
take you to the candy shop

taehyung entered the candy store, scanning around the room for a certain candy. he finally saw the sweets he was searching for and looked around to see if anyone was watching. finding that the coast was clear, he slowly put the candy into his pockets, while still looking out for people. he noticed that his pockets were a little too full, but dismissed the thought because, "that means more candy for me!


he quickly left the store and when he was about to walk back to his apartment, he bumped into someone, causing all of his candy to fall on the ground.  . he struggled grabbing the candy and he looked at the panicking stranger with determined eyes, "RUN, RUN TAKE ALL THE CANDY YOU CAN CARRY AND RUN!" 


the man looked at taehyung, doubtful, but clumsily grabbed most of the candy. taehyung grabbed his hand and ran as far away from the store as possible, hiding under the slides from a park. 


"i helped you on a whim, but what are those?!" the person asked. he looked down to see what he was pointing to, and saw his wasabi flavoured kit-kat candy. thank god, i thought he was talking about my shoes


"wasabi flavoured kit-kats..." taehyung saw that the man was silently judging him and tried to redeem himself. 


"before you judge my preferences, we should at least introduce ourselves. i'm kim taehyung." 


"i'm park jimin, nice to meet you! now WHAT ARE THOSE?!" 


taehyung looked at jimin's shoes. dirty converse's. he looked down on his own shoes. fresh jordan's. taehyung decided to let it slide, he wouldn't want to make someone he barely knew cry. 


on second thought, i've never actually seen his face. taehyung discreetly shifted his eyes to look at jimin. holy he's hot. taehyung thanked lord jesus christ for allowing him to meet such a beautiful person. 


"thanks for the compliment, but i think you're far more gorgeous than me." jimin shyly replied. 


surprised that he replied to his thinking, he screamed loudly. 


"holy , calm down!" jimin slapped his hand on top of taehyung's mouth. 


"you— knew what i was thinking?" he said, while jimin still had his hand over his mouth. 


jimin tore his hand off taehyung's mouth, "no you dingus, you said it out loud!" 


oh. that explains it


"well... have you ever had wasabi flavoured kit-kats?" jimin shook his head and taehyung grinned. 


"great! this will be your first time then!" taehyung whipped out his phone (he literally did the whip when he took out his phone, jimin gaped at him, whispering, "unbelievable.") and went to video to record his reaction. 


"now go try the candy!" taehyung whispered. 


jimin stared at the oddly flavoured candy and ripped open the wrapper. he smelled the kit-kat and scrunched his face up in distaste. i can't believe im doing this.


jimin shoved the whole thing in his mouth and started chewing the candy, regretting each bite. with the snack still in his mouth, he asked taehyung, "why the hell would you steal this candy. what is this taste. why would they even make it. this is so disgusting, why."


taehyung was laughing madly while watching jimin's reaction. he pressed the record button again, stopping the recording. 


"why would you try to steal this candy, this is so nasty oh my god." jimin swallowed the candy, but choking in the process. 


"it's my favourite candy, and in my opinion i think it tastes fine." taehyung said while softly patting jimin's back. 


face red and eyes glistening, (but still disgusted) jimin rasped out, "what is wrong with your taste, jesus christ."


jimin paused, "what's wrong with your TAEste?" jimin grinning knowingly in taehyung's direction. 


taehyung widened his eyes at jimin's terrible pun, and laughed harder than he had ever laughed (even more than when jeongguk tripped and fell flat on his face). 


"that— was so bad! oh my god!" taehyung exclaimed between giggling madly. 


jimin smiled, proud of his pun, "but seriously what's wrong with your taste?" 


taehyung held a finger up to halt jimin. he calmed down to answer his question, "nothing, i just like exotic flavours!"




taehyung pushed jimin playfully and jimin held his arm, feigning hurt. 


taehyung was eating the kit-kat like it was nothing, and jimin was impressed, yet appalled. 


"how could you eat that normally?" 


taehyung looked at jimin in confusion, "it tastes good to me?"


jimin wanted to leave right now. he can't trust this person. 


"i gotta go right now." 


taehyung waved goodbye, and jimin looked at taehyung. 


"well, farewell," jimin grabbed taehyung's shoulders slightly and kissed his cheek quickly, blushing a deep shade of red. 


taehyung's eyes widened in surprise, and when the realization hit him, he started blushing also. 


"well, see you around jimothy, it was n-nice meeting you..."


flustered, jimin stuttered out, "y-yeah, you too taelicia." 


they smiled at each other's horrible nicknames, and before jimin actually left, he grabbed two handfuls of the candy. i'm totally going to force yoongi hyung to eat this


taehyung watched jimin retreat back to wherever he was going, and got up to leave as well. 


taehyung usually didn't steal from candy stores, but if it meant meeting park jimin another time, he wouldn't mind shoplifting candy again. 



A/N: they meet again and jeongguk's there, and jeongguk is done with their ust and becomes their lowkey wingman, along with yoongi (who is done with their bull but only goes along with it because jeongguk's so passionate about their relationship) 

please tell me if i ever made a mistake or if i wrote anything that was offensive to you, i will change it right away thank you ♥ or if anything seems out of place please, tell me

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Chapter 1: Oh my god that was so funny! Xddd Could’t stop laughing at WHAT ARE THOSE?! and Tae LITERALLY whipping his phone from his pocket, I can clearly imagine him doing that irl Xddd
nguyenhoahi #2
Chapter 1: I lost it when the "WHAT ARE THOSE" part came up hahaha
Chapter 1: This is so cuuuute <3 Hahahaha. Vmin ftw!!
Chapter 1: This is amazing omfg. I could seriously imagine VMin in thus situation and the dialogue is so on point yo!
Blue82 #5
Chapter 1: The authir's note was the best part and the shoe comment was the second best.
namgyu4ever #6
Chapter 1: OMG that was so sweet♥♥ , jimin was super cute and taehyung was bieng his usual taehyung self hhahahahah
Chapter 1: even though i don't ship vmin romantically, as you know, i found this really cute because wow these two are just freakin adorable individuals and your ideas are amazing so yup, love you!
ARAmountOfJams #8
Chapter 1: "He literally did the whip when he took out his phone"
Vandjimin #9
Chapter 1: That was so cute