Day 13 - Eating Ice Cream

30 Days Of ToDae

Day 13 - Eating Ice Cream

Rating - G

Word Count - 923

Summary - Daesung is indecisive with just about everything. Buying an ice cream seems like an easy task, but it really isn't. 

Daesung wasn't the best at decision making. He often had too many ideas and not enough conviction to stick to any one of them at a time.


He supposed it started as a child, when he was often asked questions by his parents as to what toy he might like for his birthday or the likes and he would become so overwhelmed with the possibilities ahead of him that he'd end up asking for something he wasn't all that interested in, purely to make it easier on his parents. As he got older, he ended up making similar decisions to stop his friends growing too frustrated, and as he grew older still, his colleagues and roommates. Every now and again, however, he allowed himself to stew on the indecisiveness a little longer than he may otherwise, purely to ensure that he was getting something he genuinely wanted.


He squinted up at the board on the wall, before peering into the glass cases before him, tapping his chin in thought as he crossed his arms across his chest.

“You look overwhelmed,” An amused voice murmured, and Daesung flushed as he looked up to meet the bright gaze of the frankly ridiculously handsome man behind the counter.

“There are a lot of options,” Daesung murmured sheepishly in response, and the staff member chuckled as he leaned against the counter and watched Daesung struggle to decide.

“You haven't been here before?” The man asked, and Daesung shook his head.

“I'm a bad decision maker,” Daesung admitted, “So I try to stick to easy choices. One to five things on the menu that I may eat, places like that.”

“Sounds particularly…” The man seemed to think for the right word, and Daesung flushed harder, running a hand across his neck in embarrassment.

“Boring?” Daesung prompted, and the man shook his head, smile soft and not at all mocking.

“I was going to say ‘safe’, actually,” he mused, “A lot of people are far too reckless and just pick things without actually thinking it over. Maybe we can narrow it down?”


Daesung thought it over, before hesitantly nodding, the man behind the counter grinning widely.

“Great. Do you like things with mint in it?” He asked, and Daesung shook his head, “Okay, then that rules out these ones.”

Daesung watched as the ice cream worker began placing lids on their respective tubs.

“Is there anything else you don't particularly like?”

“Citrus flavours,” Daesung offered quietly, and the worker nodded, covering more tubs up and narrowing the selection down again.

“Down to eight choices now,” The man mused, leaning back against the counter and staring up at Daesung with a lazy smile that made Dae’s heart stutter in his chest.

“How much do you like chocolate?” The worker asked, and Daesung shrugged.

“I like it, but I don't love it overloading everything,” Daesung explained, and the worker nodded, smile patient and welcoming as he placed two more lids on.

“Triple chocolate and double choc chip are out, then,” The worker winked, and confronted with six ice cream flavours out of a previous thirty, Daesung felt himself relax a little as he mulled over the remaining options.


“My name is Seunghyun,” the man spoke, “you just let me know whenever you're ready to order, okay?”

Daesung nodded gratefully, a smile spreading across his cheeks in response, and his stomach flipped pleasantly when Seunghyun smiled in return, dimples appearing in his cheeks and momentarily distracting Daesung from the task at hand.

“Daesung, by the way,” Dae murmured, flushing a little as he shyly avoided Seunghyun’s gaze and peered into the glass cases.

“Take your time, Daesung,” Seunghyun offered softly, before moving over to deal with the lone customer who had just walked in.


Daesung had narrowed it down to two flavours and was considering getting both as he let the gentle tone of Seunghyun's voice wash over him as the other customer made their order, and it was all Daesung could do to not let his imagination get away from him. He couldn't help but want to spend more time with Seunghyun, find out what made him tick, find out what made those dimples show the best. Daesung had a tendency to fall a little bit in love with kind and patient strangers, and with Seunghyun as handsome as he was, it was all the more difficult.


When the other customer left, Daesung nodded to himself, decision made, and turned to the counter, only to find Seunghyun already watching him with a fond smile.

“Something caught your eye?” Seunghyun asked, leaning against the bench behind the counter, all long limbed and perfect, and Daesung bit back on his immediate retort of ‘you’.

“I'll have a scoop of the honeycomb and a scoop of the caramel,” Daesung nodded, “waffle cone, no toppings.”

“Sure thing,” Seunghyun smiled, straightening up and moving to fix the cone for him, “I uh… I'm about to go on break, actually. Were you planning on heading off in a hurry?”

Daesung took in the shy down turn of Seunghyun’s lashes as he worked, the flush along his cheeks, the nervous bite of his lip, and he felt a little flicker of potential nestle in his chest.

“Not any more,” Daesung replied softly, sincerely, and Seunghyun's dimples broke through once again.


As Seunghyun handed him his ice cream and he took his first taste, Daesung reminded himself that some things were worth taking his time for, and others had a habit of just coming to him on their own.

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Get ready for spam. Catching up as much as I can. EVERY TODAE. EAT IT.


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munmun27 #1
Chapter 21: re-reading this, and the way Seunghyun called Daesung his "little flower petal" reminds me of Flower road T___T
pikachu79 #2
Chapter 1: Re-reading this. Again. Cos I like. And I miss ToDae and u. Hope all is well with u babe. Hwaiting!
Ejozidi #3
Chapter 26: This is just perfect!!I'm crying ;------; !
Ejozidi #4
Chapter 6: I love it ~<3!!!
Ejozidi #5
Chapter 17: This is awesome ^_^!
Ejozidi #6
Chapter 1: Ahh, so funny and cute~!
pikachu79 #7
Chapter 1: Back for re-reads right fm the start! And this is really sweet cute and funny!! ;DDDDDD
Chapter 20: mmmmm naughty, love it
Chapter 5: I am completely in love with this chapter!
Chapter 3: I love this chapter. Bae in my SunDae stories thought horror was a good way to get Dae in his lap too! Love our scaredy Dae