Chapter 1

Your Smile, My Happiness

"Cause you mean the world to me, I know, I've found in you, my endless love"

Lionel Richie - Endless Love

That day, I didn’t have anything to cure my boredom, and the professor was so damn lazy to turn around and faced the student. I just thought he really loved the board so much more than his students’ pretty faces. Especially me. Oh well, I know I’m pretty. But yeah, I won’t say that out loud or everyone in this classroom would certainly eat me up with mocks they had been preparing to bash of my awesomeness. Okay, stop with my narcissism.

As the bell rang pointed the last class had finally finished, I stormed out the room and dashed outside my college building, not before I met my beloved dongsaeng, Sana.

"Eonni, you look so hype this afternoon. What is up today?” she smiled, and I urged not to be amazed by her beautiful fitures. She is one of the college primadona (including me, of course). Almost every guy in this area liked her, not only because of her cute face but also her adorable antics. Unfortunately, she is taken by one of the most handsome guy in town, Jeon Wonwoo.

“Oh, hey Sana. I’m just rushing to Seungcheol’s college.”

“Aren’t his schedules done yet?” Sana titled her head, her ponytail swayed as she did so.

“Nah. He has it done actually like ten minutes ago. It’s Friday, he only has one noon class.” I explained, and Sana only nodded at that.

“Well, you gotta be hurry then, eonni. Be careful on your way, since you’re as clumsy as God-knows-why.” Sana smirked lightly as I rolled my eyes. “And.. Just send him my hello.”

“Of course, thanks for your unnecessary concern.” I knocked her taller head that only received a pout from Sana. I chuckled. “Give Wonwoo my hello too. Oh, and tell him he looks really handsome with his current hairstyle.”

Sana only snickered at me and I knew why. She didn’t want to exaggerate her boyfriend, but she knew he was so good-looking she didn’t dare to say anything when she got compliments from people.  She said: it is not good to show off something you have to others. But hell, if I were Sana, I would tell the whole world I got the infamous Jeon Wonwoo as my boyfriend. Well now I wonder how I get my dramatic nature from.

I continued my journey after Sana bid me a goodbye. I ran to the bus station and literally sighed to find the bus hadn’t been anywhere to be found. Either I was the one who late or the bus was still on its way to the station I was standing at. I instantly looked at my watch. It was five minutes before three o’clock. I shouldn’t be late for the next bus. Hoping the bus would have a safe and fast track ahead, I endured not to jump in happiness when I spotted my waited bus was nearing. I got in, and I sat on the last seat on the back.

The travel from my campus to Seungcheol’s took pretty much fifteen minutes, and I prevented myself to not asleep. The day was tiring for me today because my classes are almost full until the afternoon. It’s the opposite of Seungcheol’s one. Though, when I had the free schedule, he had it too. So, it’s like I always had a schedule. Sometimes, he would mock at me playfully and said:

“What did I tell you? Psychology is boring.”

Usually, I don’t take it seriously, but in times—when my mood isn’t the best one—I would glare at him like crazy. It ended up with me ignoring him and he begged an apology. It’s rather funny to see his eyes full of worries and panic spread across his face, so I can’t stay mad for longer than ten minutes. The best thing was, after I accepted his apology, he put up his sheepish face and his dorky grin that pulled his muscle into dimples. For time to time, I wondered how he managed to have a smile looked so bright, and I could literally guess maybe his dimples is the cause of it.

The bus stopped when it reached the next bus stop, and I instantly went out. I ran to Seungcheol’s campus with my hair clip hanging loosely and nearly fell off my hair. But I didn’t care about it and keep going. Less than a minute, I arrived at the gate. So many students were coming outside the campus. It was already four, so I didn’t ask. I only observed how many guys walking hand-in-hand with a girl as they passed by. I smiled bitterly. I had dreamt how I look so matched and harmonious if I did that with Seungcheol. But I threw back the thoughts as I turned my head towards the large door by the building, finding my ‘man’ to be companied by a woman by his side.

Seungcheol was talking enthusiastically and I could see his eyes sparkling at the woman. I urged not to be wavered by the woman’s charm. I don’t know what made her attractive, but her strong and charismatic aura was surrounded her overwhelmingly, it suited her short haircut very well. She was charmingly beautiful, I thought as Seungcheol caught his eyes on me, which followed by the woman beside him. I tensed at her fierce gaze.

Seungcheol smiled at me, taking the woman’s hand to drag her onto my position. He put up his signature high-five when he arrived in front of me. I responded it like I always do, but not with my hype energy that was out by the woman that was now facing my figure. He literally smirked when he saw my untidy hair that was disarrayed by the wind.

“Look at how our favorite Kim Nayeon look after taking a Psychology class. Such a mess indeed.”

I rolled my eyes for the second that day at his direct mocking. “Yeah yeah. If not only for our lovely Choi Seungcheol that brings someone this afternoon without my knowing.”

Seungcheol chuckled, and I could see the woman looked at him confusingly. I guessed she didn’t expect him to have an ‘important’ promise with me. “Sorry, sorry. I should have introduced her to you. This is Jeongyeon, my major dongsaeng.”

The woman hesitantly smiled at me and bowed down. “Good afternoon, Eonni. My name is Yoo Jeongyeon.”

I nodded at her, trying to be as polite as possible despite the annoying feelings spread in my chest. “Kim Nayeon. Nice to meet you. I see you are already close with Seungcheol, huh?”                                                  

“Seungcheol-oppa is my mentor in the next practical test.” I flinched at how she said ‘oppa’. I never thought it would be hurt to hear a girl dictated my long-time friend as her ‘oppa’, because I can never call him with that. It’s actually to protect my pride. We only separated by months; it’s rather ridiculous if I want to nickname him as ‘Seungcheol-oppa’. Hell, I even disgusted at the dream of that.

“Ooooh… Seungcheol-ah, since when did you start to make someone call you ‘oppa’?” I elbowed the grinning man that was beside me. I can’t believe he was happy to get his name called like that. “Aren’t you a little bit of a pedo?”

Offended, he shot a glare at me, which I received with no harm. “Hey, she’s only a year younger than us. How could you consider it as a pedo?”

“Oh yeah? The fact that you like to be called ‘Seungcheol-oppa’ couldn’t be a proof, you say?” he snickered. “Beside, you can’t make a erted face to such a beautiful woman like her. Right, Jeongyeon-ah?” I pulled Jeongyeon in my hug, placed her away from the hand of Seungcheol. Jeongyeon looked surprise, but she followed my lead in the perfect way.

“Right…” she smiled at me sincerely. I tried to prevent myself not to fangirl over her cool friendly aura that surrounded her being. She had that privilege to make a girl crush, didn’t she?

Seungcheol sighed before he rolled his eyes, couldn’t throwback any defense for his rights. “Whatever you say, Kim Nayeon-ssi.” I could feel his mood was starting to stir up, that was pointed by the way he phrased my full name formally. That was his habit when he was in a bad mood, especially if I caused it. 

“Now let me take Jeongyeon-ssi back because we would practice the procedures this afternoon.”


I widened my eyes at his statement. He got a plan with Jeongyeon? Didn’t we have a schedule to go to an ice cream parlor every Friday afternoon?

“You have planned an activity with Jeongyeon today? Do you forget our ice cream treats every Friday?” I asked. I could feel my eyes starting to form a tear.

He hesitated at first, I guessed as he brushed his hair simultaneously. But he put his best guilty face afterwards. “I’m sorry. I can’t go today. The test is in a week, I can’t abandoned Jeongyeon.”

 He chose Jeongyeon… over me?

“Well, you are alright with that, aren’t you? You could go with Sana or Momo. I bet Wonwoo wouldn’t be uncomfortable with you hanging out with them.”

Did he just tell me to go away and have fun with a couple that should have been on a date? He didn’t, right?

I held back my tears right away. I felt bitterness in my mouth. I didn’t expect him to dump me for a junior he barely knew. He had never rejected my over all this long, even when his male best friends—Jisoo and Jeonghan—invited him to go to their house and played the newest game console Jeonghan got after winning a competition, or when his beloved male dongsaeng, Mingyu called him out for attending a hip-hop concert. He never broke his promise with me. I was the most important for him. Well, I used to be the most important for him. But not anymore. A girl named Yoo Jeongyeon stole it from me.            

He waited for my response. I shook my head. “I-I’m fine with it. I’ll just fetch the bus and catch Sana up.” I thought I have to lie to cover up my sadness, and I did. “Sana told me she would go to the shopping center, so I know her destination.”

I observed the relaxed expression hang on Seungcheol face. He didn’t actually want to leave me alone. Though he should because his heart told him to.

“Okay then. I’ll see you later, Nayeon. Be careful on your way there.”

With that, he held a respective grip on Jeongyeon’s hand before leaving me behind, didn’t look back at me even once.

After he wasn’t caught at my sight anymore, I stormed out the gate and instantly took a bus that arrived in perfect timing. I sat on the way back of the bus, where no one else couldn’t see how my tears fell out my eyes like a waterfall that didn’t stop to flow down a cliff. It was unbearable. My heart ached like no tomorrow. I couldn’t breath out anything; the oxygen felt so limited as if the other passengers all already took it and didn’t leave me any. My sight had become blurred that it was hard for me to see the view on the window. I didn’t know where the bus would take me. I ignored all the messages rang on my phone. I ignored the gaze new passengers gave at me when the bus stopped by the terminal. I ignored my messed hair and erased make up. I ignored the rain that began to fall down and wet the glass window. It was like I couldn’t feel anything going on in this world. I hate it so much to feel like this. I hate it so much that I let myself being this coward, this weak.

And I hate myself so much to realize my feelings for Choi Seungcheol.

Well, that's a wrap for chapter 1! I think I'll make the chapter two to be longer, but I don't know when. Just hope I'll finish it soon. ^^




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Chapter 1: update it soon :<?
15 streak #2
Chapter 1: Update juseyo author nimmm
Kookiegurl03 #3
Chapter 2: please update soon. your story is really interesting ^__^
LuHanBin_EXOiKON #4
Chapter 2: please comeback soon bae :'(
your story is so good.
LuHanBin_EXOiKON #5
Chapter 2: please comeback soon bae :'(
your story is so good.
Keep up the good work ^_^
ter_dj #7
Chapter 2: From ur foreword, i expect at least mini story about nayeon and confused in 2nd chapter coz t became oneshot story but overall great chapter and coz i love all twice member, i'm not complaining, just litte confused heehehe
Hope u update this story soon
Chapter 1: kyaa finally i found seventeenxtwice fic.
i loved it!! ;u;
seungcheol and nayeon,sana and wonwoo, hoshi and momo (damn, the main dancers tho.)
mrschenchen #9
Seems interesting ! Update soon ~~