December 8th 2015

~Christmas Calendar~


Yunseo's POV

I would still be sleeping, unless if someone named Minseo wouldnt be huggin me in her sleep. Her body just radiates all of her heat into me. And it was starting to get really hot under the blanket. I tried to shook her a bit so she would release her grip but noo.. Shes like a baby koala when she sleeps, always clinging on to person sleeping next to her. It was really uncomfortable so i started to poke and tickle her.

Luckily shes very ticklish so she let go of me and rolled over, this time hugging a cushion. The dorm was oddly quiet, are the guys still sleeping? I got up from the couch and decided to go look if they are still sleeping. But.. There was note taped on their door and there read:

~Hi noona and Minseo! We have already left for our schedules today! We have a fanmeeting today and maybe something else, so we are not sure when we are coming back.. But try to keep yourselves entertained! Oh! Maybe you should go and explore Seoul a little bit, dont you think? ~Hobi/oppa~

So.. They have already left.. Should i go wake Minseo up or shower before that? Maybe i should shower first, then wake her up so she can shower then. And after that we can make plan for our day. What an excellent idea! I went for my luggage and grabbed the stuff i needed and conquered the bathroom for myself.

As i was enjoying my long and warm shower, i heard the door opening. "It's just me unnie.. I really need to use a toilet. And you were taking ages" she mumbled sleepily. I didnt feel need to answer her so i just continued my showering. And she was already leaving.. 

When i got out of the bathroom Minseo were waiting behind the door with her towel. "What would you like to have for breakfast?" i tried to ask her but she didnt answer. I guess ill just decide what to wear before making the breakfast for us.  I rummed through my luggage and decided to wear this:



I was already fully dressed when Minseo came out from the bathroom, while drying her hair with a towel. "Unnie, arent the guys at home?" she asked. "Nope, they had already left when i woked up" "Oh, i see" "Get dressed! So we can leave!" "But, arent we going to eat first and where we are going?" "Naah, we are going to do some research in Seoul, so we can start by eating breakfast at somewhere!" "If you say so.." 

She also picked clothes for herself and she decided to wear this: 

Kuvahaun tulos haulle winter outfitsKuvahaun tulos haulle wool coat womens

"Miniii! Are you ready?" "Just a second unnie. I'll just put finishing touches on my makeup" Soon she was ready and we were already leaving. "Unnie, we dont even know their doors lockcode?" "Well.. I think guys will be here before we are back... And if they arent i will just call Hobi or something" i said as i closed the door.

"Unniee~ Where are we going? Should we start from that shopping centre where we did our shoppings before Jin oppas birthday?" "I was thinking about something else, what about we jump on next bus we see coming?" "Are you sure that is great idea?" "Ofcourse it is! Come on there is one bus stop in there!" I saw some bus coming and then we started running, and we reached the bus stop just in time. 

We bought bus tickets for ourselves and went to find a place for us to sit. Luckily there was seats available at the front of the bus, because Minseo sometimes gets motion sickness when riding anything with wheels. Or even in boat.

"Come on! I saw something that resembled shopping centre!" i said enthusiastically. We got off from the bus after riding it about twenty minutes. And started to make our way towards the shopping centre. On our way in there something catched my eyes, ofcourse i would spot all of these cute little cafes. But now i know where we are going to enjoy our breakfast.

We stepped inside of this cozy little cafe, the scent floating around us was stunning. All those freshly baked breads, croissants, cakes and pastries. We walked to the vitrine.. And ofcourse Minseo saw that turtle bread.. How could she miss it.

"Hi, how can i help you?" the guy workin there asked from us startling us a bit. "Ah.. Hi. I'll take iced latte and couple of croissants, please!" i said smiling. "Okay, has this lady made her mind yet?" he asked turning his gaze at Minseo "I'll take that turtle bread!" she said while pointing at it. "And latte macchiato, please."  The guy counted our puraches together so i paid for them. Then he handed us our orders on a tray. We thanked him and went to sit down.

Kuvahaun tulos haulle breadKuvahaun tulos haulle latte macchiato



Minseo was about to bite turtles head off when i shouted to her "Minseo wait!" "Unnie why?" I didnt reply to her, i just took my phone from my pocket. "Of course i need to take picture off these and put it in instagram.." I answered to her while grinning. I wanted to take the picture with her in it. So i corrected my angle, but when i saw her face.. She didnt look pleased at all. "Dont look like Grumpy... I just wanted to take this picture and share it with a text in it ~Hanging with my lilsis<3 And trying enemies baked goodies...~" 

"Can you just take the picture allready? Im hungryy~" she whined to me, i snapped the photo quickly. "Okey, you can start killing the turtle.." "Unnie, dont say it like that... Or i cant eat it and you have to buy me something else" she pouted at me "Okey okey, mianhae... Let's eat!" I said while taking a sip from my iced latte.

I took a bite from my croissant, it was still a bit warm so they were definitely freshly baked. YUM! "Unnie, you look too happy when eating that croissant.." Minseo said smiling and took a sip from her latte macchiato. "Ifs juss so good!" I said with my mouth full of food. She started to laugh at me "You are such a pig unnie!" What can i do to myself, i just love food! "How is your turtle?" I asked from her after my mouth was empty. 

"Its really tasty! It has somekind of tasty filling in it" Soon we had munched our foods, but still had our drinks before us. "Should we do some present shopping?" I asked from Minseo, taking a sip from my drink. "Well, now would be great time to do that.. Guys are not with us" "I just have no idea what we should get for them.." I groaned and sanked lower on my chair. "We have to keep our eyes wide open, maybe we will have some kind of idea" I nodded my head, i was starting to regret my iced latte decicion... I was already freezing and then i took this cold drink.. Clever me..

I was starting to get brain freezed so i offered the rest of my drink to Minseo "Oh, are you full unnie?" I couldnt answer to her, i rushed to the cashier. "Can i please have one big hot chocolate, as a take away" I asked from the guy. "Oh ofcourse, i will make it right away" I paid my hot chocolate "I will go get my jacket" I said to the guy.

"Unnie, what did you order?" I grinned at her "Oh.. Ofcourse.. Hot chocolate.. Why I even asked" I showed my tongue to her and put on my jacket. That guy came to our table "Here is your hot chocolate miss, there is a cold day, so please dont get yourself cold" He said to us "Thankyou, i guess this will help to keep warm a moment" I said smiling to him. 


Now we were heading to the shopping centre, we were busy looking all the pretty display windows. "Unnie look at that! How can someone make these windows look so pretty?!" She said while stucking her face in to the glass. I couldnt even answer to her, i was too engrossed by all the lights and decorations.


  Kuvahaun tulos haulle window displays christmas


Im sure we looked like idiots while stuffing our faces to the glass, but who cares! I admit it, we are pabos from coutryside.. And im not embarrased about it. 

I was starting to feel a bit cold, but didnt want to complain to Minseo, she was enjoying her self. So i just tried to puff warm air on my hands, but she heard it "Unnie, are you cold? You could have just said so.. Come on granny, lets go" She said a bit cheekily. How old she thinks i am!? 

When we got inside, we were greeted by a beautifull Christmas decorations. From the roof were hanging these huge ornaments.




"Wow! Unnie look!" I smiled to Minseo who was like a small kid in the candy shop. We were leaning on the railing and just staring at the lights. "Should we start shopping?" I asked from Minseo "Yeah, where should we go first?" "Lets just walk that way, and then we can visit the stores what we want to" I suggested.



Minseo's POV

"By the way Minseo, we didnt get to finish our discussion yesterday.." Unnie stated while we were walking "Ermm...What do you mean unnie?" "Eyyyy, dont pretend like you dont know what i mean.." She smirked at me, aish.. Why she needed to remember that right now.. "You know you can tell me everything Mini..." "Yes, i know..." I said while lowering my gaze.

"Can we go in that store? I will tell you in there, while we shop" "Okey, come on!" We were looking clothes, and i could feel unnies eyes on me.. Oh right.. I promised to tell her.. "So.. Yesterday you asked, if i have a crush on somebody.." She nodded, ushering me to continue. "Well.. I think i have.." Her face brightened "Really!! Who?!" I felt my cheecks heating up.

"Aaaw, you can tell to unnie. I wont say anything to anyone, you know that?" I nodded my head "You know i dont really know anything about dating, or even crushing.." She nodded her head "Im pretty sure that i have a crush now.." She embraced me "Thats so cute!! Tell me, when you are with him do you feel butterflies in your tummy? Does your hands get cold sweat in them?" Unnie started to babble, i just nodded my head as an answer. 

"Then my baby sister, you do have a crush! Who is it?" I was thinking if i should tell her or not... "Well... I think there is two of them.." Her eyes allmost popped out of her head "WHAT!! Really?! Who?" "Jin oppa... And Taehyung oppa..." went wide open... Now she will think im a weirdo...

"Just forget what i said..." I turned around and started to walk out from the store, when unnie took my hand and turned me around and took me in her embrace. "Aaw my baby Minnie~ Its okey, have you said anything to guys?" I looked at her with a are you serious face "Oh right, teehee.. Well, you can take your time and see how your feelings will develope. And if guys will give you hints they like you also..." 


We have been shopping a quite a while now, and i was starting to feel a bit hungry. "Unnie, can we go eat somewhere?" "Sure, im not that hungry yet but i can take something small.. What would you like to eat?" I looked around the shopping centre and i noticed info board not so far away from us. "Lets go look what restaurant here is?" We walked to the board and started to check restaurants. 

"Unnie, look.. Here is italian restaurant! Can we go there?!" She laughed at me "Sure, lets go there"

We walked inside the restaurant, it had really warm and cozy feeling inside.



"Good day! Table for two?" This cute older waiter came to ask from us. "Yes please" He took us to our table and gived us menus. "While you are thinking what to order, can i get you something to drink?" He asked from us smiling, with his cute eye wrinkles showing. "I would like to have a glass of white wine" Unnie said "Can i have a ice tea please?" "Ofcourse, ill go get your drinks" He said still smiling.

"Ok now when im here and smelling all these delicious scents, im getting hungry!" Unnie cried out. "What are you going to order unnie?" "Im thinking about lasagna.. It looks really mouth watering.." Unnie drooled "What about you?" "Well im thinking about pasta carbonara" Our waiter came back with our drinks "White wine for you and ice tea for you. Have you decided what you want to order?" He asked while taking his small note book from his pocket.

"Yes, i will take a lasagna" Unnie answered and folded her menu. "And for you young lady?" "I will have a pasta carbonara" "Okey, it will take propably around 10 minutes" "Okey, thankyou" He left our table.

"What did we buy... Clothes... Accessories... But did we get any presents for boys?" Unnie asked "I dont think so... I dont even have a idea what should we get for them.." "Maybe we will think about this more, and maybe ask if they need something.." Unnie suggested. "Yeah, i agree with you"

It didnt take long when our waiter came back with our dinners. "Here is lasagna for you and our pasta carbonara for you, plese enjoy!" He said and then left. 


  Kuvahaun tulos haulle white wine

Kuvahaun tulos haulle pasta carbonara  Kuvahaun tulos haulle ice tea


I was about to start eating when i remembered that unnie will propably want to take her picture again. I turned to look at her "What?" She asked from me "Dont you take a picture before i can start?" "OH! Right! Hold on!" Aish.. She wouldnt have even remembered.. *CLICK* "Ok, lets dig in!" 

I got first bite in my mouth, it was heavenly good! 

As we were eating i decided, its my turn to ask about unnies lovelife. "Soo.. Now you know about who im lookin with my loveglasses.. Do you have anyone special in your mind?" I asked her. "Nope!" "Are you sure unnie? There isnt anything between you and Yoongi oppa?" "What do you mean?" "Isnt it clear? You are using each others as a pillows and arm chairs, like its the most normal thing in the world!" I expected to get even somekind of reaction out of unnie with that, but she just happily continued to devour her lasagna.

"So what..? Doesnt that just mean im feeling comfortable with him?" "Well maybe yes, but everybody else has also noticed that.." "What? Who?" "Example.. Jungkook oppa, Namjoon oppa, Jimin oppa.." "Wait what!? Everybody knows?" Now she was starting to lose her pokerface.. "Well, it seems only the two of you are uncertain about that.." Maybe we should drop this conversation, unnie seems like she dont want to discuss this anymore. But now i know i havent been seing things.. She has very smoothly flirted with Yoongi oppa, but i wonder if oppa had noticed it. And if Yoongi oppa has same interest in her.

Soon we finished our dining "Excuse me! Can we get the receipt?" unnie asked. "Can we get these separetly?" She had already paid my breakfast, im not letting her pay for my dinner also. "Heyyy, i would have paid yours too" she said while getting her wallet from her bag. "You are not my mom, you are not supposed to be buying me all of my foods" i said chuckling. "But you are always my baby sister..." "Still.. Im paying my own, and if you keep on babbling, i will pay yours too!" That closed .

After we have paid, we left the restaurant. Back to shopping! 



Yunseo's POV

Ouff... My feets are starting to kill me.. We have been walking allmost an all day.. I checked my watch, its already 8 pm!?! When did the time go?! "Minseo, i think we should start making our way back to guys dorm..." She turned to look me relieved "Yes! Finally! Let's go.." We walked out from the shopping centre.

"Unnie, didnt we come from that direction?" Minseo asked while pointing to left. "Nah, im sure we came from here..." I think..? "If you say so" We started to walk in that direction. 

"Unnie... We have been walking 15 minutes in this direction, and im sure i havent been in here...!" Minseo started to whine "Let's just walk a bit, im sure we will found bus stop soon" "But we have walked past many bus stops! Anyt of them havent had that number what our bus had!!" Ok, she is starting to get really grumpy..

"Lets just walk in there and then turn left" "Promise me unnie, you will call Hobi oppa if we dont found our bus..?" "I promise, come on" 

When we turned to the left we found this really beautiful looking road ahead of us.



"Look how beautifull Minseo! And look there is bus stop!" I yelled happily "Unnie, that is a tram stop..." "Oh, mianhae Minseo... Lets just walk this road a bit.. Then i call Hoseok, okey?" I was starting to realize that we are so lost.. Why i just cant swallow my pride and tell her that.. 

"It's nicer to walk in this road unnie, look at all of these beautifull display windows" 



I was about to answer to her when i heard my phone ringing.

- "Hobiiiii~!"

- "Noona where are you? Its almost 9 pm!! We just came home and you werent here!" 

I heard from his voice he was really concerned

- "Well, we are not really sure..." i mumbled

- "WHAT?! Where did you go?!"

- "We took a bus and sat in it around 20 minutes.. We went to shopping!" I said happily

- "Aish... Why couldnt you just go in that shopping centre near by...?"

- "I wanted to see others also! Dont you lecture me! Im 22 years old, i think i can manage my self just fine!"

- "But you dont know how to come back to our dorm, right? Noona, i remember your orienteering skills!"

- "......"

- "Noona, just tell me the address... We will come to pick you up..."

After i told him the address we ended the phone call. "Was it Hobi oppa?" "Yeah, they will come to pick us" not a long after started to fall tiny snow flakes. "Unnie look!!" Minseo yelled and smiled widely while trying to catch the flakes. I took few pictures of her doing that. 

It was fun first, but now when we were just standing still we started to feel the coldnes. " How long untill oppa comes..?" I checked my watch "He called 10 minutes ago.. Maybe atleast 10-15 minutes more.." She looked like she was about to burst in tears, she was too tired and feeling cold. I took her in my embrace, trying to give my warmth to her.

Around 15 minutes later i saw car approaching us, it didnt look familiar so i didnt move or do anything. That car stopped next to us and honked. I tried to look who it was, i saw the window going down "HEY! COME IN!" Grumpy yelled. What? Grumpy is driving?! "I know im handsome, but can you just come inside so we can leave?!" he yelled to me. V opened the back door and got up, "I will help Minseo, you go sit to the front noona" i saw Hoseok also sitting at the back seat.

When we were all inside, Grumpy started to drive. I felt myself starting to melt, thank god he has heater in his car!  "Hey, are you okey?" I heard Grumpy ask from me "Mm-m.." I started to feel sleepy and my eyes started to close. "Why did you even come this far!? Dont you know how concerned we were when we didnt found you at the dorm!?" he started to babble with concerned voice. "Aaaw, so you care about us" I decided to . 

I saw him turning pinkish color "Others were really concerned.." I wanted to laugh out loud, but i was too sleepy to do that..

When we reached their apartment building, Grumpy drived his car to parking hall. I got up from the car, and opened the back door. I saw Minseo sleeping against Taehyung. "Hobi, could you take Mini?" he nodded and was about to take her when Taehyung said "I can take her, if you just help her on my back, i will piggy back her" I saw Hobi was about to start shouting at him "Let's just do it Hobi, i want to go inside, im still freezing.."

Soon we were at their house floor, Grumpy opened the door and we got inside. I was taking my shoes away when i heard foots stepping in to our direction. "Thank god you are fine!!" It was Jin oppa "Omo, is Minseo sleeping?" I nodded my head, i really need to get warm shower. I turned to glance at Minseo who was in deep slumber, i guess i dont have a heart to wake her up.. 

I went to get my towel and pajama and walked to bathroom. 


When i got out from the bathroom, i saw Jin putting a blanket on top of Minseo. "Oh, do you want something warm to drink Yunseo?" "Nah, i think i will just go to sleep, thankyou for asking oppa.." I dived under my blanket and pulled Minseo close to me. I didnt even mind guys were still watching tv next to us, it didnt take long for me to fall a sleep also...



Annyeong~! ^^ Another chapter! Hope you enjoyed it! :)

~ PandaAndGiraffe / Sara And Henna

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Chapter 26: Awwww this Is sweet. Love grumpy so much
Chapter 23: I would never pass under a mistletoe with jin and not kiss him 8-8 !
its almost over :(
Chapter 14: Lol jin is being such a mom on this chapter. I love it.
Ohhh minseo is jealous *winkwink*
Chapter 9: its so sweet and cute ^^ I like it very much so far keep up the great work! :D
Chapter 3: This story is way tooooooo cute!!!