Chapter 5

Searching Art

Really, it's common sense to look the away once you catch someone's eye, but when it's passed 2 seconds then it's over, it's too late, you're a goner, and that was what I was. I'm a goner. My eyes stay on his and no one was speaking, and I was definitely not breathing. Someone had to break this tension, and if he wasn't going to be that someone, then I'm going to be that someone. That was what I thought anyway- it's too painful to look away as I pick my drink up to from the straw, the taste of sweet papaya milk bursting on my taste buds. Finally, his gaze leaves mine to hover on my lips, and I don't know if this is better or worse. He his lips.

It's worse.

He suddenly chugs down his coffee, and I'm finally able to escape to observe the specks of dust floating in the golden sunlight. He places the mug down with a clunk that startles me. He stands up, the chair scraping loudly on the wooden floor. "Let's jet."


"The caffeine is getting to me. I need to walk this off. Where should we go?"

I slowly rise, stalling for time. I'm not the kind of person who would know the hot spots in town, but there was a place where I frequently went to. I grab my bag and hang it on one shoulder. "Let's go then."

"Where to?"

"Nameless." I giggle at his confused expression, and explain further. "I named the place Nameless."

To get to Nameless, you have to find a bus, go past the hair salon where I had my worst haircut ever when I was six, turn right after the florist that displayed summer flowers in the winter and vice versa, and then straight until you get to the dingy pizza place with rusty tables that I'm expecting to go bankrupt before the year ends. I've never ate their food, but I'll miss seeing elderly people hanging out with their friends there.

Yoongi and I arrive at the bus stop just as the doors were about to close, earning us a glare from the driver. The bus moves before we could find a seat, and I stumble backwards. Yoongi's hands fly to my shoulders to keep me steady. "Are you okay?" he hissed, the angry tone directed towards the grumpy driver. I nod even though I'm not. How can I be okay when he's touching me? I find a seat and Yoongi follows after, plopping down next to me. Holy . The leather jacket may be gone, but his ripped jeans aren't. His exposed knee is touching my non-exposed knee because of the small space, and our shoulders are brushing each other. I twiddle with my thumbs.

"So tell me about Nameless."

"It's just this abandoned-"

"Stop, that's not what I asked." he interrupts. "I can see what kind of place it is later. I mean, tell me about your history with the place."

"It's basically my home-"

"Your second home right?" he interrupts again, the apprehension evident in his voice as he turns his face to me so his nose is pointing towards my cheek. I lie as I nod again. Nameless was my home, my second home is the one with the roof over it.

"I found it coincidentally when I went out exploring the town a few years back. It's the place I go to when I'm sad, a place I go to when I'm mad, a place I go to when I just need to be alone. It's a special place for me you see, and I can leave my art supplies there and no one would touch them. It's my secret sanctuary."

"Can I trust you not to murder me?"

I grimace for a slight second. "Is that what you think of me? If you really feel bad about this, you can leave." I turn my head to his and curse mentally. He was still looking at me, and this meant only a layer of air was separating us. We were at a distance where we could see each other's flaws, but I don't see any on him. I'm filled with instant hate for myself, not because this boy was beyond perfect, too perfect for me really, but because I trusted him too much and he barely trusted me.

When he doesn't say anything and turn away, I take it as an okay because leaving is something you should talk about.

I hesitate and tap him softly when we arrive, and he gets up, making me walk in front of him. He watches me warily when I toss my empty cup into a recycling bin. "You can trust me," I finally answer his question.

He steps forward to walk next to me.

We walk through a dirty alley between the pizza place and a thrift shop, meeting some stairs that went up. Rich green moss were engulfing the steps, but my footprints clearly paved out a path from how frequently I went here. The climb up was easy enough for Yoongi, but when the staircase disappeared to make way to lush and rocks, he started to lag behind. In the mean time, I was nimbly coordinating my steps.

"You told me you wanted to walk out the caffeine right?" I call out, and he bites back a smirk, sweat already shining on his forehead from the physical exercise I made him go through. His hand reaches out for me to take, so I do.

"," he shouts against the wind when we reach the top. We were now standing on top of a ledge that overlooked the city. "This is Nameless?"

"Part of it," I shout back, my hair flying everywhere since I didn't put it up. "It looks even better when it's night time. That's where I take shelter!" I point to a small cave, and when Yoongi saw it, his eyes went round.

He mouths something that looks like no way and jogs to it. I tail after him, the pounding of my heart ever so present in my ears despite the loud wind trying to deafen me. My phone still says 12:34, so all the nooks and crannies of the cave could be seen clearly, even the murals I spray painted on when I was feeling naughty. My blanket lies in a corner along with my torch, the only possessions I bothered to clear up properly. My paints, my brushes, the trays and some large cans of paints are strewn about on the ground. It was quieter inside, so we didn't have to shout anymore.

Yoongi flutters his fingers on my oldest mural, the wild horse. It was already fading. "You were practically birthed in this place, huh?"

"You can say that," I shrug, fiddling with my fingers again. My phone buzzes, and it's a text from Jungkook: "i tried checking on you just now but the teacher caught me and confiscated my phone. are you okay?"

"Don't insects come?" he asks.

"Sometimes," I answer truthfully, but the twinkle in his eyes don't leave. "You can watch the sunset from here, but then it'll get too dark and too dangerous to go back if you're not familiar with the place."

He produces a pack of cigarettes from the back of his jacket, shooting a glance at me. "Mind if I smoke?"

"Only if you don't share."

I've never smoked before but I still stroll towards him and take a stick, popping it into my mouth. He lights it up for me before lighting his own, a gesture I never thought I'd enjoy. I slowly take a drag, blowing out, careful not to cough like those girls in the toilets when they don't know I'm in the stall next to them. The sensation instantly goes to my head and weakens my legs, but at least I didn't choke. I leaned on the rocky wall, and Yoongi stands next to me, other hand in his pocket. The way he holds his stick is by holding it between his thumb and his index finger. For some reason this makes him look more attractive, but the good girl in me kicks in and remembers the hazards of smoking. I throw mine to the ground, wrenching Yoongi's away from his fingers too. I step on them firmly.

"What gives?" he complains.

"You shouldn't smoke," I say, unsmiling. "Smoking causes your lips to turn black, and your lips are too pretty to be ruined like that."

He observes my lips for like three seconds, and speaks. "I could say the same to you."

And then this is what happens.

He tugs me towards his body to cup my face with his hand, leans down, and places his pink lips on mine. The air in my lungs woosh out from experiencing my first kiss, and I tense under him. When he doesn't pull away, I relax a little bit and soften my lips so he doesn't think I'm a bad kisser. I move, turning my head to the side so he could kiss me more easily, and he does, and my hands shoot up to his back, scrunching up his shirt. I'm not sure how kissing works- do I breathe through my nose or do I do hold out till the end? Am I even capable of breathing? I'm not. So I don't.

I'm the first to pull away, indiscreetly panting for air. His pupils are dilated.

"Your pupils are dilated." I tell him anything.

"Yours are too."

My eyes go to his wet lips again and his goes to mine. I stand on my toes to his height, and the second time is even better.


When I'm sure we were both flushing pink and breathless, I slide my hands away from his shoulders and step back. He captures my right hand with his left, and his his thumb rubs my skin in soothing circles. I stare holes in the ground.

"Why did you name this place Nameless?" he breaks the silence. His voice is shaky, so I'm reassured.

"Nameless is what I was- it's what I am." I correct myself. "That horse is the first mural I've ever done, the starting point of many, so yeah, you're right, I was birthed here. I may be known as Hana, but in the art world I'm still nameless."

"Which only means that this place is going to have a name soon."

I laugh. "Nah. Even if a miracle happens and my wishes come true, I won't change the name. This place will remind me where I came from."

He kisses me again, just a peck this time. "I'm really glad you're not a murderer."

I punch his shoulder lightly, grinning, and he does this gummy smile that I've never seen before. "And I'm glad I skipped school for this."

The smile disappears.



(a/n) i'm changing my tenses. i hope you don't mind!

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irrelevant_ #1
Chapter 4: the last paragraph is so squealable (is tht even a word?// nah wtv)
Finally i found this kind of story;;; i really like it, good job author-nim :))) can't wait for the next chapter, fighting!
irrelevant_ #3
Chapter 3: the first chapter is so motivational i
but its cute tho im excited for the next update hehe
phulzyxtre #4
When I read that Hana did nothing but get her hands dirty, I didn't expect to be literally dirty hahaha. Interesting!
kumi626 #5
Chapter 2: This story's so cute. Can't wait to read more.
Qian18 #6
Chapter 1: aaaaaaaaaa well this one is cute too