Spicy Rice Cake Lovers

Spicy Rice Cake Lovers

You entered the Vixx dorm in a hurry, making sure the paparazzi wasn’t following you. You unraveled your scarf and took off your shoes, screaming through the apartment that you arrived. Hyuk ran around the corner, a wide smile plastered on his face. He ran over to you and gave you a small hug before grabbing your groceries and bringing them in.

“Oh you’re here.” N said, walking over to you with a wide smile. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug, his hands slowly gliding down to your lower back. You were used to this kind of greeting, as you often came over to cook for them. They never had the time to properly eat with all of their activities, and being N’s childhood friend he asked you for a favor from time to time. You admired the fact that he cared so much for s, and the fact that he actually trusted your cooking skills. You pushed him off of you, dragging the rest of the groceries into the kitchen where Hongbin helped Hyuk unload everything.

As you opened the fridge, the smell of rotting food filled the room and you let out a disgusted sound. You turned to glare at N, who gave you an innocent like smile. Rolling your sleeves up, you began cleaning up the apparent moldy food, holding it with the tips of your fingers while your other hand covered your mouth and nose.

“Yah, start the oven.” You told Ravi who was passing by. He ruffled your hair and did as he was told, and in the meantime Ken jumped onto his back and asked cutely what he was doing. He happily greeted you, but was too busy to have a conversation as he was annoying Ravi who couldn’t stop laughing and spinning around the kitchen. You laughed under your breath and teasingly asked the married couple to take it into the bedroom, as you needed space to work.

As you finished cleaning up the food in the fridge and putting all the fresh aliments in, you put on your apron and began to prepare all the vegetables and meat. Suddenly, you heard the guys talk in the living room.

“Leo hyung, your girl is here.” You heard Hyuk tease.

As you were chopping up some peppers, you glanced to the side and you smiled widely as you noticed Leo emerge from the dark cave that was his room. He seemed to ignore his childish remark and slowly walked over to you, a hand rubbing the back of his neck as he stared at the ground.

Now of course you knew the guys always about the two of you. The truth was, you weren’t together. You two were just extremely close. You felt the need to take care of him and show him the ways of life even though he was a few years older than you, and he didn’t seem to mind. The other guys were a rowdy bunch, never giving him peace and quiet. At least with you there their antics died down a level or two, but it wasn’t far from the reality. He quietly appreciated your presence, as you didn’t embarrass him or ask him too many questions. You secretly wanted you two to be more though, but you were too afraid to let him know how you felt. He knew though, he knew a long time ago about your feelings but never once did he bring up the topic.

He greeted you with a long hug and you wrapped your arms around his torso as well. He always seemed to hug you a little longer than the others, kind of lingering at the end looking like he wanted it to last just a little longer after you broke it off. Without a word he grabbed a knife as well and began to help you. You hummed a small tune as you placed everything the both of you prepared into a large pot with a chicken which you had stuffed back at home a few days ago. Leo inspected the concoction and shook his head, grabbing a small box of pepper flakes from the cupboard and added them onto the chicken.

“Was it too bland last time?” you asked. He nodded quietly, and retreated into the living room. Suddenly, you heard a loud smack and Hyuk whining to N. Leo appeared by your side again, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

You scoffed and shook your head, putting the chicken pot into the preheated oven. Leo reached for something in a drawer, and when you saw what he was getting your eyes widened.

“YAH!” You screamed and snatched the ramyun pack out of his hands. He stared at you in surprise. “You’re going to make this while I’m cooking dinner for you guys?!” He pursed his lips and reached for it, but you quickly put it behind your back so that it was out of reach. It didn’t seem to stop him though, as he lunged for it, sticking his body against yours.

His action surprised you and made you back up into the wall. He hit his hand onto the wall over your head for support, leaning his face to your eye level. You could see his ears were red and his eyes slightly widened, but with a husky voice he asked, “Can you give it back to me?” His minty breath brushed against your face as he spoke, and the cologne he wore was a lot more noticeable.

Your eyes shifted from his gaze to his lips. An anger boiled inside of you, as you didn’t want the guys to eat this junk food. You shoved the small pack of noodles into your bra, looking at him with a daring look. He stared at you, taken aback.

“You will eat what I will make, no questions asked.” You said, feeling as if you turned into an old lady making the neighbourhood idiots eat her cooking. Leo looked away, his lips and finally disappeared from the kitchen. He did not come back.

As you slowly stirred the spicy rice cake in the pan, the chicken was finally ready. You called out to the boys who set up the small table on the floor, and you quickly shuffled with the pot in between your gloved hands. You placed it at the center, and everyone began clapping. You bowed exaggeratingly, telling everyone to start eating as you finished up with the rice cakes. You shuffled back into the kitchen and grabbed the pan.

Suddenly, a shriek emanated from the kitchen. Before the boys could even glance at each other questioningly, Leo jumped to his feet and sprinted towards you. Looking completely phased, he noticed you gripping at your hand, the frying pan on the ground with all of its contents spilled onto the floor and your sockless foot. You bit hard on your lower lip, suppressing the tears from the pain.

“What happened?!” Leo practically shouted, jumping over the mess and to your side. The rest of the guys stood in the entryway, N looking like he was about to pass out at the sight of you like that. The leader told everyone to begin cleaning up, as Leo brushed the hair out of your face.

“I…” you started, choking back your tears. “I wanted to turn off the plate and the pan’s handle moved somehow. And when I brought my hand back my elbow accidentally hit the handle and everything catapulted onto me.” You tried to joke, but your right foot and hand burned so much that you forgot to laugh. Leo stared at you worriedly and put his arm around your waist carefully leading you away from the entire mess as the other guys cleaned up.

He brought you over to the bathroom and told you to get into the shower. With your clothes on, you stepped onto the tiles of the shower and he made cold water pour out from the shower head. He knelt down and gently lifted your foot up to the cold stream and you let out a high pitched groan, gripping at the back of his shirt with your unscathed hand. He reassured you that it didn’t look as bad, but as you glanced down, you knew he was lying. He tried to carefully scrub off any remaining sauce before moving to your hand. His slender fingers ghosted over your skin, making a shiver run down your spine as well as made the stinging sensation worsen. You stared back at him, and thanked him over and over again for helping you, as well as lacing in a few apologies for ruining everyone’s dinner. He stared up at you, tsking at you once then going back to your hand. You rolled your eyes at his lack of words, hoping for once that he could say just a bit more.

Though his gesture was appreciated, you were completely soaked from his sloppy handling of the shower head. He noticed it, and his ears went red as he noticed your white shirt sticking to your body, revealing the red packaging of the ramyun that was still tucked in your bra. You noticed it as well, and you began cursing in your head for having forgotten it in the first place.

He quickly passed a towel to you and disappeared, coming back with grey sweatpants and a long t-shirt. He handed everything to you and told you to take it easy and to change. He closed the door behind him, leaving you alone. With great difficulty, you managed to dry yourself and change your clothes. You limped to the door, and managed to waddle back to the kitchen where everything was cleaned up.

Hyuk and N noticed you first, rushing to your side and asking if you were alright. You laughed weakly and said that you were a bit heated up. N brought you into his arms much to your surprise, holding you tightly and expressing just how much he was worried about you. You sighed and pushed him off of you, telling him that the food was already cold.

Leo suddenly grabbed your shoulder and brought you over to the living room and made you sit onto the floor. He had prepared all kinds of ointments and he began treating you, gently applying a cream. You winced and pulled your hand away, but he tsked at you again and brought it back towards him.

“I’m fine.” You said, but he didn’t let go. Not only did it sting even more with the ointment on, but you were in a rather close proximity to each other, which made you blush slightly. Once he was done, N brought back onto the table the chicken after heating it up again, calling everyone to eat. All of the guys asked how you were, and you simply nodded and smiled.

Now eating with chopsticks was a bit of a challenge, as flexing your fingers pulled at your skin. You decided it was too much of a hassle, and began stabbing the food. The guys laughed, and N suddenly brought food to your mouth, feeding you with his chopsticks. The other members joined in as well, except for Leo who seemed to be busy eating on his own. You laughed at the way everyone was acting, and you apologized again for ruining their dinner.

A thought crossed your mind however, when your eyes fell onto the time. You sighed, looking at your foot which was in the same state as your hand. You had no car, and the buses weren’t running this late at night. A taxi would be too expensive, and so, you decided that if you wanted to make it by dawn home you had to leave at that very moment.

“Ok guys, I gotta go.” You said, getting up and shifting your weight onto your other foot. N got up as well.

“You’re not planning on leaving in the state you’re in.” he said. You nodded and limped over to the vestibule where your coat was, but the guys protested.

“You can’t even put your shoe on.” Ken pointed out, and you sighed.

“Then I’ll figure something out.” You said, but stayed silent as thoughts processed in your mind. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much choice. You turned to the guys, and then Leo spoke.

“You can stay here for the night.” He said. “You can sleep in our room, we can sleep with Ravi and Hyuk.” You shook your head and attempted to put your shoe on, but winced and muffled a scream from the stinging sensation. It really was out of the question.

“When our manager comes back in the morning we can drop you off home.” Hongbin said.

“Thank you guys, really.” You said, coming back inside. “I’ll sleep on the couch, so don’t worry.”

“We don’t turn on the heat here, so it’s really cold. Just sleep in our room, it’ll be fine.” N said, and before you could protest any longer, Ravi picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. You kicked the air and smacked his back, demanding him to let go of you but he simply chuckled and walked into the bedroom. Hongbin walked past him and grabbed all of the blankets, heading out as well. N grabbed another futon from the closet and laid it out in the middle of the empty room. Ravi finally let go of you and set you gently onto the ground. You cursed at the way his shirt accidentally lifted a little, revealing the side of his Adonis belt. You felt your cheeks burn up and you quickly turned away, clearing your throat.

You climbed into bed, sighing at the long day you had. You closed your eyes for a moment before your face distorted at the burning sensation on your hand and foot. You stared at the ceiling absentmindedly, not being able to sleep entirely because you’ve never actually slept over at a guy’s place, let alone with six other men in the next room.

You started daydreaming, and suddenly the vision of Leo at a close proximity made your face go red again, and you pulled the covers over your head. Suddenly, you heard someone knock on the door and come in.

“Are you awake?”

You pulled the covers off and noticed Leo leaning against the door, face barely illuminated by the moonlight. You shook your head.

“I can’t sleep.” You said.

“Me neither.” He walked over to you and laid down on his side next to you, propping his temple against his hand. He stared at the features of your face as you looked straight at the ceiling.

“I’m cold.” He suddenly said. You turned your head towards him, raising an accusing eyebrow. You lifted the blanket and he immediately moved next to you onto the futon. He wrapped an arm around your stomach, cuddling up to you and rested his face in the crook of your neck. Your heart beat wildly in your chest, but you didn’t say anything to him. You didn’t mind at all.

You suddenly your side to face him, his hand moving against the middle of your back and pressing you closer to his body.

“What are you doing?” you asked in a whisper.

He kept his eyes closed. “I told you, I’m cold. Your body heat is helping me.” He tightened his grip around you, making small circles on your back with his thumb.

“Please don’t think that just because I like you, that I will be easy.” You warned him. His eyes suddenly opened.

“In all of my years knowing you, I have never thought of hurting you in any way.” He said.

“So you think teasing me like this is okay?” you asked. “I know you found out the way I feel about you a while ago, but this is beginning to be too much.” You pushed yourself off the floor but he quickly grabbed your shoulders and made you lie down again. You stared at him, fear covering your eyes. He moved over with his face hovering over yours, eyes gazing down at you. He tilted his head to the side and leaned in, pressing his lips against yours in a chaste kiss. He quickly pulled away though, slightly afraid you might knock the daylights out of him for doing that.

You lay there looking like a possum pretending to be dead, not fully understanding what had happened. Never in your wildest dreams did you think he would do that, ever. But when the gears inside your mind began turning again, you placed your hand shakily behind his neck and pulled him into a longer and deeper kiss than before. He broke it off to catch his breath before returning to your lips hastily. You could smell his freshly washed clothes in the familiar detergent you used as well, and his soft lips tasted a hint of the coffee he had drank at dinner. You never imagined this scene to take place in that way, but you were so immersed in him that you really couldn’t give a damn. His fingers slipped under your shirt to grip at the skin over your hips, eliciting a small yelp at the touch of his cold hands. He laughed quietly under his breath, pecking your lips, and then your cheek, making his way down your jawline, to your neck and then finally your collarbone.

“Looks like you two are having a party.”

Leo jerked his head away, and you stared at N who was standing at the door with his hands crossed over his chest. You felt your face turn beet red and tried to push Leo off of you, be he wouldn’t budge. Leo stared at N, glaring at him like a lion glaring at another for stealing his prey. Leo smirked and returned to face you, capturing your lips again in a heated kiss, giving your lower lip a small . You were completely surprised at the way he was acting, and when he broke the kiss off another time he got up and walked over to N who seemed to be fuming with rage.

“Hakyeon-ah.” Leo said, turning his head towards him. “Next time you decide to interrupt us, I suggest you knock first. If you would’ve came in any later, it would’ve been a lot more embarrassing than you think.”

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Exo_saranghae12 #1
Chapter 3: Cha Hakyeon istfg
Chapter 3: Cha HakYeon = Professional
beautifulsin #3
Chapter 3: Haha!! N is a truly er!!hope you update soon.
bulletproofstripboys #5
I really love this fanfic. And N, everytime N appears I cri :''''')
Chapter 3: Fanfig oops?! Reminds me of wig haha
Chapter 3: I freaking love this. All three chapters were so well written. Seriously: no error (pun intended) and your writing style is just amazing. With a Fanfig you see so many things that annoy you (at least that's what I think) but this is just so well done. Structured very well, not so many clichés and just when you think it's getting heated you throw in N. That was unexpected. More so because it happened three times!
Leo was well portrayed, too, as well as the girl. Good conversations (conversations are the key to quality) and every VIXX member gets their part. I just can't tell you how amazed I am with this, just wow! I really wish you would make a longer Fanfic out of it. There are so many things that have happened (and were left out) or could happen! I swear if you would want to I'd love you forever.
angellovebeast #8
Chapter 3: Omg N is just sooooo funny! Whahahahaha and Leo oh god so hot
Chapter 2: N is a freaking block! ._. Does he have these vibes when Leo and his childhood friend are about to make babies? ;-;