Onew's the culprit! (UPDATE! : I just changed 'you're' to 'your'

Taemin and his quest to find his missing iPod [GIF FIC]

After searching for the musical contraption the whole morning..

"I give up!" 

Then Onew creep in to his room, dancing.

"Hey Taemin! Looking for this?!!" he showed a dark blue piece of metal to Taemin.

Taemin was excited! He got up and said,

"Hyung! Give it to me!"

"No way!" he said, refusing.

"Tell me that I'm your favorite hyung and you only love me."

"Hyung, you gotta be serious?!"

"Do I look like I'm joking?"


"I'm waiting."

"Pretty please give my iPod back."

"Awww you're so cute! No"


"..." Onew was scrolling down Taemin's iPod. "Where are the trot songs?"

"Fine!" Taemin broke down, he sobbed under his pillow.

Onew got worried if he was crying for real

He quickly handed the iPod to Taemin.

"Here! Next time don't come and leave your stuff on my bed!" then he walked out from the room.

"Yeah! I got my iPod back!"

Taemin skipped out from the room and t the front door.

"I've found my iPod back! Thanks Onew-hyung! Sarangheo!"

Before he stepped out he did a little dance.

"See you after a day!"


Romance and BROmance are different. And I like OnTae. I ship them to the core.

Anyways~ Do check out my other gif fics at my STORIES page.

Comments, criticism, reviews are mostly welcome! ^^

Till then~ ENJOY! <3 

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Chapter 2: Freaking amazing, 10/10 would recommend haha
Chapter 1: This is freaking hilarious! I love it so much
Chapter 2: This is so unique.. I really like it. Thanks for this. Really made my day. Especially with that gif of Onew "Awww you're so cute. No." xD lol Awesome Job on this. Love it!!! ^.^
Raehun #4
i almost died from laughing at the gif i cried at the " HELL YES!!:
Gumawooo :3
OMO, YOUR DAEBAK, you did that with gif's rofl, I LOVE IT, awesome job. ;-D well done.
I fudging love it!! ^^ <33
maeflor #8
i really like it
it's very funny
@klyeandra7: Woah there -0.0- Let me take a moment here...
*Sobs* Thank you! (ノT▽T)ノ*:・゚✧
YOU WROTE A STORY USING PICTURES O_O + ONTAIE *marryme* *giggles* But seriously you're f-ing awesome