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You sat on the hard wooden dining chair, staring blankly out the window. Outside it was dark and rain was pouring down. You used to love the rain, before-.... You sighed deeply to yourself and took another lazy bite of your toast. Today was just like any other school day, and you hated it. All you did these days, was go to school, pretend like you were working, go home, do a little bit of homework and go to sleep. Sometimes you hung out with your friends, but you didn't actually care for them that much. The only reason you were with them was so that you wouldn't be completely alone all of the time. If you'd let yourself be a loner, all the annoying people would start picking on you for it.

You chugged the glass of orange juice, ate the last bit of toast in your hand and stood up to get your backpack from your room. Time for school. Your steps were heavy as you dragged yourself through the hallway and out the front door, not forgetting to snatch your jacket and an umbrella on the way. You threw the jacket on and opened the umbrella. You never used to use umbrellas, until-..... If possible, your feet slammed the ground even heavier than before as you started walking to school. The rain made you even more depressed than you already were, not because it was 'bad weather', you used to love the rain and you still would, but the reason the rain made you feel worse was because of someone. The hard drops of water attacked the surface of your red umbrella as your body slowly moved you forward. Icy huffs of wind hit your pale skin and you slightly winced. This day was going to be a different one, you could feel it. It made you partially excited, since you'd love for something out of the ordinary to happen in your life, but you turned anxious, feeling like what was going to happen, wasn't going to be good. In about thirty minutes, which used to be fifteen minutes, you had miraculously gotten to the school gates. You shook your head a little, trying to erase the sad expression on your face. You didn't want people to worry about you, since you hated the feeling of people feeling sorry for you, even though you had a really fortunate life. You felt that you had no good reason to be depressed, but you couldn't help it; all you could do was hide it under a fake but convincing smile.


While listening to the gym coach's words, you suddenly felt a pair of arms snake around your waist and you slightly jumped. Turning your head in a haste, you met eyes with a grinning Taemin.

"Hey, I didn't get the chance to greet you today. Annyeong." He said cutely. You let out a faint chuckle at his behaviour, but the fact that he hugged you the way that someone else used to, didn't let you play along. Taemin frowned. "You okay, _____?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" You gave a gummy smile and he chuckled. Taemin was one of your only friends, probably your closest one. You met him when you started high school since the two of you ended up in the same class. He wasn't always this cuddly, it just sort of started one day. But his hugs couldn't even be compared to the other one's.

Your gym coach then instructed the class to start the soccer game and it didn't take long until everyone was pretty into it. Except for you. Sports weren't really your thing, so you just sneakily avoided the ball, acting like you were actually playing correctly. Nobody ever complained, so you figured that it worked, that everyone just thought you at it. After a while of playing, your coach gave you a break and your friends, Seulgi, Yeri and Taemin, ran up to you. They started a conversation quickly, laughing and having the time of their lives as you just stood there, playing along the best you could, but it was hard on this particular day. Behind Taemin, you spotted the group of five annoying snob girls in your class laughing and smirking. If you weren't mistaken, it looked like they were planning something, by the way they sneaked glances at everyone from time to time, giggling afterwards. You saw how they evily smirked while eyeing the class's shy and nerdy girl Seohee.

"_____-ah, you're so out of it today! Are you feeling unwell?" Yeri snapped you out of your thoughts and you cleared your throat.

"Ahh, I'm just tired Yeri-ah.... Sorry." You ruffled your short, black hair. Yeri smiled and Taemin threw an arm around you.

"Okay, but you know you can tell us anything, right?" Seulgi questioned and you frowned. Did they figure out your act you were putting up? No, of course not. Sometimes when you hung out with them, you were actually enjoying yourself. And when you weren't, you were still good at acting like you were. The only thing that made you uncomfortable sometimes was how Taemin got a little too cuddly with you, for your taste. You nodded with a smile.

"Of course! I know."

The game shortly started again and everyone got back to work. The game was going well, or at least it looked like it, after all you weren't really participating entirely. But then suddenly...

"Move, ugly !" One of the snob girls, who was dribbling the ball, exclaimed and pushed Seohee to the floor. Seohee was wearing her dark hair in two braids and her glasses had white tape wrapped around the bridge. She fell to the floor and a loud wince was heard from her. You shot an intense glare to the girl who was still dribbling the ball. So that was what those girls were planning. After a few seconds went by and Seohee was still sitting on the floor hugging her knee, you walked up to her to find her silently sobbing.

"Coach!" You shouted and the game stopped. The coach walked up to the two of you and leaned down to Seohee. He tried touching her knee but she gave out a loud wince and the coach started glaring at the students, seeing the blood on his fingers.

"Yah! You!" He pointed to the snob girl who tackled Seohee. "You did this, didn't you?!"

"I-I'm sorry." She looked genuinely shocked. "I didn't mean for her to get hurt so bad." The coach groaned.

"Your coming with me to the principals office." He waved the snob over to him. "_____ ssi!" He exclaimed and you stood up, startled. "Take Seohee to the nurse's office, please?" You gave a confident nod and helped Seohee to stand up.


After taking your time on getting the poor girl to the nurse's office, you finally made it. Those snob es deserved whatever punishment they could recieve. You really didn't have problems with a lot of people at school, since you learned to accept that everyone was different. There was only one person, though, that you couldn't say the same for. The same person who you used to care about more than anyone else. The one you still secretly cared about, even though you tried your best not to. The one who knew everything about you. The one best friend that you were planning to keep for the rest of your life. The one who took your heart with him when he changed.

Seohee and you stopped outside the nurse's office, knocking on the door. Thankfully, Nurse Jung was there and took Seohee in. You decided to leave them alone and started to slowly walk in the direction you came from.

"Yah, listen to us!" You heard a guy's strong voice yell from around the corner, down the hallway behind you. You shrugged and kept walking.

"No! Stop trying to control me!" A deeper voice groaned, from the same direction.

You froze. You definitely recognized that voice and you would, no matter where. You slowly turned around and stared down the hallway.

"Please, hyung!" Another voice called.

"No!" There the deep voice was again and you could feel your heartbeat start to race. As a few more sentences were being yelled out, you slowly made your way closer down the hallway to the corner.

"This isn't going to work anymore Tae-"

"Shut up!"

You'd gotten to the corner and took a few deep breaths. In and out. In and out. In, out. Placing your hands against the wall, you carefully tilted your head to take a peek behind the corner, looking for the source of the voices. A couple of meters down the hallway, were three guys. One of the guys had dark brown hair and was wearing a fluffy looking, blue cardigan over his uniform. One had a lollipop in his hand, wore a black leather jacket and had bright pink hair. The one that was facing his back against you had brown hair, with green at the ends of the bangs and he was wearing a light pink leather jacket over his uniform. It didn't take long for you to figure out which one of them was him. You'd recognize him anywhere, even if you didn't try to.


Your eyes locked on the tall boy's back, before shifting to analyze the other two. Those must've been two of the guys from the group of new friends that Taehyung found when he stopped hanging with you, a year ago. He never told you why. You two were as good as friends could be, literally. You were closer to each other than peas in a pod. You knew absolutely everything about each other and you were confident that your friendship would last forever. When you started high school, you ended up in different classes, which made you have to get a couple of new friends. You were bummed, but it didn't affect the two of you. You remained just as close, if not closer. But then suddenly one day, he didn't answer your texts that you always exchanged in the morning. He didn't come by your house to pick you up for school. Assuming that he was sick, you didn't think much of it at first. But when you arrived at school, seeing him hanging out with the six other guys from his class, you frowned. He didn't look sick, he looked fine. Maybe just a little mad or sad. As you were walking towards each other in the hallway, you called his name, but he only kept eye contact with you for a split second, before walking past you like you didn't even exist. After that, you hadn't spoken to him nor made eye contact with him, in over a year now. You'd only spotted him from afar, when he hung out with his 'bros'. As time passed by when the two of you were apart, rumours started spreading that Taehyung had gotten in trouble with the police for vandalising different buildings with spray paint. The Taehyung that was talked about in school, you realized wasn't the same Taehyung that you knew. Not knowing the reason for his bad behaviour, you came to the conclusion that the six guys he hanged with was the reason why he had become this bad person. The cute and silly Taehyung that you cherished was gone. Your first love was gone...

As you stood there, replaying the sad events that kept you depressed in your mind, you hadn't noticed that the guys' argument had escalated. Your gaze saddened as you yet again locked it onto Taehyung's back.

"Please, Tae, listen to us!" The guy in the fluffy cardigan pleaded.

"You've been getting into all kinds of trouble since last year! Last night you were almost arrested again! You need to stop this!" The guy in pink hair sternly scolded Taehyung. Your mouth fell agape. "For a year you've refused to tell us why you're acting like this and why it only gets worse! We can't help you unless you trust us with your problems! We want to help, Taehyung." Wait, what? You stood there, staring at the pink haired guy in awe. Those friends of Taehyung's weren't the ones who were a bad influence on him? They were trying to stop him from getting into trouble? It took you a second to comprehend the new found information. Then, why did he act that way? Could it be that it was the same reason for him starting to ignore you..... to hate you? Your eyebrows furrowed in great confusion. You'd been so sure that it was his friends' fault.

"Ugh!" Taehyung suddenly groaned. "I can't believe that my own friends are starting to act like my parents now! Let me live my own life, okay?!"

"But hyung, we're only trying to he-"

"OKAY?!" Taehyung shut the dark haired one up. You were so stuck in staring at the situation in shock, that you bearly noticed in time that Taehyung was slowly turning your way, as he walked in your direction, with furious steps. You panicked. Your body quickly whipped around and you started running back towards the nurse's office. When you reached the door, you pressed the handle down, only to feel another wave of panic wash over you. The door was locked. There was no way that you'd make it to the other end of the hallway before Taehyung would turn the corner. You kept tugging at the handle before you gave up and turned your head to glance at the direction of the corner where you'd been hiding a few seconds ago. You heard loud thumps near you and before you could register the situation, Taehyung was turning the corner and walking straight towards you, head tilted downwards. Maybe there was a chance he'd walk past you without even noticing your presence. You carefully watched as the young man came closer, with hope that you'd get by unnoticed. You weren't ready for this. But when he was only about five meters away, he decided to look up. He glanced over at you, still walking, before stopping dead in his tracks. Your gazes locked and you felt like time stopped. You couldn't feel your body anymore. His mouth fell slightly agape as he just stared at you. This was the first time in a year that you had looked at each other like this. A weird tingling feeling spread throughout your body. The two of you stood there, just staring, for what felt like an eternity, before he suddenly looked towards the floor again, cleared his throat and kept walking, right past you. The moment he passed you, you felt like an arrow shot towards you, easily piercing through your already weak and broken heart. As you heard his footsteps fade, you had to fight hard against the urge to run after him and hug him tighter than ever before. But you had to remember, that this Taehyung wasn't the same one you knew. He wasn't the person who always looked after you and took care of you. He wasn't the person you secretly fell for.

When his footsteps were no longer heard, you were so overwhelmed by your own sadness that your knees failed you and you collapsed onto the floor, bawling your eyes out. Everytime you thought that you'd gotten over him, you'd spot him somewhere and feel your feelings for him come over your body again. This time, being this close to him, having him look at you to assure that you actually existed and that he knew you existed, had you realizing the most frightening thing of them all; you'd never get over him.... ever.


"_____-ah, do you want to join us at my place? We're going there right away." Seulgi smiled at you. Last period had just ended and it was time to go home. You appreciated all of the love that your three friends gave you, but you really weren't in the mood to hang out on this day. Earlier, you decided to skip the rest of P.E class since you needed a little bit of time for your swollen eyes to calm down from all of the crying. You had managed to hide your depressed state of mind for the rest of the day, but you felt like you still had a little bit of crying left inside of you and that you wouldn't be able to hold it in for much longer.

"Ahh, I'd want to, but I already promised my mom that I'd help her organize the chaos in the basement..." You quickly came up with a convincing lie, fake-pouting. Knowing how caring you were, the three friends always believed your lies, especially since you'd give in and hang with them most of the time, so they didn't really have a reason not to believe you.

"Aww, why are you always so nice to your mom?" Yeri pouted. Taemin then threw an arm around your shoulder and proceeded to sidehug you.

"Yeah, it's not as fun when your not there." He puppy eyed you, but not a single string of doubt was felt in you.

"I know, but I promised."

"No, we get it, we get it." Seulgi assured you. "Well, Yeri, Taemin! Let's go." She waved them over while starting to walk. Taemin reluctantly let go, before he and Yeri followed Seulgi.

"Annyeong, _____!" The three of them waved and you waved back with a small smile. You then walked up to your locker unlocking it and you were going through your backpack to check if all of the books that you needed were there, only to slightly panic when you didn't find your math book. A deep groan escaped your mouth, upon realizing that you'd left it in the classroom. You harshly pushed your locker closed and locked it. But as you were turning around, you were a little too hasty and accidentally bumped into someone. You winced at the fact that the person's chest was so hard that it slightly hurt.

"I'm so sorry." The guy had placed his hands on your arms, looking at you to make sure that you were okay. Regaining your balance, you looked up at him, only to feel your mouth falling agape. "You alright?" He asked, noticing your shocked expression. The guy in front of you had light green hair and was wearing a shiny black jacket over his uniform and you definitely recognized him. Your eyes just kept widening. "Uhm... excuse me?" His words finally reached your brain and you snapped out of your shock.

"Oh uhh... I-I'm f-fine. Sorry, it was m-my fault." You stupidly stuttered. You looked over the guy's shoulder to spot the two guys that had been arguing with Taehyung earlier, looking at the two of you, probably waiting for the light green haired young man to follow them. Yes, he was also a part of Taehyung's gang. You felt heat raise to your cheeks and tilted your head down slightly in embarassment.

"No, it was my fault too. I wasn't looking ahead while walking." He let go of your arms. You looked up to see him smiling at you. "You sure you're not hurt? You almost fell." He stated. You quickly nodded.

"Everything alright here, hyung?" The guy with the blue cardigan came up to you, placing a hand on the other's shoulder.

"Oh yes, I just accidently bumped into her." He gave a cute, gummy smile. "I'm Yoongi, by the way. This is Jungkook. And the guy back there, with pink hair is Namjoon." He introduced the three. You'd known their names, but you never figured out which one was which. Well, now you could at least seperate three of them with the help of names.

"Annyeong." Jungkook smiled and you thought he looked kind of like a bunny when he did. You slightly bowed.

"I'm _____, nice to meet you." You managed to blurt out.

"I'm sure you've heard a lot of bad rumours about our group, but it's really just one of us who keeps getting into trouble." Yoongi nervously chuckled. Taehyung. "But don't worry, he can be really nice too."

"Yeah. He won't hurt you unless you do something really bad." Jungkook giggled, earning an elbow to his side by Yoongi. He had already hurt you, now he wouldn't even look at you, until today....

"He's just kidding." Yoongi gave the boy to his left a glare.

"Don't worry, I-I get it." You gave a small smile.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, _____ ssi. See you around." Yoongi smiled and the two guys waved to you, before returning to Namjoon and starting to walk away. You stood there for a few moments, just confused to the core. These cute guys were the ones that Taehyung was hanging out with?! The fact that they weren't the reason for Taehyung's bad behaviour, was now a hundred percent confirmed in your mind. Then why did he change so abruptly? You slowly started walking towards the classroom where you'd forgotten your math book, while thinking of hundreds of different reasons that could be the cause of Taehyung's downfall. It literally changed over the course of one night. What had you - the person who was closest to him - so obliviously missed that day a year ago? The night before he started ignoring you, you had skyped like everyhting was normal. All year, you'd been so depressed about it that you hadn't had the courage to dig into it, thinking that he just simply hated you and didn't want you in his life, which could still be true, but this time you didn't care; you wanted to know what did this to him.


It was the next day, lunch break. You were walking to the cafeteria, a little later than the rest of your class, since you had to stay behind and discuss a project with the teacher. The motivation on finding out about Taehyung that you got the previous day was still there, but it didn't stop you from crying a couple of times after getting home. As soon as the image of Taehyung staring at you, mixed with old memories, appeared in your head, you felt like crying. Now you wanted him back, more than ever, even if it was just as a friend.

The hallway was empty; all of the other students were already eating their lunches. You didn't mind walking there alone. You got time for yourself, time when you didn't have to put up the 'I am so happy'-act. At the end of the hallway you turned right and saw the doors to the cafeteria ahead. But as you neared the doors, a group of guys walked out and you froze dead in your spot. You turned you head to hide your face, but it didn't work.

"Yah, _____ ssi!" Yoongi walked straight up to you and you carefully looked up. "Annyeong! You're gonna eat lunch now?" Jungkook, Namjoon and two other guys walked over to you. You nodded at Yoongi, feeling you nerves slightly loosen. Taehyung wasn't there.

"Hyung, who is this?" The guy with dark brown hair and a military green jacket with black sleeves asked Yoongi.

"Ahh, this is _____. I accidentally bumped into her yesterday." Yoongi smiled brightly at you again. "_____, this is Hoseok. And that's Seokjin hyung." He introduced first the one with the military green jacket and then the other one with a gray jacket and chocolate brown hair.

"Annyeonghaseyo, _____." Hoseok gave you one of the brightest smiles you had ever seen, and you bowed.

"Annyeong." Seokjin bowed at you and you did the same.

"Well, we probably shouldn't bother you since you're going to eat lunch now, should we? We don't want you to walk the rest of the day hungry." Namjoon looked at the others. You smiled at his kindness.

"Ne, you're right." Yoongi looked a little sad. "Well, make sure you eat we-" He was interrupted by the doors opening behind them, and out walked a guy with bright orange hair and a bright yellow leather jacket, and next to him was....... Taehyung. Your eyes widened and you quickly turned your whole body in panic. .

"Oh, finally you're done, slowpokes." You recognized the voice as Jungkook's and were about to try and sneak away but Yoongi spoke.

"Hey, guys come over here. We should introduce you guys aswell." You could hear the smile he had on his face.

"Huh?" An unknown voice questioned and you heard footsteps come closer behind you.

"Hey turn around." Hoseok chuckled and you gulped. You slowly and carefully started turning. Your body was more tense than ever before, your heart was beating so fast that it almost hurt and your throat went dry. You kept your head tilted downwards as you turned, before you were fully turned but you were afraid to look up.

"Hyungs, this is _____ ssi." Jungkook introduced you. You harshly bit down on your lip as you gathered the courage to look up and your eyes met with Taehyung's. He was staring at you again, wide-eyed.

"Hello, _____. I'm Jimin." The one with orange hair gave a smile that made his eyes almost disappear. You only looked at him for a moment before you looked back to Taehyung. It looked like he had frozen to ice. He didn't budge.

"Uhm, Tae?" Yoongi frowned. Taehyung snapped out of his daze and turned his head away immediately. He shifted a little in place before opening his mouth to talk, which made your heart skip a beat.

"Let's go, guys." Those simple, cold words left his mouth and you could feel your heart drop, feeling like it weighed a ton.

"Taehyung?" Seokjin spoke. Taehyung grunted.

"I want to go now guys, jebal?" His voice turned to one of irritation and you could feel tears threatening to fall.

"Tae, what's wrong? What happened?" Jimin frowned. Taehyung grunted louder and rolled his head to face Jimin but-


Taehyung's head was turned to his left as his hand slowly placed itself on his now sore cheek. You were only a few inches away from him and your hand slowly lowered to hang on your side again, tears creeping down your face. You could feel the shocked stares coming from the others. Taehyung didn't turn to look at you.

"_____?!" Yoongi walked up to stand beside you.

"What did I do wrong? Tell me!!" You screamed at the frozen boy before you. "What did I do to deserve this?!" Your hands found their way to his collar and you pushed him so that his back hit the wall but he still kept his gaze off of you. "You bastard! You !" You pulled at his collar. Suddenly he looked at you and you froze. His eyes had a glimpse of danger and a cold chill ran through your body. His hands harshly gripped your wrists as he threw you off of him, making you fall backwards into Jungkook's chest and he held you so you wouldn't fall. Your tears stopped coming, from the shock.

"How about you tell me what I did to deserve- URGH!" Taehyung cut himself off with a loud grunt as he turned himself around and punched the wall with his clenched fist. After that there was only silence for a few moments, until:

"What. Exactly. Is happening here??!!" A loud and furious voice yelled from a little down the hallway, causing all eight of you to turn your heads. You were met by a red faced Mrs. Yeol. She started walking to you with fast steps, her heels hitting the floor with clinging noises in the process. When she made it close enough, she stopped. "You.." She pointed to you. "... and you...." She pointed to Taehyung who was breathing heavily, with a pissed expression on his face. ".... detention, now!" Mrs. Yeol finished her sentence and your eyes widened. You glanced to Taehyung, who looked like he cursed under his breath, before you started to walk a few steps behind Mrs. Yeol, who had gestured you to follow her. Taehyung started walking shortly after. You turned to glance over at the rest of the guys one last time, seeing how their mouths were agape while staring at you with wide eyes, before turning back to look ahead.


"Now, the two of you will stay here until I come and get you. Think of what you've done wrong!" She slammed the door shut behind her, leaving you and Taehyung in the empty classroom alone. He was the first one to move, taking long and quick steps to sit down by the desk furthest in the back. You were heading to sit by a desk in the front, before your emotions took over. He wasn't going to slip away again, at least not like this. You turned back around and locked the door to the classroom, making Taehyung look over at you confused. But as you turned to look at him with an intense expression, he quickly looked out the window instead.

"Taehyung." Your voice was low, but loud enough for him to hear. He didn't budge. "Taehyung, jebal." Tears started falling down your cheeks again. "Well, if you're not gonna talk, then I will. Taehyung, one year ago you started ignoring me suddenly one day.... and I have yet t-to know why." Your voice cracked. "I don't know what I did, but please, Taehyung, if you aren't gonna tell me what I did wrong, or what happened, just forgive me instead. It doesn't matter to me anymore, I just want you back as my friend. I want the old Taehyung back..." You bit your lip to hold back your sob. "P-please, don't hate me any longer... Give me another chance.... Give our friendship another chance!" You managed to make your voice louder for the last part, before you started loudly sobbing. He finally turned to look at you, your gazes locking. His eyes were hard at first, but softened after a while and he suddenly stood up, making you nervous. His body started moving towards you and he stopped when he was right in front of you. Your gazes were still locked and never looked away.

"I'm sorry." His deep voice stated. "I didn't know I hurt you this badly." He continued, looking away while tilting his head. It looked like there was something that he didn't tell you, and deep inside you wanted to know what it was, but you weren't going to take the risk of ruining this moment, the moment you've waited for for an entire year. But what you didn't see through your tearfilled eyes, was that he was also about to start crying. As he felt his lip tremble he didn't know what else to do to hide it, so he quickly wrapped you in his well-built arms bringing your face to his chest. At this, your sobs turned louder as your arms slowly wrapped around his waist, and he secretly and silently sobbed into your hair aswell.


It had now been a month since you and Taehyung became friends again. You'd gotten closer and the awkwardness was practically gone. It was just that he wouldn't really hug you like he used to. Especially in school. Outside of school he'd sometimes give you a regular hug, but he always made sure not to hold you for too long. In school he would just greet you with a simple 'Annyeong' and a smile. His rectangular smiles would shake your heart til the point that you felt like your whole body was vibrating. The lack of his touch made you suspect that he still didn't really want you back in his life, that he was just being your friend because he felt bad. But he acted pretty much like he used to other than that, which just confused you even more. He'd act silly and weird just like he used to. In school he seemed to be a little more careful around you for some reason, but you were okay with it as long as he was his normal self otherwise. But you could pretty much say that the old Taehyung was back, except for his cuddly side, which used to be pretty extreme. But he was back in your life and that was all that you really cared about. As long as you could be close to him, talk to him, laugh with him, you were able to genuinely smile.

Along with getting to know Taehyung again, you got closer to the other guys aswell. They were definitely close enough to be called very good friends. You'd gotten especially close to Jungkook and Yoongi. They were the ones who never doubted to hug you, both at or outside of school. Jungkook was especially cuddly with you and he was so cute that you didn't mind it at all. With Yoongi, you always fell asleep while the eight of you got together and watched a movie. Even though you'd gotten close to Taehyung again, you never really hung out without at least one of the other guys also being there. It just hadn't happened yet.

You walked through the school's front doors and after a while of walking you spotted the guys ahead and fastened your pace. Taehyung was the first one to spot you and a smile plastered onto his face, but as he slowly started to walk to you, Yoongi and Jungkook saw you aswell and immediately started walking towards you. Taehyung groaned but followed his two friends, a few steps behind. The distance between you and the three guys narrowed but when you were only a few meters apart, suddenly somebody jumped you from the side, hugging you tightly.

"_____-ah!" Taemin who embraced you squealed with a broad smile. Yeri and Seulgi quickly appeared beside him with wide smiles.

"Annyeong!" Seulgi smiled and Yeri also greeted you. Yoongi and Jungkook stopped right when they spotted the scene, a little surprised. When Taehyung finally caught up with them, he also saw Taemin hugging you and his eyes widened.

"Oh, hey guys." You smiled. Taemin then saw the three guys staring at you and lock

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Chapter 1: It's worthy to read. Love it soo much <3
Chapter 1: thank you
naifabulous #3
Chapter 1: your writings are addictive that i like to re-read them <33
sarangstories #4
Chapter 1: So much feels! I love it!
Chapter 1: i commented on your jungkook oneshot, but tae is my ultimate bias, so i love this one a little more. :P The both of them are so well-written! i love your stories! and now excuse me bc i read this in one sitting and now i have to go pee. too bad taehyung cant carry me bridal style to my bathroom ;))) amd thanks for friending me btw! :D
_susanpa_ #6
Chapter 2: This was honestly so beautiful!! I just started reading ff's but this is alr my favourite one. Such a good and beautiful story, which even brought me to tears a few times. I liked how you included the other bts members and i just loove it.
Chapter 2: This is so wonderful. (灬♥ω♥灬) ur so awesome author-nim!!
Chapter 2: oh my hearteu!!! my feels. <3 <3 <3