
Spicy Rice Cake Lovers

Because I love  you guys and it's Christmas.


Finals were just about to nail you upside the head, and you were naturally cramming at the last minute. Books were sprawled all over your desk, 5 different highlighters in hand and your glasses were perched up your forehead. You were trying to memorize as much of the course as you could, but at the end of the week you weren’t able to concentrate as much. Suddenly, the door to your bedroom jerked open.

You jumped up and your chair, only to see Leo leaning in the doorframe. He was pursing his lips at you, giving you an annoyed look. You raised an eyebrow at him, and turned back to your work. He scoffed and pushed himself off the frame, taking quick steps towards you and looking over your shoulder.

“You’re studying again?!” he asked incredulously. “You didn’t even leave your room this entire week. Come on, you need to relax a bit-“

Before he could continue, you brushed him off and told him to go away, that you needed to continue to work if you wanted to pass the exam. He took a step back, staring at you as if you were a completely different person. As he knew you for a long time, he knew you were one to procrastinate constantly and take breaks often, it just proved that University was a whole other level of hell for people.

He sneakily jumped onto your bed, laying down on his side. He patted the area next to him, but you didn’t even spare him a glance. He tried to clear his throat, but still no response. He brushed his hair back, looking at you with expectation. But you were still immersed in trying to memorize everything. You were aiming for that good grade, and the doorknob on your bed was not going to stop you from your goals. Or at least, you were forcing yourself not to get distracted.

He pretended to stretch himself and yawn, making his blue sweater lift and reveal a part of his Adonis belt. He waited in that position, hoping you’d finally turn around. Nothing. He kicked the bed and swore under his breath. Seeing you practically rip your hair out over exams made him worry for you, and wanted you to unwind. Having spent so many sleepless nights over your books couldn’t have been good for your health, and Leo wanted to make sure you had some sleep. Or at least some fun with him.

“Are you going to take a break?” he asked in a husky tone. You shook your head, tapping your pen on your book out of frustration. He suddenly got up from the bed, and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. You tried to pry his arm off in annoyance, but he got to you. He leaned down to your ear and whispered a few sweet words that sent shivers down your spine, making you wriggle in his grasp. Liking the reaction, he placed a wet sloppy kiss behind your ear and you felt him smile as he did that. You instinctively tilted your head to the side as if asking him to continue, and so he did. He slowly made his way down your neck and to your shoulder. He tugged on your sleeve to reveal a bit of your bare shoulder, biting ever so gently the area there.

“Y-Yah…” you slightly gasped as he began to massage your shoulders, relieving all the knots in your muscles. You gave out a slight moan as he hit all the good spots, slowly trailing down your back and to your waist.

You suddenly got up, pushing the chair onto him. He let out a small shout and started complaining, but you had other plans than to just listen to him whine. You’ve been studying for so long, you could afford to unwind. A lot.

You grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down towards you, lips pressing against his in a hasty and feverish kiss. He was surprised at first, but his hand quickly slipped to the back of your neck and he pressed himself against you. His hands suddenly grabbed your behind and he hoisted you up onto his hips, making you wrap your legs around him. The both of you began to smile, slightly missing the way the other’s lips felt. He slowly led you over to the bed where he lay you down gently, never breaking off the kiss.

Leo stopped for a moment, lifting his head up slightly. He gazed at you so lovingly that people would be envious of his love for you. He admired the features of your face that he found so beautiful and so compelling. He gave you a long kiss on your forehead, and then followed with your cheeks, your nose, your chin, but stopped over your lips. You knew he was teasing you, and he was doing a good job at it too. He got closer and closer, his lips barely brushing against yours. When you tried to kiss him, he quickly pulled back and laughed, not letting you have your way. You rolled your eyes and pursed your lips, thinking that on any other day you would’ve been annoyed, but at that time you were just glad to be away from your desk.

He placed a kiss on your jaw and trailed down to your collarbone where he left love bites here and there. You couldn’t help but arch your back, but he kept you laying down by placing his hand just under the valley between your s and pressing gently.

The door suddenly opened.

“I was going to say dinner is ready…” Hakyeon started. “But it looks like you’re gonna be eating something else tonight.”

Leo growled and threw a pillow at the door, making Vixx’s leader quickly leave with a cackle. Leo turned back to you, and noticed you were laughing so hard you were practically in tears.

“Well, no point in having y time now that it’s ruined.” He sighed. You quickly brought him into another kiss on the lips, proving to him that your session wasn’t done just yet. 

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Exo_saranghae12 #1
Chapter 3: Cha Hakyeon istfg
Chapter 3: Cha HakYeon = Professional
beautifulsin #3
Chapter 3: Haha!! N is a truly er!!hope you update soon.
bulletproofstripboys #5
I really love this fanfic. And N, everytime N appears I cri :''''')
Chapter 3: Fanfig oops?! Reminds me of wig haha
Chapter 3: I freaking love this. All three chapters were so well written. Seriously: no error (pun intended) and your writing style is just amazing. With a Fanfig you see so many things that annoy you (at least that's what I think) but this is just so well done. Structured very well, not so many clichés and just when you think it's getting heated you throw in N. That was unexpected. More so because it happened three times!
Leo was well portrayed, too, as well as the girl. Good conversations (conversations are the key to quality) and every VIXX member gets their part. I just can't tell you how amazed I am with this, just wow! I really wish you would make a longer Fanfic out of it. There are so many things that have happened (and were left out) or could happen! I swear if you would want to I'd love you forever.
angellovebeast #8
Chapter 3: Omg N is just sooooo funny! Whahahahaha and Leo oh god so hot
Chapter 2: N is a freaking block! ._. Does he have these vibes when Leo and his childhood friend are about to make babies? ;-;