Day 2 - Cuddling Somewhere

30 Days Of ToDae

Day 2 - Cuddling Somewhere

Rating - G

Word Count  - 1240

Summary - Seunghyun is a cuddle monster, and people don't always know how to deal with it. Thankfully, there's Daesung.


Seunghyun was a cuddler.


Whether it was waiting to go on stage, waiting for a meal to be cooked, waiting for the coffee pot, whilst curled up on the couch, half asleep, full of energy, any number of scenarios, Seunghyun was just a mass of long limbs and the octopi like tendency to just… cling.


The problem with that, he found, was that a lot of people were not as inclined to cuddle as he was. He was cautious with his touch towards strangers, wary of fans or randoms who were too hands on, but when it came to people he trusted and cared about, he was touch starved and needy, to the point that the others would often end up swatting him away in order to escape his clutches.


Jiyong had known him the longest, and so, their leader was a little more patient when Seunghyun would drape himself across the smaller man, patting Seunghyun placatingly on the hand before returning to his tasks at the time. The issue was that Jiyong was seldom available, far busier than the rest of them, and so Seunghyun had to try out the field in the interims.


Youngbae, he found, gave fantastic hugs. They were always firm, warm, made Seunghyun feel somehow safer by being a part of them. He enjoyed hugging Youngbae, actively sought him out on multiple occasions, and had to deal with Youngbae sometimes literally locking him out of rooms so he could get things done. Seunghyun had realised then that he might have an actual problem.


He tried to cut down on his physical interactions with his band mates, without appearing as if he was being cold or particularly sulky, but it was easier said than done. He found that he could manage going through a day with a hug or two from each member, before retiring to bed for the evening and wrapping his arms around his pillow, a frown of dissatisfaction across his face because it just wasn’t the same. He ended up more petulant than he’d have liked, to the point where Jiyong pulled him aside and intentionally hugged him for a solid ten minutes or so, until Seunghyun felt a little of his stress ease away.


He wasn’t quite sure when it had gotten to this point, but he wasn’t sure how to remedy it. It would be a lot easier, he imagined, if he found someone as physically needy as himself, but it didn’t look as if it would end up being the case any time soon.


So, he did what he usually did when he was frustrated and bored and a little needy, and he took to bullying Seungri.


“Hyung!” Seungri huffed, sprawled out on the couch with Seunghyun bodily draped across him, intentionally making himself as heavy as he could manage.


“Get off, Jesus!” Seungri whined, trying and failing to wriggle free.

“Mak~nae~” Seunghyun sing songed, wriggling his fingers against Seungri’s ribs, “ You never cuddle with your hyung any more.”

“You’re so thin, how the hell are you so heavy?” Seungri whined, as Seunghyun let his body go even more lax, pressing his face into Seungri’s neck as the younger began jabbing him in the sides.

“It’s all muscle, Seungriyah~” Seunghyun murmured, as Seungri snorted and ed him out a little more.

“Seunghyun, I swear to God I will shove you onto the floor,” Seungri huffed, shoving bodily at his hyung as Seunghyun pouted and reluctantly rolled himself off of their maknae, the younger thoroughly ruffled as he sighed up at Seunghyun’s expression.


“You look like a kicked puppy,” Seungri murmured, and Seunghyun ran a hand through his hair in mounting frustration.

“I’m… needy,” He admitted quietly, “And I get that. I just wish it were easier to find somebody who is able to handle it.”

At this, Seungri snorted and rolled his eyes, and admittedly, Seunghyun was a little hurt by the dismissal.

“You’re an idiot,” Seungri teased, sitting up and raising a brow at Seunghyun, “Have you forgotten about somebody?”

Seunghyun felt a flush creep across his neck, because no, he definitely hadn’t, it was just that if he were to get particularly cuddly with one of his dongsaengs in particular, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to come away from it without being emotionally compromised.


“Daesung is patient, but that doesn’t mean he wants me hanging off of him every day,” Seunghyun argued, and Seungri rolled his eyes, before readjusting himself on the sofa cushions so he was comfortable again.

“You’re an idiot,” Seungri teased, before turning his attention back to the television, “Go and talk to him. Or better yet, just go and hug him and tell me I’m wrong.”

Seunghyun flipped the younger the bird, before reluctantly trudging down the hall of their dorm, hovering for a few moments in front of Daesung’s door.


Desperate times, Seunghyun reasoned, called for desperate measures.


He knocked against the wooden surface and felt a little flutter through his chest when he heard the bright call of ‘Come in!’ from inside, before he opened the door and peered inside. Daesung looked up at him from his book, sprawled across his bed, and he smiled with such warmth and sincerity that Seunghyun was briefly rendered useless.

“Hyung, hey,” Daesung offered, and Seunghyun smiled in automatic response, “Everything okay?”

“Yes,” Seunghyun cleared his throat and stepped inside, closing the door behind him and shifting awkwardly on his feet, “Seungri kicked me out of the lounge.”

“I’m sure you did absolutely nothing to prompt that,” Daesung teased, and Seunghyun huffed a laugh, running a hand awkwardly across the back of his neck.

“Too cuddly, I think?” Seunghyun shrugged, and Daesung’s brow creased a little as he put his book down on his bedside table.


Seunghyun shifted on his feet again, suddenly incredibly awkward, before Daesung let out a soft sigh and shuffled over to the side of his bed, patting the space beside him invitingly. Seunghyun met his gaze with hopeful optimism, and Daesung smiled soft and sweet, holding his arms out as Seunghyun’s heart pounded violently in his chest.

“There’s no such thing as too cuddly, hyung,” Daesung said quietly, “Not for me.”

Seunghyun somehow managed to put one foot in front of the other and shyly shifted his way to Daesung’s side, before crawling into the space beside him and easing into the mattress, Daesung’s arm coming around him as Seunghyun cautiously draped his own arm across the younger’s stomach.

“You’re okay with this?” Seunghyun asked quietly, and Daesung snorted.

“I’ve been waiting for my turn,” Daesung admitted, “You seemed to be so much cuddlier with everyone else, and I thought maybe I had done something wrong or that maybe you didn’t like me enough to be comfortable.”


Seunghyun internally cringed, because how was he meant to explain that the real problem was him liking Daesung too much?


“I wasn’t sure it would be welcomed,” Seunghyun murmured instead, head dizzy with the smell of Daesung’s cologne, and the warmth curling through him to his very toes at the embrace that the younger was providing.

“More than welcomed, hyung. Encouraged,” Daesung said softly, and Seunghyun could hear the open affection in Daesung’s tone, “Will you come to me from now on?”

“If you’ll have me,” Seunghyun huffed out an embarrassed laugh, and stilled when Daesung pressed a kiss to his hyung’s hair.


“Always,” Daesung murmured, curling his arms tighter, “Always.”


A/N: also, tiny bit of shameless advertising, but this fic is super cute and you guys should read and comment:

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munmun27 #1
Chapter 21: re-reading this, and the way Seunghyun called Daesung his "little flower petal" reminds me of Flower road T___T
pikachu79 #2
Chapter 1: Re-reading this. Again. Cos I like. And I miss ToDae and u. Hope all is well with u babe. Hwaiting!
Ejozidi #3
Chapter 26: This is just perfect!!I'm crying ;------; !
Ejozidi #4
Chapter 6: I love it ~<3!!!
Ejozidi #5
Chapter 17: This is awesome ^_^!
Ejozidi #6
Chapter 1: Ahh, so funny and cute~!
pikachu79 #7
Chapter 1: Back for re-reads right fm the start! And this is really sweet cute and funny!! ;DDDDDD
Chapter 20: mmmmm naughty, love it
Chapter 5: I am completely in love with this chapter!
Chapter 3: I love this chapter. Bae in my SunDae stories thought horror was a good way to get Dae in his lap too! Love our scaredy Dae