in Luhan’s arms helplessly. He felt the other’s breath on his neck, trailing on Luhan’s teeth mark, as if it was teasing the Omega to remember he was claimed, even though he did not approve of it. It was forcing Minseok to know how powerless he was.

It wasn’t even as if he didn’t want Luhan’s claim. Talking genuinely, he did have feelings for the other, maybe lingering from the time Luhan to him was still a beta, maybe even afterwards, where he laced his promises with sincere tears in front of him and the pack. Minseok did like Luhan in a romantic way, but it wasn’t what bugged Minseok.

Luhan easily could have done it to any other Omega in their pack, in case and they’ve gotten into heat earlier than him. And if it wasn’t Minseok that got into that situation, another Omega would have been hurt, and he knows none of them has feelings to Luhan. Hell, he’s not even sure if they would have been ready to be mated with some alpha.

Luhan can’t fool him twice. He can’t accept his confession like this. This was force bonding, everything he was against. And what hurts the most is that Luhan probably just allowed himself to be hazed by the heat, and it was nothing further than that.

Minseok still feels tears in his eyes though, and leaves the embrace of sleeping Luhan and shifts, he can’t help but feel the shame engulfing him. Don’t expect an alpha to be different. He tells himself. It will only play against you.

The Omega runs.


It’s the first time the pack ever saw their leader crying. It’s two am in the morning, and the sobs of Minseok are resounding through the den, waking everyone from their already awfully light sleep. The packmates gathered around their leader, Yixing being the first to hug him, trying to calm him down. The rest join and create a group hug, while Chanyeol just stands as if he was under paralysis. Minseok was whimpering so hard he didn’t even noticed his presence.

When the Omegas let Minseok go, he just sat and hugged his knees, trying to relax. Under stress to understand what’s going on, Tao came forward, but then he realized something. Something was not right about his leader’s scent. “Minnie hyung… w-why…. Why do you smell like Luhannie hyung?”

Minseok sobbed harder.

Kyungsoo got closer to Minseok, lowering himself when he was near him. Slowly he made his leader give him a good view of his neck that was now perforated by Luhan’s canines, leaving two small, bleeding bruises. “…Luhan claimed him.” He announces. Nobody moves.

Except Baekhyun.

His steps are loud and his teeth are gritting. He comes to Chanyeol and drags him out of the den. “Get lost. Go find your friend and don’t return here. You are all better now, aren’t you? Better you go now before this happens again.” Chanyeol was thrown abruptly out of the cave, Baekhyun finishing talking with a strong kick to his lower back. 

Before he even gets a chance to try and calm them down, Tao and Kyungsoo come to help Baekhyun, and they push him towards the woods, hissing. Yixing behind is checking if Minseok is hurt, but even from there, he could see the healer is glaring.

Chanyeol decides it’s better to leave for now. And he runs into the trees, searching for Luhan. Maybe he would explain him what the hell happened.


The next day Luhan wakes up alone, Minseok not in sight.

In his imagination that appeared even in his dream last night he was supposed to wake up with Minseok in his arms, whispering sweet nothings to his ears that would make the Omega at least smile lightly. He wished for a confession, and yet, the opposite of his wants always occurs and reminds him of the brutal reality he needs to put up with.

Granted, he doesn’t remember much from yesterday. He was in an extreme haze due to Minseok’s heat, plus considering it was Minseok he was completely out of it. The other just had that much power over him, gravitating him as if Luhan was a magnet, while Minseok was metal.

“Finally you woke up. I’ve been waiting for hours already.” A voice from behind him says, and Luhan immediately turns his head to see Chanyeol, one of the alpha friends he had in his former pack. “You know, those omegas were so mad yesterday. The small one didn’t stop crying. You should have really thought twice before you claimed him and all, you big idiot.”

“….Chanyeol? What the hell? How do you even know about the omegas? And I… claimed him? I don’t even remember…” Luhan really didn’t; an Omega’s heat could really get Alphas to a drunk state. Either way, Luhan didn’t believe Chanyeol even survived after all that time, how could he possibly know about anything that happened to Luhan?

“Good morning, you dumb deer. Nice to see you again after two and a half months of separation. Two of those omegas found me in the snow yesterday. One of them was actually really pretty, but thanks to you he hates my guts, thanks a lot. Anyway, they told me they had an alpha wolf in the same situation as me so I came but you were off with that small omega, and yes you did claim him. He was sobbing so hard, if I didn’t know you any better I would have thought you abused him.”

Chanyeol was so frank and honest, Luhan felt pangs of guilt shooting through his heart. He really didn’t need the image of Minseok crying his eyes out in his mind. Minseok was his mate for less than 24 hours, and he already managed to screw it up. Running a hand through his hair, he sighed. “I need to think of a way to make it up for him..”

“Damn right you should. I was forced out because of you, and considering I didn’t even manage to tell that cute omega even a proper thanks you should take responsibility, you nutbrain.”

“Chanyeol, shut it. Whoever it was, he probably won’t appreciate your lack of wooing skills.”

“Stay quiet, you have no say other’s wooing skills right now.”


A week passed quickly, and Luhan, aching to go back to his mate was finally decided it was time to try to speak to him. Chanyeol and he planned out everything. First, distract the other Omegas as much as possible, giving Luhan a way to find and talk to Minseok peacefully. Second, Chanyeol holding them off as well as he can, and three – simply convince Minseok to be his mate.

Everything they needed was on hand – big kills to distract Kyungsoo and Tao, rare medical herbs for Yixing, and although they didn’t know what particularly to bring for Baekhyun, Chanyeol was convinced he could hold him off, so Luhan just hoped he was right.

Taking careful footsteps towards the omegas’ territory, Luhan continuously repeated in his mind the words he wanted to say to Minseok. He couldn’t say he had regrets about claiming Minseok, but he could explain that he didn’t mean for it to be that way, and that if he could rewind time, he would’ve stayed at home instead of coming to the hunt, to give Luhan time to properly court Minseok.

Both Luhan and Chanyeol could hear Baekhyun and Yixing starting to growl as they got closer to the den. Luhan could assume Tao and Kyungsoo stood close to their leader, which was already kind of a bad start for him in case and he was right.

“Ready?” Chanyeol turned his head to Luhan, patting his back.

“Barely.” He smiled awkwardly and stepped forward, the Omega wolves finally in sight.

There was a silence accompanied with glares at first, but Luhan still continued to come closer, first putting on the ground the herbs and kills he and Chanyeol have gotten. “I want to talk.” He said firmly, not letting any nervousness to get to his voice. He looked straight at Minseok, who was the farthest away from him.

Baekhyun decided to speak first. He didn’t look around much at what Luhan got. He simply sighed and decided to try and talk to Luhan. “Look. Didn’t you do enough? You are hurting this pack. You are much nicer than the last Alphas we knew, that’s for sure, but we both know you could’ve ran from Minseok’s area when you smelled his heat. You should have known what you can and cannot handle. Now do me a favor and go away, you hurt our leader enough.

“Baekhyun, I know what you are getting at, but I can’t leave, he’s my mate. I can’t let him go like that, it hurts both of us.” Luhan tried to reason.

“So you want to stay because it hurts when a little when you’re apart? Luhan, he doesn’t want you here. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to deal with it.”

Luhan frowned. Baekhyun was so frustrating, and Chanyeol isn’t even trying to help. He even saw a few nods from him when Baekhyun spoke. “You know what, Baekhyun? I know. I know he doesn’t, but let me have this one benefit of doubt to speak with him, to hear him say it. If he does then I’m done here and I’m leaving. Fine?” 

Baekhyun wanted to protest, but Minseok put his hand on the other’s shoulders, as if telling him to go back. He looked frustrated, but went near Kyungsoo and stopped talking.

“Let’s talk in the den alone.” Minseok sighed. Luhan excitedly nodded and followed Minseok words.

Inside, Luhan knew the real challenge started. He had one opportunity to convince Minseok to be his mate, and only one. He had to be extremely cautious with his words as well, as the other just got out of his heat completely, which must’ve been hell for him all alone. He was still sensitive from it, Luhan could tell.

“So… What excuses did you bring with you?” Minseok laughed bitterly. Luhan tensed – he knew Minseok will be hostile, but he hoped he will try to have a calm chat.

“No excuses, actually. I can here firstly so I can at least apologize to you. You deserve much better than how I claimed you… I’m sorry, I know I should have left like Baekhyun said…” He returned softly, hoping that the apology would be acceptable.

Minseok gazed at the ground. “So why didn’t you leave?”

Luhan seemed puzzled. He hadn’t prepared himself for that question. He was too focused on the apology part and trying to find reasons to give to Minseok to stay his to get to that question. He had to admit, it was probably the fact that he was an alpha that caused that mishap.

“I…. To be honest, I didn’t want to leave. It was like my body and soul wouldn’t let me.” Luhan figured that staying honest would be the only thing that would help him now.

“You do realize you are standing among a pack filled with Omegas that are matured and regularly have heats, right? You could have done it to anyone else. And honestly, the rest wouldn’t be speaking with you right now. Luhan, you were a really good friend of mine when you first came here, and you don’t have too much ego, I trusted you a lot. I really thought you cared enough to keep your promises. Don’t give me that nonsense.” Minseok lectured. Luhan realized the other probably doesn’t understand what he’s getting at.

“No, Minnie, you don’t understand. I don’t think it would have happened with anyone else. I really liked you ever since I first met you. What told me to not leave was not only my instincts to have you, but also the need to make sure you are satisfied and that you won’t be hurt. I wanted to be there for you. I still want to be there for you.” Luhan explained back, holding Minseok’s hands in his own. “I guess that part of me just really wanted you to stay with me forever, Minnie.” He smiled sadly.


Minseok stayed silent. He couldn’t really go against that explanation, and Luhan was so sincere, it was hard to not just fall into his arms and hug him, especially since he’s his mate. “I don’t know if I can trust you yet.” He answered quietly.

Luhan’s face brightened at the last word. “Then let me try and gain your trust.”

Minseok raised a brow. “How exactly?”

“Let me court you properly. We won’t have to do anything, I swear, but just let me stay and impress you. I really want you to be my mate, Minnie, but I want you to be happy, as well.”

Minseok felt butterflies at his stomach. He gave up. “Okay.”


Minseok was an amazing Omega. He was strong and brave, and represented freedom to many lower ranked wolves he had met. He was a source of inspiration. Everyone knew that he was one of a kind, and that he was a rare gem when it came to his community.

There was still things that were hidden from the outside world, though. You wouldn’t be able to tell at first glance, but Luhan, Minseok’s mate, was just as unique for an alpha. Luhan wasn’t intimidating, or too confident, he wasn’t extremely strong or good at leading people – but Luhan was sweet, caring, and patient. He accepted his mistakes and flaws, and didn’t let his ego take him too far.

Luhan was an Alpha that was unlike anyone else, and with Minseok, they were a complete puzzle.


a/n; twelve pages of pain would you look at that. i left an opening for other pairing sequels, starting from Baekyeol, so if you would like me to continue this, tell me. I'll get to it asap. I hope you liked it, I think this is the longest fanfic i ever written tbh, or at least oneshot pffft.. thanks for the support, i was really surprised to see the subs and upvotes only from the foreward, ya'll made me really happy. ^^

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Will come out soon! I'm in the last few scenes


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Maro0o #1
Chapter 2: So good! <3
Aren't you going to write for the other couples????!!!
We need this!
winxtao #2
Chapter 2: thankies
PathieX #3
Chapter 2: really world needs more writers like you. I was splendidly written, thank you for your hard work, author-nim ^^!
Mimimimmimim #4
Chapter 2: FANXING. PLEEEEAAAAASE!!! THET NEED MORE ATTENTION. I really liked this one shot and it was really cute to me. I still feel bad for xiumin because he didn't get to experience a good counting and how betrayed he felt. Thank you for this story author nim!
Chapter 2: Ahhh I want all otp. Ah ah ah kaissoooooooo pleaseee
ironmyeon #6
Chapter 2: ahhhh so cute and suchen please
Chapter 2: Just found your fic and loved it .Suchen next pls
BubbleOnYoseob #8
Chapter 2: Taohun pleaseeeeee xD and then suchen and and fanxing too^^
Btw, your story is soooooo amazing^^ i really love that. Its really cuteeee, and makes me smile ear-to-ear.
And give xing more screen time juseyoooo~~~~