She's Still Mine



Hirai Momo’s POV


I think if my heart could possibly go out my chest, it already did. Why.. is she calling? Is she already coming back? Why now?!


I looked at my phone again and swallowed the saliva which is already getting dry inside my mouth.


Im Nayeon calling..


I tapped the green button with a white telephone figure inside it. Yes, I answered the call.


“H-Hey, Nayeon-ah.” I started, trying my best to not make my nervousness obvious.


[“Momo!”] she said on the other line happily. It’s like she’s excited or whatever. I can’t explain. I remained silent, waiting for her next words. Maybe she noticed it that’s why she speaks again, [“I’m home, dude. I already came back from US.”] And I feel like she’s smiling right now.


But me? I feel worse. I miss her, yes. But everything’s a mess at this time. Her timing is so so so wrong!


“How’s my girlfriend?” I suddenly became like a statue. I know who she’s referring to. Her girlfriend. Her girlfriend is  my bestfriend. [“She’s not answering my calls for almost a month now. What happened?”]


For a while, I forgot how to speak. I don’t know what to say. Why is this happening right now seriously! I did a mistake and fck myself because of it!


[“Hey, still there?”] I blinked and got back into reality.


I faked a cough, “Ah.. yeah, yeah.”


[“I said what happened to my girlfriend?”]


Here’s this question again! “Ah.. Mina? S-she’s just really busy that she always shuts her phone down.”


[“Oh. I see.. but, are you together right now? Can I talk to her?”]


I facepalmed, sorry Nayeon but I have to lie, “Uhh.. no. She’s with Auntie and Uncle.” I said in a low voice. I don’t want Mina to hear it.


I heard her sigh on the other line, [“Alright. If she’s home already, call me. Tell her I love her and I miss her so much.”]


I nodded, “Okay. You too, take care.”


And then I hang up. It may come so impolitely to her but I just don’t know what to do. Really. I heaved a deep sigh and faced Mina again, “Let’s go?” I asked and smiled.


She nodded and walks first while I’m following her and staring at her back.


I’m sorry I have to keep things for now, Mina-ya. It’s my mistake. Really really my mistake.


Myoui Mina’s POV


We just finished enrolling ourselves and decided to stay here in the school for a while because why not? Nothing would be gone tho.


“Wow. This school is just amazing.” I said, really admiring the university I’m in.


Its building is made of glass. Who wouldn’t say ‘wow’ at this?


“I told you.” Momo says. I looked at her and I saw her wink at me. Pft. Okay, I can tell that winking suits her. I wonder how many girlfriends or boyfriends did this bestfriend of mine had already.


We were busy roaming in the school when I saw a familiar place. A tree. (Because there’s a field in the school)


It’s familiar but this was the first time I saw it. Dejavu? I think not.


It’s like I always come here with—


Wait.. my head hurts again.


I hold my head using both of my hands. It really hurts af!




My eyes are closed. The pain... it’s different. It’s not just a headache. “Aaaaaaah!”


I felt hands holding my wrist and my waist. “W-what’s happening?!” I know it’s Momo. And I know she’s in panic.


Two girls were sitting under the tree. The one with the black hair was leaning on the tree while the other one’s leaning on her chest. The black haired girl’s arm was wrapped around the other’s shoulder.


“What do you want for your future?” the black-haired girl and seemed to be the older, asked.


“Hm.. I just want a simple house, kids and of course, I want to be with you.” The younger one mumbled.


“Really? You want to be with me? But I can’t give you a child.”


“It’s fine. We can adopt. I just want you by my side.”


They both smiled and looked at each other.


“I love you, babe.” Said the older girl.


“I love you more.” The younger one replied.



The flashback-like scene in my mind finally stopped and it left me breathing so fast. I’m running out of air.


Why... is this happening?


This also happened a while ago when we were still at our house. When a scene of the same girls suddenly got in my mind and played like a movie. I couldn’t see their faces because of too much light but I know the girls in my mind earlier when I was still at the house and the girls that I saw in my mind just now were the same. What are these all about?

I opened my eyes and saw Momo holding both of my cheeks with her worried look.


“Momo..” I whispered. I was just about to say something but she suddenly pulled me into a tight hug.


“Are you okay?” asked Momo. She’s obviously worried about me.


I was touched but I’m already okay. “Y-yeah. I think it’s a part of.. you know.”


She let me go from the hug slowly, “Part of recovery? No! Why does it seem like it gets worse?!”


“Hey, hey.. calm down.”




“It’s okay. I know you’re just worried.” I smiled and she did the same. “I think it’s better if we go home now. I want to rest. If it is okay to you?”


“Yeah sure. Let’s go.” She agreed.





Third person’s POV


It’s another day and Momo totally forgot about Nayeon already. She focuses on taking care of Mina that’s why. The younger one is really important to her. She doesn’t want Mina’s condition to get worse.


They are in the living room. Mina requested it, she said she doesn’t want to stay in her room forever. It’s quite boring.


Momo whose watching the downloaded movie on her phone, noticed that Mina was staring at the “N” necklace for a long time. There, she just remembered Nayeon and.. her mistake. Why does life always has to make her remember her dumbness? Her carelessness? WHY?


“Why?” Mina spoke while still looking on the pendant.


Momo was surprised because of Mina’s sudden question.


“What ‘why’?” she asked back the latter.


“why are you staring?” Mina looked at Momo already only to see a nervous, blonde, woman.


“N-nothing.. the necklace is just.. really pretty.”


Silence for a few seconds..




“I wonder where did this come from because I can’t remember anybody who gave me a necklace.”


Did she really have forgotten about Nayeon? Wow. Nayeon’s really really important to her. It’s hard to think that she forgot about her by just a snap. Oh well, it wasn’t really just a snap but still, it’s unbelievable. Momo thought.


“Well, I don’t know either so.. I can’t help you answer it.”


“I’m dying because of curiousity!” Mina pouted which Momo found so cute. Heat rose up Momo’s cheeks because of cute Mina but still managed to act normal.


“Mina-yah, sometimes, ourselves are also the only person who could answer our own questions. If you tried to look for the answer with the other’s help a lot of time already but still the answer doesn’t show itself, maybe all you have to do is to wait for the right time. Don’t stress yourself too much because of that. Just wait. You can’t force the truth to come out just like this or that or these or those.”


Mina shrugged and let the pendant off her hand.


“You want some juice?” asked Momo. She’s hungry.. AGAIN.




“Okay. Wait for me here.”


Then Momo stood up and went in the kitchen. While Momo’s preparing the juice, Mina’s quietly playing her hair in the room but the sound of the doorbell surprised her. Who would visit their house in a super sunny day like this? Plus.. the sun is really hot these days.


Whatever, she has no choice but to open the door.


A pretty girl wearing a simple white shirt and ripped jeans showed up, she’s smiling and her smile is so bright plus her two teeth in front are so cute.


Yes. It’s Nayeon.


“Babe!” Mina’s eyes widened because of the girl’s greeting.


BABE? WHAT BABE? She thought.


Nayeon was just about to hug Mina but she moved backward, “wait..” Mina said, it made the unknown girl (only to Mina) frown.


“Who are you?”


Nayeon stiffed because of her girlfriend’s question.





[a/n: I hope even only one of you wonders and is curious about what is happening to Mina pft sorry if it’s lame. It’s still unedited. I want to sleep first. It’s already 2:26 here lmao. Good mornight, everyone! Ps. Comments are highly appreciated.]

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for_minayeon #1
Chapter 7: Author-nim I hope your doing good and i know I'm 4 years too late but I'm still hoping you continue this😭
kzhie09 #2
Chapter 7: is this discontinued??
Twicejangggggg #3
Chapter 5: How can Momo think that stealing someone for her own sake and happiness is right? Just because she experienced some things doesn't mean she could make it as an excuse. If she truly loved Mina, she should've told her about Nayeon, she shouldn't have take advantage of Mina's conditi9n. When u love someone u have to be truthful, selfless and lastly u should let her go when she already has someone to be with for the rest of her life(it's in the bible) . See authornim, u affected me so much hahahaha. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS STORY! MINAYEON ENDGAME??!
Wivern #4
Chapter 7: Like the story a lot. Not disappointed, just sad coz it's been a long time since the last update.
Chapter 7: Update please, I really love thus story.
Moonsun_daphyyy11 #6
Chapter 7: I just read this and it’s really pretty. I like this story already~ please update~ and I’m hoping for MiNayeon to end hehe.
Unknown_User_12 #7
Chapter 7: Please update!
Chapter 7: Update plzzz
Chapter 7: Author nim, mind to update,