First Day

The Lady

After Byul found a table, she couldn't help but smile because of the cashier's cuteness. She's been smiling for almost 2 minutes when she heard someone talk to her.
"You look like an idiot grinning like that."
Byul quickly looked up to see who was talking and saw Moon Hyuna smirking at her. She glared in response to the older girl's comment.
"Ahhh why is my sister so embarrassing, she's smiling like an idiot by herself.", Hyuna added as she sat in front of her younger sister's seat.
"At least I'm not really an idiot, unlike you.", the younger girl replied while sticking her tounge out.
"That's okay, I'm still pretty no matter what I do. Look, everyone's staring at me right now because I'm so pretty.", Hyuna said looking proud.
Byul looked around the cafe and saw that almost all the customers are looking at them. She can't deny that it was because of her sister. Moon Hyuna is always popular wherever she goes because she's really attractive, but what Byul doesn't know is that she is also the reason why people are staring at them. Moon Byulyi is also charming in her own way, unlike Hyuna who is very feminine, she has more of a manly feel and that makes her attractive. Everytime the two of them would go out together, all eyes will be fixed on them. Guys would be drooling over Hyuna while girls would be crushing over Byul. It's always the same situation wherever they go so they're already used to it.

"Today is your first day in college right?", Hyuna's question made Byul snap back to her senses.
"Yes.", the younger girl replied with a sigh.
"What's with that sigh? Come on, it'll be fun, don't worry.", Hyuna reassured.
Byul nodded and smiled in response. She's still not sure if she would enjoy her college or not because she still doesn't have a clue on who are her classmates going to be plus Minji is not going to college with her because of a family business in Japan.

"Byul and Hyuna, here's your order!", Seulgi announced.
"I'll get it.", Hyuna said and stood up.
Byul just pouted in disappointment knowing that she won't get to be close with Seulgi again.
As Hyuna walks towards to the counter area to pick their orders, Seulgi felt disappointed when she saw that it wasn't her cute customer who's going to pick them up, but she can't deny that this girl is really pretty too. "Argh, you're being gay again Seulgi.", she thought to herself. 
When Hyuna finally arrived at the counter area, Seulgi handed their order with a smile and said, "Please enjoy!", Hyuna smiled back and replied a thank you.

"Hey, that cashier girl is new right? Cause as far as I know the previous cashier girl has wide eyes. That girl has really small eyes.", Hyuna asked while they were eating.
"Seulgi? Yes, she's new. She said Jihyo is in a vacation right now.", Byul replied.
"Wow, you already know her name? You're really something. She's your type isn't she?", the older girl said in a teasing tone.
"No! I just saw her name tag!", the younger girl denied.
"Just admit it! I know she's your type because her smile is really bright. Just like Jei, right?", the older girl said.
Byul's face became serious after hearing Jei's name. Kim Jin Hee or Jei as she's known by most people is Byul's ex-girlfriend. Byul initiated the break up and nobody knows why, well only Byul knows why. Hyuna noticed the change in Byul's expression. She wondered if her sister still had not moved on with their break up.
"Do you still have feelings for her?", Hyuna asked in a worried tone. Byul doesn't open up with her feelings to anyone, even to her only sister. Hyuna understands and respects her younger sister's decisions, but she can't help but worry about her sometimes.
"It's not like that, I just remembered something.", Byul said and smiled at her sister to assure her she's okay.
"I'm sorry.", Hyuna said, "Byul, always remember that your unnie is always here for you, okay?", she added.
"Thanks unnie.", Byul said with a smile.
"It's been a while since you called me that!", the older girl said looking really happy after hearing her younger sister call her unnie.


After their breakfast, Hyuna dropped Byul to her university. Byul felt really nervous while walking inside the campus. It was really big and there's a lot of students inside. She's not a big fan of crowded places, so she felt really uncomfortable. She went straight to the room for her first class. She noticed that there's already a lot of students inside and decided to just sit at the back.

"Oh God, this is awkward.", she thought because it seems that everyone already knows each other. She plugged in her earphones on her ears to lessen the awkwardness. After a few minutes, their professor finally went inside the classroom. Byul noticed that the professor looked familiar, but she can't remember if she really knows her or not.

"Hi class, I'm your English professor. I think I'm just a little bit older than most of you, so there's no need to talk to me very formally. You can call me Ms. Ryu.", the professor said in English. Byul can understand almost everything that the professor said, but it seems like most of her classmates couldn't. 

"You guys! You should do good in this subject! You should learn English too!", Ms. Ryu said in Korean after realizing that most of her students could not understand what she said beforehand. "My name is Ryu Sera. You can call me Ms. Ryu.", she added.

Moonbyul's mouth widened when she heard the professor's name and finally realized who is she.


Author's Note: Hi guys!! Thank you so much to everyone who subscribed to my story!! If you want to add any idols to my story, you can request too. Thank you!!

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Awesome a moonbyul harem . I could barely find any of them.
Chapter 2: I can just feel that this story is going to be about Moonbyul and her harem.... Can't wait!
Chapter 1: wow, Moonbyul's harem is getting bigger, I see... lmao, yas! My girl Moon Hyuna is here too! More points for you, author! I'll wait for more girls to join Moonstar's harem lmao