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"Should I confess to her tomorrow?" Jungkook asked, propping himself on my bed.

No, I don't want you to.

"If you want to. I mean, who knows, maybe she likes you too." I answered, not moving my eyes from my books.

"But, I don't like her." I snapped my head towards him as he said that, the shock displaying in my eyes. "I love her." He grinned, showing his bunny smile.

I silently scoffed, before turning my head back to my books and proceeding with my homework.

I love you too. But you don't care, do you?

"Okay, let me rephrase that. Who knows, maybe she loves you too." I said blankly, sounding uninterested.

"Nah it's too fast. I haven't even talked to her yet." he said before his mind finally seemed to register my tone. "And, come on. You're my best-friend. Help me in this. Please, I'll owe you for life." Jungkook pouted.

Don't do that. You're irresistibly cute when you do that.

"Stop pouting, you look disgusting. Are you a man or what?" I put on a disgusted face.

He pouted even more, before his expression turned serious. "Please, you know how much I love her. Just this once." he pleaded.

Why do you love her so much?

I sighed. "Okay."

He showed me his toothy grin and jumped on the bed. "Thank you! I knew I could count on you! You know, if I didn't have Mira, I'll love you for life."

Don't say that. It hurts because I know you don't mean it.

"Ew. Shut up." I made a face at him. "If you want to get Mira, first you'll have to talk to her. All you do is stare at her all day. Ever thought of even talking to her?"

"But, what if she finds me annoying? What if she's busy and hates me for bothering her?"

Idiot. Who in the world will find you annoying?

"That," I emphasized, pointing my finger at him. "won't get you anywhere. If you keep thinking like that, you have no chance whatsoever."


"Jungkook!" I shouted, annoyed. "You love her, right?" He nodded almost immediately. "Then have the courage to talk to her. If you don't talk to her, she'll never know about you. If you don't talk to her, you won't be able to let your feelings out. If you don't talk to her, she'll never know you love her and will probably be swept away by someone else!"

Jungkook seemed to be thinking for a minute before he nodded. "You're right. I should talk to her. I should." He got up. "Thank you. I'll go now, I need to prepare my speech when I start conversing with her tomorrow."

I nodded silently as he went out of my room.

Once he was out, I let out a shaky breath. Why did I even say that to him? Now he'll go talk to her and become all close with her in no time.

I sighed. It's always her, her and her. Before he used to come at my house to just spend some time with me, but now, he only comes to seek for my opinion and advice. Why is it always her? Why? Why can't he just see that I'm always here for him?

Of course, I'm just his best-friend. Nothing more.

I shook my head and looked out of the window to see Jungkook walking down the street in the direction of his house. He was grinning and walking without looking where he was going, which caused him to almost fall. He looked around just to besure no one saw him while rubbing the back of his neck, before he continued his walk.

I chuckled.



I walked inside the school gates and to my locker. I took out the books I needed for the day, and closed the locker. I jumped slightly when I saw Jungkook leaning against his locker looking at me while smiling.

"What?" I said irritated and started walking towards my classroom.

"Yah, wait for me!" He ran after me. "I'm going to talk to Mira today."

"Really? Good luck." I said.

"Thanks, I need it. I don't want to become nervous when I start talking to her." he gasped. "Wait, what if I do? What if I start stuttering?"

"Calm down. Just talk to her like you do with me." I said nonchalantly.

"But it's not the same thing. Talking to you and her are two different things." he retorted. "You're my best-friend, and she's the girl I love."


"Then try not to panic. Just talk normally." I tried not to sound hurt e

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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 1: I was actually getting into the mood when suddenly i read Park Jimin
I blinked my eyes and looked at it again.
Never thought this is kinda story LolXD
Chapter 1: OMFG!!!!!!!! What was this? Where did this came from? In my 20 years of life, I never felt this much layed!! Here I was reading, what I supposed was a m/w fluff and them BOOM right in my face with Park Jimin. May God have mercy on me. But girl/boy, let me tell you, it was the most awesome surprise I had in the last 5 years. Congratulations! Such an amazing job. Never, EVER did I ever expected that finale.

p.s: I love you.
Chapter 1: And you just had to drop a bomb like that on the end. *flips every table* I had never seen that coming but this story is good, the feelings are sooo real, I almost cried but when I came to the end, my tears crawled back up my tearducts. lol! I like this kind of I'm-just-your-bestfriend always gets me every single freaking time.
Chapter 1: Omg that twist at the bottom XD I legit thought I would be me in this, what with all the "I" used then BAAMMM I'm jimin Σ(・ω・ノ)ノ haha that was cute and sort of sad but I like it ٩(。•ω•。)و