
Seungsol Drabbles [ discontinued ]
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Person A is a human and Person B is an android with true artificial intelligence. One day, B goes into an experiment to enhance their capabilities, but something goes wrong and their intelligence is damaged, taking away their personality and everything that makes them “human,” leaving them with a stereotypical helpful robot assistant personality. As B’s significant other, A receives B as a program downloaded onto A’s laptop, and though A can talk to the program and the program can talk back, it’s not B. It will never be B. B is gone.   -   "Hansolie!" Seungkwan called after Hansol, who was busy strumming his guitar in his room, in to the intercom as he sat in his lab, flicking through his files.   Seungkwan waited patiently until Hansol came in, with his usual goofy smile on his face,  "Yeah, Mast- Seungkwanie?"  "Ohh~ After so long you still almost call me 'master' accidentally," The scientist laughed, making Hansol feel a bit embarrassed.   "S-Sorry.." Hansol chuckled, Seungkwan just smiled softly,  "Don't worry I was kidding.. Anyways, Professor Seokmin requested to experiment on you to enhance your capabilities as an android. And I wanted to have your consent before accepting his request," Seungkwan explained, pressing things around on the tablet he held, messaging scientists about other experiments as he talked to Hansol. Even if he didn't show it, he hoped Hansol wouldn't want to do the experiment.  Hansol immediately responded,  "Yes. I'd be glad to undergo the experiments."  Seungkwan stopped tapping, he looked up at Hansol. He pushed up his glasses, his lips tugging into a frown. He sat back in his chair and looked at Hansol,  "Hansol.. Are you sure? I mean.. It's a bit risky.. And Prof. Seokmin isn't the most trusted.."  "I'm sure," Hansol stated firmly, "Why  don't you want me to? I want to feel more human.. For you.."  Seungkwan sighed, he's had this conversation with Hansol only once and his heart practically shattered.  "I love you this way already.. I just don't want to risk you.. Malfunctioning or the experiment fails and you lose your memories or even worse-"  "Seungkwan," Hansol whispered, he leaned closer to the man, his face three centimeters from his, "I'm sure I want to do this."  Seungkwan just stared at the android, a frown still plastered onto his haggard face,  "Fine.. I'll talk to Seokmin about it.. And tell him I accept the request."  Hansol smiled, pressing a kiss to the scientist's soft lips.  -  "Is everything set up?" Seungkwan asked Seokmin who sat on his right. Seokmin nodded, looking at the android who stood
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i am so sorry for not updating in so long for my seungsol fics,, ive moved onto jisol but seungsol still stays in my heart,, kinda


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Chapter 7: mY HEART--
Chapter 3: my love from another star
Chapter 9: Awh it's sad to see that you're not into seventeen much anymore but I have the same feeling, I was quite into exo when I started listening to kpop now I've gone off then a bit (as lay was my bias but he's in China somewhere XD) I hope you continue to enjoy writing fics about groups you like and hope you enjoyed writing seventeen fics Though :)
Chapter 9: *gasp* jisol? Noooooo.... Thank you though for the previous one shots... Guess seventeen wasn't for you.. I hope you still support them though because they honestly are one of the best and humble groups out there... Good luck with your other fan fictions ♡.....T_T I will miss you
Chapter 7: aw im so emo.. im so weak... wow they both died....i m so e e m o.......... im s o h u rt
Chapter 7: !!! the moment i read the "PERSON A, B" premise in the beginning i KNEW HANSOL WAS DEAD LIKE I FELT IT!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 2: hahahahahha
secretfan_07 #8
Chapter 7: I'm so emotional rn
Chapter 8: I'm crying now ㅠㅠ