our christmas

gingerbread (christmas collection)



pairing: chanyeol x baekhyun
word count: 1.7k+


our christmas


Chanyeol’s tiny footsteps echo in the silent hall. He is now heading to the room at the very end of the hallway. It is quite scary, the minimum of light makes Chanyeol think of the scary monsters his friends told him about but he tries to shrug it away. He needs to wake Baekhyun up.

Chanyeol opens the door slowly to peek inside the room and hide his body behind the door to make sure the others are asleep. He doesn’t want to be reported to their bossy caretaker and ends up getting punished.

He creeps inside carefully, walking over to Baekhyun’s bed. He shakes the small figure out of excitement, gaining a pretty loud grunt from the slightly older male. Chanyeol hushes him before he knees next to his bed.

“Baekhyun-hyung, it’s snowing!”

Baekhyun opens his yes slowly, turning to his side to see a wide grin plastered on the younger’s face. It looks silly and Baekhyun would laugh if he was not being awakened in the middle of the night.

Chanyeol pulls Baekhyun to stand up then he points his finger to the window. Baekhyun, who is not fully conscious yet, ignores Chanyeol and puts his head down. Chanyeol doesn’t give up. He has made it this far to Baekhyun’s room. Baekhyun has also promised to watch the first snow with him.

“Come on, hyung. Let’s go outside!”

Without further ado, Chanyeol’s grip on Baekhyun’s small wrist pulls the boy along with him. Chanyeol leads the way to their secret way out. Baekhyun thinks it’s stupid to call it ‘secret’ since it is really not a secret, since the adults must have known of this stairs to the rooftop behind the rusty door. Yet Chanyeol thinks otherwise. They are the only kids that are brave enough to go up there while the others fear the room, imagining something else is in there.

“Chanyeol, what time is it?” Baekhyun asks as he rubs his left eye sleepily while the other hand is being held securely by Chanyeol.

“Be quiet, hyung. We don’t want to get caught,” Chanyeol mumbles quietly, trying to keep his voice as low as possible although at two in the middle of the night, no one is awake other than them.

They have finally reached the top. Chanyeol pushes the unlocked door, and he regrets for not bringing his jacket earlier. He lets go of Baekhyun’s hand and runs here and there. He and Baekhyun have been doing this every time the winter greets the year.

Baekhyun is in awe. He also likes the snow. Although it makes his nose runny, winter is beautiful. Having a snowball war and building a snowman with their friends are one of his happiest moments.

“You are welcome for waking you up,” Chanyeol says teasingly as he sits next to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun chuckles and hugs his knees, rubbing his arms because of the cold air. Chanyeol, who notices this, places both of his arms around the older to pull him close. Baekhyun turns a little red at this but he is not going to complain. He likes Chanyeol’s body heat and Chanyeol’s protective arms. Baekhyun can only lean his head on the younger chest.

“We still have to go to school tomorrow,” Baekhyun murmurs.

Chanyeol smiles and rests his cheek on Baekhyun’s silky hair. “I know, let’s go back after this.”

Baekhyun nods and nuzzles his head in search of warmth. “Let’s stay a little longer.”



Baekhyun and Chanyeol end up waking up a little later than usual, making them the last ones to shower. Baekhyun usually wakes up the earliest so he can shower alone but he doesn’t have any choice so he lets himself being dragged by Chanyeol into the small cubicle.

“It’s okay hyung, we are both boys.”

Baekhyun turns his back to Chanyeol and ignores the taller boy. They both are in rush so it only takes them five minutes to finish. Baekhyun grabs a towel then puts it on Chanyeol before he does the same for himself. Baekhyun always takes care of the younger and Chanyeol is more than glad to receive the attention.

“Thank you,” Chanyeol mumbles with a small smile before putting his uniform on.

Baekhyun helps him with his tie then pats the younger’s head. “What time do you finish today?”

Chanyeol dries his hair before walking out of the bathroom with Baekhyun as he answers, “Around at five.”

“You are taking care of the Oh family’s dog again?”

Chanyeol nods and grabs his Iron Man backpack. “Yeah, their poodle is cute. And you?”

Baekhyun shrugs and pouts. “Mr. Kang says today will be a busy day so I have to stay back a little more. I’ll be home before dinner though.”

Chanyeol glances over Baekhyun sadly. They have been doing part-time jobs despite still being thirteen. The house they are staying at is not as strict as an orphanage. The rich couple who took them in is lovely, letting orphans to live in the cozy house built for charity purpose until another family is willing to adopt.

Their caretakers cannot care less about where they have been, as long as all of them are present before dinner. This gives them both the opportunity to earn money from their secret part-time jobs which they can use to buy presents for each other. Christmas is soon so they both know they have to work extra hard.

“Okay, don’t be late.”



The clock strikes thirty past six and Baekhyun is still nowhere to be seen. Chanyeol is getting worried. If Baekhyun doesn’t come back before seven, he won’t be getting any dinner. Chanyeol thinks it’s crazy but he really cannot stay still. He decides to run to the household where Baekhyun works at.

Chanyeol knocks on the door repeatedly until it’s opened for him. He bows a little before trying to catch his breath. “Is Baekhyun here?” he asks.

The woman nods and calls for Baekhyun, telling him that she will handle the rest. Baekhyun thanks her after receiving some cash and bows before leaving the house together with Chanyeol.

“Why are you here?” Baekhyun asks as he stuffs the money inside his pocket.

Chanyeol hisses at him. “Do you want to get yourself in trouble?”

Baekhyun looks pale and Chanyeol feels bad for hissing at him. He pulls the older closer to him and hugs his shoulder.

“They pay me double today,” Baekhyun beams.

Chanyeol shakes head and gives Baekhyun’s shoulders a little massage. “But it’s almost seven.”

Baekhyun nods weakly. Chanyeol, who notices that Baekhyun’s legs cannot stand for long, bends down in front of the smaller one. “Get on hyung.”

Baekhyun blinks and shakes head, turning red a little. “No! It’s embarrassing!”

Chanyeol lets out a small laugh. “Come on, I don’t want you to faint here.”

Baekhyun protests at first but ends up complying Chanyeol’s order. He hops onto his back and buries his face on the crook of Chanyeol’s neck.

“Thank you.”



“Come on, Baek! Don’t sleep yet!” Chanyeol keeps shaking Baekhyun’s tiny figure to keep him awake.

Baekhyun frowns and huffs. “I told you to call me hyung!”

Chanyeol smiles cheekily and pulls him out to stand by the window. Only a few minutes left until Christmas and Chanyeol is beyond excited.

When the alarm rings a rather loudly, Chanyeol knows it’s already the twenty-fifth of December. Baekhyun glares at Chanyeol and quickly grabs the alarm clock to turn it off so they won’t wake the others.

“Sorry,” Chanyeol mumbles with a laugh.

Baekhyun shakes head. He takes out a small red box, wrapped with a pretty green ribbon. He hands the box to Chanyeol who receives it happily. Chanyeol puts the box on the nightstand to take out his and gives it to Baekhyun. His box is twice Baekhyun’s box yet it’s messily wrapped; very typical of Park Chanyeol.

“Open it hyung!” Chanyeol grins widely in excitement.

Baekhyun laughs and tears the wrapping open to find a cute sweater with bacons and eggs printed following a pattern. The color is as white as the snow and the feeling of hugging it is as warm as Chanyeol’s embrace.

Baekhyun looks up to smile at him. “Thank you Chanyeol!”

Chanyeol, without saying anything, quickly opens the box Baekhyun gave. He opens it carefully, afraid to damage the pretty box.

“A giraffe doll?” Chanyeol asks as he takes it out.

“Press the tummy!”

Chanyeol nods and does as told. He presses the giraffe’s tummy and a sweet voice can be heard a second after. It’s the familiar voice that Chanyeol knows by heart.


Chanyeol! It’s me, Baekhyun. This is cheesy but I think it’s pretty cool! I have wanted to buy this doll ever since I saw the sales lady. Okay, Merry Christmas! Our little Christmas is not as big as the millions-worth parties in the center of the city but this is no less merry! The two of us is more than enough, right?

Sorry if I made any mistakes in the past but thank you for every single day we spent together. I know we will be apart someday but let’s enjoy this little time we have together okay?


It is a voice message. A very heartwarming voice message that makes Chanyeol’s tears slip down with no control. He pulls the smaller into a hug and Baekhyun can only smile shyly.

“It’s embarrassing,” Baekhyun mumbles softly as he caresses Chanyeol’s soft curls.

Chanyeol shakes head violently. He pulls away and uses his tee to wipe his tears and snots off. Baekhyun widens his eyes in disgust and moves away from Chanyeol.

“Yah! You are disgusting!”

Chanyeol laughs and tries to pulls Baekhyun back to him but the older runs away. He keeps running after him, until Chanyeol manages to catch Baekhyun with his longer legs.


“You love me hyung. Thank you so much. I love you too.”

Baekhyun is about to push the taller away but hearing such words from Chanyeol warm his heart. He only tightens the hug, too engrossed to care about Chanyeol’s snot on his t-shirt.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol know there will be many hardships in the near future. One day may be bright and the other day may be hard but they know they will go through them together. There is no forever but they both only wish they won’t be apart too soon.


Merry Christmas, Chanyeol.


Merry Christmas, Hyung.



author's note:
i know i failed to update before Christmas!! D: if you find any grammar mistakes, please be kind to tell me! don't forget to comment!


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jesscikachu #1
Chapter 3: Sequel pleasee ><
Chapter 3: awww i dont really fancy hunhan but since this is yours i will read it and i was NOT disappointed
this is so cute and oh god this whole entire series is so sweet
you will be the death of me
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 3: Cute chapter and yeeees a sequel for baekyeol
Rb2012 #4
Chapter 2: Awwwwwww sweeeet
Chapter 2: So perfect! Well done
Chapter 2: this was cute , thank you <3
Chapter 2: in one part it says "in search of warm" i think you mean to put warmth instead of warm?
also omg theyre working at 13?? omg
OMG I love hunhan. And fluff. But I love even more hunhan fluff *faints* I'd really love something sweet. Maybe highschool!Au :but that’s up to you!!