December 4th 2015

~Christmas Calendar~



Jimin's POV

We had already left the dorm, and were heading to a Music Bank. We had left Yunseo noona and Minseo to our dorm, to set everything up for Jin hyungs birthday party at the evening. I was wondering if V can keep his mouth shut about the party and not ruin the surprise. We had made a deal not to wish him happy birthday until we get back to home, i just hope that hyung wouldnt be too sad, thinking that we dont even remember his birhtday. I searched for Jin hyung with my gaze and saw him happily chatting with Namjoon hyung, while Yoongi hyung was using Jin hyungs lap as a pillow. Ofcourse Yoongi hyung would sleep at every possible moment.

 "Jimiiiin~! What are you thinking about?" V asked as he sat next to me. "Our performance." "Its gonna be so great! Too bad noona and Minseo cant be here today" "Yeah. But they said that they have to arrange everything ready at the dorm, so we cant blame them." V just hummed and hopped away happily. Ah.. He went to bother Hoseok hyung next. "Hyung~ Im bored.." V whined. Hoseok hyung started to entertain Taehyung, by dancing different kind of girl group dances.

I didnt even notice that time had passed so quickly, i realized that only when our coordi noonas started to fix our makeups and hairs, the show was about to start. We all started to laugh when they woked up Yoongi hyung, he has messed his makeup and hair. "What are you all laughing at?" He asked a bit grumpily. "Look at mirror Yoongi, then you'll understand" Jin hyung answered. "How did i end up looking like this?" Yoongi muttered to himself as he walked to get his makeup fixed.

Eventually our time came.. We did our cheer and starterd to walk towars the stage, I can already hear fans screams and shouts.. Okay here we go Jiminnie, you got this.



Yunseo's POV

As the boys had left at the morning, me and Minseo started to clean their dorm a bit. "Minseo if you will vacuum, i will dust the shelves and go tamp the pillows and carpets at the balcony, okey?" "Okey unnie"

After that "Unnie, do we need to clean their room?" "No, i dont think that Suga would really appreciate that" I giggled. "Unnie, is there something between you and Suga oppa?" "Aniyo, i think he is just fun to be with" I explained to her. "If you say so.."

After we had cleaned the dorm we needed to only wait their manager to bring our stuff what we bought yesterday. It didnt take that long for him to come, he gaved us our grocerie bags and left back to the broadcast station. We decided to start cooking.

"Minseo if you will do japchae, i can start making seaweed soup and kimchi stew" "Sounds good" I started making the base for the soup and Minseo started cutting vegetables. "Unnie, how much do we need?" "Well, there is going to be nine people, so i guess pretty much.." 

We decided to leave the seaweed soup to simmer, and went to put on decorations. As we were decorating, i decided to call Hoseok.



-"Hi Hobi, i hope im not calling at bad time?"

-"No, not at all. Did something happen?" 

-"Aniyo, everything is fine. Are you near Jin oppa now?" 

-"Well his sitting in the same room, why?" 

-"Can you go outside for a moment?" 

-"Ok, wait a second. *walk out from the room* Alright, im now at the hall way"

-"I was just thinking, if you guys could get Jin somewhere when you come home..? Like going to market and get milk or something? So you guys can come home and decorate his cake before he comes home. Me and Minseo have cleaned and cooked everything almost ready. I just tought that you would like to decorate his cake by yourselfs?"

-"You didnt have to clean our dorm..."

-"Too bad, already did"

-"Well, thankyou i guess? I will talk to Rapmonster, we will figure out something"

-"Ok good, and also, can you send me a message when you are coming. So i will know the situation"

-"Yeah, i will do that. Jin hyung has been a bit upset today, usually we have already at midnight given him cake and sanged for him.."

-"Lets hope he will be super happy after he sees our surprise!"

-"Yeah, i need to go back... See you later noona. Bye~"

-"Bye bye Hobi~!"

I ended the phone call and went back to help Minseo.

Finally we were ready with decorations, and most of the cooking. We decided to go get showers and then started to put on our make-up. Minseo didnt put a lot make-up, only a bit of mascara and powder, i decided also wear quite natural make-up, but i wanted my eyes pop out a bit so i put eye liner around my eyes. After we were done with our make-ups we started to choose our clothes.


Minseo wears this


I weared this

So i guess we are allmost ready.. Decorations - CHECK, Food and drinks - CHECK, Cake - CHECK, well not decorated yet, but it doesnt take long.. "Should we start putting foods that doesnt have to be warm, on the table already?" i asked "Yeah, lets do it.. Then we will be faster, when we are starting to eat" 

I just put last plate on the table, when i heard my phone buzzing. I got a message from Hoseok.

~We will be home in 15 minutes, but Jin hyung and Kookie wont come then yet. Kookie has to go visit his school and get his school work, so Jin will accompany him. We didnt even fool him! He did it by himself!! ^^~ 

~Okey, well good job i guess ^^' See you soon!~ I answered to him.

"Minseo, guys are here in 15 minutes! Go make your hair now when the bathroom is still vacant" i said to her, she stared at me a moment and then ran to a toilet. I was feeling lazy so i just brushed my hair and let it open. I checked myself from the mirror, i was quite happy from my outfit. "Unnie you look really pretty!" "You look pretty too Minseo" i said and hugged her. 

Soon we heard the door open and 5 guys entering the dorm. "Noonaa? Minii? Where are you? Oh! WOW! You both look beautifull!" Hoseok yelled when he walked in to their room. "Yeah yeah, go change your clothes so you can decorate that cake" I said to them. "I need to take a shower..." said Jimin "Me too!" V yelled. They looked at each other and raced to the bathroom.

I shook my head in amusement "I leave you in peace so you can change youre clothes, we dont want to see anybody " I said ands glanced at Yoongi smirking. He turned aroud huffing but im pretty sure i saw him blushing.


Guys had changed their clothes and were decorating the cake. "Why are you cutting it?!" Rapmonster shouted "I want to get smaller piece for hyung only.." Jimin mumbled. "YAH! KIM TAEHYUNG!!! WHY ARE YOU CUTTING THE KIWIS LIKE THAT?!" Hoseok shrieked, "Look hyung, they look like stars!" V defended himself. "They really dont..?" Suga said "Yaah!! Noona! Hyung just put the cream on really weirdly!!" Jimin tried to snitch on me. "It looks great! Artistic!" Rapmonster explained us his vision.

"Suga hyung why arent you doing anything..?" V asked "Im waiting for my turn.." "Oh, okey.. Doesnt these look pretty?!" V shouted "KIM TAEHYUNG!! WHAT AN EARTH ARE YOU DOING?!" Hoseok shrieked, once again. "Im making it pretty..." "By destroying all those strawberries by cutting them in small pieces?!" Now it was Namjoons time to yell at Taehyun. I almost couldnt hold my laughter, aish these boys.

After they were some how all happy with their decorations, others looked at Yoongi "What did you do hyung? You said you were waiting your turn... Are you still waiting?" Jimin asked. Suga glanced at them, then smirked and took little packet from his pocket. He turned his back at us and put something on top of the cake. "Seriously hyung! That's all what you do?! Im gonna tell Jin hyung that you dont love him so much as we do..." V babbled "Who said i dont love him like you do..? I was the one who had to do the groceries then!!" Suga argued

"Guys it looks nice, though it would have been better if noona would have baked the cake..." Hobi said "Noona knows how to bake?" Jimin asked "Ne! She owns a bakery in Gwangju with her best friend! Guys we should go there some time! All of their products are really mouthwatering..." Hoseok drooled "Hahhah, its good to know you havent found replacement for us" "Noona! Can you bake someday to us?" V asked, AAWW KYAA!! This kid is so adorabled, im going to adopt him!

"Yeah, ofcourse i can" "So thats why you could just inform your co-worker and have allmosnt an month long vacation" Rapmonster said "Yes, plus i havent really had vacation in a long time, so when i asked her if its ok if ill be away so long. She basically throw me out and yelled dont come back until 2016..." Everyone laughed.

We were ready with the cake decorating so we had little moment of peace before Jungkook sended message sayin they are in the elevator. Hoseok went to take the cake and we all runned to find a hiding place. Let's get this party started.



Jin's POV

We had just left Music Bank broadcasting station and were going back to the dorm. I was feeling down all day, why? It's my birthday, and the guys havent said anything... And i havent mentioned it cause i dont want to beg for their congratulations... We were allmost at the dorm when Jungkook said "Hyungs, you can go home already, i need to go visit my school and get my homeworks... Manager hyung will give me a lift" Guys nodded their heads "I can join you Kookie.. I dont have anything else to do.."

I tried to look guys reactions, but there were none.. Have they really forgot..? We stopped in front of our apartment building and guys get off. After that we drived to Kookies school. When we reached there "Hyung, you want to come with me or wait in the car?" "I will wait, im sure it wont take long.." "Oh, okey. I will be fast.."

Maknae runned to his school.. Sigh... My phone ringed, oh, umma is calling

-"Annyeong umma"

-"Aw my baby Seokjinnie~ saeng-il chukahamnida, saeng-il chukahamnida, saranghaneun Seokjin shi, saeng-il chukahamnida! Umma loves you alot!"

I allmost burst in tears when she singed for me, its been a while when i saw my umma.

-"Gomawo umma, how are you and dad?"

-"Oh we are just fine, how about you and the other boys?"

-"We are all fine too"

-"Did they surprise you again, like last year?"

I was thinking if i should tell her not...

-"Ermm... Well, they didnt..."

-"Really? Im sure they will remember, there is still day left."

-"Yeah you are right.. Oh, did you see our performance in MAMA?"

-"Ofcourse i saw it! You did great Seokjinnie~! Umma is proud!"

-"We were all exited, specially Hoseok. His sisters came to our dorm just when we were leaving, so we ended up taking them with us to Hong Kong"

-"It's good he can spend some time with his sisters, im sure he have missed them alot.. How old are his sisters?"

-"Well the older one Yunseo, she is 22 years old and younger one Minseo is 18 years old."

-"Are they pretty?"

I know where this is going....

-"Umma, they are both really pretty.."

-"Is this Yunseo nice?"

-"Yes, she is really nice and funny"


-"UMMA!! They are like littlesisters to me... And i dont know what Hoseok will think if one of s starts to date his sister..."

-"Seokjin, you say like that all the girls you know.. And besides im starting to get old! I want to have grandchildrens! And -"

-"Im sorry umma, i really need to go! Talk to you again later, tell my greetings for dad. Love you both! Bye!"

*toot toot toot*

Aish.. She always gets exited... Maybe i shouldnt tell her any girls that i know... After my phone call with mom, it didnt take long when Kookie came back with his hands full of books and papers. I opened the door for him "Gomawo hyung" "I see you got a bit of homeworks..." "Yeah, i need to do this before i go to school next time.." "And when is that?" "Maybe in january.." 

We drived to our apartment building and got inside. We were waiting elevator when i noticed Jungkook was texting to someone. "Who are you texting to..?" "To my brother.." "Oh okey.." 

We got out from the elevator and typed our dorm locks code. We stepped inside and were greeted with silence, they didnt come home? "Hi, anyone in here?" I shouted. We walked to the livingroom and i saw this banner hanging on the wall.


"Princess? What an earth?" i mumbled, i turned to look at Jungkook but he was nowhere to be seen... Where did he go...? I was walking out from livingroom when all the members, Yunseo and Minseo jumped infront of me "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIN *HYUNG* *OPPA*!!!!!!" I was speechless and just stared at them, until this big grin rised on my face. "You guys didnt forget!" I said and bursted in tears. Hoseok walked in front of me with a cake on his hands "Come on hyung, wish and blow your candles" 


"You guys really made this?" "Yeah we did, now blow!" Namjoon shouted. The cake was decorated really unique way, but i loved it. It showed they really put some effort in to it. I closed my eyes, I hope you guys wont ever change, then i blowed the candle off. "YAAY! Congratulations hyung!" V yelled and came to hug me "Thankyou Taehyungie~" "I want to hug hyung too!" Jimin shouted "Come here then! No wait, come here all of you!"

I hoarded them all in my embrace. "You too Yoongi" "Ok, only today.." "1,2,3,4,5 and 6... Wheres 7 and 8? Yunseo and Minseo, you come here too!" "You want us to join too?" Yunseo asked. "Ofcourse!" Girls joined our hug too "I love you guys! I thought you forget... How can you do this to me..!?"

"Ermmm hyung... You are squeezing us quite hard.." Hobi said. I hugged them moment longer and then let go. "Come on guys, lets eat. Dinner is ready" Yunseo said and walked to kitchen. She cooked? We walked to the kitchen and i bursted to laugh out loud. "WHAT IS THIS?!"

Chloe's Hello Kitty Party table set up #hellokittyparty #hellokitty #sweettable #hellokittybirthday #kids #party #birthday:

"Well hyung, you are our pink princess, so ofcourse you need to have pink decorations!" Jungkook said. These kids really! "Thankyou guys, i love it!"

"Watch out guys, here comes food!" Yunseo said and put on the table pots full of seaweed soup and kimchi stew. There were also japchae and ssambap. Yum! We started to eat but Yunseo was just cooking in the kitchen, what is she doing now? "Come on Yunseo, come to eat with us" i said "Yeah, ill be right with you. I just cook this samgyeopsal ready!" Ooh, samgyeopsal..YUM!

Kuvahaun tulos haulle seaweed soup 

Seaweed soup

Kimchi stew

Kuvahaun tulos haulle japchae





"Ufff... Im full..." I groaned "Me too..." Hobi said "Its been too long i have eaten noonas and Minseos cooking.." "Its good you liked it. Lets have a little break before the cake.." "Sounds good.." I mumbled.. I saw V and Jimin whispering something before they runned away. How can these kids run with full stomach...?

Soon they runned back, with a packet in their hands. "Here you go hyung, its from all of us! Happy birthday!" 

"Seriously, whats with all this pinknes?" Guys laughed, "Just open it" Rapmon said. I pulled the lid off from the packet and inside was new Rose Gold Iphone 6.

Kuvahaun tulos haulle iphone 6 rose gold

Kuvahaun tulos haulle iphone 6 mario case

With a Mario case's!!


"Guys!! You shouldnt have bought me a phone! Its too expensive!" "Just take it, im so sick of with your pink shell phone, we needed to get you new one!" Suga said. I smiled "Thankyou guys, again!" "Youre welcome hyung!" 

"I was just wondering.. How did you have time to do this all?" "Oh, yesterday when we were at shopping centre, we devided and every group got what they had to. And manager hyung came to pick the stuff up before we needed to meet again. We didnt have time to cook and clean but noona and Minseo arranged everything!" Rapmonster praised.

"Really? Thankyou so much Yunseo and Minseo!" "Happy birthday oppa! We are happy that you like it" Once again i was in tears, we had only known each other now 4 days with Minseo and Yunseo, and still they did this much just for me! How many will do this much after knowing such a short moment..


We were all gathered in the livingroom. "Want to play a game?" V asked. "What game you have in mind hyung?" Kookie asked. "Hmm.. Maybe just bottle spinning?" "Sounds good to me" Hobi said "Ok, lets play it" Yunseo answered. Maybe i can make some guests that will get V and Minseo closer.. 

Guys said i should start cause its my birthday, so i put the bottle to spin. It stopped on to Jungkook "Truth or dare?" "Truth" "Who is your favorite hyung?" "YAH! How can you ask question like that" Suga protested. "Jin hyung!" Kookie answered, i smiled and ruffled his hair. "Youre just saying that cause its his birthday right Kookie? Im really the only one in youre heart" Jimin pleaded. "Sure hyung, what ever" Kookie mumbled and spinned the bottle. 

This time it landed on Minseo, "Truth or dare Minseo?" Kookie said smiling. "Truth" She mumbled "What do you want to be after you graduate from the school?" she blushed "I want to become a model, or fashion designer.." "Shouldnt you talk little bit more then ? I dont think models or fashion designers can be silent all the time.." Seriously, Suga and his mouth.. "Yah, Yoongi hyung.." V mumbled, yeah! Go Taehyung, protect your woman! "What its true.." Suga protected himself. "Im trying to get more couraging.." Minseo said "She has come already long way, it took many years her to even talk with us comfortably.." Hobi defended his sister.

"Okey Minseo you can spin the bottle" Jungkook said, the bottle landed on Jimin "Dare" he answered even before Minseo got to ask from him. "Uhmm.. Drink this 0.5 littre bottle of water in one go" "That's lame" "Suga just shut up!" "Sorry.." Jimin started drinking, it was first going well but then he started to laugh and the water came out from his mouth and nose. "YAH!! TAEHYUNG!!! WHY DID YOU MAKE THOSE FACES WHEN I WAS TRYING TO DO MY DARE!!" 

We all laughed at the scene in frontt of us, V running away and Jimin running after him and trying to pour water on him. "Yah guys! You dry the floors!" 

After that episode it was Jimins time to turn the bottle, and this time it was V's turn. "Truth please" "You guys are not fun... Truth all the time.." Suga sulked. "Hyung i did do dare!" Jimin defended himself "Well for exept you "What if after this we take only dares?" Rapmon suggested. "Call!" "OK!" "Finy by me!" "So its decided, lets continue!" Leader shouted.

Jimin smirked "Have you ever kissed a guy?" "YAH!! You know the answer in that!!" Again everyone were rolling around the floor laughing, well everyone exept Hoseok. "I do, but i want to hear it from yourself" "I... I have..." V mumbled "What, i didnt hear you?" "I HAVE!!!" "I need a tap on my back for making that happen!" Suga boasted. "Yah hyung! I had to suffer from that also!!" Hoseok shrieked. Once again everyone were laughing mess.

We had played a while, it was Rapmonsters turn to spin, the bottle stopped facing Yunseo "So noona, since its dare... Hmm... OH! I think here is so many of us, you should go sit on Suga hyungs lap, so eveyone will have more space" What dare is that? Has he noticed something going on between those two? "YAH! WHAT DARE IS THAT!? AND HOW DO YOU THINK WE WILL HAVE MORE SPACE THAT WAY?! IM THE ONE WHO IS GOING TO GET CRUSH- YAH!!" Suga was in the middle of his complaining when Yunseo crawled to him and sat on his lap. I like this girls confidence.

We kept on going few rounds and it was Minseos turn to do dare, "I dare you to kiss the guys cheeck you like the most from us!" V shouted, oh that love sick kid. I saw Minseo blushing "Maybe we should have our eyes closed, and when Minseo is done she says so" I suggested. "Ok!" V shouted, we all closed our eyes. 

What i didnt expect was that i was the one who she kissed on the cheek.. Maybe she just feels most comfortable with me.. Yeah that must be the reason.. "Ok, im ready" She mumbled. I saw V's disapointed face, poor kid.

Minseo spinned the bottle, and it landed on Suga, who was still doing well with his new job as a Yunseos armchair. Rapmonster moved to whisper something to Minseo, she looked at him in disbelief, but Namjoon just nodded. "I dare you to kiss Yunseo unnies cheek.." She mumbled. 

Ok, now im 100% sure Suga has somekind of feeling towards Yunseo, cause he went so red, its easy to see from his pale skin. Yunseo just laughed and offered her cheeck "Come on, dare is dare" Suga went grimson red, but he was going to do it. Just when his lips were touching Yunseos cheek, he turned to stare us "YAH!! Look some where else!!" Nobody budged "Aish.. Ok.." Then he just pecked her cheek. We all started cheering loudly.

"Aish! I stop now!" I was sure he would just nudge her on the floor, but no he gently lifted her from his lap and set on the floor. Wow! "Okey, maybe we should stop.. My back is killing me" I complained "You are just getting old" Rapmonster said. I laughed and pushed his shoulder.


After our game, we ended up watching a movie, we were all laying all around the livingroom. Its funny how Yoongi wont admit he likes Yunseo, when it can be seen clearly.. When we all took our places before we started to watch a movie, he went to sit next to Yunseo, and when Jimin was trying to sit between them Suga made it really clear he wont let anyone else sit between them.

While i was watching the movie i saw Jimin, V and Jungkook chatting with Minseo. And Minseo was also answering them back, thats good they are getting to know her and that she is letting them. Maybe she feel soon comfortable enough to speak anyone of us what ever she feels like.

In the middle of the movie, i went to get more soda, but when i was getting back to my place i glanced at Yoongi and Yunseo. They were cutest sight ever! Yunseo was sleeping and leaning on Suga, while Suga was sleeping also but he had his arms around Yunseo. "Psst! Look at that!" I whispered to others "Why is he hugging my sister?" Hoseok asked "Arent they cute? I need to take a picture" I went to get my new phone and took picture of sleeping Yoonseo couple. Kyaa! I will ship them so hard!

"Jin hyung, calm down..You are going to wake them up.." Rapmonster said "Oops, they are just so adorable!" 

After our movie ended, i decided woke up Yoongi "Hey, wake up.." "Nghmmmn...*yawn* what is it hyung?" "The movie ended, we are going to sleep now" "Oh, okey, i will come too.. *tries to get up* What an..." "Yeah, Yunseo is sleeping on you.. I can wake her up" "No need.. Can you make her bead ready? I will lift her then" I nodded my head and went to make her bed. After that Suga lifted her and put her in her bed. Then we all went to sleep.



Annyeong~! ^^ It's umma Jin's birthday! Happy birthday Jin! <3 



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Here's little bit Jin preciousnes for you ^_^  See you again tomorrow!

-PandaAndGiraffe / Sara And Henna

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Chapter 26: Awwww this Is sweet. Love grumpy so much
Chapter 23: I would never pass under a mistletoe with jin and not kiss him 8-8 !
its almost over :(
Chapter 14: Lol jin is being such a mom on this chapter. I love it.
Ohhh minseo is jealous *winkwink*
Chapter 9: its so sweet and cute ^^ I like it very much so far keep up the great work! :D
Chapter 3: This story is way tooooooo cute!!!