Chapter 6

Murder cases
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"Blood isn't red but almost black after it cools and hardens. The blood drains out of the exit wounds but what stays in the body will pool at the bottom of the body, meaning, what is closer to the floor or ground. Rigormortis will set in after about four hours. Since the body has no more heat, or circulation, the muscles will harden and will have to be re-heated before it can move again. Just at the moment of death the body will release body fluids, mucus, spit, urine and the bowels will open up. If the body were left for almost a day it'll start to bloat and turn mostly black. And of course, there's the smell."

"Ooo thats why it smells so bed!!"Seungri said when he heard the explaining of Taeyang about the dead body in front of them.

"You should have learned them in school right?"Taeyang said

"Well i didn't pay so much attention to that lesson"Sungri said shrugging

"How did you even pass?"Taeyang asked more to himself shooking his head."Where is Jiyong he is always the first one to get here when a murder happens"

"I don't know he didn't come to work at all today"Seungri said

"Oh Is he ok ?"

"Dunno but ill go to his house when i leave here"

"Ok then .Hope he is ok"Taeyang said 


Seungri laughs when he visits a sniffling, shivering Jiyong curled up in blankets at his apartment. Jiyong definitely caught the cold that he wasn't supposed to get. Bad timing as always.

Seungri presses his palm to Jiyong's forehead and the fever is strong. He's burning up so Seungri makes his way to Jiyong's kitchen to wet some rags.


Seungri presses a cold rag to his forehead and Jiyong let's out a sigh in his semi-unconscious state.

"I'm here because you're sick. "

"Ah. how did you know?"

"Of course i know pabo!!You weren't feeling very well since yesterday."

Jiyong gives Seungri a weak smile and doesn't mind the insult.

"You are really sick for not arguing back"Seungri said laughing

"Shut up!"Jiyong said

"Fine fine now rest i will take care of you "Seungri said  

"Yah i can take care of myself "Jiyong said thanking god that he jad a fever and Seungri didn't notice him blushing

"Sure you can now drink this and rest y

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