Chapter 4

Searching Art



I felt my phone vibrate from under my desk.


"Don't listen to her," Jungkook's text read.


My fists clenched.It sure would have gone down well if Jungkook stood up for me in real life rather than through text, but he was a shy kid. Still, to see Sejin's affronted face would have been priceless. My head turned to send Jungkook a smile to assure him that I was fine, but he still seemed worried.


Our homeroom teacher entered the class and we did our greetings. As she flipped open the name list to do attendance, my mind was still lingering on my future and how I was to make a living. 'If you're not scared of your dreams then it's not big enough,' the saying goes or whatever. Then again, this was reality. No one really follows their dreams anymore... Do they?


My phone vibrated again. I pointedly looked at Jungkook, but he was staring blankly at the teacher. I sighed and looked at the screen.


"You awake?" the message read.


It was from Min Yoongi.


My chest tightened, bile rising up my throat from anxiety. Oh my god. Why. Why after three weeks? Oh my god. What do I reply what do I reply what do I reply- my fingers clumsily jabbed a simple "yes" in reply.


"Lee Hana?"


My eyes snapped to the teacher, my arm shooting up exaggeratedly high in the air. She squinted her eyes at me suspiciously before returning to do the rest of the attendance.


"Stop breathing down my neck, freak," Sejin hissed and flipped her hair, but I just blinked at her, mind running miles per second. I tried to calm myself down.


"Want to meet up at OrangeFive right now?" Min Yoongi's text said.


I stared at his question. OrangeFive was a great coffee shop, it was a place where all the cool kids go to when they hold a group study, and naturally, it was a place that I've never actually been to myself... but right now? I have school.


I think of this golden opportunity to meet him again, feeling it slip between my fingers like sand.


"Student Lee Hana? Are you okay?" the homeroom teacher asked me.


I overflowed right then and there. "No," I croaked, my head shaking, my legs shaking, my fingers shaking, maybe even my hair strands were shaking- all I knew was that I was buzzing to get to the guy I incessantly thought of. Even Sejin looked at me with an expression mixed with worry and disgust. "I feel sick. Can I go home?"


Eyesight blurred with tears, I scrambled for the pencils Jungkook laid out, not even wanting to look his way. I left the class, ignoring the curious stares. I could hear them thinking: "That Lee Hana girl finally lost her marbles."


I texted Yoongi back on the bus, saying that I'll be there in an hour. I decided to change my clothes- there was no way I'm meeting him in the open with my ratty school uniform, especially when police officers might be roaming around, ready to catch any students skiving. Which was what I was. Something about this guy with the leather jacket in the middle of summer and ripped jeans made me into a blubbing mess, into a rule-breaker, into a girl who wanted to ditch her tight ponytail and wear a damn dress.


I unlocked the empty house and dashed to my room, flinging the outfits I had in my closet onto the bed. I usually wear whatever I saw first, but I had an urge to look my best for this special day- whatever my best looked like. My only dress was something I wore five years ago for a wedding, and I had long outgrown it. In the end I pulled on a pair of black jeans, a black loose tee and some white slip ons. They were free of paint spots, with just a little bit of fraying at the edges, so this was the best I could arrange for myself. I stuffed my uniform into my bag, just in case my parents return from work before I get back.


He was at a window seat, lazily observing the passerbys as they marched to their hectic days. We were the only ones in our own moment, his in his, mine in mine. His skin was as pale as ever, brighter even, as he basked in the sunlight, appearing straight out a scene from a movie. The leather jacket was absent, revealing his empty arms, spiny fingers curled around a steaming mug. How dare I forget how this beautiful man looked like? How dare I?


I decided to buy myself a papaya shake first instead of disrupting his peace. 


I stepped towards him gingerly. He was still so lost, so oblivious to his surroundings. "Hey," my voice came out as a breath, but it was enough for him to realise I was there.


Seeing the cold drink in my hand, he frowned. "I was planning on buying you a drink."


I pushed my hair behind my ear so I couldn't hide, and sat down slowly in the chair across him instead of plopping onto the seat like I always do.


"Why did you only text now?" I asked before I could stop myself. He gazed at me, my cheeks bursting into colour as he did this, before his lips- rosy as ever- moved.


"I was busy with auditions," he sipped his coffee. "And I finally got in. I wanted to buy you a drink to celebrate- but I'm weak with alcohol, so here we are."


"You got in," I repeated. He shrugged. "W-why are you acting like this isn't a big deal?"


His fingers gripped around his mug. "I don't want to get too excited. This is just the beginning. I'll either make it or break it."


"You'll make it," I said, but of course they were empty words since I haven't listened to any of his work. That didn't change the fact that I wanted success for him.


"Anyway, how about you? I went to the shop yesterday and the ahjussi told me that you weren't coming anymore. The mural looks amazing."


"I was done with it since a week ago, and I haven't done any work since then," I scanned the coffee shop, avoiding his eyes. The distance of the coffee table was enough to make me fear of being swallowed into his dark irises. This was different from the first day we met. The atmosphere may be awkward to us, or just me really, but to other people we were just a boy and a girl having a good chat. Maybe they think we're friends meeting up after a long time of not seeing each other. Maybe they even see us as a couple.


My legs twitched under the table at the thought. Now I was legitimately embarrassed, praying that Yoongi doesn't have a secret superpower of mind reading. 


I glanced at him just in case; wrong move. He was already watching me.


I then experienced what I was scared of: I got pulled in by his eyes. They were a black vortex, freezing me in place, suffocating me- I didn't know if I could look away even if I tried. There were so many doors waiting for me to open behind those orbs, all of them needing different keys, different techniques of unlocking. I couldn't wait to find them.


(A/N: ok so technically it hasn't been 24 hours since i last updated but hey it's christmas so... enjoy? also in case y'all haven't realised yoongi doesn't know hana is still a student lol... P/S OrangeFive is a parody of Mango Six)

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irrelevant_ #1
Chapter 4: the last paragraph is so squealable (is tht even a word?// nah wtv)
Finally i found this kind of story;;; i really like it, good job author-nim :))) can't wait for the next chapter, fighting!
irrelevant_ #3
Chapter 3: the first chapter is so motivational i
but its cute tho im excited for the next update hehe
phulzyxtre #4
When I read that Hana did nothing but get her hands dirty, I didn't expect to be literally dirty hahaha. Interesting!
kumi626 #5
Chapter 2: This story's so cute. Can't wait to read more.
Qian18 #6
Chapter 1: aaaaaaaaaa well this one is cute too