You changed a lot.

Be My Tutor ?!

Your (pov)

I think I'm gonna die later or mybe right now!! Mrs. Kim class was one of the bored class ever. I'm about to sleep when suddenly someone knocked the door. Our principal Mr. Yong Bae enter and talked something to Mrs. Kim. It impossible for us to heard him because he was whispering. After they done their conversation Mrs. Kim face lighten up and she was smilling for the first time in our class. I wonder what the principal had told her?

No One (pov)

" class listen to me, today we had someone I mean a few special people that will be in your class. Give a big clap to INFINITE!!" Mrs. Kim said happily. All the pupils in the class except me screamin and some of them taking out their mirror and fixing their hair. "pssh~ stupid girls the mirror not gonna change your look but end up broke into pieces" you mumbled to your self. You felt so annoyed so you just continue your beautiful sleep while the Infinite members introduce them self * so stupid to introduce themselves everyone know the* you thought. You felt like somone was staring at you so without any hesitation you lifted up your head. To your suprise everyone was looking at you. " why did you guys staring at me? Is there something on my face" you asked with a high pitched while furrowed your eyebrows. "Mrs. Prak ___, did you heard what I said just know?" Mrs. Kim aske you. " no didn't you see i'm sleeping just now? Can't you see it?"  I asnwer with my poker face. Mrs. Kim face turned red because of shame. She then repaired her spectacle and cleared she then said " well, from now on Infinite members will stayed in our classroom because they have some mission. I see that there's no one at the desk beside you so, one of Infinite members will sit beside you Mrs. Park ___." You almost spit out the water that you drank. You managed to act cool and you replied " whatever Mrs. Kim but I hope you won't regret letting one of them sitting beside me. And one more, what is their mission damaging this school?? it would be so cool if they did thet. No school and I'm free!!," Mrs. kim just shook her head while saying " ok then, Sungjong-shi can you sit beside her?" she asked a guy that looked like a girl " I don't mind" he replied with a smile. " And the others can sit a the back" they all noded and when to their sit. Sungjong then sit beside you and asked " what's your name?" you rplied coldly toward him " I think Mrs. Kim had mentioned my name twice." Then you lay your head on the table and sleep.

Your (pov)

Finally!! Recess time. No babbling or whatever that hurt my ears any eyes. I'm searchin for my friend at her class but one of her classmate said that she didn't come today. *Aish~ this lid!!* I then when to the canteen by myself. While i'm eating peacefuly alone I felt like someone was walking toward me. I then lifted my head to see that all Infinite members already sitting at the same table as you. " What are you guys doing here?" I asked coldly " eating of course. Can't you see it?" L replied with the same tone as mine. " Yah!! it's my line. Aish~ you guys ruined my mood and appetite!" I said with anger. ' it's good then you lost your appetite. You are chubby you know?" l replied again but this time with a smirk. i can feel that face already burning because of anger but I decide to ignore them and continue eating when suddenly " Ya!! can't you look where you going? Aish~ look at my coat it's full of your coffee!!" a girl with ponytail shouted at another girl with blonde hair that was standing with her gangs. " Ya !! you the one who should looked where you going. my coffee had spilled and I don't have any water to drink!!" the blonde girl shouted back. I can't stand this anymore . Without any hesitation I leave the table and went to the food court . I bought a cup of coffee and walked toward those . "Aren't you guys have any works to do other than disturbing someone else lunch?" both of them just stare at me in fear. " here your coffee why you didn't buy another instead fighting with this girl?!. And you! take this coat and where it. i bet my coat are expensive than yours!!" I said while taking off my coat and throw it to her. " and don't gave that coat back to me. you can keep it or just throw it. I didn't wear the clothes that someone else had wear." I said and left the canteen that already silent.

No one (pov)

" hyung she so cool~" sungjong said with admired eyes. " cool but not easy to take care" woohyun said with a worry tone. " Don't worry guys. I know that we have the guts to change her. " L said with a smirk plastered on his face. "Park ___ you changed a lot"





sorry if this chapter bored i'll try my best to make other chapter not bored..

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mytientran #1
update soon!! please.
update soon ^^
haha... :) update soon ! hwaiting author ~
justjamiee #4
update soon! awesome story
wow..!!<br />
great story can't wait for you to update.. ^_^