
The odd one out

A loud ring noise filled my ears, a sharp pain filling my body. Inhaling a sharp quick breath, I open my eyes everything is white except for a silver monitor sitting next to the bed I lay on, 

“Where am.” I coughed out, ruggedly sitting up, a door lay before me. 

   “Your in the hospital...” Answered a mysterious voice to the left swiveling my head I peer at the figure sitting in a white painted chair, big bouncy black curls framed the woman's face, a gentle hand was placed on her shoulder pushing her back down, 

 “W-Why?” I questioned, looking at the kind woman, who solemnly smiled, 

    “You were struck by lightning, your parents are dead... Don't you remember?” 

      “N-o- actually Yes.”

        “Well then... You need to rest, in a few hours you'll be let out.”

(mind reading in bold) 

"This poor poor girl..."

“What?” I whispered shocked the woman just stared confused, 

"I didn't say anything? I wonder why she said that?"

“I said that because you spoke!” The woman moved back looking nervous, 

 “Goodbye.” She promptly spoke before leaving,

Holding my own head I cried, curling into a ball, coughing. I wipe the tears away from my eyes, flashbacks of the past events seeped through my vision causing it to blur and fluctuate. She suddenly felt energy generate between her fingers, a small spark flew out and the covers of her bed lit aflame screaming, she pushes the covers off, 

  “HELP!” I screamed watching the white carpet, set on fire as well, soon the white painted room was sprayed red and was burning into a sick charcoal color crawling out of flames, I reached the door pushing it open, rolling out I stop at the foot of a man who was screaming at me, freaking out. 

   “Are you okay miss?” 

“Do you need assistance!?” 

“Please respond!” He rapid fire shot at me scared I nod briskly. Before passing out from smoke inhalation.





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Taehyungislife #1
Chapter 3: Halllo. I'm here