December 10th 2015

~Christmas Calendar~


Hoseok's POV

"Noonaaa~ Wake uuuuup!" I had sneaked my way next to her, and were waking her up. "Uhmmmm.... Hobii, go away..." She mumbled and turned around, showing her back to me, literally.. She had kicked her blanket away and her pajama had risen up from her back. "Aish noona, you know you are living in a house full of hormonal guys!" I lectured and pulled her shirt down. "And you really need to get up, we have to leave after an hour and i think you want to choose your outfit and take a shower before leaving...?" 

"Where am i going...?" I hear her mumble to her pillow. "We are all going, exept for Minseo" "Where are WE going? And why isnt Minseo coming?" She groaned and turned her head so she could glare at me with her another eye. "We are going to record Hello Counselor today. Minseo is still sick so i think its better for her to stay here.. Can you just get up and go take your shower? I will go help Jin hyung to make breakfast..." "I can stay here with Minseo..." "No, last time when you two were together, you decided to make a little adventure and then you got lost... Im not leaving you alone with her anymore!" "We can stay here and sleep.." 

"No.. You will be bad influence to her, she stayes and you come with us, end of discussion" She didnt look happy with me but finally she got up and went to get her stuff what she needs to take her shower.

I went to kitchen "Noona is now up" I informed Jin hyung. "Okey, you are not going to wake up Minseo?" I shooked my head "She is still sick.. Its better for her to stay here" he nodded his head and continued cooking and i started to set the table. 

I heard foot steps walking into the kitchen, i turned to look who it was "Morning oppas.." Minseo said and walked to me and gave me a hug. "Morning Mini, you didnt have to wake up yet.. How are you feeling?" I asked and felt her forehead, she didnt feel feverish. "Im fine, my nose is just still runny and im feeling bit weak but otherwise quite well.." "Thats good, but i still think you should stay at the dorm today.." I said to her while walking to cupboard get some plates. 

"But oppaaaa~ Im fine.. I dont want to stay here alone... Please oppaa~" She said with her best puppy face. Jung Hoseok! You need to resist it!! "Im sorry Mini but you should really rest still today..." "I dont want tooo~ What am i going to do..?" "Well, you could watch some movies?" I suggested to her "Its not so fun alone..." She mumbled while lowering her gaze. I bit my lip, i really need to resist it this time! 

"Its better for you to sleep a bit more today, only one day Mini please?" I put my best aegyo on and showed my puppy eyes to her. "Eyyyyyy" Said Namjoon who walked past us, going to get his morning coffee. But i ignored him "*Huff* Okey oppa.." SHE OBEYED ME?!! YAAAY!!! "Yah, Jung Hoseok! WHY DID YOU WAKE ME UP SO LATE???!!! HOW AM I GOING TO MAKE MYSELF LOOK GOOD FOR THE CAMERA IN THIS TIME?!?!" Noona rushed to kitchen while growling at me. "Noona, they are not going to shoot you!!"

Minseo turned to glare at me.. Ooops... "Where are you exactly going today?" Minseo said through gritted teeth. "We are going to shoot Hello Counselor..." Noona said to her... Great.. There went all my coaxing down from the toilet... Thankyou noona!! "If Yunseo unnie is coming, im coming too!!" Minseo yelled and runned out from the kitchen, soon after noona went after also to get ready... I guess we will all go then...



Yunseo's POV

I walked back to bathroom, i saw Minseo there brushing her hair. "Oh, hi unnie" "Hi Minnie" I took my hairdryer and started to dry my hair with it. "Why didnt oppa let me come with you guys?" "Why didnt Hoseok want me to stay at the dorm with you?" We asked at the same time. "What? You wanted to stay here? Why?" She asked from me "Im feeling sleepy, i want to sleep longer..." "You lazy unnie... I want to go but he said i shouldnt go cause im still sick, even though i said i dont feel sick anymore..." We babbled at each other while putting our makeups.

"He said im not good influence for you..." This time she bursted to laugh out loud. "Mianhae unnie *laughing* he really said that??" I nodded my head. "Well now we are both going, i guess its going to be nice to see how will they shoot that program.." i mumbled to her.  *Knock knock* "Come in!" I yelled, soon the door opened and inside walked really pale looking Taehyung. "Noona, where did you put that medicine what i bought yesterday..?" Poor kid! Now he is sick! Oh right.. He was the one who took care of Minseo yesterday.. He must have got it from Minnie.. 

"Sit, ill go get it!" I rushed out from the bathroom, into the kitchen "Oh noona, are you ready allready?" Hobi asked from me "No, i just came to get this medicine..." I explained and showed him the packet. "I was right! Mini is still too sick!" "Pabo, its not for her.." "Its not?" "No, its for Taehyung... He got Minnies flu.." "How sick is he? Can he still come with us?" Namjoon asked, raising his face from the magazine he was reading. "Im not sure yet.. Ill go give this to him. Oh, and Hoseok, can you make breakfast for me and Minnie? We will take them with us.." I said and walked back to bathroom.

"Here Taehyung, take this, you will feel better after this" He nodded and took the medicine. "Thankyou noona" "Are you sure you can go to record the show?" He nodded again "Its not so big deal, i can handle one small flu" Then he walked to kitchen. 

After we were ready with our hair and makeups we went to decide our clothes. After a while i came up with this outfit.


And Minseo with this outfit.


Soon guys started to yell that we have to go, luckily we have a great brother who had made breakfast for us to take with.



We had reached the broadcasting station, guys were getting their hair and makeups done. Me and Minseo were just sitting on the couch, staring at the guys cause we didnt know where to go or what to do.. "Unnie...?" "Hmm?" "What did you do yesterday at the boys company?" Aish, did she really had to ask.. I felt my cheeks heating up, i dont usually blush but why i dont do anything else these days!? "Unnie why are you blushing? OMO! Did something happen between you and Yoongi oppa!?" She asked.

"Shh! Not so loud! Nothing happened.." I said to her "Then why are you blushing?" Why is she so curious?! Oh, right, we are all... "I will tell you if you keep quiet!" She nodded her head enthusiastically "Okey, well guys were having their japanese class.. I was just sitting there, writing lyrics in my notebook.. When i heard their teacher starting to shout at Grumpy, i looked up and saw him staring at me.. When he looked away i lowered my gaze, but soon i heard door slamming. I noticed Grumpy had left the room." "Thats it?" "You interrupted me..." "Oh, mianhae. Carry on unnie!"

"I tought he just went to bathroom but when 15 minutes had past and he wasnt still back i decided to go check where he was. I excused myself and left the room. I was walking past Bangtan room but i started to hear music and rapping from there, so i took a peak inside. Grumpy was there listening his rap. I was about to walk away but i just couldnt, it sounded so good. So when the music ended i started to clap, who the hell claps when you are trying to sneak aroung?!" We bursted to laugh.

"So he turned around and looked like he had sawn a ghost, but then he asked why i was there and we bickered a bit like we allways do, and he said i can stay if i promise to be quiet. But when he started to make a beat again, i remembered his rap lyrics and started to sing them. I didnt even notice i was doing that until i heard the music had ended. I looked at Grumpy and he was staring at me, i was sure i had ruined his recording or something.

But next thing he did, he asked me to sing it again! First i was a bit confused why he wanted that, but then i agreed. We recorded it and i felt so embarrased cause i could feel his eyes on me all the time, and after that he praised my voice... It was followed by a bit awkward silence and i couldnt say or do nothing else than just stare at him..." I ended my babbing and i saw Minseo starting to smirk at me. "No, im not interested of him at all!" She imitated me.. Aish...

While we were chatting Jimin walked to us and took his hoodie of and started to spread it on Minseo. "Ermm... Oppa, what are you doing?" She asked from him "I dont want you to feel cold Minseo" He said, showing her his sweet eye smile and then walked away... Well that was weird sweet.

After a while Minseo bounced up from the couch and walked to Taehyung. I saw her putting that Jimins hoodie on top of V, how cute is she! Soon she walked back to me, "Unnie, can we go visit that cafe what we saw near by?" "Sure, lets go" We started to put our jackets on "HEY!! Where do you think you are going?!" I heard Hoseok yell to us. 

"Opppaaa~ We are just going to visit that cafe near by..." Minseo showed her aegyo once again to Hobi. "Are you sure you wont get lost?" He asked while glancing at me with his eye brow rised. "We wont, does anyone want anything from there?" I asked from the guys. They told us what we want and we left.

While we were walking i noticed Minseo was smiling "Eyy, whats with the smile?" "Nothing, im just happy.." "Oh, is that so, any particular reason?" She didnt answer to me, just glanced at me "I race you to the cafe!!" she suddenly shouted, then she sprinted away from me. "HEY! THATS UNFAIR!" I yelled and started to run after her. 

When we reached the cafe Minseo had won the running competition.. "You lost, you will pay..!" She ordered "I would have still paid even if i would have won.." She showed me her tongue and we entered the cafe. When we got inside i first tought there werent anyone.. But suddenly this really short young chirpy girl bounced up behind the counter. "Hi! What could i get for you?" "Hi, we would like to order some hot drinks with us, do you have somekind of paper bags where we could carry the drinks?" I asked from her. "We have these coffee hanger carton thingies..? In one you can put 4 drinks" 

I looked at Minseo, "Will we get something to coordis also?" She nodded her head. I calculated quickly how many we will need: us plus guys its 9, today there is only 2 coordis then its 11, their manager 12 and  "I think we will need 3 of those "thingies" please" She nodded her head and went to get the bags. 

"You can get regular coffee from there but i make everything else from here" She said while pointing at the coffee machine. Minseo started to take the regular coffees and i ordered rest of our drinks. While we were waiting her to make our drinks we drooled all the million cupcakes they had to offer, i wanted to eat all of them! 



It didnt take so long for that girl to make all of our drinks. "This is the last one, anything else you need? Something sweet from our vitrine?" "Not this time thankyou, allthough they look really delicious!" She smiled and packed our drinks. After that we paid and then left the cafe.


Soon we were back at the broadcasting station, we walked to the waiting room where the boys were. "Drinks are here!" Minseo yelled and put the bag on the table. I took drinks what we took to coordi unnies and walked to them, "Here unnies, little warm gift from us!" "Aaw, you shouldnt have!" "I know, but we wanted to. Enjoy it!" They both thanked me and i walked back to Minseo. 

I saw Minseo taking a cup what had tea in it and then she walked to V. I smiled, its so cute how Taehyung took care of her yesterday, and today she is taking care of him. Everyone else had already their drinks exept for Grumpy, i turned to look where he is and spotted him laying on the couch. Of course.. I took his and my cups and walked to him.

I tried to clear my throath to get his attention.. But i got no reaction.. I nudged him with my knee. "Hmngmm..." "Yah, Grumpy get up, i got your coffee for you.." He flinched and opened one of his eyes "What did you just call me?" "Grumpy, now get up so i can sit, my hand are starting to burn these cups are still freaking hot!" He collected himself and sat up, i offered his cup to him "Thankyou.. " I heard him mumble "Youre very welcome" I said and sat down next to him.

We were just sitting next to each others, drinking our drinks.. "When will you start the shooting?" I found myself asking from him.. "After half an hour.." He answered, i nodded my head. We were again surrounded by silence until heard Jimins voice "Minseooo~ Oppa will blow it so it will cool down" he said while taking Minseos cup. "Oh, oppa you really dont have to..." Too late, Jimin was already doing it. "YAAH! Dont give your bacterias to her hyung!" Jungkook shrieked. And soon there were fighting mess and Namjoon trying to solve it.

We laughed at the same time with Grumpy. "By the way, why you call me Grumpy?" I didnt even myself know it.. When had i started to call him like that..? "I dont know.. Maybe cause you are usually a bit grumpy..." I said smiling "I am?" "Yeah, just a bit.. Someone could think its annoying, but i think its bit cute.." Ooops! What did i say... I saw with a corner of my eye he was looking at me.. But i couldnt turn to look at him. He was about to say something but the programs director came inside and called the guys. Whew!




We had just finished shooting the Hello Counselor and were leaving the broadcasting station. I was feeling really sick when we were shooting, but i couldnt show it cause i knew Minseo was watching. But Minseo had taken care of me all day so i was feeling much better now.

We walked to our car, i went to sit at the back seat with Minseo and Hoseok hyung. "Oppa, do you have other schedules today?" Minseo asked from hyung. "Ne, we are going to our company now" Hyung answered, while playing with his phone.

"No you dont, im taking you to your dorm now, you have rest of the day off. Or more likely you have a free full weekend" Our manager hyung said "Really?!" all the guys shouted. Our manager hyung laughed out loud "Yeah, so to dorm or somewhere else?" "To market!" Jin hyung shouted, we turned to look at him "What? We need more food!" hyung protected himself. "Should we go to that shopping centre then?" Yunseo noona suggested. We all agreed so our manager drove us there.

When we reached the shopping centre guys were almost like running inside, while i just walked after them, luckily Minseo walked with me. "Oppa, are you sure you are feeling better?" She asked while smiling brightly, how can only her smile make me feel a lot better? I nodded my head to her "Are you sure you will have the energy for shopping?" "I think so, im not feeling that sick.." I tried to sound reliable but im not sure se belived me. She hooked her arm with mine, i turned to glance at her with my eyes wide open "Ermm.. Just in case you feel weak..." She mumbled while blushing, cute..!

After we got inside we discussed where should we go first "I want to go eat... Im hungry allready.." Kookie mumbled and rubbed his tummy. "Should we go eat then? And discuss there more what to do..?" Namjoon hyung suggested. "Sure" "Call!" "Lets go!"

We walked inside the restaurant and went to reserve a table we could all fit. Soon a waitress came to get our order, and took us our drinks.

While we were waiting, Yunseo noona asked "Are you going to buy Christmas presents to each others?" Guys and me were looking at each other looking for somekind of reaction. "We are" Jin hyung said. "When?" Minseo asked. "What do you mean by when? We still have time!" Hobi hyung mumbled. "Yeah, you have plenty of time, like two weeks!" Yunseo noona said while playing with her fingers. 

"Only two weeks?! When are we going to get the gifts?!" Jin hyung wondered out loud "Maybe today, like after we have eaten?" Minseo suggested. "Thats good idea Minseo, we are here already so why not?" Hobi hyung said. Our waitress came to bring our dinners and then she left.

We were all busy munching away our dinners, "Are we all going to shop in one huge group? Or should we divide in 3 groups?" Namjoon hyung suggested to us. "Maybe we should divide.. This way we dont see what we get for each others" Jin hyung said. "Okey, how should us divide?" Noona asked and took a sip from her water glass.

"I WANT TO BE WITH MINSEO!" Jimin shouted, whats with him today.. He has been super clingy to Minseo all day.. Its starting to get on my nerves... "Is it okey if me Taehyung and Jimin oppa are a group?" I heard Minseo ask next to me. Yay! She wants me to be in her group! "Thats okey, so one group is decided... Next group... Erm... Me, Hobi and Jungkook?" Namjoon hyung suggested. "Fine by me" Hobi hyung said, then they both turned to look at the maknae who nodded his head in approval.

"Great, so our last team will be Jin hyung, Yoongi hyung and Yunseo noona, is it okey?" Namjoon hyung said and looked at the trio. Jin hyung was smiling widely and nodding his head,"Sounds good to me, i dont have to be with my siblings!" Noona said while stucking her tongue out. "Noonaa~ You love mee~" Hoseok hyung showed her his aegyo. "Iyyyy! Ok, i love you if you just stop doing that!" Noona yelled to him.

"What about you Yoongi hyung, are you okey with your group?" Namjoon hyung asked from him. "What ever.." Suga hyung mumbled while continuing to devour his dinner. "Of course he will be so happy to spend some time with us! Right Grumpy?" Noona said and hugged hyungs arm. Grumpy?? I expected hyung to do or say something, but he didnt do anything... But im sure i saw his lips curl a bit upwards, he was smiling? 

After we had finished our dinner, we all payed for our parts of the receipt. Then we divided in our groups an started our shopping.

As we were taking our leave Minseo hooked her arm around mine again, i just smiled at her. Then Jimin came and did the same to her, now she was sandwiched between us. 



We were at some womens clothing store.. All the time we had been shopping, Jimin had been trying to get Minseos attention.. He has made unnecessary skin ships with her and i was starting to get pissed of with him... I had glared at him many times but he just didnt get the clue.. It was like me and him were having some kind of wordless war between us.. 

I had no idea what some of these clothes were, so i was just following Minseo like a little puppy."Minseo! Do you think noona will like this?" I heard Jimin yell. Minseo turned her head to look at Jimins direction and  i saw he was showing some kind of clothing up. "It's just unnies style!" It looked nice I have to admit. "What size do we need?" I asked. "This is onesized product" Jimin answered to me. Oh..

"Shall we take this?" Minseo asked from us. Me and Jimin just nodded our heads. She went to pay for that. So we already have presents for noona, kookie and jin hyung.. What do we buy for the others? I was starting to feel little dizzy again.. But luckily Minseo came back and took hold of my arm again.

"Minseo do you need something warm to drink? We could get some hot chocolates or something?" Jimin asked from her. Why only her? Im sick also. "Yeah, i think Taehyung oppa could use some also" she said smiling at me. Already her smile make me feel a lot warmer. 

We went inside a little cafe. "Hi! Can we get three hot chocolates?" Jimin orderer for us. "Three hot chocolates? Coming right away" the older male shop assistant said with his friendly warm voice. "Here you go young pals and lady" We thanked him and I paid for our drinks. I saw Minseo and Jimin sitting at some table already so i followed them.

"Ah~... My head is starting to pound again.." I said holding my head. "Do you want medicine? Hobi oppa said that i have to take those with me or i cant leave the dorm." Minseo asked with worry on her beautiful features. "Yes, please" She started to rummage through her handbag.. I wonder how many things get lost in there? Luckily she found them easily and gave one for me. I gulped the medicine down with my hot chocolate.

After our litlle break we want back to our hunt for the presents.



Hoseok's POV

"Sooo.. What are we going to buy for the girls?" Namjoon asked. We had already bought some present for the other guys. "You guys dont have to worry! You have me! I know what my sisters want!" i answered. "If you say so hyung." Kookie said grinning. I have absolutely no idea what to buy for them..


We have been walking around for a quite a while.. "You really dont know what to buy for them, do you?!" Namjoon asked. ""How i am supposed to know what to get for them? I havent been living with them in many years!" i yelled at him. "Hyungs! Maybe we could like.. sit down and think about what girls like?" Jungkook suggested. I know perfect place for that.. "And no hyung we are not going to the massage chairs.." How this kid can read my mind..? 

So we went to sit on a bench on the opposite side of those gloriuos massaging chairs. And i maybe sulked a little.. "So.. girls are made of sugar and spice.. and everything nice" Namjoon mumbled.. "Duuude, what are you talking?" i asked. "Oh you know, the English nursery rhyme?" "Nope.." "Well.. it was part of it, kind of.. But anyways.. we should really think what to get for them.." All three of us had really intense brainstorming moment..  

But we still couldnt figure what to buy for them.. Jewelry, bags or some other accessories? Noona likes bags.. and everyhting shiny. "Come on guys lets go!" i said as i got up. "Where we are going?" Jungkook asked. "Just follow me, i got an idea!" I exclaimed cheerfully.

We walked into store and were greeted by cheerful woman. "Looking for a gift for girlfriends?" she asked from us."Ah, no no.. Im actually looking something for my older and younger sisters and i got my commentators with me" "Do you need help or should you go look freely?" She asked from us "We will just look first, thankyou" Namjoon answered to her.

"But if you need help dont be scared to ask" she said smiling sweetly. I thanked her and went further to the store. Then i saw something that got my attention.. That was screaming noonas name very loudly.. I didnt care how much it cost.. Thats only thing that i could found! I rushed to grab it. "Hyung! Where are you running?" Kookie yelled. 

I was happy with my purchase, they even putted it into nice package for me. Only my little princess is left.. well that reminded me.. "Let's buy tiara for my little princess!!" "Hyung no.. Im sure she wont use that.." Partypooper namjoon. "Or we can, but it has to be one of those that are made of plastic and for little girls.. She would look so dumb with that." Jungkook said while snickering

"Yah! Kookie she wouldnt look dumb, she would look so cute!! Can we buy that?" "Yeah yeah.. But we have to buy also a proper present for her.." Namjoon reminded us.

"Yeah yeah.. lets just go buy that tiara first" i said and started walk toward the store already.



Suga's POV

Jin umma is at it again.. Where do they even need me? Oh right.. to carry their bags. Its just like i was shopping with two girlfriends.. But none of them were even my girlfriend. Jin couldnt even be.. and Yunseo.. well.. That isnt that it couldnt be.. Wait no, stop thinking like that.

My inner battle was interrupted by Jin hyung. "Yoongi what do you think of this?" Why was he showing me a dress? Im not going to wear that if that is what he wants. "Why? Im not going to wear that." "Well, its not for you Grumpy. but you would look kind of cute in that." Yunseo said cheekily. Why i even like her.. Wait i dont like her. No. And thats second time she calls me cute today...

"Not for you, its for Minseo" Jin hyung said. "Well, it looks nice and it will suit her body type" I said admiring the dress. "Okay, Yoongi appoved, we  are going to take this" Jin umma said and started to walk towards the cashier. Now i was left alone with Yunseo again.. I was staring at her then suddenly her face lit up. And she reached again for that notebook she seems to be writing a lot of times a day. Then she scribbled something on there. I wonder what shes writing.. I was just about to take a peek, when she closed it.

"What do you think you are doing?" she asked. "Umm.. sorry?" i mumbled.. Maybe shes writing a diary or something.. Im still curious. Then Jin hyung came back with new bag and just gave it to me. "Alright guys, i think we are ready. We have presents for the youngers" he said with smile. "Guys, we should get going.. We said to others to meet us infront of the grocery store at this time" Yunseo said and started to sprint away.

When we arrived Jimin, Taehyung and Minseo-group were there already. They were chatting about something, then Minseo saw us and waved at our direction. So i just by reflex waved back at her. She looked bit confused but smiled still at me. Soon the last group arrived and we went all together to do our groceries.

Everyone was kind of tired so there was no running aways or too much bickering about what we need. It went smoothly. This must be our record... It was really fast trip. Namjoon paid for our groceries with companys card. Jin hyung and Yunseo were packing the groceries. 

Then we realized we dont have ride to our dorm, but we could walk back to our dorm, it was pretty close.

After coming back to our dorm Jin hyung placed the groceries in their rightful places, other guys were hiding present in the closet or someother places. Taehyung looked so tired.. I felt a little pity for him.. Its was terrible to do schedules when you were sick and then after that shopping also. But he didnt seem to mind a bit.. Minseo came out of the kitchen with two cups. She went to sit in front of Taehyung who was sitting on couch. And she gave the other cup to Taehyung.

Is she sorry that he made Taehyung sick? Or repaying the favor? What ever it is, its making Taehyung happy. They were watching something from the tv, but my focus was on someone else.. Why i was being a total creep today and just staring at Yunseo every free moment i got.. She was again writing something in her notebook, while Hoseok was trying to braid her hair..

"Noona, how do you do this?" he looked very troubled.. "You know how to do it, dont you remember? You used to braid our hairs a lot when we were youngers" she replied to him.  I watched in amuse how he will do that. Well it ended quite well. He made two braids and they looked quite nice. 

"Kids! Time to go sleep!" Jin hyung said. "Hyyung we are not tired!" Jungkook complained. "Well, i have made plans for tomorrow so you better rest before that. And im going to sleep good night." he said and walked to our room. Sleeping sounds good.. I followed him and went to sleep also.


Hi! That was chapter 10, only two weeks left until Christmas.

What will still happen? ;)

~ PandaAndGiraffe / Sara And Henna

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Chapter 26: Awwww this Is sweet. Love grumpy so much
Chapter 23: I would never pass under a mistletoe with jin and not kiss him 8-8 !
its almost over :(
Chapter 14: Lol jin is being such a mom on this chapter. I love it.
Ohhh minseo is jealous *winkwink*
Chapter 9: its so sweet and cute ^^ I like it very much so far keep up the great work! :D
Chapter 3: This story is way tooooooo cute!!!