Final 1

Happy endings
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It was a fan sign event. The fans were cheering non-stop and those who had the chance to get autographs were gasping and gushing and of course squealing like umm… pigs (?). Ambulances were nearby in case somebody fainted from shock. Lay was of course just blinking cutely and grinning out his signature dimple innocently at the fans. Well, as always, he looked kinda sleepy though…

At one point, he saw a girl walked towards him shyly, she looked so adorable and pure. Oh well guess Lay got a crush. He stretched out a hand to her for a shake, omo, her hands are so soft. Lay had a tinge of blush on his face and the girl was flustered.

“Umm, what’s your name?”

“Uh, (your name).”

Lay signed on the paper and flipped to the back and pondered for a while if he should give the angel his number or not. I mean like he could never meet the girl again and he cant just watch his one-in-a-lifetime angel leave just like that. He jotted down his number anyway but he was of course very nervous. He had never done such thing before and this could get him into loads of trouble. But, who cares? I met an angel and I’m not gonna let her go.


(Your POV)


Oh my god! I just shook hands with Lay! My unicornnn! My loveee! Okay okay, compose yourself, you’re not gonna look like a fool in front of him. He handed me the autograph and I of course bowed shyly and thanked him and walked away.

I looked at the poster with shining eyes. My beloved Lay signed it! *sigh* Wish this could last forever.

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