Day 19 - In Formal Wear

30 Days Of ToDae

Day 19 - In Formal Wear

Rating - G

Word Count - 984

Summary - Seunghyun hates awards ceremonies. Daesung convinces him it doesn't have to be as awful as he makes them out to be. 



Seunghyun hated movie awards ceremonies. When it came to music performances, it was okay. He could do a million costume changes, keep his energy up and running, wear as many masks as necessary to make a good performance and move on with it.


Awards ceremonies for the movie industry meant sharp suits and long interviews, and stoic expressions for the world as a whole, instead of adoring fans that were always happy to allow him to be himself. He liked making music a little better for it, if nothing else.


There were rumours going around that he was likely to win an award that evening, something that he wasn’t necessarily looking forward to, but was grateful for just the same. He’d pulled himself into a suit, well fitting and flattering in all the right ways. He was far from arrogant, but he knew he looked good and that it didn’t often take all that much effort. He’d worked hard on getting himself into shape, had been gifted with sharp angles and well sculpted bones, and he knew how to use those to his advantage. He’d been all but trained for it. Still, he felt awkward and overly stiff, and he wasn’t sure what he was going to do to make his way through the entire event unscathed and with his sanity still intact.


He slid into the limousine that would take him to the event and before he even got in, had decided to take advantage of the complementary champagne. Alcohol would always be a little helpful. As he closed the door, however, he startled and froze as he met another set of eyes, which were smiling at him as he tried to urge his body to not fall into cardiac arrest.

“Daesung?” He breathed, his eyes dragging across the figure before him, “What are you-”

“I heard you were going to the event on your own, hyung, and I thought it would be a good idea to be your platonic date,” Daesung beamed, and Seunghyun’s heart skittered in his chest at the d word.

“And Hyunsuk is okay with it?” Seunghyun asked, easing back into his seat and clicking his seatbelt.

“Yes. He figured it was better than any potential broodiness you might fall into otherwise,” Daesung teased, popping the cork from a bottle of champagne and pre-emptively pouring Seunghyun a flute, “Plus I was bored and I wanted to come.”

“These events are terrible,” Seunghyun murmured into his glass, taking a long swig, “You’ve signed yourself up for one of the dullest experiences of your life.”


Daesung laughed, a light and beautiful sound that still rattled Seunghyun every time he heard it, and stretched out a little across the seat he was on, his suit stretching taut and beautiful across strong arms and a broad chest. Seunghyun felt a flush creep across the back of his neck and determinedly decided to blame the alcohol if Daesung deigned to ask.

“I think events are what you make of them, hyung,” Daesung offered softly, raising his glass in toast, “To surviving the evening.”

“To surviving the evening,” Seunghyun murmured, clinking their glasses together and wondering if he actually would stick to that toast.



The red carpet was a tawdry affair, with Seunghyun offering serious stares down the camera lenses, flashes near blinding as a hundred different people clamoured for his attention. His body was a line of tension, his jaw clenched, his posture stiff and well controlled. He immediately eased, however, when Daesung shifted closer to his side and slid an arm through his own, smiling and waving openly at the cameras and the adoring screams of fans.


“You’re too serious, hyung,” Daesung teased quietly, and Seunghyun felt a smile at his lips in spite of himself.

“These are meant to be serious affairs,” Seunghyun murmured back and Daesung snorted.

“Says who?” Daesung teased, before dropping his tone softer, “You look good, hyung.”

Seunghyun swallowed thickly, turning his gaze to catch the younger’s and delighting in the light blush dusted across his cheeks.

“So do you,” He said honestly, and Daesung chewed on his lip, shyly averting his gaze and smiling wider at the crowd.


Seunghyun was near crawling out of his skin.


He had wanted Daesung for so very long, had ached to have him in his arms, his bed, his heart. He had never dared to dream that Daesung might even feel an inclination towards wanting any of those things, but something in his heart was hopeful and he was clinging to it as tightly as Daesung’s fingers now clung to his arm.

“Maybe I am too serious,” Seunghyun mused, “Maybe I should just be doing what I like and enjoying it to the extent that I want to.”

“Exactly!” Daesung laughed, before his breath snagged in his throat when he met Seunghyun’s gaze again. There was an electric charge between them, charging and sparking as if a livewire tethering them together.

“If we weren’t in front of all of these people,” Seunghyun in a breath, letting it out slowly, “I’d probably kiss you.”


It was Daesung’s turn to in a breath then, and the most beautiful smile Seunghyun had seen crossed across the man’s lips.

“If we weren’t in front of all of these people,” Daesung offered quietly, “I’d definitely let you.”

Seunghyun grinned and threw caution to the wind, suddenly not caring all that much about all the people around them, as he stooped to press a quick kiss against Daesung’s lips, lingering just enough to leave a promise. The camera flashes got so much brighter, the noise bursting forward at double the sound, and Seunghyun knew they had likely just made tomorrow’s front page.


He pulled back and straightened Daesung’s bowtie, dragging his eyes in a near caress across the man’s suit, and decided then and there that perhaps awards ceremonies weren’t so awful after all.  

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munmun27 #1
Chapter 21: re-reading this, and the way Seunghyun called Daesung his "little flower petal" reminds me of Flower road T___T
pikachu79 #2
Chapter 1: Re-reading this. Again. Cos I like. And I miss ToDae and u. Hope all is well with u babe. Hwaiting!
Ejozidi #3
Chapter 26: This is just perfect!!I'm crying ;------; !
Ejozidi #4
Chapter 6: I love it ~<3!!!
Ejozidi #5
Chapter 17: This is awesome ^_^!
Ejozidi #6
Chapter 1: Ahh, so funny and cute~!
pikachu79 #7
Chapter 1: Back for re-reads right fm the start! And this is really sweet cute and funny!! ;DDDDDD
Chapter 20: mmmmm naughty, love it
Chapter 5: I am completely in love with this chapter!
Chapter 3: I love this chapter. Bae in my SunDae stories thought horror was a good way to get Dae in his lap too! Love our scaredy Dae