-Hello pretty Seoul- "where is the bathroom??"

I'm in love with "Slow, White"


-Inside the taxi –


"Wow!! Look mom this is cool! " You said  . you just couldn't take your eyes away from the taxi window.

"Yes it's prettty cool and very cold!!" mom said grinding her teeth, she grab your hand and start to rubbing .

"Mother and daughter ?" The driver asked looking at his mirror smiling.

You were fascinated with the pretty views of incheon city so you didn't  care for what the driver has to say.




"Yes we are ! uri lovely ttal" . mom said while holding your hand.

"You came from America ?" the taxi driver said.

"Yes from LA ..... do you know LA ? " mom asked hesitating.

"Yes I do~ " the driver said laughing " I've been there for 6 years but i didn't like it there I missed my home and my family "

 the taxi driver finished his sentence.


" I see ~ that’s why you can speak a good English " mom said.

" Don't know if its good though Hahanah.." The driver said when he was a bout to answer his cell pone .

 the taxi driver start talking in a weird Korean accent........

" Mom! Look ! over there ! " you pointed on a huge building with a huge poster on it

"Who are they ??" . mom said laughing " they look handsome" she said it like she don't mean it .

"Mom ! are you joking ?? ... you don't know who they are??" you ask her eyes open wide..

"They are Super junior mom ! most popular kpop boy group in all Asia ! " you screamed and then went back to watch from the window. 


* I can't believe that min lived here for the past 7 years not only lived but she is going to be in some kpop

band one day just like them * you think in your mind feeling envy .


- after 50 minutes -


The taxi driver turn around to say

"welcome to Seoul " and hand his personal card to your mom..

" here this is my number you can call me anytime" . he said and smile

"Thank you ~" . you and mom said and walk dawn the car.

"Woah!! Seoul is pretty mom ~ " you said mouth dropped ..

"Ah ~ I remember something !!" a voice said.


"Excuse me ~ " mom said before turn back .

"I don't work on Saturday or Sunday cause I have to go to Daegu it’s the city where me and my daughter live"   

the driver said and laugh.

"Oh~ fine , never mind ajassi we will remember" . You said

Mom pinch you from the back  "Ouch! " You said

"We well take that in consider thank you ~" mom said with a fake smile in her face.

The driver took off , you wave and then turn your back at your mom..

"Mom!! Why did you pinch me ??" you asked while you were in pain..

"Cause you are stupid !! didn’t you hear him !! ashh!!......... Its cold in here ~ ~" mom said.

"What??" you said with a confused face " I mean yeah its cold in here we should have wore more clothes" . you said and then shake your head left and right...

"No no!! don't change the subject !! why am i stupid?? he looked a very nice ajassi to me ". you said 

"What day is today ??? oh~no wait! let me tell you .".

She look at her watch which was pointing to 7 pm and continue saying " its a Saturday night !!"

"So~o~o??"you asked . "So~ why would he give us a ride when he has to be with his fam-m-mily !! " mom said.

"Cause he was there and he is a nice person , I don't know maybe he was waiting for some one and that some one didn't show up so I don’t know??? " You confusedly respond..

"Cause he is in to me . " Mom said 

"What ?? " you started to laugh really hard Saying

"This is the silliest thing I ever heard" .

You walk away dawn the street laughing and mom running after you saying

(I swear !! didn't you see him smiling ?? he was smiling all the time! .... I'm still attractive you know?? ..)


You start to look for a cheap hotel with mom but no luck its really expensive in Seoul so you feel hungry and exhausted.

"Look its tteok bokki !! " you pointed. 

There was an old lady cooking down the street the smell was so delicious you missed to eat Korean food since min family left cause your mom is fail with cooking.

So you run towards her leaving your mom behind you standing alone.


-In JYPE practice room -


Min was dancing her off with her fellow members ( girl group to debut as Miss a )

 "again ...again!! ... one more time !!" the choreographer kept repeating ..

she used to dance and practice like that for the past 6 years ...(since she has been a trainee under JYPE) 

With  no day rest, no mercy, no exceptions she lived her life waiting for one thing .

"When we will hit the stage !!"  Min said pouting and dancing .

"you mean when is our debut ??" fei answerd while she was dancing in a y way .

Fei pio :

she is a JYPE old trainee ...


Real name: Wang Feifei
DOB: April 27, 1987
Birthplace: Haikou, Hainan, China
Height: 164cm
Member of initial JYPE concept group Sisters.

(one of Miss a girl group to debut) she is y and she is loved by all the JYPE boys, one of min's best friends in s.korea .

"yep~ its really frustrating !! i feel like we have been doing this for ages now .." Min said gasping for air .

fei start to laugh in a cute way like a little baby laughter .. "you waited for 6 years !! you can't wait for more 4 months ??!! " she said laughing at min.


"Why are you talking ?? we need to practice more !! " jia shouted standing in front of the practice mirror doing some stretching  .

Jia pio :

she is old JYPE trainee ..

Real name: Meng Jia


DOB: February 3, 1989
Birthplace: Hunan, China
Height: 164cm
Member of initial JYPE concept group Sisters.

She is very kind,  outgoing girl , she like to eat so much, listen to hiphop but sometimes she can be scary bossing everyone around. 

"ok~ mom~" Min said in a low voice smiling  to Fei .

*bouff!!* the door slammed .

JYPE manager come into the practice room screaming . "ya!!.. is this what are you doing!! chating and giggling!! when i'm working my to promote you !!" he said and push a girl who was standing behind him .

"this is your new member " he said .

"what??" Min and her fellow members (fei ,jia) said in shock .

"annyeonghessayo ~ *bow* i'm Suzy !! " the girl who was standing in a shy way answred .

Suzy pio:


Real name: Bae Sue-ji
DOB: October 10, 1994
Height: 166cm


(suzy is a sweet kind girl who has a sweet voice and very talented in singing, she is in her last second year of high school, she love to play online games all the time )

"but i thought its only gonna be the 3 of us !" Min said to JYPE manager when her voice was trembling.

"yah!! i'm the manager !! do you wanna die !!" he said shaking his body like a piece of jelly .

"i'm sorry~ so sorry~ " she replied  him right away .

"hurry up you will debut next year and you still need more work!! ashh!! " JYPE manager said and then walk out the practice room .

Min look to Fei and Jai then everyone just stand up looking to the new member who came to join Miss A girl group in the last minute. 

Ajumeoni tteok bokki eolmanayo ?? You asked with smile all over your cute face .

 " (a number) " The old lady said.

" Kamsahabnida~ " you take the tteok bokki and walk back to your mother who was shivering from the cold weather

" What is that?? " mom asked looking at you eating .

"Ha! This is tteok bokki " .you answered

"Ashh!! I know it’s a tteok bokki ! I mean what are you doing eating in the street  . " mom shouted.

Then she grip your hand walk you into a random restaurant .

"Annyeong hessayo ~" mom said.

"from now and on imagine all the conversation between mom /you and the Korean people is in Korean unless I pointed out :D"


"Annyeong hesayo ~ what can I do for you ? " young boy said.

"Can you give us a bowl of  Kimchi jigae and tow Ramyon , please ??" mom said.

" Arraso ~ just a minute " the young boy answered.

"Woah!! Mom you can speak good Korean !! " you pointed from the other side of the table.

"Not really it s just few words I know. " mom said and looked to the restaurant window which was on her left .

"Seoul is really pretty ! I don't remember well cause I was a kid but I think it was always this beautiful . " mom mumbled to her self .

" Mom- wa- Se--- alw--- th-- pre---?? *nom nom nom* " you said.

"Oh! God! Look at you speaking when you are eating like a pig ! Just be careful don't stain your white dress! *sigh* I don't even know who wear something like this ??  you look like a snow ball !!" mom said looking at you from top to bottom .

" humm~ *nom nom nom*  what?? . " you said and went back to eating.

"Listen I will go and look for a cheap hotel ok!! I can't sit here we are running out of time ! " mom stand up and take from her bag some money and hand it to you .

"You pay for the food and keep an eye on the luggage, wait for me here ok!! " Mom said with worry.

"Ok ~ bu-t-t … what about your ramyon ?? you asked swallowing a big piece of tteok bokki .

"You can eat it! tseesh!! " then she shake her head in disbelief  " I bet you can eat it all by yourself "mom said and left in a hurry .

" Sure ! I can do that it’s a piece of a cake " you said to yourself .


-after few seconds-

"yum ~ yummy~ Tteok bokki is finish ! now its ramyon time, but where should I throw this first ?? *look around* there is no garbage ?? " you wonder and decide to put the plastic plate next to your seat.

"Wah!! Massigedda ~" *nom nom nom* "

"Kimchi ~ yay!! "*nom nom nom * "


-After an hour-

"ohh! Oww~ my tummy ~ I should have not eaten all that! " you say biting your lips..

"Excuse me .. where is the bathroom??" You asked the young  boy .

"Sorry we don't have bathrooms in here you can go to the public one at the end of the road ." the boy point to the street and smile.

*what ?? they don't have a bathroom in here???...and why in hell is he smiling?? Ashh!! *

"Oww~my tummy ~… listen young boy the thing is… I'm waiting for my mom and as you can see I have luggage so I can't go far ".   you act cute to the young boy and take out the money that mom gave you earlier  .

"Do you want to buy super junior new single ha?? " you whispered leaning towards and start to sing sorry sorry~ .

"see I can give you the money, all you have to do is to check if there is any empty bathroom around here ?? go!! Just look around! Ok!  you will do that for noona right!! " You insisted on him.

"Sorry noona ~  but really there is no bathroom here ". the young boy said terrified and start to run away .

"Ya!! " you said.

You stand up to go after him but you bump into a customer and fell dawn back to your seat .

" Be careful!! " the costumer said.

"Sorry~  *bow* sorry~ " you said embarrassed.

"Oww~ I can't take this anymore *squeeze* I'm going out "

The young boy look at you from the counter in a distance then suddenly scream "noona~ wait!!"

 you ignore him and run out leaving everything behind you .

*Umma~ its cold here! where are you ??* *sniff sniff*

"Where is the bathroom?? *turn around* why I can't see a sign or anything!! " you screamed.

*its really dark here and cold * you keep thinking .

you make an eye contact with a random guy standing on the street who was looking at you with eyes open wide you stare at him then he look away and start to walk you start to get freak out and walking mindlessly .

 "Where is the bathroom ??" you scream again .




(mom where are you?? ........ what ?? you lost what ??.......)

(whats wrong with them ?? what are they looking at ?? ........... can i speak with you in privet ?? )

( what?? are you hitting on me!! omg!!.......) ( i think we should date *smile*........ i like you too  )

(just take this !! ashh!! ......... what is this ?? * look inside * *scream* wait ! you misunderstood !!)



hope you keep reading my fanfic cause it will only get better :D

" Friendship love hate "

I'm in love with Slow, White.........

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promise the first chapter from " goodbye slow,white" and the teaser will be up in 2 days ^^


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Chapter 24: Argh... Too much drama... Have a headache reading this story... I'm only focusing when (...) MC ing... That's the only part I like so far... Min is a totally drama queen in this story... It's so unlike her... She's a bubbly and kind girl... This story can be safe if you lessen the drama part... To much drama make this story uninteresting... Oh, I ship (...) with Sunggyu... xoxoxo
Chapter 27: ASKLJGHAKJG <3
iMprettycooL_K #3
Chapter 14: Finally! somebody have written fanfics about them min and nichkhun!
Mo0onyDolls #5
singaporetwins thank you for your comments i loved reading it !! first about taec and the picture you will find out in the spoil ^^ about them kissing and no one watching " humm ... i won't be so sure ~ ;D " last thing who leaked the news is ..... also in the spoil :b she does but she is mad cause fei told her everything so she thougth ( you ) is still in love with Khun plus if you remember she heared Khun talking about old girlfriend in his room back then ..so she was scared to lose him ! aww ~ thank you <3 i'm happy you liked it ^_^
...blink blink...the picture told it all...sigh...taecyeon leaked it didnt he????the sequel will be where min starts liking him cuz he was nice to her right????tsk tsk!!!!but sigh...ruiin a friendship over something like this????...she does know it was before right????...sigh...yay!!!!sunggyu saved her!!!!phoo...shes leaving...sigh...good ending halmo0ony unnie!!!!perfect for a sequel!!!!
waaah!!!!got all caught up halmo0ony unnie!!!!...so...much drama...blink blink...SUNGGYU!!!!noooo!!!!whyd you break up with her????why why why????...phooey you...yay!!!!nichkhuns alright!!!!...tsk tsk for playing such a joke on min...yay!!!!she made her debut and made it big!!!!...yikes for all those encounters with sunggyu...not fun...phooey...and omg!!!!infinitell be making their debut soon right????yay!!!!so is miss a!!!!...eh oh...taec saw the pic of her and nichkhun right????...not good!!!!...sigh...alchohal...you make things so difficult...good thing no one saw em kissing!!!!hopefully...awww...she really misses sunggyu...tsk tsk for pranking all your reader halmo0ony unnie!!!!cant wait for the next update!!!!
Mo0onyDolls #8
Mariejo thank you <33 hope you enjoy reading the rest ^^
waaaaaa~~ i love the update~! jjang jjang!! daebak~kekekke
Mo0onyDolls #10
singaporetwins thanks for the comment !! oh ~ min have it cause she took it from ( you )'s hand when she was screaming ~ ^_^ yeah love triangles do !!i have been in one >.< ..what will happen next is lot of action !!!!!!! hahahaha ... love you balmoony <3