
Sixth Sense

"Hyung! Walk faster, will you?" Mingyu said through the phone. "I know you're at the lobby now. We'll start the training in a few!" He sighed at the older's laziness.

"Wrong. I'm at the second floor." Wonwoo could hear Mingyu's eye roll. He ended the call when the younger has started nagging and walked. "I haven't even talked to him today." He mumbled to himself. Although it happens a lot, Wonwoo's still amused at this extraordinary skill of his best friend. He remembers the first time it happened.

"Hyung, where are you?" Wonwoo can hear the worry in the 12-year old Mingyu's voice. He thought it was cute, so he decided to joke around with the kid, "Mingyu-ya... Don't get scared okay?" He tried to control his laugh, but the boy on the other line has already bursted. "Ah hyung!! Next time you lie, do it well okay? I know you're at the basketball court!" Mingyu inhaled deeply, then laughed again. "WHAT?! Are you following me?!" Wonwoo looked around, creeped out at his young friend. He ran to the practice room where Mingyu could possibly be as fast as he can. When he arrived there, he saw his friend playing with Jisoo's hair. "Yah, Kim Mingyu! You were following me, right?" Wonwoo panted. "He's been here with me since this morning, idiot." Joshua laughed. "He said he'll call you because he felt like it. He never left this spot, you know." 

Wonwoo looked at Mingyu, looking for hints that this was a joke, but instead the younger stood there looking smug as ever. "Well, I guess you're a good guesser, then?" Wonwoo laughed. "Nah hyung. I just know you well." Mingyu winked.

Today's training ended up with Junhui getting injured. Jun is one of the members that Wonwoo is very close to- if Wonwoo didn't meet Mingyu, Jun will probably be his best friend. But even if Mingyu and Wonwoo happened, he's still very close to Jun. 

"Hyung, stop worrying so much." Mingyu was waving his hand in front of the spaced-out Wonwoo. "He's gonna be fine, okay?" He gave the older a reassuring look. "Uh.. Yeah, I know. But this is his 4th injury this year and I'm not sure if he'll be in a perfect condition. We can't risk anything anymore, right? Debut's right around the corner." Wonwoo said nonchalantly, but it sounded sincere. "Look at the brighter side, hyung. See, it's his 4th injury. Think of how he survive the past 3 injuries. He'll endure this also." 

It may look rude and weird, but Mingyu was getting annoyed at Wonwoo being too worried. He was getting annoyed at how Wonwoo wasn't listening to him at all. He shook these thoughts, it was definitely insensitive of him to think that. He was getting sweaty due to his guilt and excused himself from the rest. 

And again, he got annoyed at how Wonwoo didn't even notice he left.

"Mingyu-yah?" A familiar voice took Mingyu away from his thoughts. "Gyu, it's been 2 hours since Jun hyung got discharged. We were looking for you." He continued. "Are you okay?" His hand touched Mingyu's shoulder. "Y-yes, Wonwoo hyung. I was just worried about Junhui hyung...and you." Mingyu shoved the hand on his shoulder away. "But I'm okay. Don't worry, I know you're getting sad inside again. Let's just go back inside, hyung. I'm sure they're looking for us now." Mingyu walked towards the entrance of the hospital but Wonwoo grabbed his wrist. 

"You're my best friend, right?" Wonwoo suddenly asked. "Hyung, what the hell? Of course I am. What is it?" The younger found this question absurd. "Can you...can you sleep with me tonight? I'm... I don't know. I'm really sad tonight." Wonwoo's head hung low. Mingyu found his hyung adorable despite his sadness. "Hyuuuuung~. You didn't have to ask, you know?" Mingyu ruffled the older's hair.

That night, Mingyu had no more than an hour of sleep- how could he sleep when his best friend was crying himself to sleep in his arms?


It's been 2 days since Chuseok ended, but Wonwoo still hasn't returned from his vacation. "Yah, instead of sulking there and not practicing properly, why don't you use your superpowers to locate where Wonwoo is?" Seungcheol hissed. "Mingyu, we have a performance next week. Wonwoo probably has mastered the steps in his home, but how about you? You don't want to disappoint our fans, right?" Soonyoung said peacefully, contrary to how the general leader acted. "Soonyoung's right, Gyu. It's only been 2 days. Let your best friend spend his time with his family." Jeonghan gave the boy a back hug. "Aish. You're right, Jeonghan hyung. Maybe his mom doesn't want him to go yet. Let's train!" Mingyu shook his head and slowly went back to his jolly self.

But two days became three, four, until it reached two weeks. The boys have been watching Mingyu closely, he wasn't eating properly, he wasn't going to school, he wasn't himself. "Mingyu? It's Cheol hyung. I'm worried, can you please open the door?" The leader knocked again. This is his 4th time tonight, and finally, the door opened. "Come in hyung. I think I should talk to someone." Mingyu's voice was so raspy. Seungcheol's heart crushed at the sight of his dongsaeng. He looked...awful, like a total wreck. His arms opened automatically. He felt like he just needed to hold Mingyu. 

"Hyung, I don't know what to do without him." The younger sniffed. "Do you really have no idea what happened to him? Mingyu pulled out from the hug. "Please, hyung. Save me." His voice cracked. Seungcheol let out a heavy sigh and sat on the edge of Mingyu's bed. "Hyung feels bad that the only way to save you is Wonwoo's whereabouts. One, because Hyung does not know anything also and Two, because there are a lot of things that can cheer you up, Gyu. I hope you look at that also." The leader let out another sigh. "Hyung, I'm sorry if I'm making you feel sad. I..." Mingyu cleared his very dry throat. "I'm incomplete without Wonwoo hyung. You see how we eat breakfast, lunch and dinner together, right? Without him, the food don't look appetizing. He's my partner-in-crime- my jokes won't work without him. And you know how I sense his presence? I find it amusing also, and I don't know how the hell it happened, but I'm sure it's not just pure luck. I believe that we really are each others' other half- or yes, soulmates." He wiped a tear from his face.

Seungcheol felt his shoulders droop more than when he entered the room. "I... I don't know what to say, Gyu. I've known the two of you for more than I can remember, and I know the closeness between you, but I never thought it was like this." He let out the nth sigh for tonight. "Do you really want to know where he is?" The older looked at his dongsaeng's swollen eyes. "Yes, hyung. Please. Do anything, I just want to know what happened to him." 

Seungcheol called Wonwoo's mom after he put Mingyu to sleep. 

"Hi, Auntie. I'm sorry for the sudden call." 
"It's okay, Cheol. I was expecting it, actually. Is this about Wonwoo?"
"Uh... Yes. What happened to him, Auntie? We're really worried."
"Please, Seungcheol. You're like my son. Please don't tell anybody...."

That night, the dorm of Seventeen became quiet. 10 boys were just listening to their leader cry.


At 6AM, Mingyu suddenly woke up. His alarm won't ring until 8AM, and he was pretty sure everybody is still sleeping, but he wasn't annoyed- instead, he felt a good burning feeling inside of him. 

"Wonwoo hyung." He whispered. "He's... He's back!" He bolted out of his bed. He dashed to Wonwoo's room and voila, his best friend was unpacking his bags silently, making sure his roommates don't get disturbed. "Mingyu, ssh!" Wonwoo motioned him to get out. Mingyu stood there, jaws dropped and eyes very wet. The older pushed his friend outside and guided them outside. Once they reached the garden, Mingyu pulled his hyung to a big hug. He bursted into tears, but very different to what happened last night. Happy was an understatement- he was ecstatic.

"Mingyu, let me breathe." Wonwoo struggled. He missed his best friend, but he was having a hard time. "Oh, I'm sorry." Mingyu pulled away. He looked at his best friend from head to toe. He noticed that Wonwoo lost weight and looked skinnier. The older is originally skinny, but he looked...unhealthy? He shrugged these thoughts away, he just wanted to be happy that his best friend is back. "Hyung, where have you been? Why didn't you tell me anything? Are you sick? What did you --" "Hold your horses, Gyu. I know you missed me, but let's do it slowly." Wonwoo interrupted. 

Wonwoo answered all of Mingyu's questions. He went back to unpacking while the younger prepared breakfast for the whole house and even cleaned. He was too excited, as if he got adrenaline rush and he had to release it. Jeonghan woke up first and was in great shock when he saw Mingyu using the mop as his mic. "M-mingyu? Are you.... Are you okay?" He stuttered. "YES HYUNG~~!" Mingyu sang and Jeonghan had to step back. He was scared of the kid. Yesterday, Mingyu was depressed, he was suicidal. Jeonghan knows he should feel happy that his friend is back to his normal state but he just found it too weird. "What happened?" Jeonghan took small steps to the fridge, trying to avoid Mingyu. "WONWOO~ IS~ BACK~!!!" The kid danced. Jeonghan dropped the glass he was holding. Thankfully, they had carpeted floors so the glass didn't break. "Are... Are you... Serious?!" The older didn't even pick up the glass and just ran to Wonwoo's room. His scream shocked Mingyu, but the latter just smiled because that's what he felt. After that scream followed muffled tears and 'I missed you's' and also followed all the other boys complaining on what happened.

But before they reached Wonwoo's room, the scene at the living room shocked them even more. Mingyu was out of his room, he was singing his heart out and he was just... Kim Mingyu. Seungcheol, who was half-awake, ran and just hugged Mingyu. After their talk last night, he realized how important Wonwoo is to the kid. "Hyung... I don't know what you did, but thank you so much. I feel alive again." Mingyu said, hugging Seungcheol tighter. 

That day, aside from Mingyu's 'resurrection', the boys of Seventeen saw and realized what friendship really means. What Mingyu and Wonwoo had was...beautiful. It was definitely special.


Wonwoo and Mingyu was called by the CEO today to report about their studies. Mingyu boasted about his line of A's in his card and how his classmates wanted him to be the class president next year. The CEO was proud of him because he knows how hard Mingyu trains. 

Wonwoo's report wasn't as boastful as Mingyu's. He had high grades and no failing grades at all, but he had tons of absences stated in the card. There was a month that he only attended 7 classes in total. "Huh? But we go to school together, right?" Mingyu was confused. "Oh.. I don't... I don't finish my classes." Wonwoo mumbled. The CEO didn't look disappointed at all, as if he knows why Wonwoo cuts classes or why is he not reporting to school. 

Wonwoo and Mingyu walked out of the office quietly. Mingyu was very confused, like he doesn't know anything. "Hyung, is there something I don't know?" The younger stopped walking. "Huh, that's weird. Don't you know everything about me?" Wonwoo said innocently. "I'll ask you. Is there something you don't know?" He continued. "I... I don't think so, Hyung." Mingyu smiled. "I'm hungry. Let's grab tonkatsu, hyung!" Mingyu grabbed Wonwoo's wrist and ran out of the building. 

"Mingyu... Walk... Let's... Slowly..." Wonwoo let go of Mingyu's hand and held onto the rails of the sidewalk for his dear life. Mingyu stopped in his tracks and saw his friend gasping desperately for air. He forgot that his best friend has asthma. "Hyung! I'm sorry!" He carried Wonwoo on his back. "Where's your inhaler, hyung?" He said while running back to the company. "Do.... Dorm....." The older struggled. "Didn't I tell you to bring it all the time?!" The younger screamed and ran faster. "We're almost there, hyung. Inhale, exhale." Mingyu repeated until they reached the lobby of Pledis. He sat Wonwoo in an upright position and unbuckled his belt and ed Wonwoo's shirt. He instructed Wonwoo to breathe slowly and he ran to the first aid kit to get the inhaler. He put the inhaler into Wonwoo's mouth and the latter breathe in slowly. When the older's breathing got steady, Mingyu called the nurse in the clinic and they transferred Wonwoo. "Hyung, I'm so sorry. This is my fault." Mingyu whispered but he didn't notice that Wonwoo has already fallen asleep.

Three weeks after Wonwoo's attack, the members have noticed on how fast he gets tired. He isn't the most athletic, but he's usually one of the people that can endure the most. He can usually last 7 songs straight dancing, but now, just after 3 rounds of light  dancing, he said he can't do it anymore. His lips became pale and he can't even walk straight. The dance trainer told him to go home.

Mingyu prepared a picnic for him and Wonwoo because he noticed that the older was feeling down lately. He also came prepared with medicines, just in case something happens to Wonwoo again. "Yah, Kim Mingyu. This is beautiful." Wonwoo gasped when his friend removed his blindfold. "This is for my ultimate best friend. I hope you feel better soon, Hyung." Mingyu said as he sat down and prepared the snacks. "I am okay though. I don't know why I've been lazy lately." Wonwoo took a bite of the sandwich. Mingyu heard a hint of hesitation in his friend's voice, but he decided to shrug it off. When they finished eating, the sun was already going down. They decided to lay down and watch as the sky becomes colorful. 

"Hyung?" Mingyu turned sideways to look at Wonwoo. "Mm, yeah?" He said, eyes glued to the orange skies. "I'm scared. I feel like... I can't read you anymore and, I don't know. I feel like you're drifting away." Mingyu confessed. This made the older turn to him and their faces were just inches apart. Wonwoo cupped the younger's face and looked at him with worried eyes. "Mingyu... You're my best friend. I'm sorry if I've been confusing lately, but that doesn't mean I am drifting away from you. You're the only one who knows me better than myself. Please, don't ever think or feel that way." He smiled at the younger, hoping he understands it. There was a long, comfortable silence after Wonwoo's speech. When Wonwoo was about to remove his hand from Mingyu's cheek, Mingyu groaned. "Can you let it stay there a bit longer? I-it's... Warm." 

Wonwoo watched Mingyu sleep with his hand on the younger's cheek. 

That night, Wonwoo's heart ache more than ever. He realized how much Mingyu means to him, and how much he means to Mingyu.


The boys received a mission for their upcoming debut. It will be next year, but they've been doing things that idols are doing daily. Seungkwan took the envelope in their mailbox and assembled the members in their living room. "Everyone, listen!" The young MC started. "According to the mission, Seventeen will be split into two teams. Busan and Jeju team. Busan will be leaded by Jihoon and Jeju will be lead by yours truly. The team members are here too and I'll read them.

Jeju Team: Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Junhui, Wonwoo, Chan. And Busan Team: Jisoo, Soonyoung, Seokmin, Minghao, Mingyu and Hansol. Everyone will have to pack for a 2-week stay in the said places. Missions will be given throughout your stay there. Enjoy!" Seungkwan should really be a host soon. 

It was obvious in Mingyu's face that he is displeased with the grouping. However, he was more annoyed that Wonwoo seems like he doesn't care that they won't be together for 2 weeks. The older hasn't spoken to Mingyu since the groupings were announced and Mingyu was getting really pissed. Not only because of the lack of attention from his best friend, but also because of Wonwoo just playing with Junhui. Mingyu just can't stop himself from getting jealous. 

"Since you're playing only with your other best friend, let me show you I have friends too." Mingyu thought. He went to Chan's room, which was across Wonwoo's and packed with the kid. He purposely talked louder, in hopes of getting the older's attention. It didn't get across his best friend though, which made Mingyu more pissed.

There was 2 days left before the trip, and Mingyu still hasn't talked to Wonwoo. "I guess this is better. This is to know my members more." He thought. 

"Mingyu!" Wonwoo jogged to his best friend who was going to the nearby convenience store. "Oh, hyung." Mingyu said nonchalantly. "I noticed you haven't been talking to me. We're gonna be away from each other for 2 weeks, aren't you going to miss me?" The older nudged his friend. Mingyu felt guilty since Wonwoo was right. "Of course I will miss you. But don't you think we should use this time wisely? Like... To get to know our members more?" Mingyu opened the door and let Wonwoo in first. "You're right. But I'm really gonna miss you, Mingyu. I felt sad when you weren't talking to me." Wonwoo grabbed sunscreen from the cashier and then followed Mingyu. "Don't worry hyung. I'll call you and text you once we're there." He turned to look at the older. "Everyday." 

Even if Wonwoo will leave before Mingyu wakes up, he still slept in Mingyu's room to make up for their small dispute. His alarm went off by 4:30AM, and before he left, he adjusted Mingyu's blanket. He looked at his best friend who was sleeping peacefully. 

"Mingyu-yah. I hope you don't get jealous of anyone anymore. You're my one, my true and my only best friend." Wonwoo Mingyu's hair away from his face.  

Little did Wonwoo know, the younger was awake.

That night, Mingyu learned how to trust his best friend more.

Day 1
To: Wonwoo my best friend hyung
Hyung, we just left the dorm ( ̄◇ ̄;) How was your first day????

From: Wonwoo my best friend hyung
it was so boring ㅠㅠ seungkwan left us in the hotel and we didn't even have a map or anything.....

To: Wonwoo my best friend hyung
Oh my gosh ( ゚д゚) why would he do that, that jerk. what will you do today?

From: Wonwoo my best friend hyung
we received the first mission...keke this is just a vacation, not training for debut

To: Wonwoo my best friend hyung
Huh? What do you mean vacation ~(・・?))What's the first mission????

From: Wonwoo my best friend hyung
Kekeke just visit the maze land... i want to play hide and seek with u here keke

To: Wonwoo my best friend hyung
Wah ( ; _ ; )/~~~ I've seen that in the tv before ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I want to play with you too hyung!!! Kekekeke I wonder what we'll do today....

"Kim Mingyu! Do you wanna be left in Seoul?" Jihoon snapped at Mingyu. "Faster! The train's arriving in 2 minutes!" The older pulled the boy in his phone. "Aish hyung!! I haven't even sent the text!!" Mingyu complained, but still ran with Jihoon. When they board the train, Mingyu immediately sat down and checked his phone. "Omo! I sent the text!"

To: Wonwoo my best friend hyung
Hyung our traindskak 12)4! )39:!3{€.^}!\+[^{ jjjololesosksksosowmd cdosjwks

From: Wonwoo my best friend hyung
yah, return the phone to mingyu

Mingyu smiled at Wonwoo's reply. "Just call him already." Soonyoung hissed.

From: Wonwoo my best friend hyung
mingyu are u ok? 

To: Wonwoo my best friend hyung
Yes hyung (´・_・`) Jihoon hyung pulled me a while ago because our ktx arrived. By the way who's your partner, hyung?

From: Wonwoo my best friend hyung
yah, don't just focus on texting me keke it's jeonghan hyung, u?

To: Wonwoo my best friend hyung
Ahh keke mine's Soonyoung hyung. I'm getting sleepy, hyung. (= ̄ ρ ̄=) ..zzZZ I'll text you when I can keke ^^

Mingyu didn't even see Wonwoo's reply, his eyes were too weak. Soonyoung let the younger lean in his shoulder, but not too long after, he let go of Mingyu's head and slept as well.

"Mingyu, Soonyoung hyung!" Mingyu groggily opened his eyes to Jihoon shaking the two of them. "Hmm?" Soonyoung rubbed his eyes. "We're arriving in three minutes. Wake up." He said, giving Mingyu a light slap before going back to his seat. "Mingyu-yah, wake hyung up when we're there, okay?" Soonyoung said before turning his back on the younger. How stupid of him to trust one of the biggest sleepy-heads of their group. 

As expected, they were scolded by Jihoon because they were rushing to go down. "If you woke up when I told you to, getting down would've been easier!" He shouted as he was getting their bags in the trunk. "Sorry, hyung." Mingyu weakly said while adjusting his jacket. 

The Busan Team was expecting Jihoon to be in a bad mood the whole day, but as soon as they left the train station, the leader was as bright as ever. "Everyone, please stay close! I got our first mission." Jihoon opened the envelope. His face showed a confused expression. "Huh? What is this? Eat as much seafood as you can?" He flipped the mission card to look for the actual mission, but that was it. 

Mingyu immediately took his phone from his bag. He checked the messages from Wonwoo before sending his.

From: Wonwoo my best friend hyung
keke go to sleep. just make sure u wake up when jihoon hyung tells u to

btw i might not be able to reply later, seungcheol hyung told us to surrender our phones. but just text me if u want

To: Wonwoo my best friend hyung
Kekeke we just arrived!!! And our first mission is daebak kekekeke just eat as much seafood as we can wahhh ヽ(;▽;)ノ i hope you're having fun, hyung!

He waited for a reply, but there wasn't any. He tucked his phone in the pocket of his jacket and tagged along with his group.

Wonwoo got another asthma attack from running too much in the maze. Seungcheol and Jeonghan did the first aid for him, but he was still having a hard time breathing. Jun called medics and when they arrived, Wonwoo was very pale and Seungcheol was panicking. "Jeon Wonwoo! Breathe normally, please!" He cried. The nurse removed the inhaler from him and told him to try breathing normally. "Don't... Mingyu... Don't tell...." He struggled. "Don't talk!" The nurse said and carried Wonwoo to the ambulance. Seungcheol went with them and instructed Jeonghan to not tell anybody but their team. 

When the ambulance reached the hospital, Seungcheol called Wonwoo's mom. Wonwoo protested, but when he saw that it was just his mom, he calmed down. "Auntie... It's Cheol. Wonwoo had an attack today, and we're in the hospital." Seungcheol calmly explained. Wonwoo can hear his mom cry on the other line. "Wonwoo, do you want your mom to come here?" Seungcheol asked the younger. Wonwoo shook his head. He pointed to himself and flashed a thumbs up and an okay sign and gave him a reassuring smile from the oxygen mask. "Auntie, Wonwoo said he'll be alright. Don't worry too much, Auntie. We'll let him rest. Okay, Auntie. Please take care also." The leader put his phone back to his pocket. "Wonwoo... You're going to be okay, right? Before our debut?" Seungcheol held the younger's hand. Wonwoo gave him a weak nod and closed his eyes. "Hyung... Don't... Cry." Wonwoo took off his mask. 

When Wonwoo was given a room, he asked Seungcheol for his phone. "Tch, this kid is too clingy." He smiled at his phone.

From: Kim Mingyu
Hyung, Busan dialect is too hard ;;;; Jihoon hyung kept on talking with it and I barely understood anything ㅠㅠ

Hyung, are you home yet?

Hyung... I ate too much today I keep on farting at Soonyoung hyung kekekekeke (>人<;)


Hyuuuuuuung 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。

Hyung are you still doing missions ♪(´ε` )


HyUuUUUuuuNG (^^)/~~~

You told me not to get jealous but I feel like you're replacing me keke

The last message was a joke, please don't get mad hyung!!

My phone's gonna die soon, I hope when I charge it you'll reply okay ^^

To: Kim Mingyu
im not replacing u. keke

have u charged?

There was a reply but Wonwoo wasn't able to read it because a doctor entered. The doctor asked everyone but Seungcheol to leave. Seungcheol went to Wonwoo's side and the latter held his hand. "Jeon Wonwoo-ssi. Things are... getting serious for you." The doctor started. Wonwoo held Seungcheol's hand tighter.

That night, Wonwoo did nothing but cry. When he felt like he can't release anything anymore, he was wrong. There was no end to his tears, and Seungcheol's heart just kept on breaking. 

Three days left for both teams. Mingyu can't hide his excitement, so he asked their manager if he can buy souvenirs already. "We still have three days here, Mingyu. Are you sure?" The manager asked. "Definitely, hyung." Upon getting the manager's approval, the kid ran into the nearest souvenir shop. They passed by this shop two days ago, and Mingyu eyed an item that he knew he definitely had to get for Wonwoo. 

To: Wonwoo my best friend hyung
Hyung!! I got you something. See you in three days! ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘

He waited all day for a reply, but there was none. "Huh, that's weird. I'm talking to Jeonghan right now." Jisoo said. "Oh, Seungcheol hyung told me that Wonwoo hyung and Junhui hyung's phones got wet. They had it repaired today." Jihoon looked from his phone. "Oh that's why. I'll text Cheol hyung instead." Mingyu said.

To: Seungcheol the best leader ever hyung
Hyung, how is Wonwoo hyung?

From: Seungcheol the best leader hyung
Oh, he's asleep. We just got back from the mall. :)

To: Seungcheol the best leader hyung
Aigoo ;; i can't wait to see all of you, hyung!!

From: Seungcheol the best leader hyung
Me too, Mingyu. I'll tell Wonwoo you texted! :)

Mingyu sighed, but his bad mood didn't last for long. They filmed for their music video, which was their real mission, where they had to run around in the beach. Wonwoo didn't even pass by Mingyu's thought during the taping, which Mingyu was thankful of. 

Two days before their departure. They were eating at Jihoon's house when suddenly Mingyu felt a familiar feeling, yet there was an anxious feeling surrounding him. "Wonwoo... Wonwoo hyung?" He whispered as he put a piece of chicken in his plate. "What, Mingyu?" Soonyoung said as he sat down. "I... I can feel Wonwoo hyung. That's weird." He ate rice. Everyone was eating quietly and Mingyu stood up to get glass from the kitchen. "Anyone want water?" He asked. "Me." He heard Wonwoo, or he thought he heard. "Sorry, who?" Apparently, it was Seokmin. He was really weirded out with what's happening. He was spacing out, thinking of Wonwoo, and he didn't even notice he broke the glass that was for Seokmin. "What the hell, Mingyu?! That's my dad's glass!" Jihoon spat as he was cleaning the fragments. "I'm... I'm sorry, hyung. I don't feel good." Mingyu got goosebumps. "I... I'll go out." 

He called Wonwoo, but there was no answer. He tried calling Seungcheol, but still nobody was picking up. His palms got sweaty and he can't stop walking around. "What the hell is happening? Why is nobody answering their phones?" He kicked the ground. He called Wonwoo again and luckily, he picked up.

"Jun hyung? Where's Wonwoo hyung?" Mingyu's voice shook. Of all the people he can talk to, it was the person he gets jealous of. Before he can be annoyed at the person on the other line, he dropped his phone, followed by his knees. It caused a loud thump that caused the other members to go out. "Mingyu? What's wrong?" Soonyoung hugged the pale Mingyu. "H-hyung... T-tell Jun hyung... T-to st-stop j-joking." Mingyu held on Soonyoung's hand for his dear life. He can't stop shaking, and his tears fell. Jihoon called Seungcheol and looked at Mingyu worriedly when the phone call ended. "Everyone....we'll go back to Seoul, right now." 

Wonwoo stayed at the ICU for two days. Four days after his asthma attack, he collapsed in the middle of Jeju's shoreline when they were filming for the mission. He was in a coma for three days until his heart just stopped working. 

Wonwoo's burial happened immediately. People who don't know Mingyu would think that he was Wonwoo's biological brother. "Mingyu-yah, please eat. I'm begging you. Don't do this to yourself." Wonwoo's mother offered a bento to Mingyu. "I'm... I'm sorry, Auntie. I..." He didn't finish his sentence and just ran outside. Seungcheol followed him to the rooftop. 

"Let it out, Mingyu. Let it out now." Seungcheol patted Mingyu's back.

"WONWOO HYUNG! WHY?! WHY?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?! I THOUGHT I WAS YOUR ONE, YOUR TRUE AND YOUR ONLY BEST FRIEND?! JEON WONWOO, THAT IS NOT HOW FRIENDSHIPS WORK! YOU SHOULD'VE TOLD ME SO I COULD'VE TAKEN CARE OF YOU!" Mingyu stopped and panted. Seungcheol can't help but cry at what he's seeing. "THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR ME, WONWOO HYUNG. PLEASE. PLEASE COME BACK! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU HYUNG PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! TELL ME THIS IS JUST A PRANK, HYUNG.... Please..." His last words were towards Seungcheol, and the leader just hugged his friend. "I'm sorry, Mingyu... I'm sorry." Seungcheol sniffed. "Please, let it out. Please, just shout. Please, Mingyu. It's better to release it than keep it." Seungcheol let go. Mingyu fell on his knees and shouted until his voice broke. "Wonwoo... Wonwoo hyung...." He weakly said. "I miss you so much. Hyung, please... Please... Just.. Please come back..." 

"Hyung, I'm going out for a run." Mingyu said to Seungcheol. "Okay, just.. Be safe, Mingyu." It's been a week since Wonwoo's funeral, and this is the first time Mingyu went out of his room. 

Mingyu ran to the peak of a mountain in Seoul. When he reached the top, there was nobody so he broke down to his knees and cried again. He picked up a rock and threw it as far as he can. "WONWOO HYUNG! I KNOW YOU VERY MUCH, I CAN EVEN SENSE YOUR PRESENSE. BUT WHY.... WHY DIDN'T I KNOW ABOUT YOUR AILMENT?! I... I AM SUCH... A BAD FRIEND, HYUNG. I AM SO SORRY." He picked up another rock and threw it again. "I MISS YOU SO MUCH HYUNG! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO DO WITHOUT YOU ANYMORE." He shouted. "LORD, WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE SO SOON?! WHAT ABOUT MY BEST FRIEND'S DREAMS?!" He shouted towards the sky. 

"Mingyu, you have a visitor." Jeonghan knocked at Mingyu's door. The door opened, and he immediately gave Mingyu a hug. "Oh my God, Mingyu. What happened to you, my dear dongsaeng?" Jeonghan said as he let go. "Wonwoo's mom is downstairs." He said and went away. Mingyu released a deep sigh before walking.

He was embraced by Wonwoo's mom and Mingyu cried again. "Sit down, son. I... I will explain everything." Wonwoo's mom cupped Mingyu's face before sitting down. "Two years ago, after joining Pledis, Wonwoo was diagnosed with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, which was due to his asthma. The doctor told him to avoid physical activites, but he insisted on becoming an idol. A year after, his condition worsened. I told him to quit training, but he would always tell me this was his dream." She wiped a tear. "Not long ago, when Wonwoo was absent after Chuseok, that was because he was hospitalized. That's when the doctor told him to quit because his condition was like Stage 4, if it was cancer. But my son was... Stubborn. He told me that if he was gonna die, he wants to die while he's pursuing his dreams." She let out a sob. 

At this point, Mingyu was a total wreck. "When they went to Jeju, I was scared. I knew they were gonna do lots of physical activities. When Cheol called me and told me Wonwoo was hospitalized, I cried so hard, but Wonwoo told him that he was okay." She stopped to look at Mingyu, but it looks like he didn't know that his son was hospitalized. "He was... hospitalized? Prior to his death?" Mingyu asked. "You didn't know? He was hospitalized a week before his death. Seungcheol said he had a severe asthma attack."

"Yes, Mingyu. He was hospitalized." Seungcheol butted in. "He told us not to tell you. I'm sorry." He sat beside Mingyu. "B-but... Why... Why didn't he tell me anything?" Mingyu choked on his saliva. "We don't know, Mingyu." Wonwoo's mother said. "Who else knew, hyung?" Mingyu turned to Seungcheol. "Just me, Gyu. And the managers." 

Mingyu went to the cemetery after the talk with Wonwoo's mom. He placed the flowers and lit a candle on Wonwoo's tomb. He laid a blanket for him to sit down. "Hyung, I feel really betrayed now. Why didn't you tell me anything? You're so unfair." He paused, as if waiting for Wonwoo to answer. "You didn't want me to worry, right? But hyung, you really wanted to be a singer. You're amazing. You died pursuing it, so I hope you're happy, wherever you are." Mingyu wiped a tear. "Don't worry, hyung. I'll work hard to be an amazing singer for you. I'll make you proud from up there, so wait for me, okay?" 

That night, Mingyu learned and realized how much Wonwoo values his dreams, hence got inspiration. That night, he found the positivity in such a tragedy.



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It's sad yet really beautiful story and I'm glad that I found it, because it really hit and moved me. Good job author-nim :)
miharucho #2
Chapter 1: I can't... I wasn't able to finish it sorry author-nim... never thought it'll be sad :((((((((((( but it was beautifully written. Just too sad :((((( /i need fluff
very_ship_them #3
Chapter 1: This is so sad
Whyyy wonwoo why
_wonwoah #4
Chapter 1: why is this so sad :----( i just wanna hug mingyu and tell him that wonwoo loves him the way he he loves wonwoo ㅠㅠ idk this is too angsty and i almost cried :((( this is a beautiful piece of art ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: Why is no one commenting yet???! Fine, I'll just take the wheel. *slapped* Agggh another angst for my meanie babies, why do I have to torture myself like this ;;;; Honestly, I even hesitated to read this because I had enough angst these past few weeks and whyyyy everything about meanie is aNGSST (one curious question from a fanfic trash like me) but I'm happy (sounds contradicting, I'm sad now :c) to read your fanfic! I feel so so bad for Mingyu, losing his bestfriend like that, not being there when Wonwoo's life was slowly out his body, it's really tragic to just think of it. Wonwoo wanted Mingyu not to worry... yet he left him feeling worse than worry. But I understand Wonwoo, he loves Mingyu and seeing him cry because of him is the last thing he wanted to see.

'He told me if he was gonna die, he wants to die while pursuing his dreams.' That line... hit me hard. Like, I can feel inside me the burning of Wonwoo's passion to his dream. He didn't mind dying while doing it and that breaks my heart, yet at the same time makes my heart explode in pure admiration. That's right Kim Mingyu, take this tragedy as an inspiration. Continue Wonwoo's dream because you'll make him extremely happy from above! If Wonwoo didn't get to be an idol, then, do it for him. Because, that's what best friends are for, right? Beautiful story, thank you for this! <3