December 2nd 2015

~Christmas Calendar~



Suga's POV


"Jimin can you please sing that part again?" One of our soundsystem staff asked "Yes, no problem!".

We had arrrived in Hong Kong and were having our sound check, we had already taken light check and last dance practise. Only this anymore and then i can go back to our waiting room and sleep, YES FINALLY!

While Jimin was having his sound check, others were just playing around. Rapmonster was still trying to memorize our new songs dance steps, with Jin hyung.. With Jin hyung, for Gods sake...

I was waiting for Hoseok, V and Jungkook but they were way busy chatting with Hobis sisters... Yes, his sisters came to Hong Kong with us, why couldnt they understand that we are busy now, and just go back where they came from?! Hoseok should be focusing our comeback now, why isn't Rapmonster saying anything to him, one leader we have here..

So, how did Hoseoks sister came with us, well let me tell you. 




I heard the outdoor opening as i was walking to bathroom, followed by screaming and loud thump. I decided to go check what was that thump sound when i heard girls voice "YAAH! Oppaa~ why are you wearing that hideous thing?!!!"  wait, girl in our dorm, is she Hoseoks girlfriend?

No, she just called him oppa, and Hoseok talked with his noona earlier.. so this is not the same girl.  "YAH! Mini, how can you say that about hoodie that you have made?!" Hoseok shrieked. "But oppa, that was made eight years ago! Why havent you thrown it away?" girl named Mini? said as she helped Hoseok up from the floor. 

I saw other person still laying on the floor, i was going to help, but Hoseok beat me in to it. "Noona, here let me help you up. You are so old already, did you hurt yourself?" Noona? Is this his girlfriend? "Yah, Jung Hoseok! How can you say that to me!? You are only one year younger than me!" She yelled as she hit Hoseoks arm lightly.

Wait one year older than Hobi, so that means she is my age " Aaaaw, noonaaa~ *Hoseok cute mode on* Im so happy you are here!" And suddenly he hugged both of the girls. Ok, what im not getting now..

Suddenly they started to all scream and jump in circle, still hugging. Seriously, what the fu** is this??I noticed all the members were standing behind me, having exactly same look in their faces as i did. "Suga hyung who are they?" V asked, standing closest to me. As V speaked, J-Hope and his guests stopped jumping and turned to look at us, i guess they didnt notice us earlier. 

"Oh guys, mianhae for being so loud. Noona, Mini these are-" Hoseok was saying but got interrupted "We know, they are your group BTS. How couldnt we know our brothers group? What kind of sisters would we be?"  the older one said, smiling cutely. What cutely, no way, is that even word..? Get yourself a grip Min Suga...

So they are his sisters? How i didnt know Hoseok has sisters... Oh, maybe he has told, but i havent listened.. Maybe i should start listening better..The younger one of the girls looked uncomfortable. Why? She was just minute ago being so hyper and loud...weird. 

"I guess you are Hobi hyungs sisters? Im BTS leader Rapmonster, or my own name is Kim Namjoon"  Rapmonster walked to them and bowed. "Its nice to finally meet" He smiled to them with his dimple showing. What Namjoon knew Hoseok has sisters? Yes, i should really listen my members more.. 

"Hello! Im umma of this group Jin, or Kim Seokjin fully, nice to meet you both" Jin hyung introduced himself.

"Annyeong~! Im Park Jimin, nice to meet you!" "Helloo~! Im V, or Kim Taehyung!" Jimin and V introduced them selves. 

"Hi noonas! Im maknae of the group Jeon Jungkook" Kookie said to them. 

"I think you are older than Minseo, you have born in september, right? Minseo has born in october" the older girl told us. "Oh ne, mianhae. So i guess im oppa now" He said and smiled proubly. I saw the younger one blush a little, yhhh seriously..? "So you are gonna be oppa someone you dont even know?" I blurted out, even myself not knowing it. Members glared at me. 

"Sorry for Suga hyung, he has been his grumpy self today.." Rapmonster explained to them "Nah, its ok. We do know quite alot about you guys. Hoseok has made us watch every show where you have been. And i guess you can say we are your fans" The older one said again. Seriously the younger one forgot how to speak? And we dont even know their names yet... how rude of them! 

"So i guess its time to us introduce ourselves. I am Hobis oldersister Yunseo and this is our youngersister Minseo. Its really nice to meet you all" Yunseo said and they both bowed to us "If you want you can just call me noona, or Yunseo, which one suits you best" 

"So you are -93? Like Suga hyung?" Jimin asked, Yunseo nodded "Yay! We have a noona!" V screamed happily and runned to hug Yunseo. All of us stopped our breathing as we saw the scene before our eyes. Scaring that she would flip. But she smiled and hugged V back! What! They just met?! And she just hugs the guy?! Okey i guess she is alot like Hobi. Just then Hoseoks walked to them and got V away from his sister "Ok, i think thats enough..." 

"So what were you doing before we came to break youre peace?" Yunseo asked her brother. Hoseoks face fell, i guess he remembered that we were just leaving. "Noona, we were-" "We were just leaving to Hong Kong" I heard myself say, why did i say that.. aish! Again i was being glared at.


After she yelled she turned as red as tomato and turned her face to the floor. "Minseo, you know we dont have tickets to go there... Sorry Hoseok, we didnt remember you were going there. I guess we came on bad day. We can leave."

They were starting to make their leave but Hoseok looked Jin hyung and Rapmonster pleadingly "Please, can they stay in our dorm until we return? We havent seen each others so long time, and they came so long way here. I would really like to spend some time with my sisters. Please guys"  He looked like he would burst in tears any moment. 

They would stay in our dorm!? No way! I dont know them, all my stuff is here. What if they steal something!? "Im sorry Hoseok but we cant agree that-" Rapmonster started. Just right, of course guys will think same way as me "- i think they should come with us to Hong Kong!" yes, wait WHAT!?!? To Hong Kong with US?!!! HELL NO!! 

End of Flashback


So yeah, thats how they ended up coming with us. Only Rapmons call to company and TADA, plane tickets and hotel room aranged!

"Okey, thank you Jimin, next J-Hope!" yeah lets see if he can leave his sisters even for a moment.. Hoseok started his sound check, i turned to look his sisters, expecting them to be looking all lost and alone. But no, ofcourse no... All the other members were next to them! What's so special in them?! And why is Yunseo smiling so brightly at them? Aish, why do i care...

I took my water bottle and decided to walk in our waiting room. I already had my sound check so whats the point of just hang in here.



I was peacefully sleeping in our waiting room, untill our room door banged open and inside came hysterically laughing group of people. I was immediatly annoyed, and just tried to turn my back to them. "Oh, i think we just woked up Yoongi hyung! Mianhae!" Jimin shouted. I turned to glare at him. Why can't they just go some where else.

"Okey, i think we should start doing youre guys makeups and hairs. Let's start with Jin" Our stylist noona came in. How long have i slept? I watched my phone. I SLEPT 2 HOURS?! That definitely didnt feel so long.

I noticed Rapmonster walking next to me "Yah, why did you leave sound check earlier?" he whispered to me. So now he decides to speak like a leader...? "I didnt feel so well" i lied at him. "Oh, so youre ok now?" I just nodded at him.

I heard V's laughter and turned to look what that kid is doing, i saw him with Jimin, Hobi, Kookie and Hobi's sisters. Again with them?

"What's so special in those guys..?" i didnt realize i mumbled out loud. I heard Rapmons deep chuckle "You know, maybe you shouldt look like granfather who is having constipations all the time." "I do not look like that!"

"Maybe you should just smile at them sometimes?" "Why would i do that? They will think i have a crush on them!" "Not every girl will think you have a crush on them if you just smile at them... Or do you? Maybe not younger Minseo, but Yunseo noona?" he asked me with a smirk on his face.

Why would he ask that? I dont have a crush on her.. I dont even know her. "Of course i dont have a crush on her! How could i? She's not even that attractive." "Well, there can be many opinions about that. If Hoseok hyung hears you say that about his sister, i think you would be in so much trouble...And i think she is one hot packet. Actually they are both" He said smirking."And what would Hoseok say about that?!" I shrieked loudly. Oops

"What i would say about what?" J-Hope asked. They all turned to look at us "Ehrmm...About-" i started "About that, when we are back home, what if youre sisters stays with us in our dorm? Hotel is expensive, so they should just stay with us" Good thinking leader-mon. I smiled to them and nodded my head. 

"Oh, really? That would be okey with you guys? But why Yoongi hyund shrieked like that?" Hoseok asked "Well, he said it like that cause of course youre sisters would have to stay in house full of hormonal boys" Rapmonster explained to Hobi. Hoseok stared at us little moment, looked at both of his sisters and they all three bursted in laughter. What was so fun about that? 

"Im really grateful about your concern but i think we can manage just fine" Yunseo said while laughing. Why are they laughing about it? "Hyungs, my sisters have some skills in self defense, so i think maybe you should be scared of them." Hoseok said. Well, i wouldnt have expected that. 



We all were ready and MAMA gala was starting in 30 minutes. Others were talking with Hobi's sisters.. Seriously, again?! I just dont get it.. I guess i was giving them glares cause Jin hyung asked me to go join them. I guess it wont hurt to get to know them.. I walked to them and sit down to only available seat.. Between Jin hyung and Yunseo. 

After a while "Hi, i guess we didnt have a great start. Maybe we should start again? I can go first, so hi im Jung Yunseo, i am J-Hopes older sister and i have born in 1993. How about you?" and then she smiled at me. I wanted to introduce myself same way but "Why would i care?" yeah, good job Yoongi, good job! Shes your members sister! Aish!

"Come on! Dont be such on party pooper! Well you dont have to tell me anything about yourself, i think i already know more" And she smiled cheekily. Ok, i can see she is related to J-Hope. That hopefullnes... But wait, so does that mean she has looked for some information about me? Should i ask? "So that means you are my fan?" I smirked at her. Ok Min Yoongi, am i bipolar or something?! How can i not say things like i mean to say them. 

She just chuckled "I think my brother is, and he is trying to make me also one" Okey, so i can see she has thick skin, or atleast she looks like she didnt get offended by what i just said. "Oh, i see" i mumbled to her.

Some guy came in our room shouting chinese to us, i didnt undestand anything but i could see he was holding our mics and wires, so i guess he was saying we should put them on. Staffs started to put mics to guys, but there was only six members of our staff so i needed to wait. Until "Yunseo-ah, could you please put that mic on Yoongi?" one of our staff noonas asked her.

I expected her say no but she nodded her head and asked me to stand up. I hesitated but she grabbed my arm and helped me up. She really didnt fear skin ship i see.. I felt my self tense and stop breathing when she put the wire under my shirt. Okey, seriously, i have talked to her like 10 minutes and she has her hands under my shirt.. Ok no funny busines Suga, get a grip of youself! 

"Are you ok, you are really tense" She asked "Ah ne, just little nervous about our comeback stage" i said to her and she just nodded. "Ok, im done. If its ok, i think i should go see my sister, she has been there alone quiet about an hour..." she was just leaving when "Why is she so quiet?" i found my self asking her. "What?" "I asked why is so quiet?" "Oh, she really isnt. She is just shy at people who she doesnt know, but when she does, she might be the loudest one of us" she answered smiling at me. "Oh ok" I tried to reply as coolly as possible.

After she left to talk her sister, our manager hyung came in our room and said we have 5 minutes before show time. "I think this is the time, when we leave you alone and go find our seats so we can see the show. Im sure you will all do well!" Yunseo said and went to hug Hoseok. "Gomawo noona, Mini come here also" Minseo walked to her siblings and hugged them. Seriously, whats with the group hugs..? 

"I can take you to your seats" our manager hyung said to them. "Oh, really, thankyou" Yunseo thanked him, as they were walking out from the door they turned around and waved to us "Fighting!" I didnt notice that i waved back to them.

As the girls left, i turned to look at the guys, they had these weird grins on their faces. "What?" "I see Yoongi, you start to open up at them" Jin said smiling at me "Psh! One talk doesnt mean that" "Yah hyung! Whats wrong with my sisters?" Hoseoks asked "Nothing, i just dont feel like talking to them" he looked really unhappy after hearing that.. Maybe i should also think before i say.

"Yeah right, you were having nice time talking with Yunseo noona, and dont you dare decline it. Just now when noona and Minseo left i saw you waving back to them" Rapmonster said smirking at me. Just as i was answering back to him, that same chinese guy came back to shout at us, i guess now its time to go.

We all gathered together "Okey guys, we got this. We can do this! Fighting!" Rapmon said and we did our cheer.




Yunseo's POV

We didnt even imagine when we left Gwangju yesterday morning, that after 24 hours we would be in Hong Kong at the MAMA gala, but here we are. "Are you exited?" I asked from Minseo "Do you even need to ask? I cant wait to see my Hoshi!" she sighed. Shes definitely having her love glasses on again..

"Your Hoshi, huh?" I , and she blushed. "Unnie~ What about youre love for EXO ? Chanyeol oppaaaa~ Please marry me!" She tried to imitate me "Yah, be quiet! I dont speak like that!" "Oppaaa~ How can you be so handsome? I love you oppa~" "Yaaah! When did i ever say so?! You dont even know, what you have said in your sle-" 

I stopped in the middle of my sentence, when i heard the audience getting quiet. The show was about to start! 


WHAT. WAS. THAT!! Hoseok had told us that they were going to perform quite early, but what he didnt tell us was that they were going to do collaboration stage with GOT7!!!! OMG!! IT WAS FABULOUS!! Waaa! Im sobbing! Im so proud of my baby brother! When he had that dance thing with Got7's Yugyeom, my heart allmost burst from all that proudnes. He is doing what he wants to do, and he has his own fans who loves him just the way he is. Their new song was also spot on! Even though we loved it, we still remember to sulk at Hoseok for not telling us about their collaboration..


"WAAA!!! UNNIE DID YOU SEE THAT!! OMG!!! HOSHI OPPAA!!!" Can you guess who is performing now...? Yes, seventeen.. And Minseo is going insane. "OMO!! UNNIE LOOK! HOW DID WOOZI'S TINY LEG EVEN REACH ON THAT HUGE TABLE?!" "Minseo calm down a bit, your loudest one in here!" "WOHOOOO!!! GO SEVENTEEN!! YAAAAY HOSHIII!! I LOVE YOU OPPA!!" 

Seventeen and MonstaX had a collaboration stage also, so they ended their performance by dancing together. When they left the stage, Minseo was finally calm. "Well now you saw your Hoshi, was he that fabulous" I asked when i turned to look at her "Aaaw, Minseo~come here" I said when i saw her in tears. She hugged me tightly "Why are you crying Minseonnie?" "*sob* It ended too fast" i needed to keep my laughter inside "Yeah, it did end quite fast but you saw them, and they did great, right?" She nodded her head "So you shouldnt be sad, you shoud be happy. Now dry your tears and let's continue watching"


How to live with all these feels?! Freaking EXO is performing right now!! My poor heart!! I need to keep quiet or Minseo will tease me back.. Just then they started their song Lightsaber, omg that Chanyeol part! No! Keep it inside!! "CHANYEOL OPPA I LOVE YOU!!" Great, i can feel how Minseo is grinning and staring at me.. After that i was sure it was last, but i was wrong... Of course they needed to perform Love Me Right, it's my favorite song from them, how to deal with this!?

I almost could do it, until that 185 cm tall carrot jacket Chanyeol had to start his rapping part "EXO FIGHTING!! CHANYEOL OPPA YOU ARE GREAT!! OMO!! LAY OPPA SO HANDSOME!!!" And that keep on going until Exo ended their performance.. 

After Exo left the stage, i sighed and sat back on my seat. Not long after i heard my own shouting coming from my right side. NO YOU DIDNT!! I turned to look Minseo, she was grinning and looking at her phone screen. I dont even need to ask what she had recorded.. "Minseo, delete it.." "Unnie wae?" "Minseo please, its embarrasing.." "Unnie, its showing that you are their true fan, you shouldnt be embarresed about it" she answered smirking at me.. Did she really just use the same sentence as me, but with different words?! Aish this kid..


Two hosts came to share next award, we really tried to listen what they were saying but people were screaming and shouting so much, we didnt hear a thing. "Unnie what award are they sharing?" "I dont know Minseo. Im trying to listen, but i cant hear." "I guess it will be again something that BigBang will win" "Could be, oh, i really loved their song Lets Not Fall In Love" "I liked their BaeBae!" "Hahhah, TOP was fabulous in that MV" we were just chatting until we heard "BTS!! Congratulations!!" 

"WHAT!?! They won something!?" "Ne unnie! I guess they won The World Performer Award?" "Yeah! Well, they definitely have been alot abroad" "Im so happy for them!" "Me too! I just want to run there and hug them!" 


The show was starting to come to its end, there were many cool performances. Specially 2ne1, BigBang and SHINee had slayed! I was so happy that Exo has also won trophies. Ofcourse the only right way to end this show was that Psy performed last. All audience was dancing with him, his dance Daddy. When the show ended, we left our places and walked to the backstage. 


"You guys were great!" I shouted when we went into their waiting room, lunging myself on Hoseok, totally forgotting that i was supposed to sulk. "Gomawo noona! It was fun to do collaboration stage with Got7" "That was so cool! When you did that dance on the blocks!" I tried to imitate their dance but failed. Hoseok just laughed and started to do the dance same way as me.

"Did you like our performance noona?" i heard V ask from me "Ofcourse i did! It was perfect!" V smiled and hugged me, i dont mind, its nice to hug this tall guy. "Minseo did you like it?" I head Jimin ask, i turned to look how Minseo would react. I saw her nod her head at Jimin. Jimin showed his eyesmile at her.

I saw Yoongi at the corner, trying to take the mic wire off. I walked to him "Can i help you with that?" I guess he got scared cause he jumped a little "I can manage" he said, still struggling with the wire. Why is it so hard for men ask help? I just put my hand under his shirt and took the wire away. I felt him tense again "Here you go" "But i was all sweaty..." "You werent anymore, and its ok. I helped you without you even asking, so my fault."

"Okey guys, are you ready? Let's leave and go to our hotel!" Their manager came to shout. We got our stuff and walked outside with their manager. 

When we got to our hotel, we said good night to guys and went in to our room. I took a shower, but when i got out from there i saw Minseo already sleeping. I smiled and went to put blanket on her. "Good night Minseo" i whispered to her. I walked in my own bed, and it didnt take long for me to fall in to a deep sleep.



Hi again! ^^ We know its already december the third somewhere, but its still second here in Finland! :D We wanted this to be based on MAMA gala, so we needed to watch it first before updating. So, how was this chapter? :) Hope you liked it ^-^ See you again tomorrow!


- PandaAndGiraffe / Sara and Henna

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Chapter 26: Awwww this Is sweet. Love grumpy so much
Chapter 23: I would never pass under a mistletoe with jin and not kiss him 8-8 !
its almost over :(
Chapter 14: Lol jin is being such a mom on this chapter. I love it.
Ohhh minseo is jealous *winkwink*
Chapter 9: its so sweet and cute ^^ I like it very much so far keep up the great work! :D
Chapter 3: This story is way tooooooo cute!!!