teaser 015 。

grandeur 。 — a survival show
teaser 015
❝ drama ❞

"a survival show?" lexie's thoughts ran wild as she left the ceo's office. he told her that she was the first contestant to be picked, and that was the reason why she was told in advance. he also gave her the full list of the contestants.

there were fifteen of them in total. she knew some of them, in fact she was really close with a few of them, two of them are even her roommates! she didn't know the rest of the girls on a personal level, but she often heard of them either because of their high evaluation rankings, or their long training time.

however, what troubled her the most was the last name on the list. the name of a certain 16 year old that was all too familiar:  "안혜린". ahn Hyerin, her sister who had just arrived in korea three months prior. her bestest friend, her shadow, her other half. she can't comepete against her sister.

lexie stopped in her tracks once she realized that breathing was going so quick. she took a deep breath and puled out her phone. she dialed a number that she was quite familiar with then she put her ear against her phone.

"wen? are you free?" she breathed into the phone.

lexie twiddled her thumbs as she waited alone in a certain cafe not far from the sm building. she tapped her feet impatiently as she waited for her best friend, and former classmate.

"sorry i kept you waiting," a melodious voice said from behind her. lexie craned her head to face the speaker, son seungwan or wendy as she prefers to be called. the red velvet main vocalist was one of her bestest friends since she stepped foot on her highschool. she met wendy on an after school music club in their high school, and they only got closer once lexie has started training in sm.

"look at this," lexie handed the older girl the list of the contestants once she sat down on the chair opposite to her. wendy stares at the piece of paper, confused. "this is the line-up for sm's upcoming survival show."

"that's your name on the top! Congrats!" wendy said, eyes brightening up.

"wen, look at the bottom of the list," Lexie said. "that's my sister, i cannot compete with my sister."

"maddie? but she only started to training a couple of months ago!" wendy said, confused as to why the ceo would do this kind of thing. sure, maddie was a talented girl. heck, wendy even admits that the girl dances better than her, and her vocals wasn't something to laugh at as well.

a moment off silence passes through the both of them for a minute. both contemplate on the situation.

wendy's eyes grow bigger as she finally come to a conclusion. lexie looked up as she noticed the small movement in wendy's eyes.

"i.... i think she was added for drama."  

A/N:  hellooooooooooooooooooo mates~! last character teaser hahahahaha~!!! this teaser is more of speaking about the character than introducing the character~ (waht????)

so the last character to be "revealed" is maddie~! she's my character, and she's here for drama, as the last sentence states~ she's lexie's younger sister. and you guys can probably guess what i'll do to this character by now~

chapter one comes out soon~! look forward to it~! <3


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asjaksfjkja sorry for not updating for 2 weeks! i


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Hiya. </3 Hope you're doing well!
Chapter 40: aslkdfjhkdfg I haven't been on here in forEVERRRRR-
although better late than never-
I hope writers block is well demolished and school/life is treating you well
even if it's another adorbs haiku hiatus message I don't mind! come backkkkk~
Chapter 40: Hey hey hey, no worries! I'm the exact same way right now. Good luck!
penenglish31 #4
Chapter 40: I hope you can finish the block well!!
Fighting author-nim!!
Chapter 40: oh no~ I hope you'll be able to overcome writer's block then! ^-^
hwaitingggg I'll cheer ya on! :D
Chapter 39: HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Natalie is such a troll!
This chapter was so fun to read. Hahaha!
And Lexie was so cute! Gosh these girls are so mischievous. Haha =))
Thank you for this update!
Good luck with studies ^^
Chapter 39: This is great and i love it so much. Keep updating and dont worry cause we will wait. School and i know it~ HAHAHAHA
Chapter 39: Omg, I loved this. And no worries, take your time. School is a pain, we know.
Chapter 39: This was amazing XD LOL at Katsumi, her reaction would be my reaction XD
Don't worry about the wait, you've got a real life too~ I feel school being a , just finished midterms myself >->
rough-waters #10
Chapter 39: AHHHH THIS IS SO GOOD !!! not bc natalie is there lmao
It's interesting to see how someone's behaviour is just by waking them up

at least you gave us a really decent chapter :)))