Day 21 - Cooking/Baking

30 Days Of ToDae

Day 21 - Cooking/Baking

Rating - PG (Suggestive content)

Word Count - 676 (A short one, but it's super cute, promise)

Summary - Seunghyun and Daesung bake a cake and make a mess. 



Daesung was covered, head to toe, with flour. Seunghyun, standing rigid in surprise beside him, was not in much better shape, a destroyed paper bag in his hands as he stared down at the chaos and gaped a little.


They were baking a cake for Youngbae’s birthday, knowing that the dancer loved handmade gifts and would appreciate it more than the others would if they were to receive the same. The only problem was that neither of them were overly adept at baking, and in Seunghyun’s case, seemingly couldn’t even hold a bag of flour without it bursting and showering them in a thin layer of white powder.


“I… don’t know how that happened,” Seunghyun admitted quietly, still looking akin to a stunned mullet, and Daesung burst into laughter. The older stared at his lover, covered in dust, eyes and mouth wide and pink in contrast as he laughed openly and with no restraint. Seunghyun felt his own laughter bubble up in his throat as he grinned and reached out a finger to wipe a streak of flour off of Daesung’s nose.


“I don’t know how that happened either,” Daesung smiled, wiping flour from Seunghyun’s eyebrows, “You have an uncanny way of making a mess everywhere you go.”

“We can’t all be prim and proper,” Seunghyun teased, nosing at Daesung’s cheek and puffing out his lips, blowing flour from his skin and causing Daesung to laugh again.

“Go get a washcloth,” Daesung snorted, kissing Seunghyun’s cheek and grimacing at the taste of flour, before the taller headed to the bathroom and returned a minute later, having wiped off his own face. He then got to work on cleaning Daesung’s cheeks, mouth and arms with slow and careful movements, a gentle caress with purpose. Daesung sighed into the touch, leaned into the gestures with a soft smile across his lips as he stirred eggs and milk into the mixture and began humming along to what Seunghyun instantly picked up as ‘I Need U’ by BTS.

“Really?” Seunghyun teased, wrapping his arms around Daesung’s waist and grinning into his neck.

“It’s catchy,” Daesung murmured, and Seunghyun kissed behind the shell of his ear, soft and sweet.  


“Youngbae better appreciate this,” Seunghyun huffed a laugh, surveying the mess across their counter and floors, cake mix across the front of the cabinets, and flour absolutely everywhere.  

“He will,” Daesung murmured softly, resting the spoon against the bowl and curling his arms around Seunghyun’s as he leaned back into his embrace, “Plus this can all be cleaned up. It’s not a big deal.”

“But I’m in charge of rap, not cleaning,” Seunghyun teased, and Daesung poked him teasingly in the ribs.

“You can be in charge of cleaning today, at least,” Daesung chided, and Seunghyun huffed, draping himself across the length of Daesung’s back and acquiescing a little when the younger dipped a finger into the mix and graciously let Seunghyun it off.

“You’re spoiled,” Daesung offered fondly, as Seunghyun loudly smacked his lips and sighed as cuddled closer.

“You never make me cake,” Seunghyun pouts childishly, and Daesung taps his nose with the spoon.

“I take you out for dinner every year for your birthday, and if you’d prefer I make you cake rather than the other things we get up to…” Daesung trailed off teasingly, and Seunghyun gasped, affronted.

“You wouldn’t dare!” He cried, and Daesung laughed as Seunghyun wiggled his fingers and tickled at his sides.


After that, the tickles slowed to soft caresses, and their mouths gravitated together , Seunghyun pressing the cake mix still on his nose against Daesung’s cheek, and the younger huffed a laugh into his lover’s mouth as they held each other close.

“I love you, you big nerd,” Daesung murmured against Seunghyun’s lips, as the older grinned and lapped at the swell of Daesung’s mouth.

“You too, my little flower petal.”

“If that was a flour pun, I’m leaving you,” Daesung warned, and only laughed as Seunghyun kissed him again, cake forgotten for the meantime, and flour still clinging to their hair.


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munmun27 #1
Chapter 21: re-reading this, and the way Seunghyun called Daesung his "little flower petal" reminds me of Flower road T___T
pikachu79 #2
Chapter 1: Re-reading this. Again. Cos I like. And I miss ToDae and u. Hope all is well with u babe. Hwaiting!
Ejozidi #3
Chapter 26: This is just perfect!!I'm crying ;------; !
Ejozidi #4
Chapter 6: I love it ~<3!!!
Ejozidi #5
Chapter 17: This is awesome ^_^!
Ejozidi #6
Chapter 1: Ahh, so funny and cute~!
pikachu79 #7
Chapter 1: Back for re-reads right fm the start! And this is really sweet cute and funny!! ;DDDDDD
Chapter 20: mmmmm naughty, love it
Chapter 5: I am completely in love with this chapter!
Chapter 3: I love this chapter. Bae in my SunDae stories thought horror was a good way to get Dae in his lap too! Love our scaredy Dae